Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: The OllyDbg Interface
Дальше: Viewing Threads and Stacks

shows the memory map for the Netcat program.

, the executable is labeled along with its code and data sections. All DLLs and their code and data sections are also viewable. You can double-click any row in the memory map to show a memory dump of that section. Or you can send the data in a memory dump to the disassembler window by right-clicking it and selecting View in Disassembler.

shows a typical series of instructions.

illustrates DLL relocation using the memory map functionality of OllyDbg for EXE-1. As you can see, we have one executable and two DLLs. DLL-A, with a preferred load address of 0x10000000, is already in memory. EXE-1 has a preferred load address of 0x00400000. When DLL-B was loaded, it also had preferred load address of 0x10000000, so it was relocated to 0x00340000. All of DLL-B’s absolute address memory references are changed to work properly at this new address.



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