Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Conclusion
Дальше: Drivers and Kernel Code

WinDbg (often pronounced “Windbag”) is a free debugger from Microsoft. While not as popular as OllyDbg for malware analysis, WinDbg has many advantages, the most significant of which is kernel debugging. This chapter explores ways to use WinDbg for kernel debugging and rootkit analysis.

WinDbg does support user-mode debugging, and much of the information in this chapter is applicable to user mode and kernel mode, but we will focus on kernel mode because most malware analysts use OllyDbg for user-mode debugging. WinDbg also has useful features for monitoring interactions with Windows, as well as extensive help files.

Назад: Conclusion
Дальше: Drivers and Kernel Code
