Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 11.
Дальше: CHAPTER 13


In the spring of the Krauts and really started the offensive. The main blow trump struck in the direction of the Caucasus. Moreover, one of the Turkish generals gave the order to lead the offensive. And the Ottomans went to war. The German offensive was threatening. But the battle came the girls from the red army.
Natasha sat in the trench and shot at the Germans. A beautiful girl showed the power of the spirit.
The warrior knocked turn a few Germans and smiled:
- I'm Superman!
She bared her snow-white teeth. She's absolutely adorable.
Zoe opened fire. Very apt beauty. Mowed the Germans. And then bare foot as you roll the grenade, throwing the Krauts.
Forth shooting Angelica. Very apt warrior. Dumped opponents, not giving them a chance. Against such a red-haired girl can not resist. And behind them was firing and Svetlana.
Too got and cut off fascists...
Four girls are very charismatic. And they fight themselves extremely aggressively.
Well, the Germans and their foreign shelves keep. But, of course, all the gaps four barefoot bikini girls will not close. Little by little fascists move along the don. And take city for city. Use new tanks and self-propelled guns series "E", which are very low and effective.
For example, Gerda and Charlotte moved to the SAU-15, only sixteen tons in weight, and the gun as the "Panther", only even faster, and more precisely. And the reservation and protection worse. And maybe even due to the greater slope of the armor, low silhouette and will be better.
Here is girls and battle with Soviet thirty -. And demonstrate outstanding class. Punch the Russian tanks from a distance and almost do not receive hits. Such here is apt girls. And that's not a gunshot, it hit.
Gerda shakes her bare foot and squeaks:
- I warrior, which was flying in space! Even in the dream and the broom!
Then Charlotte took and roared with a grin of teeth, and shaking his red hair:
- And I conquered space! We will never kneel!
Naked butt girl how to embed the armor! And bared his pearly teeth! So here's a fine warrior!
Both girls shoot from the gun and punch the Russian cars. They tear off their towers and break the metal. Destroy Soviet equipment.
Gerda firing, dreamily said:
- Oh, be an angel to me! All would be torn to pieces! I would have cut with a sword and stabbed with a dagger!
And she again shot by pressing the trigger fingers bare legs.
Charlotte again fired, was struck by a Russian tank. Tore off the tower and tweeted:
- Making new changes! We'll take over the world!
The girls really cut from the same cloth that is capable of depths of the universe to conquer! In General as it will begin to fire, that though stand, though fall! Not warriors, and aggressive steal!
For two months of fighting the Germans came to the bend of the don. But the Red army was able to gather and form a full-flowing river boundaries. The Germans sagged somewhat. And stopped. Trump has relied on increasing the efforts of bombing, with the help of rapidly growing jet aircraft.
Then of course the Nazis had a head start. Putin, in turn, tried to advance in the center, but did not break through the powerful line of defense of the Krauts.
Russia made the main bet on the development of the T-54 tank, which was produced for many years, and was at the time of its appearance the best in the world.
Trump also bet on the E-50, which is superior to the T-54 armor and weapons, but was heavier and more expensive. There was such here competition.
Jet aircraft in the USSR is difficult to develop, there is a clear backlog. In real history, the MIG-15 entered mass production only in 1949 and then only with the help of German designers. So in the midst of the difficulties of wartime, to jet aircraft previously impossible. Especially Putin himself in the technique is not an expert.
So Donald trump may not be in a hurry yet. Here is the summer of 1944. The red army is trying to seize the initiative. It comes near Leningrad, in the direction of Smolensk, and even against Turkey. But then to concentrate troops proved difficult. And it was only possible to unlock Yerevan. The Turks were able to keep the taken Batumi.
And trump was forced to launch an offensive in the Caucasus to distract the Red Army. German tanks and self-propelled E-class have been well on the plains, but was stopped in the mountainous part of the Caucasus. The fighting dragged on at the Terek gate.
The Nazis attacked the city of Grozny. There is a fierce battle was in full swing. Some Chechens sided with the Germans, and this complicated the situation. And the bombing continued.
Donald trump has promised to bomb the USSR into pieces. At the same time fighting was in full swing and the sea. There was fighting Japan and the USA. Donald gave the Japanese some clues, using the knowledge of the future. Japan struck America a few lesions.
But still the difference in economic potentials affected, and the Americans, though much slower than in real history, overcame the samurai. Yes, Britain is not held down the German submarines moved in. It was easier for the allies to fight on one front. This of course worried trump.
