Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 12.
Дальше: CHAPTER 14.


The boy President of the United States slapped his bare foot on a pool of blood.
They can't get up on the count of twenty!
Donald trump, swinging his embossed torso and jingling chains, sang:
- The impossible, possible know for sure!
During this time a Baker's dozen of the most hardy of warriors slipped by a stone thrown from a catapult clashes and took off at a gallop forward almost a half-circle. Had Donald Trump, quickly moving to catch a dozen trained soldiers. But not to rest from the fight even better. The muscles warmed up, the cut disappeared right into the gait of the fighting stallion. That's it, they're tired, and be it in the mud. Muscular, half-naked, sweaty boy Donald breaks in, and screws, like a corkscrew, spinning on a sock, the benefit of a marble slab slides perfectly, and immediately without lowering his leg, a piece of iron four in the head.
Like a corkscrew, a deadly ferment.
Well, let one still managed to hit the dagger in the chest. The skin broke through, stuck in the muscles. You pick up this dagger with your bare fingers and throw it like a boomerang. Two throats slit. Blood spills out. Two more decimated by the sword, and the rest of the handle( how many you can kill!). To that you will not sew diplomas. But here fight without receding.
Dripping with muscular bodies the young boys-President blood. Trickles shoot over the cast relief.
Donald trump roars with a leopard and again punches the attackers. As they say, the wife fear her husband, and her husband angel!
He Russian Vityaz - a favorite of the gods!
But in this case aunt death let afraid nephew life! The boy-President liked throw their not on-humanely flexible fingers legs daggers. He turned again, pulling jerks of enemies, another opponent defeated.
Becoming younger, only added kid-terminator-President mobility.
True, he had to defeat the evil old woman with the scythe, and she was already defeated. Now the main thing to bypass the swords of destruction. In war there are no half-friends and foes. There is only on a hundred percent their and others'. Many partners-allies and even more enemies.
The boy-President sat down in a horizontal twine and immediately stood up.
You can go a whole round, you can beat the competition, you can round the capital in a business transaction, but you can not succeed when rounded belly, and became a flat savvy! There is no have adversary deliberate tactics. Here a dozen men decided to throw Darts at it, and six made an attempt, will point back to back. I think the tricky trap, if he wished to attack them.
The boy-President caught the dart and hurled himself bare toes, baby feet, striking the gun. The fighter with the punched stomach collapsed, choking with blood.
Donald trump smiled and began to sing, because it is his competition, is decisive for the future of America, where the time goes the gaps and incomprehensible to anyone quirks or hronobiologi;


Golden ears-Niva,
As the wave of rustling lips in the wind...
We'll fill glasses with playful,
Let champagne gushing river!


Our Motherland is a generous America,
Where autumn cover Golden,
No, believe homeland without Bank,
Apples ripe nectar bulk!


And in winter the wonderful snow silver,
Under skates crystal lakes!
Until what tasty bread our fragrant,
While the Russian sabre blade is sharp!


Each leaf has an emerald thread,
Each kidney is sparkling with coral...
Nightingales pouring a wonderful song,
And on the field as velvet halt.


Diamonds of dewdrops on travushka,
Dandelion burns like a star!
You're Right glorious Fatherland,
To the glory of the eternal, live forever!


The world is beautiful though sometimes and grins,
And sometimes cruel fate,
But the USA beauty,
All the guests we opened the door!


Donald trump was hit by a sword three Darts, and two jumped up, picked up the naked legs and hurled it at the gunman of the knights, and swords struck on trying to get knights. The ribs came with a sword, but just four were on the head, and two more Darts struck right in the eye. One in right and other in left. The boy-President fell on the covered six, while continuing to sing;


Scientist bomb cleverly invented,
What did he think of the nominee's head?
After all, without morality and a wise - ass,
Though receives grants for marasmus!


Others were granted a patent for the gun,
That sends a satellite in orbit.
Scientist not military impotent,
Come you gentlemen do not lie!


Work people need to on war,
To each other the relationship is bad.
But from what I do not understand,
At least one business is doing good?


