Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 9.
Дальше: CHAPTER 12.


Day not day, night night, and time when the six suns slightly fade, and the city as to dying, has come. Avarcade and white soldiers moved from the huge throne room in a luxury apartment. Slaves suppressed unprecedented and exotic dishes carved from rubies and diamonds. The wine was suppressed from fancy vessels apparently hollowed out of the purest emeralds and sapphires.
The President-the trump boy said with admiration:
-Beautiful flowers, and apparently a very rich mine for the extraction of precious stones.
Emmanuel pulled the sweet ambrosia and logical said:
- But it will always attract invaders. You need a strong army to protect all these riches.
Snow and star Amazon nodded her finger at the walls of gold leaf cast on the ornament of large burning gems. On the floor, where the diamonds formed a slippery crust. A huge rose of the purest ruby shone in the stream.
- Wealth is honey! You really don't have mosquitoes or flies.
Began slightly intoxicated child-President Putin.
Also drunk young body President trump, smugly said:
-That's not necessary to say that clearly you're the only one. On us simple flies do not sit down and mosquitoes do not sting. That's better think that with two runaway chestergimli to do, we can't live on Vulcan.
The Queen restored to the throne, whispered:
- I think they'll come themselves. Here in the dungeon full of monsters, Tapira conducts diabolical experiments. Apparently, the blow should be waited for in the same night. I'm tired and my eyes are closing and everything before I go to sleep I have a big request.
-What! - Friendly chorus, the young bodies of the presidents and the star Queen.
- It only applies to you Donald trump.
Avarcade cast an eloquent glance. And almost pleading tone cast:
-The country needs a male heir, and you I know in my heart will soon leave our country. Love me and make me a baby.
The boy-President trump nodded in agreement in the last hours, he only dreamed about how to master this delightfully beautiful creature.
The young body of the us President roared:
"We will not delay, though I am not a man, but a Superman, and I am not sure that we can have children.
Avarcade did pass hand carved sapphire Cup jumped to the mouth of the President of the boy. And the Queen murmured:
- I, too, not quite man, and on mothers fairy godmother Golden sea. According to legend, there must be intimacy between me and the white angel. We will have a son who will be a great hero and a great king.
- Then let's get down to business.
The young body of the us President wanted to make love right in the Banquet hall, he did not hesitate to have sex, especially since there were only his own. But the Queen took him to her chambers. There forever so American warrior lashed out on it, she had moved on meeting. It was delightfully fine, the kid-terminator felt a strong hot flesh, and he warmed up like a light bulb. Avarcade itself is not a virgin was shocked, for the first time with a love so strong and skilled male. It took several hours and she finally begged, asking for mercy, his wonderful voice:
-I can't do it, I have no strength to endure your voluptuous waterfall of uncontrollable desire.
The young us President trump picked her up in his arms, carried her to a lush bed. The boy's voice rang out.:
- Sleep my fairy godmother, until I near with you guaranteed absolute security.
The Queen immediately fell asleep, and steep trump lay down on the Mat and pretended to be asleep.
Temperamental Emmanuel meanwhile caught Yashin in the corridor and almost forced him to mate with her. Young Yashin was not bad by human standards, but he could not satisfy such a passionate tigress. Then figured out Regatta, the young man, although and a turn in magic stream, still not until the end of went to from wounds, and snow and Star Amazon played role "Dr.". The behavior of a temperamental lady can still be understood, growing to infinity the body requires love.
The kid-terminator trump was breathing very smooth and resembled sleeping, although all his senses and the scent worked to the limit. The torch went out, and all was plunged in ominous darkness. Here is he sensed strange sounds, resemble crawling snakes. Venture he felt a smell, so smell is something only a monster created by evil sorcerers. All this abomination was inexorably approaching the Royal chambers. Powerful, young trump squeezed stronger the sword. The edge of his nostrils caught a particularly nasty smell of six-legged bebes. "So you came here the priest of the Tapir, look, if you save the blade of your monsters."
Three hairy centipede first stopped at the rest and climbed on the bed Avarcade. The boy-President trump had kept the Spartan calm. I don't think they'll sting her too easily. Here in the room crawled a few snakes and one resembling a gorilla monster. This fanged beast approached the young President of the United States, sniffed, the monster's breath was stinking, small, bloodshot eyes sparkled. It bent and gnarled fingers reached for his throat. Not wanting to give himself away, the boy President trump allowed himself to be grabbed and immediately regretted it. The fingers of the monster was terribly strong, throat moved, the cartilage is cracked, everything swam in a crimson mist.