Play it because Japan is not known whether the attack of the allies on the Germans?
The battles for Grozny dragged on until late autumn. The Germans finally took this city and Ordzhonikidze. But still was stopped at the passes. Winter was coming, and the Germans had no victory. True in real history, the Red army by this time was already on the Vistula.
In January, Putin tried to advance in the center. But there defense already most powerful. It's not that easy to punch. And self-propelled guns the Germans a lot. And, quite perfect. The Soviet Union, perhaps the best is the SU-100. But the fact of the matter is that this machine did not appear on time, as the main efforts were focused on the t-54 tank.
In the center the Germans were expecting attack and were able to fight back. In March of the forty-fifth year, German troops, along with the latest tanks E-50, broke to the Caspian sea, through Kalmykia. Gerda's crew also took part in the battles.
The naked girl fired a shell at the Soviet cars, and chirped:
- Genius Express and SS!
Then she wiggled her bare toes. T-34-85 was breached. The warrior bared his teeth that sparkle like pearls.
Charlotte did too. The girl giggled and sang:
- Tell fortunes, I'm eager for the army. Will my friends, I'll be burning in March!
Girls working here from and to... Spread in chips Soviet battery and rocks. Myself. And smiles have tigresses such here is aggressive. And they grin tigress one word!
Christina also shot and gurgled:
- Barefoot girl, the voice is so ringing!
And showed tongue. What a warrior! Just incredible and super!
Magda squeaked with a grin of teeth-rocks:
- Vast expanses of space! You love not have had enough! We will crush forests and mountains ... in one mighty word - sex!
And Golden-haired girl laugh.... And her laugh is like a Panther's roar.
What a girl. As they climb and press all. Do not stand up against such in any way! And the beauty they seduce captivating.
And the tank they impenetrable from all angles. Smashes Soviet guns and tanks. And don't stop it nothing. How to embed that little does not seem to Russian cars.
Gerda says with a grin:
- I love all kill, such a Gerda!


Here Emmanuel temporarily interrupted trump's strategy and extracted the President-the boy from Hitler's body.
Girl-the Queen is quite logical said:
- The second world war is a bit boring, like the girls fighting. Especially if you want to have a head start, you have to go through another test.
Donald licked his lips and rang the boy's voice:
Why? I'm ready!
Emmanuel confirmed, winking at the boy-President:
That's good! You must become a great and invincible fighter to defeat all the enemies of our space Empire.
Emmanuel spun around on her axis. And the landscape around the boy President of the United States has changed.
It's some kind of ancient Coliseum. Where the Governor, who've managed to Navalmoral in the world, had to make a new and very cool feats.
Well-well, it's even great! As a leader in strategy, he is given an additional chance.
And then you can win very much... And would not lay US under Russia.
Emmanuel shook the jewels, which tinkled on it and cast:
- Yes, if Gladiator great country.
Here it is Donald trump like the great though relatively young athlete participating for America in the medieval competition. One against a hundred chosen knights. And he even barefoot, children's feet chained weights to how to say it became more honest. And that boy is the President of the United States? It has always lived power of Superman is a fantasy, it's a dream and not a dream, but something tasmagoria where all the hidden dreams come true.
Well, Emmanuel threw him into a wonderful world, a strange universe.
Even shone on the sky as much as seven. And each under color of the rainbow.
Before him, the British, space Prince Carleson gifted with a special gift: to forgive and pardon those who stand in front of the mortal tunnel through which opens the way to another world.
And you're just a boy who is in a place where the world's fate is decided, and maybe the universal great Empire of the United States.
Donald Trump painfully kicked me in the leg when you were hanging additional shackles. The young boy President had a hard time holding back a cry from his chest.
His body became even more young, just a boy, and even a child, and not so already muscular as before.
And the Prince of the star Empire, pretending that nothing had happened, shouted deafeningly, with a slight hoarseness in his voice:
- So now you're on an equal footing... Subjects motion frisky horses, go!
The audience, sitting in the stands with many voices, whistled.
Donald trump though in a parallel universe and Superman of the highest class. There is a little regret that he had allowed to fasten themselves to the glands. At first glance, twenty pounds or nine pounds is nothing, rivals hung armor no less weight. But if they are tied to the feet of the boy, and strangeways limb, then it capuchinas nobody seems.
You can hardly move with your shrunken body.
The first round, all enemies become popdance into a new world of Donald trump raced virtually continuous spiked column. Even during practical tests on the way fantasy races, the soldiers behaved to people almost naturally.
