Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 17.
Дальше: CHAPTER 19.


The Queen girl rose to her toes, though her scratched, tanned, and muscular legs and shivered with tension, chirping:
- In the name of space and higher of reason! You're burning!
Indeed the monster was fading rapidly, the movement became more sluggish, the tail even changed, as they have such mechanical distortions of color. However, they still attacked the warrior witch together, once she barely managed to slip out of the cylindrical teeth that left additional bloody stripes on her ribs. And the saliva eats away at the flesh worse than acid, even the nipple came off. Nevertheless, and the second they ascended gradually with arena. Interestingly, he is aware of his own death or not, feels fear, or maybe doubt. Still no reason, then all primitive, some instincts. The cauldrons inside the creature jerked, and the hull split in two. And Emmanuel herself was thrown away by the wave, the shard at the same time cut in half the navel. But the lady Queen is unstoppable.
Even if there is no living place on it. The body, which could be the envy of Mrs. universe, all the burns, cuts, ulcers. But will is indestructible!
Against one fight is not so scary, in addition, the animal-machine well, who would have thought, stung him to the front bucket, making the wound in the thick skin. And then he was thrown away, apparently by a squeak, he was painfully.
The eternal girl-Queen swept through the flames. The heroic animal distracted the monster.
Emmanuel could not take advantage of this, it's so embedded obliquely in the eyes, which is quite difficult, because stopping a tremendous fall. Then, twisting in the air, she cut the shell. Child of the underworld or maybe dump the crazy designer began to stumble. Transformed into the likeness of the God Mars, the warrior witch jumped and stabbed. The tank battleship was weakening, the blood spurting more and more.
In contact with the spray, it corroded the already cut and burned skin of the girl-Queen, like acid.
Naked Emmanuel even managed to knock out a few teeth - large as daggers. Falling on the gravel, they changed their light, and even began to melt, sticking together in a solid mass of stone. To finish off the monster without a heart is not easy, since six girl-the witch tried to hit him out the window, but every time he missed, shaking hands, overwhelmed.
A warrior-Queen in annoyance, barely audible hissed:
- Here is the dragon antiworld, mind boiling, and the body does not respond. The flesh is a chain, only to the soul the psychology of the prisoner, and most of all afraid of freedom!
How hard it is to finish when worked veins, like a taut string. And ringing from overstrain every cell, beautiful, strong body.
The girl-Queen accidentally stepped on a tooth, the dagger - blade was crawling like a cockroach . Oops, oops: a red-hot ramrod, pierced its from naked toe, until the back of my head. So shook the whole body, even pushed under the skin of smoke.
And not only, but also from the nostrils, red hair from the blood. It seemed to you like a sheep pierced with skewer and roasted alive.
On the bare, burned leg of the warrior-Queen again rubbed the animal-machine, and the trembling was gone, the smoke ceased to bring down. Emmanuel jumped with the last of her strength and thrust the blade so deeply that the hilt disappeared into the eye socket. The brush was covered with a nasty liquid, the girl was thrown with such force on the gravel that the bones crunched, and the young sorceress shone at least a week to defecate with blood.
Flew even several pearly teeth, broken mouth.
- Hits like a crowbar, stupid forehead! The magnificent star Queen Emmanuel moaned.
On naked, and proud a girl as if a ride German tank "mouse."
Consciousness hovered on a thin thread and only by an extraordinary effort of will, the noble sorceress-Queen wove a rope, climbing to the light, from the hopeless darkness . Even the demons or angels to be afraid of hell. And in time to push off his knees and elbows to move a meter. Technotronic thing in the last mortal agony, snapped his jaws, catching teeth, gravel in the place where only what was Emmanuel.
A bit scratched only on torn in wounds legs, and side.
Then the tank-battleship stopped and rumbled, the whole body was covered with a network of small cracks, but did not crumble. Small, but numerous trickles of blue smoke enveloped, deformed body of the defeated monster.
The fire licked again, like a wave of surf and without having burned the heels of the eternally young witch
