Книга: Великий Китайский Файрвол
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Вся журналистика держится на плечах тех, кто работал до нас. Я бесконечно благодарен моим коллегам, процитированным в этой книге, за помощь и указание пути. Было бы недоразумением не упомянуть здесь несколько работ, без которых эта книга никогда бы не появилась. Это «Bad Elements» Иэна Бурумы, «Кто контролирует интернет?» Джека Голдсмита и Тима Ву, «Consent of the Networked» Ребекки Маккиннон, «The Red Web»* Андрея Солдатова и Ирины Бороган, «Интернет как иллюзия» Евгения Морозова, а также репортажи Дэвида Бандурски, Гэди Эпштейна и Пола Мозура.

Сам факт, что человек готов побеседовать с журналистом, не говоря уже о длительном общении, иногда с потенциальным риском для себя, – всегда удивительная и приятная неожиданность. Огромное спасибо всем, кто согласился дать интервью для этой книги: Бадуцао, Ли Хункуаню, Дэну Хэйгу, Джевхер Ильхам, Стелле Ньянзи и прочим, кто поделился со мной своими историями. Спасибо и тем, кто прямо не упомянут в тексте, кто говорил со мной в кулуарах или помог лучше разобраться в той или иной теме.

Я также благодарен (порядок не имеет значения):

– моим родителям, Кэтрин и Полу, моей сестре Эмме и прочим членам моей семьи;

– моему другу Эрику Краучу, он не только был моим шафером, но и обеспечивал меня подробной обратной связью в процессе написания книги, предложил новую структуру, которая позволила взглянуть на книгу с новой стороны и значительно ее улучшить;

– нынешним и бывшим коллегам по CNN, особенно Хилари Уайтмен, Марку Лурдесу, Стиву Джорджу, Рику Дэвису, Полу Армстронгу и Эндрю Демариа – за поддержку идеи этой книги;

– Кеннету Тану, он поверил в меня и изменил мою жизнь, подтолкнув меня к переезду в Шанхай;

– Джойсу Мердоку, Саре Грэм и другим бывшим коллегам из South China Morning Post;

– моему агенту Марысе Юшчакевич;

– моему редактору Ким Уолкер;

– Доминику Фейгану, Рику Убхи и другим людям из Zed Books; Джудит Форшоу за издательскую подготовку рукописи и менеджеру по производству Линде Олд;

– Майку Джонсу, Патрику Лосаде, Кэтрин Гриффитс, Полу Гриффитсу, Джойсу Мердоку и Стиву Джорджу за чтение ранних версий этой книги и отзывы о ней;

– Кэролайн Мэлоун, Джеффу Вассерстрому, Лидии Намубиру, Нику Марро, Лили Куо, Локману Цую, Саре Кук, Андрею Солдатову, Алеку Эшу, Энтони Дапирану, Чарли Смиту и Тому Филлипсу за советы и рекомендации;

– Райану Килпатрику за то, что изучил биографию Лу Вэя и прочел огромное количество хвалебных гимнов киберсуверенитету;

– Шэнь Лу, Серенити Ван и Наньлинь Фан за помощь в моих репортажах на CNN, которые я также использовал при написании этой книги;

– Бену Уэсткотту, Джошу Берлингеру, Кати Борнхольдт, Эрику Краучу, Бриджит О’Доннелл, Патрику Лосаде, Джошуа Ньюлану, Джульет Перри, Адаму Уайту, Андреа Ло, Линдси Форд, Софии Митре Тхакур, Джерому Тейлору, Хью Ллойду, Эрику Шапиро, Памеле Бойкофф, Алану Ю, Брайану Харрису, Саре Карач, Захре Джамшед, Элейн Ю, Стиву Джорджу, Нэшу Дженкинсу, Изабелле Стегер, Рави Хирананду, Уилфреду Чену, Сэму Грину, Рохану Пинто, Сэму Пикарду, Таддеусу Чунгу и многим другим, о ком я забыл упомянуть, за их дружескую поддержку, быстрые ответы, диваны и гостевые спальни;

– Челси Мэннинг и WikiLeaks;

– создателям приложений Ulysses и Simplenote;

– гонконгской системе публичных библиотек и сотрудникам филиала Tiu Keng Leng;

– и, наконец, спасибо Элле Вонг за все.


