Книга: Управление отделом продаж
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Sales Analysis. Studies in Business Policy, № 13. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1965. С. 3.


Эта глава во многом основана на следующих источниках: Orville C. Walker, Jr., Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr., and Neil M. Ford, Motivation and Performance in Industrial Selling: Present Knowledge and Needed Research. Journal of Marketing Research 14 (май 1977). С. 156–168. См. также Steven P. Brown, William Cron, and John W. Slocum, Jr., Effects of Goal-Directed Emotions on Salesperson Volitions, C. Fred Miao and Kenneth R. Evans. The Impact of Salesperson Motivation on Role Perceptions and Job Performance-A Cognitive and Affective Perspective. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 27 (зима 2007). С. 89–101.
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