The young President of the United States slipped his left elbow under his chin, pushed the terrible fangs from his throat. Then with rage began to strike blows a fist, animal teeth flew out under blows, the grasp of the monster weakened. Then the boy President trump turned his sword and cut the monster in half. Then, under his blows, centipedes and snakes crumbled to dust. Young American warrior, pulled on the smell, but as if pounced on the wall. Gathering all the rage and whispering spells, he with great difficulty on the third attempt broke through to the curtain and cut down the hiding behind her bebes. It is easy not shestinogih assistant priest, however, tall and with fangs. Then barefoot boy trump ran to become even more distinct smell. In the corridor he now and then came across snakes or gorilla-like animals, but they were cut automatically. Here the corridor ended, and he jumped out of a dark cave, despite the absolute darkness became a perfect young body trump, saw and infrared radiation silhouette of a sinister monster. The six-legged priest, bristling with swords, looked at him with a grin.
- Damn it, you can't see a damn thing!
The cunning little boy trump pretended to be a hose, hoping to provoke the high priest.
There was a sepulchral voice.:
"You will die in a black grave."
The tapir gave up all four swords, hoping to slice skewers of white angel. The young warrior trump himself jumped forward, having beaten their swords, he held one of the most difficult techniques "smashing the hedgehog." Two limbs of the honorable Babes were cut down, the final blow off the head.
The boy-the President of the United States issued:
- So you found your black grave. And hell!
Young body warrior trump spat on the defeated body. At that moment his keen ear caught a muffled cry Avarcade. The terminator boy sprinted to the rescue. Besides her scream, he could hear the stomping of heavy footsteps.
- Another monster, I'm tired of you. It's like we're being attacked by aliens!
The barefoot terminator boy quickly overtook the beast, the huge creature was clumsy. She held the Queen like an insect. Avarcade hoarsely screaming for help. Jumped nimble trump cut thick as an oak paw monster, and on the fly softened the fall of the Queen.
- You're the mother of my child! Take care, I can handle the monster and the Mach behind it. I can smell him already!
Indeed, the ultra-sharp scent of the boy - warrior trump discerned the unique tart smell of the right hand of Tapir. The wounded monster tried to attack, but was beheaded. Young body trump was in a special blow and did not pay attention to the huge constantly flying out of the corners of rats. He cut them automatically, with relentless persistence approaching the last "Crown bebes".
Young, but experienced President, the kid trump felt the rhythm, the beats of the pulse were synchronous smashing attacks of the sword. Behind him, Emmanuel and the energetic vampire boy Putin were catching up with him. The last push and...
The boy-President trump expected that he would be in a gloomy dungeon hall and he would have to fight again under the dark vaults. Instead, he found himself on a lawn bathed in light. Several thousand armed bebes stood before him. And he is the last of shestinogih Mach, perched on the back of the terrifying three-headed likeness of Diplodocus. The boy-President trump was a little confused, there was no comic battle. Back flew the star Queen Topless Emmanuelle, her sword were in his hands. The warrior yelled:
- We don't have time to deal with him! Attack double Katyusha.
A child's voice was heard:
- Triple!
The child-President Putin also flew, a gray bird on the lawn jumped Vladimir Vladimirovich. The boy-President and star Queen simultaneously jumped up and, dodging sweeping everything alive volleys slashed "Diplodocus" on the head. The face of the priest Mach twisted in horror,and in despair he released a thick bouquet of lightning. Fire streams will not cause serious harm to the boy, the terminator and the girl-Queen, only slightly inferior to them, the child-President Vladimir Putin received a strong burn in the side.
However, it's not slowed him down. Mach tried to close, but friendly stroke of the sword split the covering of the cocoon. The priest gasped, tried to swing his swords clumsily as all four hands were severed.
- Triple strike! Let van Dam sleep! - Sang almost entirely naked, very muscular Emmanuel.
"Damn you! Maha shouted so loudly that the trees shook, and a burst from the root.
"I'm sending you back to the hell you came from!"
After these words, a dazzling lightning flashed, the sky turned red, then became lead-purple in orange spots.
- Thanks! -The voice of the boy-President trump was full of joy.