При написании этой книги я старался как можно больше опираться на первоисточники как на китайском, так и на английском языке, а также на интервью с участниками событий и их собственные записи. Цитируя чужие сообщения и исследования, я старался быть предельно внимательным. Любые допущенные ошибки прошу считать моими.


1‘Github status report’, Github, 29 March 2015, https://status.github.com/messages/2015-03-29.

2 ‘Google’s Eiffel doodle bug’, The Connexion, 31 March 2015, https://www.connexionfrance.com/French-news/UPDATE-Google-s-Eiffel-doodle-bug

3 J. Newland, ‘Large scale DDoS attack on github.com’, The Github Blog, 27 March 2015, https://blog.github.com/2015-03-27-large-scale-ddos-attack-on-github-com/

4 ‘Github status report’, 5 April 2015, https://status.github.com/messages/2015-04-05.

5 ‘Baidu’s traffic hijacked to DDoS Github.com’, Insight-labs, 27 March 2015, http://web.archive.org/web/20160304020144/http://insight-labs.org/?p=1682; E. Hjelmvik, ‘China’s man-on-the-side attack on GitHub’, Netresec, 31 March 2015, http://www.netresec.com/?page=Blog&month=2015-03&post=China%27s-Man-on-the-Side-Attack-on-GitHub

6 国家网信办发言人:“Outlook受中国攻击”的说法纯属污蔑 Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, 22 January 2015, http://www.cac.gov.cn/2015-01/22/c_1114097853.htm

7 C. Smith, ‘We are under attack’, GreatFire.org, 19 March 2015, https://en.greatfire.org/blog/2015/mar/we-are-under-attack

8 Разработчик дал мне интервью только на условии изменения имени в тексте материала.

9 D. O’Brien, ‘Speech that enables speech: China takes aim at its coders’, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 28 August 2015, https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/08/speech-enables-speech-china-takes-aim-its-coders

10 Текст эссе цитируется по публикации на официальном сайте А. И. Солженицына solzhenitsyn.ru.

11 B. Schneier, ‘Someone is learning how to take down the internet’, Schneier on Security, 13 September 2016, https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/09/someone_is_lear.html

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12 ‘How Civic Square has become less than friendly’, The Standard, 29 September 2014, http://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news.php?id=149919&story_id=43069145&d_str=20140929&sid=11

13 ‘Google’s Eiffel doodle bug’, The Connexion, 31 марта 2015 г., https://www.connexionfrance.com/French-news/UPDATE-Google-s-Eiffel-doodle-bug

14 Кантонский диалект китайского очень хорошо для этого подходит: – нет таких цифр, из которых уважающий себя житель Гонконга не сделал бы неприличную надпись.

15 J. Griffiths and V. Kam, ‘Hong Kongers “thumb their noses at Beijing” with pro-independence votes)’, CNN, 6 September 2016, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/04/asia/hong-kong-legco-election/index.html

16 J. Griffiths, ‘Hong Kong protesters pop champagne after leader says he’ll step down’, CNN, 10 December 2016, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/10/asia/hong-kong-cy-leung-regina-ip/index.html

17 P. Boehler ‘Voices from Tiananmen’), South China Morning Post, 2014, http://multimedia.scmp.com/tiananmen/

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18 F. Dikotter, The Cultural Revolution: a people’s history, 1962–1976, London: Bloomsbury, 2016.

19 M. Hassan, ‘Beijing 1987: China’s coming-out party’, Nature 455 (2008), pp. 598–599.

20 P. Greenberg, ‘Beijing from ground level’, The Washington Post, 11 October 1987, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/travel/1987/10/11/beijing-from-ground-levelinto-the-bicycle-fray/5259f362-cd7e-487e-9018-14c1b90527a9/

21 A. Faruqui and M. Hassan, The Future of Science in China and the Third World: proceedings of the Second General Conference, Beijing, PR China, 14–18 September 1987, Singapore: World Scientific, 1989, р. 4.

