Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 15.
Дальше: CHAPTER 17.


Mary you are a beautiful girl, and your hair burns brighter than gold leaf. And legs, so accurate and delightful that it is better and it is impossible to imagine for itself!
And that leg threw a grenade again? And she flew, and broke the mass of fascists.
And then Marusya runs through the snow. What a girl. More than two meters tall, but very muscular and athletic build. What a warrior! With such not zabaluesh! Take and a trivial tear off his head!
And as the take and the jump a crate of explosives to the Nazis roll!
That's the kind of girl-hero to a young man a pleasure to deal with! Such a and horse on gallop will stop, and in a burning hut will enter! It's the terminator girl! She is the Supreme cosmic mind and spirit! Able to pluck the stars from heaven!
Yes if Marusya something starts, it will be equivalent to that as if a club moved on a top!
Well, Mary and a girl - the ultra-high class!
In short, the five has gone wild. Many laid.
But still the red army had to retreat.
And at the end of April, as soon as the roads dried up, the Fritz moved to Saratov. They are already armed with the latest pyramidal tanks. A very enormous power.
Here Gerda and her crew moved to the AG-50. Here from all angles under the big inclination armor in 250-millimeters. So that forces routinely now girls not going to win.
Rod they themselves in the car and shoot. The gun is strong and lethal. The tank is quite fast on a gas turbine engine. And rushes herself, pounding at the enemy.
Here thirty-four received in a forehead and, to it tore off a tower.
And the girls joyfully screaming:
We're devils!
And Baring their teeth. And their teeth are pearly, and sparkle like gloss.
Gerda laughs and chirps:
- My most aerobatics! And a barefoot maiden carriage!
Then warrior again how weird Soviet machines.
Metal splatters and splinters fly in all directions. And the mass of dead metal.
Charlotte also fired, pressing her bare toes on the joystick and bellowing:
- The future is ours!
Christina, too, using her bare toes pressed the trigger, firing machine guns, and squeaked:
- No force can stop us!
Golden-haired Magda, with a grin of teeth, and a bright smile, answered:
I'm great!
And how to press his bare fingers on the pedal. German tank adds move. And lupset a Soviet position. That's cool.
Fritz are already coming to Saratov and begin to surround...
Very little chance. And trump is already forming the Caucasian divisions.
Putin says dissatisfied:
- I know your nature! Bury Russia. Do not give a real chance! So do not go to war!
Trump with a snide grin suggested:
- There might Zaruba on the remaining Russian missiles?
Putin grinned and growled:
Bone in your throat!
Emmanuel said:
- While the boys suspend your game! First, see what I have to go through!
Trump was slightly surprised:
And in such a real beauty must go!
The girl-Queen replied, licking his lips:
"Through what makes us Queens and men real devils."
After that, the painted beauty waved her bare foot, and the landscape once again changed radically.
Emmanuel's body began to glow, pleasantly, but dimly with a yellowish tinge, like an old lamp through a thick lampshade. The air smelled of ozone, a flying fly fell down like a fighter jet that fell into a tailspin. Something was really going on...
Similar to the origin of a new universe, from an almost zero point, a single quark.
The warrior Queen felt a tiny photon, dense in the vast depths of the quasar. From thousands, millions, variety, successive kaleidoscope of emotions, feelings, experiences, wishes, memories pulsed in the network. Gorgeous Emmanuelle thought of them burning alive for. Here was and ghastly, and fun, blessing and curse, pain and pleasure! Especially attractive are erotic images, sexual fantasies, the world of subconscious attraction.
Filled with such a delicious and at the same time grotesque.
Lady demon and angel in one, the Queen of a space Empire and barefoot beggar, however, was not looking for it. She was drawn to the barrier, to the beyond: frightening and alluring. What is difficult and to realize and understand and comprehend the heart and soul.
Each represents a barrier to the Hyperuniverse thought and mind of the noosphere Princesses in different ways, but it manifests itself in exactly the way the imagination of the thirsty to see it has drawn.
Who are drawn full female Breasts with strawberry nipples, and who pulsating, jade rods, shiny with excitement.
Star Queen Emmanuelle saw before me an enormous, stretching into the sky, forged armor the gates closed on the lock size with the great pyramid of Cheops. The armor is studded with sharpened letters, numbers of several kinds, hieroglyphs: woven into the most complex formulas to the point of insanity. The girl-Queen flew up to the castle and was immediately thrown away by something soft, but indestructibly strong.
Like a transparent baton, covered with rubber, but with a titanium rod inside.