-You fulfilled our wish, and now get an easy death! Swords boys-terminator and girls star Queen amicably separated from the body shesterova head. Among Benesov carrying drone, filled with terror and reverence. When the dashing trio turned to them, only a few of the most ardent bebes dared to resist. Cattle soldiers immediately fell under razadyne swords. The others fell to their knees, screaming for mercy.
-Well, how? Forgive or kill everyone away from sin? Asked the boy-President trump to the Queen of space, Emmanuel.
She exclaimed with sincerity:
- Let the local Queen decide! And here it is easy to speak of!
It is important stately pacing bare feet in pink puddles on the meadow out of Avarcade. Barefoot aristocrat by mistake entered into a maroon blood, shed killed "Diplodocus", but held back a cry of pain from the burn and then walked majestically to the hill. Lifted sign of Royal power, almost entirely naked with only a piece of cloth at the hips, the Queen unexpectedly loud truly Royal voice said.
- My rebellious subjects! You recognize me as your Queen?
-Yes! Yes! great! Recognize you our Queen and goddess! The baboons prostrated themselves, their noses buried in the grass.
The girl of the Royal blood screamed:
-Now, if you want to live, bring here the legendary sword of the God "Baronage" or you'll all be the death end.
Bebesi wild pack rushed to obey the orders of the Queen. Five minutes later, the horned pack carried a heavy gold box in a shimmering crown.
- Be careful! Only a great warrior can take this sword! Anyone else touching him will die! - When Avarcade spoke these words, her eyes read "You are the great warrior Donald trump young President of the United States - take this sword."
The boy-warrior took a step forward and firmly put his hand on the hilt of the sword. Trump said in a solemn tone:
- I take this weapon to serve people.
The sword lit up like the sun, the great ruler and warrior trump raised it over his head, the light shone. The human guards, who ran out onto the lawn, prostrated themselves.
- Now we have four swords! Emmanuel said, her fingers closing greedily, then her face changed and became confused. Voice, too, several has changed:
"But handsome Donald, look at me, do you think we're becoming transparent?"
-That's right! - Yelled not his voice child-President Putin.
The boy President trump said in a cold tone:
- We're turning pale as ghosts. But it's not so scary!
Flashing red and pale bare knees, Emmanuelle solemnly turned to Avarcade and chirped:
"Looks like the sorcerer's death curse is working."
Pretty serious answer:
"All posthumous curses have special powers!
The Queen approached her and kissed first Emmanuel, then deep into the Hickey and the boy President trump. She sighed heavily.
- It's time to say goodbye! Yes, and legend has it that two white angels and their human servant.
-I am not a servant and the President of Russia! - Muttered baby Putin. Avarcade did not pay attention.
-They will not stay in our city forever, but by overthrowing the dictatorship of the bebes to return to their world. We are strong enough to be merciful! The surviving bebes will live with us, but outside the city walls. And if you are plotting a revolt, then we will kill all this race!
The boy-President trump, the girl star Queen and the child-President Putin, were already almost invisible, it seemed that only their shadows hung in the air.
-Finally, I wish you victory in the world where you fly! And you! She turned to the young body of us President Trump.
- You'll live in my son forever. I can feel my baby moving inside me!
-We'll meet again, will meet again! If some Amateur magician managed to throw us here, then...
The boy-President trump did not have time to finish, a weak flash lit up the place where the young body stood, but experienced soul and experience. The three warriors vanished into thin air.
- I believe, we still meet! - Avarcade brushed pearly tears, and wiped clinging to bare the sole blood Benesov from orange, velvety grass.
Upon return, Putin increased slightly in size, and again began to look fourteen years, but with a very relief muscles. A pair of warriors, in General, have a good frolic in a parallel world.
Emmanuel with a very pleased look reported:
You guys aren't bad! You can, to commit exploits, and capable on much. However, are you ready...
The boy-President Putin showed a weighty bicep and hissed:
- I want revenge for the previous defeat in the strategy!
Emmanuel shook her radiant head:
- You want a lot at a time! You think the odds are so easy?
Putin has stamped her bare foot on marble, raskrashennoy under bright colors to the floor and hissed:
-But all -???. Our warriors far stronger! I know! And so they just can not win!
Emmanuel laughed and noticed.:
But the enemy is too strong... However, I can give you to win, but on a certain condition?
Putin, sensing a trick, said uncertainly:
- What?
Emmanuel answered with a smile:
- We your installation "Poseidon" in case of your defeat we will take away together with drawings to ourselves. Yes, and so do that you will never restore it!
Vladimir rigidly observed:
- You want me to hurt my country!