22 W. Zorn, J. Hauben and A. Plubell, How the Lost E-mail Message ‘Across the Great Wall…’ Brought People Together, Karlsruhe: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2014, https://www.informatik.kit.edu/downloads/HQarticle-08Feb2014-final-version-engl.pdf

23 World Bank, China: University Development Project, Washington DC: World Bank, 1981, http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/669881468240345194/China-University-Development-Project

24 J. Hauben, ‘Across the Great Wall’: the China – Germany email connection 1987–1994’, Columbia University, 2010.

25 W. Zorn, China’s CSNET Connection 1987: origin of the China Academic Network CANET, speech to the Hasso-Plattner-Institute at Potsdam University, 2012.

26 中国互联网:从第一封邮件走向世界, ScienceNet.cn, 22 August 2014, http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2014/8/301669.shtm

27 X. Wu, Chinese Cyber Nationalism: evolution, characteristics and implications, Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2005, p. 17.

28 ‘Wolf smoke signals war’, China Heritage Quarterly, June 2006, http://web.archive.org/web/20120318174504/http://www.chinaheritagequarterly.org/articles.php?searchterm=006_wolf.inc&issue=006

29 Wu, Chinese Cyber Nationalism, p. 18.

30 E. Harwit and D. Clark, ‘Shaping the internet in China: evolution of political control over network infrastructure and content’, Asian Survey 41, № 3 (2001), pp. 377–408.

31 M. Farley, ‘“Cyberdissident” in China on trial for subversion’, Los Angeles Times, 5 December 1998, http://articles.latimes.com/1998/dec/05/news/mn-50740

32 G. Barme and S. Ye, ‘The Great Firewall of China’, Wired, 1 June 1997, https://www.wired.com/1997/06/china-3/

33 Computer Information Network and Internet Security, Protection and Management Regulations, State Council, 1997.

34 J. Griffiths, ‘VPN down: China goes after Astrill, other anti-censorship apps in run up to WW2 anniversary parade’, South China Morning Post, 26 August 2015, http://www.scmp.com/tech/apps-gaming/article/1852658/vpn-down-china-goes-after-astrill-other-anti-censorship-apps-run

35 ‘How censorship works in China: a brief overview’ in ‘Race to the Bottom’: corporate complicity in Chinese internet censorship, New York NY: Human Rights Watch, 2006, https://www.hrw.org/reports/2006/china0806/3.htm

36 G. Walton, China’s Golden Shield: corporations and the development of surveillance technology in the People’s Republic of China, Montreal: International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 2001, https://web.archive.org/web/20020206170828/http://www.ichrdd.ca/english/commdoc/publications/globalization/goldenShieldEng.html

37 J. Goldsmith and T. Wu, Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a borderless world, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 93.

38 Интервью автора с Майклом Робинсоном, январь 2018 г.

39 D. Sheff, ‘Betting on bandwidth’, Wired, 1 February 2002, https://www.wired.com/2001/02/tian/

40 Evolution of Internet in China, China Education and Research Network, 2001, https://web.archive.org/web/20061125232222/http://www.edu.cn/introduction_1378/20060323/t20060323_4285.shtml

41 Sheff, ‘Betting on bandwidth’.

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42 Автор этой книги несколько раз беседовал с Ли Хункуанем с мая 2017 г. по февраль 2018 г. лично и по телефону.

43 Laris, ‘Internet police on the prowl in China’, The Washington Post, 24 October 1998.

44 На самом деле это словосочетание переводится как «новостной справочник», но тут заложена игра слов. Есть омоним слова «сяо», который означает «маленький». F. Blumberg, When East Meets West: media research and practice in US and China), Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, pp. 67–68.

45 Q. He, The Fog of Censorship: media control in China, New York NY: Human Rights in China, 2008.

46 ‘Sitrep no. 29: Article justifies martial law; PLA to use any and all means to enforce martial law; Defense minister appears, so does Li Peng; tension on Tiananmen Square’, US Embassy cable, 3 June 1989, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/89BEIJING15407_a.html

47 G. Barme and S. Ye, ‘The Great Firewall of China’, Wired, 1 June 1997, https://www.wired.com/1997/06/china-3/

48 L. Hai, ‘Statement of Lin Hai, computer scientist, Shanghai, China’, Congressional-Executive Commission on China, https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-107hhrg83512/html/CHRG-107hhrg83512.htm