Emmanuel squandered muttered:
- Believe me, I have to go! I have to be right there! The mysterious noosphere Princess!
Eternal girl is the Queen tensed her strong muscles.
A thousand-trumpet voice thundered loudly:
- Take the key and open the gate! Then everything will be yours!
And it was hot air.
Queen-the lost warrior said, helplessly Draga in the air naked, but glass Slippers, and a bejeweled feet, her voice was like a silver bell:
"But I have no idea where to find him!"
The eternal girl-Queen of the mighty and boundless space Empire was completely at a loss.
The voice became even more menacing, as if all the archangels gathered in one place, to administer the last judgment over humanity:
- Don't look for the key! It should be won as a trophy in the war! And it can be done, only the Devil in the flesh, but with the soul of a poet!
It sounds ambiguous-you can't say anything!
Beautiful and proud Emmanuel straightened up exclaiming:
- I agree! I will definitely win!
And how will crystal stamped with his heel. Even the vacuum as tingle, my ears are tingling.
At the same moment the eternal girl-Queen picked up a raging whirlwind, turning into a tornado! Only instead of the air flow in the incredible concentration of the flashed picture! In the first battles: from primitive communal battles, to the stunning imagination of any futurist space battles. And a lot of other things: as a comic, so sexy and erotic!
The fighting here... such a bright, bloody with a lot of enumeran.
Then came the cotton, and in the blink of an eye the landscape changed, the warrior Queen appeared on the large stage.
The eternal girl of the space Empire was even slightly taken aback, and shuddered.
Her gaze involuntarily lingered on the cherry-orange arrow, sliding in the pointing direction. From the lips of the warrior Queen, a sigh was heard expressing surprise, mixed with a desire to guffaw at the top of his throat!
Yes, trouble is a tough warrior and the sorceress-Queen of the starry realms.
Now the giant "lock" has decreased, having found paws of a macaque and the head of a cat with three ears in the form of peacock tails. A product of the hybrid was lying in a bed somewhere, and all around was raging the likeness of the Roman Coliseum. Huge and raging.
It looks like ancient Rome and, at the same time significantly different. And the girl felt Spartacus in a skirt.
Emmanuel looked around, it does not happen instant transfer to another world, trampling on all laws of the universe. The top glowed the heavenly bodies, but they were committed by others, not round, but like the bells, with slightly hesitated. Two of them were purple and two were fiery red. They smoothly changed forms, however, without going beyond, let pretentious, but flora. So you'd think it was another Hyper-universe. And next to the strange giving this world light plants appeared " sun "in the form of a grenade launcher" Fly " with the legs of a Fox. From the muzzle as if blazed fire: flew a dozen glittering all colors of the rainbow tongues.
Beautiful - reminiscent of a snake.
They rapaciously licked the buds, from which they again changed color and shape. But have become, perhaps, even attractive, more beautiful and more elegant. Well, like the works of Miguel Angelo.
Someone changed the physical laws of the universe! But sophisticated Emmanuel knew that with the current development of its universe, it is not under force, no sorcerer or scholar husband. Therefore, it is only a subworld, an interspatial reflection, in the transition from the material to the intellectual.
The girl who knew witchcraft understood a lot. Including why the stars are so weird.
There was supposed to dwell in the souls of the most notorious sinners, before you incarnated into another unfathomable to the imagination of the universe, they had to re-educate at least partially the angels. They were even given flesh so that they could feel pain or pleasure, and moral perfection takes place only in the struggle with themselves and their sins.
However, sin must always exist - to stimulate the progressive development of personality.
But apparently after the rebellion( in the mind of the warrior-Queen had any strange Association. Like she already knew: unknown and inaccessible to the mind) of the black gods-demiurges in their environment happened to some confusion with the souls. In any case, all the places in the Colosseum were occupied by very appetizing sweets with squid tentacles or a little more, but also very colorful cakes. And with chocolate or glazed crust. And it's strange, really, among them food products, there were so many wretch.
And look so appetizing and attractive that literally drooling.
Maybe they poisoned people. But in the sky suddenly disappeared luminaries! Instead, glowing crawling insects are not the stars, and semi-intelligent blobs of princes of the plasma provide light and heat for sinners. And here it is sultry, even incomparably hotter than on the planet of their former such a tender world. The cakes and sweets were obviously rotten, caused diarrhea and as punishment the gods threw their hell! But not as scary, but rather comical.
Emmanuel became very funny and she barely was able to contain the rogue laughter.