One is painting the tank,
Another of the "Stanza" make a sketch.
With kindergarten collects machine gun,
And loves marching step parade our teen!


Shields do not cover the whole body, and only yourself to maneuver, the guards only made it easier for the opponent the opportunity to pull up a slightly veiled legs, and one snapshot with a "scissors". Also by the way of computer games. Then turn and attack the others. Speed, as they say. Some fighters still try to take throwing, but boy President too fast. Superhuman speed.
It's like a Cheetah on a spike.
And the result was lucky to someone who was not mutilated, but only stunned
Donald trump moved the enemy chain-splashed brains.
Here is say that one in field not warrior. However, the loner, the opposite has in battle a number of advantages. For example, maneuverability, small size it is difficult to get into it and not visibility. The enemies expected to trample Donald trump, but it is not noticeable that the boy President was at least a little slow down.
There was no wound, nor the intensity of the battle slowed the boy.
On the contrary, he fought more confidently and increased the advantage over the exhausted enemy. And he sang.


After all, epaulettes bright in the dream,
For us, sometimes more expensive than the rays of the Sun.
After all, there is no place on the sorrowful Earth,
Where someone's blood does not flow crimson!


After all man, he man wolf,
Well, sometimes a lousy dog stinks!
You don't give a piece of bread even in debt,
Live one - a real cruel!


What kind of people God the Father raised,
As it turned out, anger rules the world?
A fierce king in the people heart of oak,
And the main other aggressive brother Cain!


The Lord replied: it is your choice,
Free, difficult, but necessary...
Sharper mind if the punch in the eye,
People become stupid if the world is one!


And therefore the battle of your destiny,
I won't change anything here.
Though the battle is ruled by an infernal chaos,
There is no hope for an easy bread and a miracle!


But my goal is you hard temper,
To dream of a mighty mind to build,
To stronger chain has become thread,
To any passed in battle a hero!


The boy-President trump scattered on the way another bunch of dogs-knights. Since war, and act as a war.
Be like a wolf in a battle with elephants and you will have a chance to defeat the pack.
That's him with the sword, daggers, swords strikes are, but the wounds almost immediately disappear, which is quite cheered the boy-President Donald. He's really turned into Superman, though from the flesh. Or some sort of terminator knight. He obostryaet iron bushes, not whether he has such a marvelous Ledentsov, swords would not stand such a pace. Even Emmanuel became annoyed, she loses the leading role in the pair. After all, now Donald trump is the undisputed leader among popadantsev. How good he is, especially when he beats feet. Here is a couple of inches of leg is thrown out and right leg in flight three, and landing the left as to kick. The strongest four, consisting of STIF one-eyed, Anders Chirac, Balu Borki and one of the strongest in Scandinavia sorcerers-druids.
Last, even before the fight, even the chosen drink to combat the decoction increases the speed endurance. Reaction time too. Although too often it is a potion to drink is dangerous, after three or four days of sleeping like a dead man. Yes, and you need to hurry before the drug has not ceased to act. For sure the strand is surely the Vikings in advance pokumekali this plan, so four of them will easily defeat his supernatural enemy.
The boy-President, however, is not confused.
Donald, however, went further, stunning singing, the enemy;


Though seem to have us pinned down to the ravine,
It's the nightmare a terrible nightmare.
Sing will be able its girlfriend who Saga -
In which the demon of hell is resurrected!


Sounds siren a formidable anxiety,
It's like there's a fire going on...
Not everyone can live, believe me without God,
But build up really know the punch!


The boy, too, warrior from birth,
Because steel and lava splashes in it.
And one thing I want to ask forgiveness,
That is not my fist to the foe scrap!


I'd rather it just valor,
Fight the right thing sometimes.
But do not throw in the urn like a conscience,
Don't get carried away by hell game!


Who knows if life on light of this,
All in our world is true: shadow, Mirage.
We will bring the criminals to justice,
When will we be able to catch courage in a moment!


And if anything the battle was lost,
And defeat the scumbags could not...
It is still open, believe gave,
And cross out the failing zeros!


To achieve each battle is sure,
When there is a power and is full of nuts!
And give the rain of evil, even a copper penny,
Glorify the hymns of the brave country!