49 G. Epstein, ‘Cat and mouse’, The Economist, 6 April 2013, https://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21574629-how-china-makes-sure-its-internet-abides-rules-cat-and-mouse

50 M. Chase and J. Mulvenon, You’ve Got Dissent! Chinese dissident use of the internet and Beijing’s counter-strategies, Santa Monica CA: Rand Corporation, 2002, p. 54, https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1543.html

51 K. Platt, ‘China hits at e-mail to curb dissent’, The Christian Science Monitor, 31 December 1998, https://www.csmonitor.com/1998/1231/123198.intl.intl.1.html

52 C. Smith, ‘China sentences internet entrepreneur for trading e-mail list with dissidents’, The Wall Street Journal, 21 January 1999, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB916818019827637500

53 Smith, ‘China sentences internet entrepreneur’.

54 Barme and Ye, ‘The Great Firewall of China’.

55 S. Lubman, ‘China convicts Tiananmen Spring dissidents’, UPI, 5 January 1991, http://www.upi.com/Archives/1991/01/05/China-convicts-Tiananmen-Spring-dissidents/1900663051600/

56 M. Farley, ‘China is abuzz over openness’, Los Angeles Times, 30 June 1998, http://articles.latimes.com/1998/jun/30/news/mn-65084

57 ‘Wei Jingsheng released’, Human Rights Watch, 16 November 1997, https://www.hrw.org/news/1997/11/16/wei-jingsheng-released

58 ‘UN treaty bodies and China’, Human Rights in China, https://www.hrichina.org/en/un-treaty-bodies-and-china

59 J. Goldsmith and T. Wu, Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a borderless world, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 90–1.

60 ‘China dissidents add branches to banned opposition party’, Los Angeles Times, 5 February 1999, http://articles.latimes.com/1999/feb/05/news/mn-5115

61 Chase and Mulvenon, You’ve Got Dissent! p. 12.

62 P. Pan, ‘Wang Youcai arrives in Rhode Island after stop in San Francisco’, The Washington Post, 5 March 2004, https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/China-frees-Tiananmen-dissident-Wang-Youcai-2814286.php

63 China: nipped in the bud. The suppression of the China Democracy Party, New York NY: Human Rights Watch, 2000, https://www.hrw.org/report/2000/09/01/china-nipped-bud/suppression-china-democracy-party; J. Gittings, The Changing Face of China: from Mao to market, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

64 ‘Permanent normal trade relations with China’ [video], C-SPAN, 8 March 2000, https://www.c-span.org/video/?155905-1/permanent-normal-trade-relations-china&start=1849

65 J. Green, ‘China bashing on the campaign trail’), Bloomberg, 17 November 2011, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2011-11-17/china-bashing-on-the-campaign-trail

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66 D. Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 171–2.

67 I. Johnson, Wild Grass: three stories of change in modern China, New York NY: Pantheon Books, 2004, pp. 248–9; T. Crowell and D. Hsieh, ‘Tremors of discontent’, Asiaweek, 1999, http://edition.cnn.com/ASIANOW/asiaweek/99/0507/nat1.html; интервью автора с адептом «Фалуньгун» и участником демонстрации Ши Цайдуном, сентябрь 2017 г.

68 Johnson, Wild Grass, pp. 248–9.

69 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 180.

70 J. Zittrain and B. Edelman, ‘Empirical analysis of internet filtering in China’, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, 2003, https://cyber.harvard.edu/filtering/china/; ‘Freedom on the net: China’, Freedom House, 2012, https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-net/2012/china

71 D. Bamman, B. O’Connor and N. Smith, ‘Censorship and deletion practices in Chinese social media’, First Monday 17, no. 3–5 (2012), http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/3943/3169; N. Kristof, ‘Banned in Beijing!’, The New York Times, 22 January 2011, https://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/23/opinion/23kristof.html

72 Экскурс в историю «Фалуньгун» приводится по материалам книг Оунби «“Фалуньгун” и будущее Китая» (Falun Gong and the Future of China) и Д. Палмера «Цигуномания: совершенствование тела, наука и утопия в Китае» (D. Palmer, Qigong Fever: body, science and utopia in China, New York NY: Columbia University Press).

