Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Loading an Executable
Дальше: Using Cross-References

. This will be your primary space for manipulating and analyzing binaries, and it’s where the assembly code resides.

) and text. To switch between modes, press the spacebar.

displays the text mode view of a disassembled function. It displays the memory address (0040105B) and section name (.text) in which the opcodes (83EC18) will reside in memory .

The left portion of the text-mode display is known as the arrows window and shows the program’s nonlinear flow. Solid lines mark unconditional jumps, and dashed lines mark conditional jumps. Arrows facing up indicate a loop. The example includes the stack layout for the function at and a comment (beginning with a semicolon) that was automatically added by IDA Pro .

. Double-clicking any of these links will display the target location in the disassembly window.


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