In a dream,or rather in a parallel universe, Donald trump is already so raged that capitally saddled skate, white.
The boy-President with the mind of an experienced veteran - it's scary and fantastic!
But on it all feathers and feathers the enemy. Encouraging themselves and their comrades, they seemed not to notice how mercilessly they were smashed by swords, or the swift legs of the boy-Prince. How could it be otherwise? After all cowards or weak to competitions of such level don't allow. It's the color of chivalry. Here is one howl had put to the sword, fending off a kick. Have nagrubil the boy-President skin. So what?
Do you think it stopped Donald trump?
He did not even feel the pain, already so accustomed to the wounds. Moved again and the blackout is complete. So you have to respond with a growl and a sniff. From this even funny until insanity! Are there enemies on the Board? But, they sped up the running, only to stumble on better swords. Two giants roared like a bear is a wounded animal and reduced the distance from boy to warrior.
It's like the waves hit the pier... the kid President, flashed his pearly teeth.
Then they would regret it. I gave under feet that both faced foreheads, sparks literally fell, however, not from eyes, and from helmets. But the boobies twitched and fell silent. How was the blood-saturated distance of about one hundred and forty meters. It should be available for every warrior to have a big heart, but a small fear and a great sense of responsibility!
Yes a bit unfair, fight, as a immortal, but, alas, honor the relative the notion of on war. It is logical: after all, two bears do not live in the same den, but two morals perfectly coexist in one person with the thinking of a predator! The best of the remaining ten, now almost purposely lagged behind, counting on the exhaustion of the enemy. Yes, actually they could have a strong resistance during the fight. It was at this point four reinforced potion of magical power "kings arena" clearly wanted to catch with attack.
Like large jackals, decided to trap a tiger cub.
Donald trump understood this, of course, but was not afraid. What would the child, not amused, but would not hang himself. But still, what the vultures in the heavens appear. And not terrestrial types, though on the planet Earth there is a battle. And here, for example creature: the trunk is the first third of the needles of a big hedgehog, the second as the fish scales, the third with cornflower petals. And the wings, bottom like a butterfly, and the top is like playing cards. Uh, and the miscarriages went.
The eternal boy President shook off the clinging scales.
However, not to intimidate him. Yes, and the conspiracy of geniuses it was not typical of the tactics of Napoleon's Marshal Davout. Go and jump, if the opponent is a goof. However, the boy-President trump thought, and maybe in vain he was so bad about them-there was a calculation, but for military training, luck and natural mutual assistance.
Since this world is so treacherous, be three times more vigilant!
Barefoot and half-naked Emmanuel, even prompting, exclaimed:
Tiger in ambush threat until it will turn fangs... and the man is helpless until it sparkles bright fiction! - Finished for a friend phrase Donald trump!
It's good to have the support of your beloved.
Maybe they're on to something, and building their own types, but the popdance-the President became a true warrior. Even in a dream!
Or not in a dream, and somewhere in mezhdumire where looking for shelter the souls of men.
And trump protects the honor of the greatest country in the world - the United States!
But there are still dangerous enemies.
Yes, they barely tried to intrigue young popdance-President again, made a move as snow on the head. He abruptly, although it seemed similar in principle impossible, crossed the run, swords already thrashed so few knight fell, even though their blade has not touched. Here in his path stood the pirate, also pumped potion don césar de Bazan. He would especially under the influence of magic dope to have a serious resistance. The sea robber threw a dagger at Donald, but the boy President caught the blade with the bare toes of the children's but muscular legs immediately, threw it back. The dagger flew along a complex trajectory and the thug failed to parry it when the tip plunged directly into the solar plexus. The thrown Mace was also intercepted.
Little warrior, the terminator and Superman with vast experience.
