Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Monitoring with Process Monitor
Дальше: Comparing Registry Snapshots with Regshot

you can see that services.exe is a child process of winlogon.exe, as indicated by the left curly bracket.

opens when you double-click a process name. This window can provide some particularly useful information about your subject malware. The Threads tab shows all active threads, the TCP/IP tab displays active connections or ports on which the process is listening, and the Image tab (opened in the figure) shows the path on disk to the executable.

, the svchost.exe process is verified, yet it is actually malware. We’ll discuss process replacement in more detail in .

. If the two string listings are drastically different, process replacement may have occurred. This string discrepancy is displayed in . For example, the string FAVORITES.DAT appears multiple times in the right half of the figure (svchost.exe in memory), but it cannot be found in the left half of the figure (svchost.exe on disk).


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