Almighty God if he is not so cruel to someone to torment or torture, but torture for the brain to organize not mind. "Demon" antiworld often told them about the religions of Earth: That's when people believed in hell, especially Protestants, but that's just silly. Wouldn't that be a higher intelligence for crimes short life to torture billions and billions of years. The higher the mind, the kinder and more humane it is-it wants universal happiness and prosperity.
And of course doing good to your creation is the highest pleasure and grace!
Thoughts rushed in my head like a tiny barge in the raging ocean. They were interrupted by a rough, female rather than male voice, he was hitting ears like thunder:
"The devil Queen, you have come to us, and therefore you deserve to be punished." Kneel before the Empress.
Yes, the offer is not pleasant.
- And if I refuse? - She being royalty Emmanuel proudly puffed up her chest.
She wanted to seem cool to herself and everyone else.
- Then die! From like the voice, seemed to eardrum piercing glowing drill.
Or even scored a sledgehammer to the ears.
- There is no death! - Warrior-Queen has shown ligule. Death is greedy paw of priests, to which stick the money suckers, and nails scraped dignity!
Yes, bold and daring turned to the girl. And so desperate. Although she and the star Queen - to in front of her fell to their knees, but it is not in front of others!
There was a pause, the Empress seemed to be in the largest and most glittering large jeweled bed. Whose luxury even to the description because of the loudness, does not give in. It was difficult to see the August person of the underworld, everything was too shiny, but apparently her figure was impressive and in armor, shimmering with gold leaf. Could see that she was holding a crystal, probably trying to consider, one that she believed the devil closer. After all girl-Queen rules many worlds, extremely powerful civilization. And it can and should be afraid.
Emmanuel cast a glance at herself and was embarrassed. Her expensive clothes disappeared at once, and she turned out to be a khaki bathing suit. The girl's bare feet felt the prickly, hot sand. The girl-Queen suddenly felt like a slave, barefoot, almost naked under five burning luminaries, one of which looks like a wild "glitch" drug addict. And most importantly the audience, waving legs: insects, predators, and something else... There are no analogues in the living world of material worlds.
And some other culinary products that cause spasms in a hungry and empty stomach.
Finally again I heard, this time much softer and more melodious voice:
- I like you: brave and smart. So I will give you a chance, you will fight with my best warriors and if you stay alive, you will get the keys to the universe of fantasy and thought. After if I like you, you'll have a choice to come back or live forever with us, so in the Hyper-Universe fantasy: no old age and no death.
Girl and star Queen gathered with forces, has strained muscle.
And then Emmanuel grinned, sharp teeth, stamped her graceful, naked leg.
Tweeted loudly:
- I accept the challenge!
Although the bare, round, very seductive girly heels and scorched prickly and then changing the color of the sand.
In the sky rumbled, for a second it seemed that from the green vault, sticking out thousands of black cannon muzzles:
- Then tremble the devil Queen. What you, however, still young, almost girl, you have no slightest chance.
And the trunks became even more menacing and threatening.
Emmanuel snorted, wow she is young, is that a joke?
And indifferently answered:
Leave me my years! As long as the heart beats, there is always a chance! To fail is to fall to the ground-to lose confidence, to break your legs!
Indeed aphorism witty - above the roof. Especially from a girl who has such seductive and beautiful legs.
In the thunderous voice of the Empress of the wondrous world appeared, cheerful notes:
- You're like a ninja turtle in a skirt! Then start!
The Queen girl in the slave bikini thought with relief: finally.
The signal sounded, fighters began to run out on the arena. Warrior-Queen threw weapons. Emmanuel deftly caught the swords on the fly in one hand, her bare toes. She was slightly taken aback, expecting that the soldiers will come out one at a time, as it should be in the martial arts.
But just try to get fair rules in hell and Paradise in their own way world!
And then pounced on it immediately the seven warriors. These Amazon almost naked, in sparkling sapphires bathing suits were very beautiful, did not look particularly strong but slim, worthy centerfolds figures. Only around a lush hips stirred the petals of the daisies.
Just like the Oriental dancers.
Apparently that's not the worst of Cudahy, except that too many of them. Emmanuel Whispered. - That's interesting it's almost a hell, or rather the eve of the universe: Dreams and fantasies! You can win, and where will they go if they are killed?! I do not want to cut such a beautiful body.
It really is an attractive beauty.