The boy-President was caught staying witch and the distance began tactically sudden dashing attack, jerking the trophy club, which did not have long to sniff. And after all, perhaps, at first, scoffed that the fight they have with the poor rags. Lethal weapons had a feature that is also enchanted, and his smashing flight is easy to miss. Turned out, with such force struck the "shell" case presented before a panel of the enemy, that a powerful metal plate broke, but the enchanted warrior threw for five meters back, filled up like a bull in a slaughterhouse.
The boy-President trump shouted:
- Glory To The Motherland! America glory!
This is classic class!
But the attack continues.
At another moment, the next opponent screamed and fell to the ground with a broken wrist and cracked ribs from the second sword. If the armor had not been tempered by the arcane method, the mighty fighter would have been elegantly cut into pieces.
The boy-President trump scrolled like a top.
Yes here it is and Bilan will not help them. And all the impossible is possible!
When you cut in full swing-careless!
And the boy-terminator Donald under the enthusiastic roar of the audience raced even faster. I can't say I've already won. Not even immersed, in contrast to the notorious Berestov abusive TRANS. Helping to proglatyvat a swords road, he ultimately accelerate its pace. Although, that may be the limit. The speed of light, contrary to the false theory of Einstein, changes, obeying the law of addition. But he accelerated faster than a photon. Even seemed, stopped concern, the sharpest stones. And in one fell swoop overtook the next group, in which Sorcerers tried to organize worthy resistance.
The battle stretched-the muscular, embossed body of the boy-President glistens with a mixture of blood and sweat.
Naturally, all remaining runners flashed some idea: forward a little to keep up and back to push and already EN masse to crush excessively frisky teen angel-President. But even conscience not with. It felt as if the virgin herself was present, that she would never allow them to do so. Yes and so can fight only the people of God. A man can't do that! In addition, what is more important is the truth of all, they were stopped by other thoughts: after all, everyone was just running, and the blond imp or angel had to take turns and wholesale, to fight with the whole army, the most skillful opponents.
Although the boy President took the upper hand over them quite easily, but every real professional warrior knows perfectly well what it is - to switch from the exhausting run to a fierce skirmish, not even stop, and without hind legs, to continue the pursuit again. That is, they had a chance to defeat the devil with the face of an angel.
After all, luck is fickle.
Donald trump so naturally did not consider:
- Everyone gets tired, only lazy people give up fatigue, only the dead do not drop sweat dewdrops!
The boy-President uttered a catch phrase!
That's why he was eager to quickly end the squabbling. Even without waiting for the inevitable end, the knights clenched their teeth in fear. And not have the team to fight, it is Advisable to obtain the excuse from the Prince about the change.
But unless you will wait for it?
Prince de Argolla stopped his exhausted group and tried to put them sweeping bag, as if luring the victim into a spiny and steel boiler.
The spears flashed like Barracuda's teeth.
Donald trump, however, is not given (rushing breaststroke style attacks Suvorov), they are built.
The boy President was full of enthusiasm.
Yes were people in our time, not what the current tribe! You are not heroes! Except there won't be a victim from Washington. Napoleon will be crushed even in Europe, genius will not help him. Yes revolution for his nomination that at all and did not appear.
And in General we will make the world United and safe! The Glory Of America!
Bravo! Do not let Borodino and at Waterloo battle! Instead, it will finish the war there! Here came a barefoot boy-President Donald trump, jumped to the side, beating the swords of the enemy and knocking his body on the ground. Then came incredibly, even the Cheetah is not under the power of a long jump forward. Yeah, Donald got even late blow with the sword on the shoulder. But with the delay, have invested heavily and now he De Argolla despite the potion he received a crushing blow in "his chest", which fell on his back.
Attempt to jump, and sword on the head with. Though the magic trance enveloped, and could not stand up on their own until the end of the "Holy battle". And Donald trump brought Hollywood reception "barrel" that distraction, and a real kick sore point. The only group of druids muttering spells, went into a defensive stance that simply missed the moment when Donald the terminator made a quick lunge to the side, and the fifth soldier fell over, freaked out, crumpled like a schoolboy wet blotter helmet.
The boy-dignitary threw up both hands and shouted:
- Victory!
After that, trump added:
- The Glory Of America!
