Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Understanding the Attacker’s Perspective
Дальше: Labs

In this chapter, we’ve described the way in which malware uses the network for command and control. We’ve also covered some of the techniques malware uses to disguise its activity to look like regular network traffic. Malware analysis can improve the effectiveness of network defense by providing insights into the signature-generation process.

We’ve described several advantages to basing network signatures on a deeper malware analysis, rather than a surface analysis of existing traffic captures or a sandbox-based analysis. Signatures based on malware analysis can be more precise, reducing the trial and error needed to produce low false-positive signatures. Additionally, they have a higher likelihood of identifying new strains of the same malware.

This chapter has addressed what is often the endgame of basic malware analysis: development of an effective countermeasure to protect from future malware. However, this chapter assumes that it is possible to achieve a good understanding of the malware through dynamic and static analyses. In some cases, malware authors take active measures to prevent effective analysis. The next set of chapters explain the techniques malware authors use to stymie analysis and what steps you can take to ensure that you can fully decompose and understand the malware in question.

Назад: Understanding the Attacker’s Perspective
Дальше: Labs