Girl-Queen is logical have observed:
- We can do that ourselves! Yes, and you we offer somewhat more favorable terms. 1 APR 1943.... After Stalingrad!
Vladimir perked up, and jumped, saying:
- Then I agree! After Stalingrad, the Third Reich will save nothing!
Donald trump is a young body, the US President has noticed:
- Are the conditions getting worse for me?
Emmanuel nodded and blew a kiss:
- Yes my genius. But you after all ready to difficulties!
Trump waved his fist through the air and asked:
- Then let in case of my victory, half of Russia's nuclear weapons will simply disappear!
Emmanuel was surprised:
- Why is it only half?
Trump nobly replied:
- Because I have a conscience too!
Girl-Queen with this agreed to:
Then let him! That's even better!
Emmanuel slapped her bare feet on the floor, and soared... the Landscape around the two boy presidents began to change.
Again they are in the bodies of Hitler trump, in the body of Stalin Putin. The strategy game begins.
However, Putin had every reason to suspect a trick. Really trump to save his group in Africa, offered an ally truce and negotiations... And what are they? They put only one condition: to stop the genocide of the Jews. What trump and without their conditions intended to do. And all - the Western front closed.
Putin-Stalin immediately filed a protest:
It's unreal!
Emmanuel parried:
"But you hate the West so much... and you can't take a step without it!" What did you expect from the US and Britain?
Putin a little groaned, but there is nothing to argue! The bombing of the Third Reich stopped. Trump again gave energetic orders. Introduced universal labor service, put to the machines of children in ten years and the elderly in seventy. Mobilized everything that only it is possible and it is not possible.
Release of "Panther" and "Tiger", and the T-4 was higher than in real history. Also and aircraft. Bombing the allies did not interfere. Plus, trump has shown his outstanding ability in managing the economy.
USSR also hoarded power... Putin is adhered to expectant management. Hoping that maybe the story will go the usual way. But trump did not waste time. The Germans were strengthened in the Orel salient. At the same time was already familiar to the development of a series of tanks "E", and of course low silhouette self-propelled guns. As well as jet aircraft.
At the same time the Germans made some changes in policy in the occupied territories. Gave Ukraine formal independence, which allowed to form additional divisions of nationalists. Created formally and independent Belarus and the Baltic States. More actively used policemen and local traitors. And of course poles. Knowing the anti-Soviet sentiment in Poland, trump gave the lyakhs equal rights with the Germans, and strongly joined the Wehrmacht.
Formed a foreign division under the command of the Germans.
In the meantime, the Nazis, taking into account the occupied territories, have a preponderance in human and economic resources. Brilliant and trump very successful. And collects forces. Putin some time waited.
But then, seeing that the Germans are passive September 1, 1943 he decided to attack in the direction of the eagle and Kharkov. The USSR has already collected more than five thousand tanks, more than three thousand five hundred aircraft, more than one and a half million soldiers, and about thirty thousand guns and mortars.
Trump kept the main forces away from the front, and managed to keep them in the course of a massive artillery preparation of the enemy. Fierce fighting broke out. The Germans skillfully used in the defense, "Panther", "Tiger", "Ferdinand".
That girl right there... Gerda and her crew on the tank "Panther".
Warriors, of course, in branded clothing - bikinis, which gives them a special sensitivity in combat.
Charlotte this red-haired devil as a shot from a cannon, and hit the forehead thirty. She tears off the tower. Then the girl laughs...
- Yes Russian light!
Gerda noticed, too, firing:
- Stalingrad we do not forgive them!
Then the warrior grinned, and stuck out his fangs.
Charlotte fired again. Was in a Soviet tank in this case, the T-60 and hissed:
We will win! I'm a girl or not!
Warrior was a Baring of teeth, and very aggressive. Although, for example Magda with Golden hair looked very cute and her face seemed innocent.
"Panther" machine with a lethal and rapid-fire gun. In the forehead of its Soviet machines do not break and thirty-try to break through at close range and hit the Board. But the problem is that the rapid-fire German guns have time to shoot the Soviet tanks before the rapprochement. In the oncoming battle against the "Panther" there is nothing to catch. It is possible to achieve success only or because of an ambush, or attacking in a Board.
In real history, the Germans attacked and the Panthers carried a lot of losses, blown up by mines or lesions in the side. Now this is not the same.
In defense, the "Panther" is very good, and it is even surprising that the Germans lost the second world war.
