Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Common Cryptographic Algorithms
Дальше: Decoding

shows the initial bytes of one of these files.

. Notice the WriteFile call on the right in the block labeled loc_40122a. Also notice that the xor ebx, eax instruction is in the loop that may occur just before the write block (loc_40122a).

The left-hand block contains a call to sub_40112F, and at the end of the block, we see a counter incremented by 1 (the counter has the label var_4). After the call to sub_40112F, we see the return value in EAX used in an XOR operation with EBX. At this point, the results of the XOR function are in bl (the low byte of EBX). The byte value in bl is then written to the buffer (at lpBuffer plus the current counter).

Putting all of these pieces of evidence together, a good guess is that the call to sub_40112F is a call to get a single pseudorandom byte, which is XORed with the current byte of the buffer. The buffer is labeled lpBuffer, since it is used later in the WriteFile function. sub_40112F does not appear to have any parameters, and seems to return only a single byte in EAX.


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