The boy-President, flickering barefoot bloody with sticky dust soles, flew up to the sorcerer. He tried to close a special prototype of the magic matrix. Even gravel around lit up, and began to rise steam.
After the field, in the mouth has a strong bitter taste. A defending magician, attacked by the same magic Mace. Trivial savagely trampled, charged on irresistible tempered iron. Having received damage, the druid from hell began to sink into the gravel dug by metal soles.
The boy-President was very hot bare heels, and gave in the back of the head.
But the warrior trump is witty, said:
- Can be considered the winners of the barbarians, but it's better than be a loser windbags Barbarians!
Really aphorism turned out-claiming immortality.
Running up the four "kings of fights" annoyed to the extreme. Kid President, more young boy than before, flashing crimson from the blood by the heels, away from them. Like fleet-footed deer of the chase fattened dogs.
However-what is even worse, it is unknown - to catch up with the young tiger cub, fearful.
They need to be with sharp anger and a dull irritation at his own impotence. Like a nightmare, rattling bones of death, followed them to the slaughter. Here they all sagged, seeing, skinny ridge gaining speed imp Prince Donald trump.
The mongoose attacked the cobras.
Those soldiers were leaving, jumping and twisting, ready to lose their heads. And regretfully wishing the whip went through this sinewy ribs - President-boys!
Better yet, apply hot iron to strip naked, calloused soles, and make rabid ogolna to scream from the wild pain.
The chief sorcerer seemed to have rubbed his eyes at the bodies of the brutally defeated bosom buddies. This is a lot of corpses, almost piled into a mound. And how can he answer that?
Magic looks weak, like the wind before the rock.
It turns out a full out and knockout! Group martial arts though beautiful, but they also hopelessly lost. Magic, of course, may be available, but a little confused by this. The whole world order is incredibly cruel and there is no place for magic or some abstract reflections. This judgment battle is incredible, but it could go down in the history of military legend and fairy tales, eclipsing the siege of Troy. So at the moment they boy President trump is extremely hunting to put in it, this fight the winning point.
The boy-President like a tornado sweeps over the surface.
And the enemy has almost broken, in their eyes cannot be seen nor the energy, nor the slightest sign of a healthy force. They seemed resigned to the inevitable defeat now.
The boy President trump moved the chain in his nose. He burst like a tomato, and another soldier knocked out.
Warrior-dignitary Donald, sensing their mood, again has now issued:
- Courage as the leg of a chair; well, when combined with the ability and calculation, and if you add luck to it, the victory to gain a foothold on a solid Foundation!
Then: to perform the boy-President, Scalia teeth - repeated:
- Good luck in the war, as a link in the chain, without it you break into the abyss, but requires the presence of other qualities!
And new the defeated enemy -- the Eternal kid-President, has sharply added speed and again broke the distance with the most powerful opponents.
- Enough with the snake! - Grimly and gravely ordered Stiffer-eyed . - Contact fight! Preparing to win!
It sounded very ambiguous.
Beautiful girl-Queen Emmanuel here put it:
- Winning requires preparation, but to prepare you to the most of Victoria, the plan, which gives hope to provide!
And the girl stamped her bare, sunburnt foot.
Donald confidently declared:
- When you finally stop, I'll scrape you off faster.
The boy President even growled like a hungry cub who saw a fat chicken.
But they didn't react. Even trivial went on the ambulance step, restoring, out of breath and trembling hands, fixing her tangled running gear. A couple of them had already limped profusely and even braided legs.
Girl-Queen tried embolden his young vis-a-vis.
: To perform the Emmanuel said:
- Limping sometimes the reputation of a loser, who has no mind, can't limp on both legs!
And the girl-Queen put her hand to her eyes and let out a stream of yellow-red flame.
Prince Donald trump and this made a summary:
- Correct can be skewed house, poor health, but restore the shaken reputation of not changes, and a radical restructuring of lifestyle!
The girl-Queen in a very revealing outfit, barely restrained laughter.
Scala teeth, the great ruler Emmanuel very much in the subject stated:
- The USSR tried to rebuild, without causing inconvenience to residents, and as a result of all the amenities for no reason upset!
Lad terminator, shook the crowd of confused soldiers.


Назад: CHAPTER 12.
Дальше: CHAPTER 14.