Girls-Daisy was marching, he flashed a naked, chocolate-Golden-skinned legs. Already a seasoned sorceress-Queen Emmanuel evoked the guide on worlds fantasies: in this case they soon will rise, returning in respectable netherworld, and whom lucky, incarnate in a different universe that, perhaps, better, than here. The conscience of the Queen of the universe calmed down, the movements became smooth and confident, she remembered, studied for decades, most diverse military equipment.
Oh, there are worse fights when you get hit by a Blaster or an automatic rifle.
A spear thrown from close range, ambrogino in skillfully delivered the elbow of devils, turned around, kicked me in the hand with a hatchet and went into the orbit of neighboring javelin thrower girl Daisy.
Sprayed a very bright and rich scarlet color of blood.
- Be happy beauty, I wish you a better life! - Shouted almost naked Emmanuel.
She is beautiful in her Frank and at the same time modest attire. She does not need jewelry, it is a natural, natural beauty.
At the same time a warrior and a Queen-devil immediately realized that could move faster swords were by weight not much heavier than swords. She slashed both blades at the squirming like live worms the hatchets, cut off the hands and forearms. On lilac gravel poured thick red blood, girls screamed.
The severed limbs twitch in convulsions.
Emmanuel attacking, jumping, he strikes with the left sword across the knee of the Amazon, she's just trying to turn around and fall. The warrior-Queen continues to move obliquely, stabbing at the unprotected throat, moving behind her friend. Sorry girls, but the Queen chases the demon back compassion, she doesn't want to lose. Arching away from the Trident, he reaches out to the Golden-haired warrior with two swords, probably the most experienced and most important among them.
Enough Trident long fingers, their delightful bare feet. Three stinger embedded itself deep into the armpit, athletically folded virgin. She screams in pain, the petals of daisies wriggling like tentacles thrown ashore squid. Finishing blow with the sword of the Queen devil in the tanned neck.
It seems a shame to cut such grace, but this is war.
Here's another girl she performs cutting, fitting on the sword, and another remains without a leg. Falls, Queen-demon beats her bare heel into the throat, causing choking with blood.
Beauty dies in agony.
- Well, me and the annihilation rose! - Bellows Emmanuel. - Death is the best adventure, because it can not be repeated!
Warrior-Queen in a frenzy of rage.
The last girl tries to pour gravel in his eyes, but misses and falls dead, severed chest flies a dozen steps.
The scarlet nipple flashed like a ruby.
The stadium went the buzz, no one expected a girl, but still look so young will be able to overcome immediately the seven warriors of daisies. Several bears with cabbage heads instead of heads jumped out into the arena, and hind legs on a caterpillar course. They began to take root, bare feet of the defeated girls with hot metal. One of them, when the burning substance touched bare, like a chiseled heel, screamed and tried unsuccessfully to get up. But blood, tiny fountains have treacherously flowed from wounds.
Again a red-hot iron touched bare toes, but a girl can't get up.
Looks like the chamomile woman isn't living. A wild cry broke the pause.
Even the surface of the planet is shaking.
- Let warriors do not disgrace us! -The Empress is screaming so frantically: what is sand and gravel, rises as from a hurricane.
Well, just a tsunami on land. But then everything just calms down.
On the arena there are curvaceous beauties, in the bathing suits decorated with emeralds and rose petals around hips. The skin too, almost like satin, movement rather Oriental dancers than soldiers, here Breasts, but three of each.
And the nipples sparkle like stars.
Emmanuel spat in their direction, the spit suddenly turned into a cluster of gems scattered on the surface. The girl-Queen has spoken:
- War is the best entertainment, but the worst rest!
Words are true. Especially when your own skin starts to Shine with sweat.
Yet fatigue is not tangible. Almost naked Emmanuel flexing his muscles. Its sporty beauty can be admired for hours.
Donald trump is a boy-the President poked under Putin's elbow and said:
- That's beautiful! Agree!
Mr Putin kept answered:
- Beautiful words no! But it puts us at a disadvantage!
That sounds the horn and a new battle is rolled.
Opponent:, too, apparently far not the fittest. Apparently scared by the fact that they put such a cool warrior-sorceress-Queen, and for fear to come after death in a bad place, they are clearly a coward. Emerald roses-Amazon bypassed Emmanuel from all sides and tried to attack together. This is the right tactic, but each did not want to stick out and hoped for a partner.
Than this synchronous swimming, only with the risk of running into a Barracuda.
The demon, incarnated in female flesh caught in their weakness, afraid to swing the sword, she forced them to go back, leaping Panther on singles. When you cut one, and even frightened girl enough two or three, simple attacks, or even a single sharp blow. Here fell with a heavy groan one, screamed with a split belly the second, almost immediately bled out with a severed artery the third.