- Victoria! - Wanted, as they were taught at leisure, the boy-President Donald trump, to cry out the angelic girl-Queen, but her lips only helplessly whispered a victorious word.
Everything floats in front of your eyes like you're looking through lenses, and bombs explode in your head.
The animal-machine jumped up to her, and licked the broken nose of the female Gladiator. Unapproachable in her proud nakedness, Emmanuel realized that if it were not for him, she would not see victory. In that case, she would have been out of the game, or forced to, was not quite honest.
And a broken jaw with broken teeth, but not so painful. Can be, something and to speak.
- Thank you, bro! You to the bone, my Amigo! - Imitating blatnomu jargon, breathed out warrior-Queen.
Star Queen Emmanuel, of course, knows too much.
Animal-machine nodded pretty face, teeth are gone, and then waved suddenly grown disproportionately large ears-radars. As it was nice, lacked even a plane, with corps banana, there is no better pineapple!
And no longer terribly saddens stripped and burned skin. Joy fills the heart.
Numerous huge bears and even a few candies and flower girls were already running out into the arena, they were putting on hooks, what was left of the tank-battleships and unceremoniously dragging them. Seeing their creature out of this world, clicked his tail, and disappeared into the gravel. Emmanuel, tormented, looked at him wearily, and a demonic, or rather Royal tear came out, falling on the hot gravel, and hissed.
It was very painful to lie down-under the broken and charred back of a frying pan, but there were no forces to rise any more. This is the most intense battle of her long life. Painfully whining, every cell, every vein, every bone, her flawless, angelic beauty of the body. Flashed in the mind of the aphorism-
- Work and talent as husband and wife, give birth to success only in a couple!
And slightly turned to the side, gathering the remnants of forces.
Then another aphorism, no less wise, and also to the place:
- Even the great scientist, invented anaesthesia in the throes of victory!
Ah, warrior-Queen mentally already rushes on a white horse,like a triumphant.
She really didn't even notice how the girls themselves, shook, rose, splashed in the swollen bruises face with ice water, and the big girls, much higher warrior-witches, jerked his hands up - a sign of victory that was ripped away from the surface. Alyonushka felt a sharp pain in the wounded shoulders, as if from the rack, gasped:
- To God be just a little bit on the full cross - gritting crucified.
And even a little giggled and grinned in a gap-toothed smile.
From the stands flew flowers, balloons, ribbons, thousands of culinary products crowded, trying to break through to the arena and at least touch his goddess. Seeing that the Royal in nakedness Emmanuel completely reached, her beauty was put on a gold, diamond-studded stretcher, and carried closer to the crowd, allowing not everyone, but the richest and most noble to touch, to the freshly baked idol. Shouts:
- Greatest! Wise! Superman! Battle Queen!
Of course, it's honorable, but not too nice.
Warrior-Queen winced when she touched, sticky paws, she was expecting the main, namely the key. In mind flashed a doubt, but for what exactly, she made this bloody circus. Just to test your courage and show your coolness? Or divorced as "sucker" (thieves human jargon, terribly liked the affectionate devil!) . Yes, and feel, insect legs, tentacles of sea creatures, walked on the downed fingers of her long-suffering legs. And when covered in baked breast, Queen of the cosmos, Emmanuel furious:
- Freedom comes naked, truth barefoot, happiness without pants, but envy would still encourages on paw!
And poked the burnt blistered butt to the candy. Heavily blasted, he turned over, pulling his legs shift:
- You hurt me, mistress! I'm a poppy seed chocolate, not asparagus!
You're not so hot with fun anymore.
Warrior Queen threatened to rhyme:
- I will become a ruler: I will put everyone on a diet! Because hungry diet - the inspiration of the poet! From nettles, seductive bouquet!
Became much easier, because the body of the witch is much better human.
The beautiful girl kissed Emmanuel's feet, washed from dust and blood, bare, graceful, beautifully calloused, rang with a silver voice:
- Cool goddess, tenderness and beauty! Give a man - that dreams come true!
And even terrible blisters, and cuts began to heal in the eyes.