Charlotte shoots using a great sight. She's a girl so apt, and amazing in her playfulness. He taps his bare fingers on the armor. Falls into the Soviet machine and the screams of:
We girls are all that great!
Gerda also took turns to shoot and agreed:
- Yes of course we are super and Hyper! We will have power over the world!
And another Soviet tank is burning.
Girls certainly showed that one of the reasons for the defeat of the Third Reich was the lack of women on the front. Gerd and Charlotte destroyed in one battle twenty-four Soviet tanks and two self-propelled guns.
Of course, it showed how cool the car "Panther".
And in vain it was loved by the German generals to Hayat.
The number of Germans hardly inferior to the Russian troops as well as tanks and gazmatov surpassed. They had a lot of anti-aircraft guns. Yes, and Focke-Wulf with proper use of very strong and effective machine. It is difficult to shoot down-tenacious ... and even powerful weapons allowed to demolish Soviet aircraft with one approach. And the high speed of the dive gave a chance to go against more maneuverable yaks.
In any case, trump personally developed a tactic similar to the American and Focke-wolf gave a good light to Russian aircraft. The ratio of losses in tank and air battles for the USSR was simply catastrophic.
And the Red army was exhausted ... and then the Germans launched a crushing counterattack ... their columns crushed the Soviet machines, and drove them on....
Trump is quite rubbing his hands. As he was... That Kursk fell.
The boy-President Putin again freaked out and said:
- You underestimate the forces of the red army and exaggerate the fascist. It's a Scam!
Emmanuel logically observed:
"Didn't the Germans have great warriors: Rudel, Huffman, Marcel and others?" Who covered themselves with glory! Why do you think you're being treated unfairly? All parameters are calculated on computers!
Putin growled:
- Well, to hell with your computers!
Emmanuel angrily replied:
- You start losing and freaking out? But where's your icy calm? It's not in Syria - the savages from the heights bombs to throw! Here you are opposed by the army, not inferior in combat power, and even with the best tanks so you have. And planes too!
Putin angrily said:
- But we beat them! The real history of "Tiger" and "Panther" has shown its complete failure!
The Queen girl giggled and noticed.:
- Do you think in real history without the help of a higher power? You think the Germans got away with mass murder of Jews?
The boy President trump exclaimed with delight:
- That's it! I've suspected that for a long time! Of course, the higher powers helped Russia. And a cool car like the Panther didn't help.
After the capture of Kursk and the encirclement of Soviet troops, the Germans reached Voronezh. But the rains began, and it turned out that in the mud - "Panther" and "Tiger" is not as good as in the dry time.
But nothing Germans have become in defense. They began to prepare for a new war. Trump, having a head start in aviation, counted on jet development, and air superiority.
And the Germans formed new foreign divisions. Putin some time saved up forces. In Kursk there was too much boiler for the losses suffered.
At first, the Stalin-Putin struck back at the heart. But there was a strong defense, and the Germans were able to repel the attack. Several more were made at first the Soviet troops near Leningrad. But in the battle to take the latest E-10, which is very flexible and efficient even in the winter, and the Germans were able to stop the Soviet troops.
In the battles of Leningrad distinguished barefoot maiden crew Gerda. Warrior fought like a heroine and shot down the tanks.
And despite the cold the girls were correct uniform is a bikini.
And it distinguished Albina and Alvin. Good girls snipers. And the new 30-millimeter cannon pounding extremely deadly and accurately. Fucking beauties briskly.
And the Soviet troops stopped. Fail over and attempt to repel the Wehrmacht Voronezh. Here Fritz was strong and alert. Repelled the attack, causing the Soviet army enormous damage.
Alvina in a bikini puts on a Focke-Wulf. She attacks from the air by Soviet tanks. He knocks out two thirty-fours and says::
- Believe it or not, but I'm a beast!
Albina, too, fucked up on Soviet machines. Beat the self-propelled gun, and tweeted:
- I'm a real Cobra!
And winked at her partner! I must say that the girls are very nice. And they press the pedals with their bare feet.
Alvina shoots and beeps:
- The German case will be won!
Albina, too, shot down, this time IL-2 and hissed:
And our business will be the most the right!
Putin protests:
- Again, kill our women! What a passage!
Emmanuel with a grin have observed:
- Yes you still have the chance to give! You're not grateful!
Trump is very confident said:
In the spring we will finish!
And winked at the girl.


Назад: CHAPTER 9.
Дальше: CHAPTER 12.