The boy-President of the United States did not feel quite at ease. And the power is not like before ... Something does not overwhelm him with energy. And your body doesn't look more than thirteen. And opponents much larger you and be going.
Jumping up and retracting their bellies, adjusting to the strange
uniforms, weapons and warming up. The large, outer circle of the lists was measured eight hundred and fifty meters and was lined with three different alternating surfaces: smooth stone slabs, sharp stones ( sometimes on them as punishment forced to run guilty barefoot women and teenagers), and neatly laid, had time to seal round gravel.
Donald trump anxiously thought that maybe it will continue to decrease like this until it turns into a fetus and finally disappears.
Or is it only on time trials?
Each covering met four times, the big length at sharp stones therefore it is impossible to support a uniform rhythm of run in the ordinary way.
Finally became a boy President Donald trump is the only one who ran barefoot, and felt the injections bare sole. Yes, the conditions are clearly unequal.
But for all that, each participant in the deadly race, the Holy battle for the future of the Empire, considered himself if not the strongest fighter in the universe, then much higher than the level of stupid middle-class. Well, some American agolets they can't compete.
And it's even humiliating that so many of them have gathered against the ragged boy.
Donald trump, of course, ached badly bruised by the crushing blow of the hammer shank. After a ruthless "baptism" she even swelled and turned blue. B-hangman-Smith, to move you knuckles in a stupid temple. To strike dead, and even better the same a hefty, diamond-shaped with a sledgehammer! However, it's never too late! In this universe, the boy raced barefoot, for a native American and billionaire President is not often a pleasure, especially with their overly caring and Prim etiquette. However now Donald trump began to look even younger-no older than twelve or thirteen years and his boyish barefoot did not seem unnatural.
President-boy trump cheered up and sang:
- Who is gay - he laughs! Who wants-that will achieve! Who seeks will always find!
Feeling the sharpness of the stones now seemed pleasant, and hard stitching at the same time. But this is only the start of eternal teenager.
And retreated was the energy began to return to the young muscles.
After the third round a few medieval and very strong warriors had taken almost hysterical attempt, with the help of the horse unceremoniously, to get ahead. They go on insulting each other and evenly began to catch up with any complexes, is still running in the convoy a young body President Donald trump.
The boy-the President decided not to force events yet, and to wait. As at the time he left Afghanistan, and gave Russia the opportunity to create their bases there and bomb the Taliban. So what? Did he lose because of that? Russian Afghanistan and Syria, and America Venezuela-and shared!
The formation began gradually, as if a boa's belly to stretch, and already on the fifth circle all soldiers ran in a different way. Not as before in a massive the back of the head each other, and with impressive interval.
Metal jingled, under potowanimi boots creaked...
Sharp-sighted and experienced Donald saw that the soldiers in the armor sweat, breathe harder. I understand why the barefoot boy President hung, chain. Lightweight body the kid, could not trivial to drive a whole Horde of adult heavy fighters.
Here is one of them a desperate effort reached already with other hand, nimble the young boys-President. Barefoot child Donald trump went from trying to cut down obliquely and thrust his sword into the horned head. The impact with the reversal of the housing has been so strong that the helmet of the enemy broke, he with a bloody head fell to the gravel. Some of the girls are nurses in white robe and black Slippers, grabbed the hapless warrior.
The fact is nothing could help!
Donald trump, hearing their surprised exclamation, philosophically noted:
- Strong kid better like him and feel a strong adult, it's always better to seem like it is! But in any case, the ruler better never seem weak-even if his main force in deception!
What should I do my work energetically.
The barefoot boy Donald, turning on the sharp stones that gave support to the round, childish heels, chopped the armor of the second. He fell, but immediately jumped up, and the President-terminator used a turntable, hitting already managed during the run to heal a bruised leg in the head. The enemy did not expect such a fast-paced attack, and conceding in the hat covered the head, as if slain with a club butcher a calf, fell.
There was something to be proud of! Although and very a bit painful for.
Deadly kicks, especially that piece of iron has increased the weight of the blow. Then Donald trump some time played in the audience, allowed themselves to catch up with the third count de Lucifero. He was beaten with swords too high and was cutting, it really broke his leg. Of course, glands hurt to run, but with them you're like a beating axe.
The boy-President has shown the language, and jumped higher, feeling more and more energy.
So in fact, he is like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal, and maybe even better, all of them together, so has more time to develop their skills.
Unless, of course, ruthless time throws away nothingness. But there is hope that the Almighty Queen Emmanuel will save him.