The liquid flowing out of them is very bright, inhuman.
Sophisticated Emmanuel even began to save movement, however, had to run. The last two rose girls tried to get away, hoping to get back on their feet. Their bare, almost mirror-like feet began to sparkle, reflecting the incredible shades of the heavenly bodies.
It would drive any man crazy!
The Queen devil ran after them like a wolf after a wounded DOE. One she managed to cut down, the second finished off with a mark arrow cabbage bears-cowardice is not encouraged.
Lying girls, jumped naked, chiseled legs, and then calmed down.
The next batch of fighters was in gold and Topaz. This time there were only five of them, but much larger, with mounds, rolling, under almost black skin muscles, obviously with a lot of experience fighters. And the skin is covered with thorns-girls-cacti, which is much worse.
Although these beauties are not without appeal.
Especially strong and tall was their commander, a head and a half taller than the star Queen Emmanuel and heavier at least fifty pounds. Egret was also quite despicable, in the style of a Cobra leaving the rest to attack the devil Royal blood, a warrior armed with a sharp blade with four cutting edges a hook, and figured a decisive blow.
Wanted to hit opposing her: to perform the girl-Queen.
Emmanuel was on the lookout, but it's so hard during a fight to keep track of everyone. One of the "Golden" cacti-Amazons, she managed to plant on the sword, making a somersault and abruptly turned, but got a sliding scratch on the shoulder blade. An awkward lunge and cactus needles stabbed the devil in the shoulder and chest. Stuck in muscles.
Emmanuel swore in rhyme:
- Who are the warriors barbed, that in fact stinking worm!
And she burst out laughing, showing her tongue.
Blood dripped on the gravel and sand, it was painful and very nasty. Then this Cobra three times I almost broke it, catching the latest attack on the rosy cheek of the girl-Queen.
The scarlet liquid also splashed.
Emmanuel was furious, hugged the girls, was gone, especially in this muscle is very unpleasant equine face with a horn on his forehead. She began to chase after her jumping frog and doing flips.
The witch-Queen spun on her toes and flashed her bare legs.
At first to take her, this lady king Kong failed, too strong, and with the reactions of a rattlesnake. Emmanuel then used a trick, pretending that she was shaken from a really strong blow of its hook, a warrior-witch, instead of continuing the rotation of the body and slash with the right, what a warrior-cactus ready, fell down. At the same time the blade slid across the steel and brushed clutching his hand. She still not knowing what happened to her claws, tried to hit, half naked Emmanuel with a sword, throwing a clumsy shield.
You're not going too fast!
Then there's the other, the Golden cactus-Amazon tried to flash the devil in the back, but faced with a massive "Cobra". Emmanuel received the "Fan-mill" cut one relief, the chocolate press, and the other, releasing guts, striking just above the pubic bone.
Devil Queen even abundantly stained by blood, spinning like a top, it brings together legs, dodging the sword, one warrior, shot down another. Almost dislocating her arm, she threw her right sword at the base of the skull, making a wide swing of the cactus girl.
Very strong was the cast, broke the bone of the opponent.
The last prickly Frau was taken aback, and received a cheerful blow to the nose, but managed to recoil. Ignoring the blood, whirled his nunchaku. Emmanuel spread her arms and stabbed her in the trembling flesh. Barbed Amazon gasped and fell.
Her legs were convulsing.
Came a short break, the warrior-Queen had received several light wounds and tired, and hot and exhausting. The dead and seriously wounded girls were dragged out, apparently, to give them the last honors, but at the same time the red-hot metal ruthlessly plunged bare, round heels of beauties. To Emmanuel flew naked girls with fabulously luxurious wings of butterflies, brought a weak, but pleasant to the taste of wine. The head warrior-Queen flashed, not poison? But the thirst was stronger. After a few SIPS, she felt more cheerful, only her bare feet, sleek, very beautiful and tanned legs began to itch painfully from the hot sand and prickly gravel. A verse formed in my head:
Can't be defeated,
Who is brave and pure of heart!
Though life is as thin as silk thread,
Drink blood intoxicating!
Too early to rejoice! Shouted, knackered Emmanuel Empress. Queen-warrior thought she was, apparently, artificially with magic amplifies voice, even here on the sand and the gravel walked the waves, like the sea. - The next couple never lost!


Назад: CHAPTER 15.
Дальше: CHAPTER 17.