73 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China.

74 Palmer, Qigong Fever, p. 1.

75 По китайским источникам, Ли родился 27 июля 1952 года, но сам он утверждает, что его настоящая дата рождения – 13 мая 1951 года, просто во время культурной революции в регистрационных документах произошла путаница. Однако в книге Дэвида Оунби автор напоминает, что в Китае 13 мая традиционно считается днем рождения Будды, поэтому утверждение Ли не стоит принимать за чистую монету. Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 81.

76 B. Penny, ‘The life and times of Li Hongzhi: “Falun Gong” and religious biography’, The China Quarterly 175 (2003), pp. 643–61. Краткая биография Ли Хунчжи, основателя «Фалунь» Сюлянь Дафа и председателя Общества научного исследования буддийского учения «Фалунь», выпускалась приложением к первым изданиям книги «Чжуань Фала», но сейчас организация «Фалуньгун» ее не публикует (перевод биографии, выполненный руководством «Фалуньгун», доступен в веб-архиве по адресу: https://web.archive.org/web/20010109225900/http://www.compapp.dcu.ie:80//~dongxue/biography.html); ‘Brief biography of Li Hongzhi: founder of Falun Gong and president of the Falun Gong Research Society’, Chinese Law and Government 32, no. 6 (1999), pp. 14–23 («Краткая биография Ли Хунчжи, основателя “Фалуньгун” и председателя Общества учения “Фалуньгун”», https://web.archive.org/web/20040920074809/http://www.trinity.edu/rnadeau/Chinese%20Religions/Li%20Hongzhi.htm

77 “True face of Li Hongzhi’, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to the United States of America, http://www.china-embassy.org/eng/zt/ppflg/t36564.htm

78 Другой вариант перевода названия – Китайская научно-исследовательская ассоциация цигун.

79 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 87.

80 张震寰 – CPC Encyclopaedia, http://dangshi.people.com.cn/GB/165617/165618/166491/167909/12285608.html

81 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 64, 166.

82 D. Mainfort, ‘Sima Nan: fighting qigong pseudoscience in China’, Skeptical Briefs 9.1 (1999), https://www.csicop.org/sb/show/sima_nan_fighting_qigong_pseudoscience_in_china

83 C. Hitchens, ‘For whom the Gong tolls’, The Nation, 20 November 2000, https://www.thenation.com/article/whom-gong-tolls/.

Сейчас Сыма Нань куда более известен своими провластными националистическими взглядами и критикой западных либеральных ценностей, которые Хитченс на склоне лет так рьяно отстаивал.

84 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 166.

85 Palmer, Qigong Fever, p. 219.

86 Ли Хунчжи. «Чжуань Фалунь» (цит. по официальному переводу на русский, выполненному движением «Фалуньгун», https://falundafa.org/Russian/books/ZhuanFalun_20130707/ZhuanFalun/zfl_cover.htm).

87 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 167.

88 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 169.

89 Данные приводятся на основе интервью автора с Ши Цайдуном, которое состоялось в сентябре 2017 года, и письменного отчета Ши о событиях, в которых он участвовал.

90 Ши Цайдун приводит слова Чжу по памяти. Есть несколько репортажей того времени, в которых упоминается встреча Чжу с демонстрантами. Также об этом говорится в ряде книг о «Фалуньгун», в том числе в книгах Иэна Джонсона, Марии Сячан и Дэвида Палмера. В своем отчете об акции протеста ученый Кан Сяогуан ничего не говорит именно о Чжу, но упоминает, что несколько демонстрантов зашли в здание Чжуннаньхай, чтобы поговорить с руководством отдела по работе с обращениями.

91 Palmer, Qigong Fever, pp. 268–9.

92 X. Kang, 法輪功事件全透視 Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publishing, 2000, p. 120.

93 Представители «Фалуньгун» не согласны с этим утверждением.

94 Crowell and Hsieh, ‘Tremors of discontent’.

95 X. Kang 法輪功事件全透視, p. 122.

96 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 3.

97 S. Cook, The Battle for China’s Spirit: religious revival, repression, and resistance under Xi Jinping, Washington DC: Freedom House, 2017, p. 11, https://freedomhouse.org/sites/default/files/FH_ChinasSprit2016_FULL_FINAL_140pages_compressed.pdf

98 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 145.