Cake replied, maintaining a playful mood, cheerfully humming:
- Instead of a woman's Tits, it's just candy! The truth is not new-it costs two rubles! Here kitty-kitty-meow - heaven in a rocket! And on Mars chicken with greetings!
And tickle the bare soles of a beautiful woman.
Warrior-Queen gritted her teeth, the idiocy of this situation will bring anyone to white heat:
- Where is the key, my rightful trophy!
In response, only wild laughter and ringing retinue ... even eardrums stabbed.
Suddenly before it there was a whole mountain, height in Ostankino TV tower, from various folders and papers.
A veritable Everest of bureaucracy, casting a pale yellow light. And it keeps growing like a giant mushroom after the rain.
A dozen sweets and cakes screamed at once:
- Sign the Queen girl, sign it! Every act is a page, from the heart!
And before her there was also a fountain pen, the Tsar cannon.
Reviving Emmanuel quipped and sang with a sneer:
I would wolf down bureaucracy.,
To papers deference there!
So it is better to engage in culinary sadist,
Simple and banal Blowjob!
The giggles became thin,and unpleasant to the ear.
The mountain once disappeared, and in front of the warrior, star Queen was several ranks of warriors with long, crooked sharpened spears and terrible armor, and faces... Even for a horror movie too nasty.
A kind of embodiment of the army of the underworld.
Legion of monsters in unison yelled:
"If you want to climb, fight us valiantly!"
And the spears became even more, and the ranks stretched to the horizon.
To fight again, that the boulder pull through the Himalayas. But the barefoot Emmanuel courageously answered, her voice was clear, sonorous without a shadow of fear:
I fight, not run, to defeat a Horde of you can!
And as if a Nightingale-robber as a whistle.
Suddenly everything vanished, and like the Emperor in times of triumph appeared lock. Now it shone like it was made of platinum, edged with petals in the shape of the heads of a hybrid tiger and Aster. Paws the custodian Hypersaline have become gentle, like a frog, only in Golden feathers. And the head: well, no, there is any material analogy is not able to convey that infinitely pretentious surrealism. But the voice, strangely pleasant:
Key's yours just try to take it!
The girl-Queen rose determinedly. She was almost recovered, and she felt much more cheerful.
Before the young sorceress-Queen there was a butterfly, with a body in the form of a very beautiful, just a fabulous key. Emmanuel quickly enough by hand, the key and never thought to deviate, palm girl-enchantress went through her like a Mirage. The young sorceress Queen growled:
- Deception! We are bred as...
She tried to grab the nimble, chiseled legs with her bare fingers, but only felt the warmth in the air, almost losing her balance.
The castle of the avant-garde style broke, unsuccessful attempts:
You lure him!
The Queen girl stopped waving her bare leg.
Emmanuel genuinely somebody, just spread her hands:
- I don't know how to do that!
In fact, all her witchcraft knowledge was completely powerless.
The Keeper of the universe thought and fantasies lovingly whispered, warrior-Queen felt, as its broken body blows gentle breeze:
- Sing him a song about love, not someone else's, but your own composition!
: To perform the Emmanuel frowned, face twisted:
- I've never tried it before!
That's not entirely true, but the girl was determined now lyrics.
All you have to do first and to kill, to love, to create! But the world of princesses-noosphere can open only to the one who is a warrior and a poet in one person! - The lock shone with all the colors of the star spectrum. - The first pancake is not lumpy, if it roll on the inspiration!
The sharpness added strength.
Emmanuel kindly smiled, all teeth have had time to grow, despite the fact that they knocked out in a brutal battle, gleaming like polished ivory:
A wise speech, but it will not put in the oven!
And came closer to this surrealism - fabulous nature.
The Keeper of the universe put his hand on the Queen girl's shoulder. Still impressive, has not lost in spite of the fierce battle beauty.
His voice is like the chime of crystal icicles.:
- More song, less prose.
And he began to gently stroke the girl-Queen.
Nude Emmanuelle was very nice to feel the bare, blistered skin, the touch incredibly gentle hands. She even melted, and only became strict, many-eyed view of the castle, allowed to meet. The young sorceress-Queen coughed a little, rubbed her healing neck with her hands and finally sang:


It is impossible to understand what became suddenly with me,
Comely the world, as the twilight became night!
I gave the dream of passion to my hero,
And legs dance perform clockwork!


Why so anxious in my soul,
And strangles the heart, the slimy, disgusting octopus.
To understand ourselves it is impossible,
One hope: time-doctor "seams" will pass!


I looked for comfort in battles,
Like blood, heat in the soul, pour!
Who is not with me - cruel will be the vengeance,
The thread of life is woven into chain mail!


Murder, for murder in succession,
I feel like a terrible Devil incarnate!
The arrival of the fighter for all the fire of trouble,
Runs the mob in the stomach to save!


After all, the sword with the hand of the virgin firmly merged,
Now weapons has become my flesh!
But the spirit in the sky wants, like a bird,
Although the blade was used to weed out enemies!


The soul on the part of eager - split,
Black and white are equal!
I want to beg forgiveness from kindness,
But consume a lot all the same!


But somewhere cute in sweet dreams wanders,
I strive for a man to become an ideal!
Children to give birth, plow and sow the field,
To not ruining, and built, built!


Yes believe, that will be able, become cleaner, better,
That I will find peace, dream, family!
Will disperse the wind storm clouds,
Hope, believe, passionately I love them all!


At the last words butterfly-key, himself came down in the palm of your hand eternally young sorceress. Emmanuel felt the gentle tickling of her paws. Unexpected for themselves timidity of asked:
- Can you open it now?
And brightly smiled, her new teeth became even more beautiful than the previous ones, pearls, became even more clean and large.
The castle spoke in a deep voice, as if coming from the bottom of the well:
- I got the soul of a poet, heart of a warrior, the wisdom of God! Open the way not to the abyss, but not to Paradise!
And suggested, slightly lowering his voice:
His legs!
The naked Emmanuel lifted her lower limb, carefully took the key with her bare fingers and thrust it into the hole, froze, taking a breath.
- Turn three times clockwise! The guardian of the universe of thought spoke. - Don't worry!
And the air got a little colder.
Lady, cherub, the Queen and the demon star Empire in one bottle angrily replied:
Rather, the star crowed than he will be frightened!
The warrior-witch Queen slowly began to turn his finely chiselled, almost healed leg, feeling the elastic resistance. Twisted gently and so half the nails in a wild fight broke off. One turnover-as painfully slowly flow of seconds. Second - there are already easier, like the movement, numbering thousands of years, flowed lubrication. Third - about the time you are the most strict judges on trial without witnesses, and never justified...
When there was just a little Emmanuel suddenly crossed herself, she saw how it was in the critical moments of the case of the boy-President Donald trump. And then she was afraid that God would get angry and strike a lightning the size of a galaxy, a crazy universe.
She's Rodnovery, earthly qualification of religion, not Orthodox. But a sense of humor beauty did not refuse.
Broken, but still causing the desire girly, juicy lips whispered:
"O gods of all worlds, if I die, please consider me an atheist!"
The warrior tensed, the fingers thick, they threatened to break. And around such an atmosphere that like lightning is about to begin to beat.
But nothing happened, and Emmanuelle's latest effort to turn another bare foot is the key to the end. I held my breath in excitement, my heart was pounding violently, and now it slowed down, it was also looking forward. For a few moments nothing happened, and then... The warrior Queen blinked...
Then she was caught up in a whirlwind of fiery dawn, and the girl of Royal blood returned to her Palace and strategy. And turned to the boys-presidents, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin.
The vacuum around her was shaking and boiling. Gorgeous chick said:
- Rejoice! Justice is done! And therefore now Donald if he can finish off Putin's strategy, he will be able to eliminate all nuclear missiles of Russia!
Mr President, protested:
- So unfair! The more you leave me no chance!
Emmanuel answered this:
- And the beautiful, naked girls? They will help you the President of Russia.
There really is a chance. And go in may 1946-fighting and highly persevering for Saratov. While exchanging blows the two heavyweight boxers.
And here is five Soviet girls, defends this city, already surrounded by Krauts.
Alenka gives turn by the Nazis. Pouring lead rain on them. And then he throws a grenade with his bare foot. She's a tough warrior. And in nothing but panties. And why should she wear? So far girls feel more comfortable, and more beautiful.
Half-naked Alenka says:
- Crush the Krauts and Berlin.
Further firing and punches Annie. Very the beautiful warrior. And a natural blonde. And take with his bare foot and throws a grenade. Blow up fascists. And the beautiful, too, warrior. Shakes her naked, tanned Breasts with scarlet nipples. So adorable.
And again as bare fingers will kick it pineapple. Then she tweeted.:
- For Holy Russia! And it will be awesome.
And then a very good warrior Alla went into battle, and began to fight. And bare feet throw another grenade. Down the Nazis. And the warrior tweeted:
- Our calculation will bill you!
And roars:
- Red and not shameless!
Grinning girl is very aggressive.
And then Mary enters the battle. Also barefoot legs threw a grenade. Spread of the Nazis, and hissed:
"In the name of the Holy Fatherland!
And here and Mary a box of explosives launched. The Nazis had to die in agony.
Yes girls are very courageous to keep and protect Saratov.
But the Nazis bypass the enemy. Like tentacles reach for the heart of Russia.
Trump States boasting:
- I'll take you anyway!
Commander-in-chief-President Putin responds:
- The hell! I will not! We are strong!
And the punch on the table ... he's like Stalin.
In the air, the girls from the Third Reich: Albina and Alvin fight with tremendous bitterness.
Albina shoots down a Soviet fighter, and chirps:
- The Glory Of Greater Germany!
Then he presses his bare foot on the pedal, and knocks two more cars and chirps:
- Thank us!
Then Alvin fires. Cuts off a bomber and two stormtroopers, and tweets:
- I am the girl of the greatest Superman class!
Albina is also very even turns his car, knocks with bare feet a couple of Russian cars, and beeps:
- I am Hyper!
And then Alvin unbends. And firing. Very much a good girl. You could say Satan in a bikini. And barefoot legs as pressure. And get the portion of Fritz... Cool girl.
And roars, with aplomb:
- Glory to the monstrous fighters!
And again as will jump, and will Bang.
Girls love to kill! Here it is girls!
And floats glide in the air. Gertrude and Eva too, they crush the opponent. And shoot down Soviet aircraft laminar jet. And they twist themselves, twist!
The Germans were moving towards Kuibyshev. And the battle was in full swing is incredible.
The floats could not be brought down by small arms. And they just rammed Soviet planes, and even cut the laminar jet tanks and guns from the surface.
Gertrude, cutting down a dozen thirty-fours, took and squeaked:
- Yes be famous for our phenomenal and space force! And again as twists and turns over...
Girls love to kill. Here it is girls!
Eva also cut a couple of Soviet, Russian batteries and hoarse:
- Our report and phenomenal calculation! And wink again.
Yes, warriors broke in earnest. Go themselves and fight.
Rather not go, and fly, and cut off all the sharp edges like a diamond. Crushed by the Soviet machine. Without giving them any chance.
Gertrude chirps:
- Thank us, and thank God! We'll crush your womb!
And again as will rezanut on Soviet machines. And press his bare toes against the joystick buttons. Very much a military girl. Only one thing can be said about them: the brightest stars in the universe!
Gertrude smashes Russian cars, and beeps:
- Yes be famous and the world and love!
And bare heel will take and sparkle.
And then eve. Also bare toes presses the button of the joystick. And scored a dozen Soviet aircraft. Very dashing girl. And discret it's real what they say - super!
And the legs are curvy and tan... they are so full of harmony and beauty is unforgettable!
Gertrude, too, unfolds... And it's only to put discret as for the Soviet machines. And smears them across the sky like a chalk rag.
Eva presses her bare toes on the buttons and squeaks:
- The one who has no heart and soul! Those satisfied with the defeat of the evil Russian!
The warrior winked, flashed her sapphire eyes. It is so amazing that it burns a thousand volcanoes under the snow cover.
Gertrude whispers furiously, Baring her teeth.:
- I am the space Krahl! And again how to take and deploy will diskret.
Walked on the surface, cutting off the SU-152, and a few smaller self-propelled guns.
Eva hissed with a wild frenzy:
- I an implacable warrior! And was is and will be the first!
And again diskret knocks its body and searing the flow of Russian equipment. Whether it be guns, whether self-propelled guns, or tanks. And the aircraft under a crushing blow.
Gertrude expanding its superclass car, singing:
- There are before us two ways, with the enemy to fight or die!
And again, like a naked heel take and click. What a girl! What's her flying skills, and the grip of a bulldog!
Eva also cuts off the enemy and hums:
- It is a woman Eva! There's a cave there!
And the language is German how to show your... Immediately evident - aggressive path!
Not girls, but giants of destruction.
And no anti-aircraft guns, and no gun can not shoot down. It's really something cosmic, and virtually invulnerable.
The Germans are moving themselves and are already coming to Kuibyshev.
Donald says:
We'll kill you!
President Putin responds:
- The hell!
President trump hisses in response:
From the propeller!
And Baring his teeth ... that's an aggressive beast! And both presidents-the boys of the USA and Russia persist. But the American wins so far.
The Nazis begin to storm Kuibyshev. And this is practically the second capital of the USSR. There were all evacuated when the Germans approached Moscow. The Red army is already calling boys fourteen years old and full of women. Put in operation and the elderly. We have to scrape up all the reserves. Of course, it is becoming more and more difficult to turn the tide of the war.
Trump, meanwhile, strikes in the direction of Tikhvin. To finally cut the road to Leningrad.
Such is the rapid action. And go to fight the pyramid, ramming tanks, which are like nothing can penetrate. Such perfect machines, with rational angles on all sides.
And the defense of the Soviet troops, not expecting the break - broken!
Here comes the beautiful Frida, with her tank crew. Light machine AG-25, but such a nimble. Next to Frida, lies, Madeleine. Both girls in the tank. And fight themselves, destroy and break the Red army.
Trump cheers warriors:
- So! Crush the Russians! Show the power...
Putin replied:
Yeah choke on it you bastards!
Girls of course are fighting in just a bikini. Especially at the end of may, and the weather is almost hot. And in the tank, of course, also the gas turbine engine gives heating.
Frida shoots, pressing bare toes of the legs on the button and beeps:
- Yes will with us phenomenal space adventure!
Madeleine is also lupanul and confirmed:
Yes will be very cool!
After what both girls took and winked at each other! They are very witty and very cool!
Here is a shot of the tower taken down thirty. And the girls are very happy. They're cute and formidable.
Frida firing, asked Madeleine:
- Do you think God loves Germany?
Redhead, barefoot beast replied confidently:
Of course he does!
Blonde terminator with doubt noticed:
- Why, so many Germans died?
Madeleine laughed.:
- Because the one whom he loves, and that he is pounding!
After what warriors burst out laughing... They the very embodiment of wit and rationalism. And murder, too. Such here is remarkable girls-terminators. And lead the total annihilation.
At the same time very much even love men. What's unnatural about that? That's how it should be! Girls should love males, so they are females. And that naturally is not a crime!
And warriors wink at each other. It's all very logical and correct. Here love a man and become a super lady. And then destroy a lot of tanks, gaining records. Like Wittman. And they did it worse? Here the crew of Gerda broke the record Wittmann and girls had already received the Knight cross of the Iron Cross silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds. And you want girls and with Golden oak leaves on his chest.


Назад: CHAPTER 17.
Дальше: CHAPTER 19.