And only in the ninth circle of young terminator, warrior, Bouncing provocatively, added speed. At first, he one after the other, like a motorboat buoys ahead of everyone who fell a little behind, the most merciful without inflicting bumps. However a couple of them, not appreciating the generosity of the boys-President, rushed from both sides, but the dashing mill log cabins with them, so that came off the head. It's already dead without a chance.
Donald trump hissed:
- War is war!
Something happened to the descendants of the Vikings and militant Saxons, they did not dare to pile all together, and continued to run. Maybe their numerical superiority dictated such tactics. Or the unwritten rules of the death game? The boy-President Donald trump has no one, not rushing, and began to catch up with the so-called leaders. Of course, such things, another ten soldiers of the crown, and even owning one or other undoubtedly could not please. But having lost five, no one for some reason did not rush into revenge. Apparently they realized, the Americans will not send to saving the U.S. from nuclear missiles to Russia tournament of a weakling.
Even if it's just a boy in the flesh, but having the experience of a hardened veteran of different centuries. And in the twentieth century, trump lived a lot and the twenty-first.
But now back to the President of the United States youth, the boy and habits.
And when Donald trump showed the children's language and they are annoyed even more inflated pace. But the heaviest breath told it all for a while. Where they really. But after all Vikings and Saxons, this comic parallel segment are strong and stubborn. They will lay down their bones, but they will not yield. For twenty-one years Sweden held out against the Russian troops of Peter the Great eventually forcing the peace Treaty not as a conquest but as a purchase. Exhausted Russian state, by reducing during the war, the population in the fifth part!
The boy-the President of the United States jumped, dodging the throw.
And this is when a woman gave birth to ten children per family!
What are healthy offspring - the success of any nation.
And Britain in General managed to win the only war with Russia, having occupied the most part of the Crimea. Strong were then the British, for the first time in a quarter of a Millennium, having managed to bite off from Russia part of the territory.
Trump was proud of this, thinking that now he too will take Russia and twist it into a RAM's horn.
The boy President slashed the fallen warrior, and the headless body fell to the stones. The others breathed even harder, trying to add a step.
But this time, Donald trump will wear them out. They're no match for him. GIMP-ka pooping contactless striker on practical equal speeds.
I remembered the intense firefight with snipers in Vietnam, where he managed to fight Donald trump. This is really a war of nerves. It's easier. And the enemy will come to its undoubted end.
So the boy-President of the United States kept in suspense their "bunnies" for four laps. Then they trivially had to knock down this savage pace to throw off the unbearable tension. It is necessary to calculate forces, God forbid, even a small break. Donald trump, being in shock, even threw a number, threw swords, did a somersault and caught again. Then again similar acrobatic reception repeated, having given out:
- Drive Fritz Yankees, will not help the experience! To hell go the banks - human meat!
Oh, how much in the boyish body of the young President of the United States of energy and wild power.
When the Duke de Decolonization's Cup of patience was filled to the brim, the chief commander shouted fiercely. :
- Yes fight you sons wet hare!
Although the men in it hardly reacted.
- Bloody battle! - Loudly shouted, almost breaking voice, the Prince.
Indeed, what a shame-to run away from the boy.
Donald trump smiled slyly:
- Finally there's a case!
What experience he has is so extensive that it is not confused, the enemies are much larger.
Panting, exhausted soldiers from among the normal guards stopped abruptly and briskly raised their weapons. Running after Donald trump nobles immediately cheered up: to fight the enemy even if the "Holy" (Yes it's a Saint, damn blond!)will certainly have to spend precious time. There's a dozen rushing at once is not the worst fighters. And then PromEstate a very long time, maybe even while not buried in the grave. But if "the imp" leaning again, will dig into stone. They added their vanity and self-esteem.
Let there be swiftness steeper and immediately disappointed growled: there was a double, brief clang of metal, and new victims of the sacred battle, pouring, fell, desperately writhing on the ground.
The boy President is very fast, and his reaction is better than Cobra's.
The first opponent experienced Donald trump put a simple kick in the groin. Trite, but effective. Sorry guys, can he then will multiply. But not so dramatic. Got however, and fortunately not the guy, the victim of "castration" years for fifty. Noble and the person, the family coat of arms with ruby roses. The second received an elbow in the jump on nose. Shelter a lot and seems to be knocked out... This is what the additional movement of the body means. And then attack the others.
You're fast as a mongoose. Your opponents can't keep up.