99 C. Smith, ‘Banned Chinese sect is spurred on by exiled leader’, The New York Times, 5 January 2001, https://www.nytimes.com/2001/01/05/world/banned-chinese-sect-is-spurred-on-by-exiled-leader.html.

Исследователи сходятся на том, что Ли не призывал к насильственным действиям или вооруженному сопротивлению. К тому же руководство движения опубликовало брошюру, в которой говорилось, что даже против Цзян Цзэминя, главного организатора репрессий против «Фалуньгун», не нужно выступать с агрессией, ведь в конце концов его настигнет кармическое воздаяние.

100 ‘Five people set themselves afire in China; Beijing attributes Tiananmen Square protest to Falun Gong, which disavows it’, The Washington Post, 2001.

101 R. MacKinnon, ‘Falun Gong denies tie to self-immolation attempts’, CNN, 24 January 2001, http://edition.cnn.com/2001/ASIANOW/east/01/23/china.falungong.03/index.html

102 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 127.

103 E. Rosenthal, ‘5 linked to banned sect in China set themselves on fire in protest’, The New York Times, 24 January 2001, https://www.nytimes.com/2001/01/24/world/5-linked-to-banned-sect-in-china-set-themselves-on-fire-in-protest.html

104 Сейчас в стратегически важных местах всегда устанавливают огнетушители, из-за того что в последние годы тибетские монахи все чаще совершают публичные самосожжения в знак протеста, однако в то время повсеместная установка огнетушителей была редкостью.

105 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 127.

106 P. Pan, ‘China may charge foreign reporters over Tiananmen burning’, The Washington Post, 9 February 2001. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2001/02/09/china-may-charge-foreign-reporters-over-tiananmen-burning/c0bfa602-912f-40ee-ab3e-efdea0deea49

107 P. Pan, ‘Human fire ignites Chinese mystery; motive for public burning intensifies fight over Falun Gong’, The Washington Post, 2001.

108 Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, p. 218.

109 ‘Self-immolation hoax on Tiananmen Square’, Minghui, http://en.minghui.org/cc/88/

110 Вот прекрасный пример того, как правда страдает от преувеличения. Существует множество объективных документированных свидетельств, что в системе трансплантации органов в Китае куда больше органов, чем зарегистрировано доноров. Скорее всего, большая часть органов поступает от казненных заключенных, хотя китайские власти и заявляют, что с этой практикой давно покончено. Свидетельств же о том, что органы изымают у живых заключенных, гораздо меньше. Использование тел казненных узников совести на органы без их согласия ужасно само по себе, и на это стоило бы обратить внимание общественности. А такими преувеличениями «Фалуньгун» только подрывает доверие к себе и теряет оставшуюся поддержку.

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111 J. Ye and J. Areddy, ‘Flowers for Google in China’, The Wall Street Journal, 13 January 2010, https://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2010/01/13/flowers-for-google-in-china/; N. Carlson, ‘Chinese build a shrine to Google in Beijing’, Business Insider, 14 January 2010, http://www.businessinsider.com/the-shrine-the-cameras-the-gawkers-the-scene-outside-google-china-2010-1?op=1

112 S. Levy, In The Plex: how Google thinks, works, and shapes our lives, New York NY: Simon and Schuster, 2011, p. 312.

113 D. Drummond, ‘A new approach to China’, Google Blog, 12 January 2010, https://googleblog.blogspot.hk/2010/01/new-approach-to-china.html

114 L. Chao, ‘Google China employees in limbo’, The Wall Street Journal, 13 January 2010, https://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2010/01/13/google-china-employees-in-limbo/

115 Levy, In The Plex, p. 312.

116 Levy, In The Plex, p. 267.

117 Сведениями о злоключениях Google в Китае я во многом обязан книге Стивена Леви «В Гуглоплексе» (S. Levy, In The Plex).

