Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Combining Dynamic and Static Analysis Techniques
Дальше: Conclusion

When designing a signature strategy, it’s wise to try to understand the attacker’s perspective. Attackers are playing a constant game of cat-and-mouse. Their intent is to blend in with regular traffic to avoid detection and maintain successful ongoing operations. Like any software developers, attackers struggle to update software, to remain current and compatible with changing systems. Any changes that are necessary should be minimal, as large changes can threaten the integrity of their systems.

As previously discussed, using multiple signatures that target different parts of the malicious code makes detection more resilient to attacker modifications. Often, attackers will change their software slightly to avoid detection by a specific signature. By creating multiple signatures that key off of different aspects of the communication, you can still successfully detect the malware, even if the attacker has updated a portion of the code.

Here are three additional rules of thumb that you can use to take advantage of attacker weaknesses:

Focus on elements of the protocol that are part of both end points.

Focus on any elements of the protocol known to be part of a key.

Identify elements of the protocol that are not immediately apparent in traffic.

Назад: Combining Dynamic and Static Analysis Techniques
Дальше: Conclusion