One was hit immediately with two feet from the boy-President in the body. The armor caved in, because of the mouth vyprygnuvshy a blood clot and the other was stunned banal stroke of the sword, blunt with curved horns of the helmet. Yes, Donald trump, though in the body of a child, but very cool! And the next opponent was in the chin with a steel handle. Well knocks out if you get to the point. The rest rushed at the boy-the President of the United States.
It seems that a pack of bears attacked the brave wolf.
But Donald trump calculated everything correctly, they will get tired and exhausted. And movement of the wrong reaction and wrong. So much to run in armor, the soldiers are very strong physically, but accustomed to all the same to the horse fight is not possible. Only at the expense of strong-willed qualities they also kept. Well done.
The boy-President, however, is not covered and half-naked, but due to the phenomenal reaction, easily leaves.
Donald trump, as if talking to someone, said, like a juvenile Socrates:
- Insanely heroesthe soldiers, does not commit the stupidity - the stupidity that makes the commander, sending soldiers to a place where heroism is insane!
Enemies try to cheer themselves up with heart-rending shouts and a bull roar.
But you can't fool your muscles. And the men were moving now, like sleepy flies, interfering with each other. In addition tactics of blows with their feet, for European Nations unaccustomed. It is not developed systems of protection, it is like the Chinese alphabet.
And that you will take - they also didn't hear about single combats!
A quick and always fresh boy Donald trump uses it. Then the show began to show: kick, swords, knee, elbow, at a crazy speed. Even the alphabet-beating babies in armor. Ten powerful men remained lying, writhing, as if thrown out by the surf creepers, on the surfaces of the lists, where running up the girls and boys, they immediately had a simple medical care. And someone did not have to, the soul flew to heaven. Or in hell whom already as lucky. For some reason, Donald Trump remembered the famous smash hit Vysotsky, he's even an American, but a big fan of listening to Russian songs-your soul aspired up! Born again with a dream...
But if you lived like a pig, you'll stay a pig!
But he ran into Donald trump and the second dozen rabid cockroaches with swords instead of jaws. Of these, only some are titled persons, three under their leadership other, almost had a coherent and formed by the rules of resistance. They made an attempt to stand in a single line and tried, despite the fatigue to move as quickly as possible and more. Not giving the attacker the boy-President to shredit them to cover the stadium.
The fighters here are experienced, much larger than a half-naked, tanned boy-President in shackles, and noticeably downed feet.
But Donald trump flew so that he did not even let them line up, the first two fell for a simple trick, parrying a wave in the head, got smashing into the body.
Donald trump in the twentieth century practiced fencing, and he is no stranger.
And armor and ribs crunch. And punched pechenochki fountain spurted blood.
It fell on the rocks, and it hissed like acid.
Then the ruthless, bare heel of the boy was found the next temple the Baron de Murasaki. The boy President slipped between the knights like a hamster in a hole, and the elbows and jaws once, twice. In computer games, in a variety of martial arts taught even a slight blow to the end of the chin, from the right point of the tip to the left side is able to turn off the most resistant fighter.
Well, just because you look like a boy doesn't mean you're a sucker.
Five more remain, but Hello not even think to stop. Eternal youth, turns somersaults, stand on his hands and feet in the muzzle at me.
Bones and skin burst, blood splashes.
Beautiful, even Jackie Chan couldn't do better. By the way one of the blades nicked all the bare edges. It's nothing. So even more will be the boy-Prince. Pick up swords and foot, but would not maim himself. The more you warm up, the more power you have. Side, and the strong, bare foot in the neck last count... Damn it, the wolf's son got into the press of the boy-athlete with a dagger, Donald trump on his stomach were drops of blood.
Certainly unpleasant, but strong muscles did not miss the edge.
The young President of the United States says:
- War, unlike chess, can not do without victims, and a chess game unlike war without result!
The boy President shook off the crumpled drops of sweat mixed with the scarlet liquid.
Such a small thing all these wounds that have stopped bleeding when they rushed four. Swords flashed, the first two fighters parried mechanically, and the blades turned and flattened into the carotid arteries.
Donald trump grinned like a tiger cub who had caught an antelope for the first time.
And two other with their feet in one thing most sensual place. Not aesthetically pleasing, but effective due to lack of blocking skills.
It's going well, and you're full of inspiration.
Five more opponents. All of them seem terminator boy Donald Trump sleepy flies. What is the wrestling move "the crab" "krutilka" and there are a lot, small soldiers piled. And finishing jump to the heaviest fighter on the back of the head. The one falling out the other. Nice work boys!


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