118 J. Lau, ‘A history of Google in China’, Financial Times, 9 July 2010, http://ig-legacy.ft.com/content/faf86fbc-0009-11df-8626-00144feabdc0

119 C. Thompson, ‘Google’s China problem (and China’s Google problem)’, The New York Times Magazine, 23 April 2006, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/23/magazine/23google.html?pagewanted=all

120 S. So and J. Westland, Red Wired: China’s internet revolution, London: Marshall Cavendish Business, 2010, p. 54.

121 Thompson, ‘Google’s China problem’.

122 Google продала пакет акций Baidu в середине 2006 года, через несколько месяцев после того, как запустила подцензурную версию Google.cn.

A. Yeh, ‘Google disposes of Baidu stake’, Financial Times, 22 June 2006, https://www.ft.com/content/6756285a-026d-11db-a141-0000779e2340

123 ‘Yahoo! introduces Yahoo! China’, Yahoo Press Room, 24 September 1999, https://web.archive.org/web/20080331032042/http://yhoo.client.shareholder.com:80/press/ReleaseDetail.cfm? ReleaseID=173569

124 ‘China’s internet industry wants self-discipline’, People’s Daily, 27 March 2002, http://en.people.cn/200203/26/eng20020326_92885.shtml

125 J. Goldsmith and T. Wu, Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a borderless world, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 9.

126 ‘Public pledge of self-regulation and professional ethics for China internet industry’, Internet Society of China, 9 August 2011, http://www.isc.org.cn/english/Specails/Self-regulation/listinfo-15321.html

127 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 9.

128 Xiaoning et al. v. Yahoo! Inc, et al., 4:2007cv02151’, California Northern District Court.

129 198964, ‘Excerpts from Document Eleven issued by the General Offices of the Communist Party of China and the State Council’, Democracy Forum, 20 April 2004, as cited by the Committee to Protect Journalists, https://cpj.org/awards/2005/shi-tao.php

130 X. Liu, An open letter to Jerry Yang, chairman of Yahoo! Inc. regarding the arrest of Shi Tao’ in ‘Race to the Bottom’: corporate complicity in Chinese internet censorship, New York NY: Human Rights Watch, 2006, https://www.hrw.org/reports/2006/china0806/14.htm

131 L. Rao, ‘The most expensive sake that Alibaba’s Jack Ma ever had’, Fortune, 25 September 2015, http://fortune.com/2015/09/25/yahoo-alibaba-investment-jack-ma/

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132 ‘How censorship works in China: a brief overview’ in ‘Race to the Bottom’: corporate complicity in Chinese internet censorship, New York NY: Human Rights Watch, 2006, https://www.hrw.org/reports/2006/china0806/3.htm

133 R. Faris, J. Palfrey, E. Zuckerman, H. Roberts and J. York, ‘2010 circumvention tool usage report’, Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, 14 October 2010, https://cyber.harvard.edu/publications/2010/Circumvention_Tool_Usage

134 R. MacKinnon, Consent of the Networked: the world-wide struggle for internet freedom, New York NY: Basic Books, 2012, p. 36.

135 ‘How censorship works in China’.

136 ‘Provisions on the Administration of Internet News Information Services’, translation via the Congressional Executive Commission on China, 25 September 2005, https://www.cecc.gov/resources/legal-provisions/provisions-on-the-administration-of-internet-news-information-services

137 G. King, J. Pan and M. Roberts, ‘How censorship in China allows government criticism but silences collective expression’, American Political Science Review 107, no. 2 (2013), p. 1.

138 King, Pan and Roberts, ‘How censorship in China allows government criticism’, p. 5.

139 X. Qiang, ‘Image of internet police: JingJing and Chacha online – Hong Yan’, China Digital Times, 22 January 2006, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2006/01/image-of-internet-police-jingjing-and-chacha-online-hong-yan-oºae¥™aaioºa/

140 P. Link, ‘The anaconda in the chandelier’, New York Review of Books, 11 April 2002, http://www.chinafile.com/library/nyrb-china-archive/china-anaconda-chandelier

(П. Линк. «Анаконда на люстре» – перевод отрывка из статьи ниже частично цит. по изд.: Э. Ознос «Век амбиций. Богатство, истина и вера в новом Китае», пер. с англ. Марии Солнцевой. М.: АСТ; Corpus, 2015).

141 King, Pan and Roberts, ‘How censorship in China allows government criticism’, p. 5.

142 R. Zhong, P. Mozur and I. Zhao, ‘Horns honk, and censors in China get a headache’, The New York Times, 12 April 2018, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/12/business/china-bytedance-duanzi-censor.

143 Так Чэн прокомментировала акции протеста на волне территориальных разногласий между Пекином и Токио, в ходе которых молодежь громила офисы японских компаний и уничтожала товары японского производства. Чэн ретвитнула запись одного пользователя, которая с иронией предлагала протестующим разгромить государственный павильон на Экспо в Шанхае, добавив к ней эти три слова. За это ей предъявили обвинение в «нарушении общественного порядка». D. Grammaticas, ‘Chinese woman jailed over Twitter post’, BBC News, 18 November 2010, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-11784603

144 A. Greer Meisels, ‘What China learned from the Soviet Union’s fall’, The Diplomat, 27 July 2012, http://thediplomat.com/2012/07/what-china-learned-from-the-soviet-unions-fall/

145 J. Palmer, ‘What China didn’t learn from the collapse of the Soviet Union’, Foreign Policy, 24 December 2016, https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/12/24/what-china-didnt-learn-from-the-collapse-of-the-soviet-union/

146 G. Epstein, ‘Cat and mouse’, The Economist, 6 April 2013, https://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21574629-how-china-makes-sure-its-internet-abides-rules-cat-and-mouse

147 Epstein, ‘Cat and mouse’.

148 Interview with Xiao Qiang [video], Radio Free Asia, 28 February 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M73jzwJbjhI

149 S. Leavenworth, ‘Website chronicles China’s massive effort to control internet content’, McClatchy, 9 April 2015, http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article24782851.html

150 ‘Xiao Qiang’, MacArthur Fellows Program, 2001, https://www.macfound.org/fellows/671/

151 S. Wade, ‘Minitrue: delete reports on call to ease internet control’, China Digital Times, 7 March 2017, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2017/03/minitrue-delete-reports-call-limit-internet-censorship/

152 A. Ramzy, ‘KFC targeted in protests over South China Sea’, The New York Times, 19 July 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/20/world/asia/south-china-sea-protests-kfc.html

153 S. Wade, ‘Minitrue: do not hype illegal demonstrations’, China Digital Times, 19 July 2016, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2016/07/minitrue-not-hype-illegal-demonstrations/

154 新华网评“抵制肯德基”:自己折腾自己不是爱国, Xinhua, 19 July 2016, http://military.china.com/important/11132797/20160719/23092151_all.html

155 Q. He, The Fog of Censorship: media control in China, New York NY: Human Rights in China, 2008, pp. 71–2.

156 J. Areddy, ‘The architect of China’s Great Firewall caught in anti-corruption net’, The Wall Street Journal, 21 November 2017, https://www.wsj.com/articles/lu-wei-chinas-former-internet-czar-comes-under-investigation-for-corruption-1511290607

157 L. Lim, ‘The curious case of the vanishing Chinese city’, NPR, 21 September 2011, https://www.npr.org/2011/09/21/140633602/the-curious-case-of-the-vanishing-chinese-city

158 C. Bartholomew, Report to Congress of the U.S. – China Economic and Security Review Commission, Collingdale PA: Diane Publishing, 2010, p. 153.

159 Xinhua, ‘Jiang Enzhu on renaming Xinhua Hong Kong branch’, People’s Daily, 17 January 2000, http://en.people.cn/english/200001/17/eng20000117N126.html

160 He, The Fog of Censorship, p. 69.

161 He, The Fog of Censorship, pp. 71–2.

162 J. Gao, Duowei News, 12 May 2013, http://news.dwnews.com/china/news/2013-05-12/59173432-all.html

163 ‘Lu Wei’, World Economic Forum, https://www.weforum.org/people/lu-wei

164 Gao.

165 Associated Press, ‘China’s “Grandpa Wen” widely admired for work to rally victims in hard-hit earthquake areas’, International Herald Tribune, 16 May 2008.

166 P. Foster, ‘Book by Chinese dissident brands Wen Jiabao a “fraud”’, The Telegraph, 17 August 2010, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/7949426/Book-by-Chinese-dissident-brands-Wen-Jiabao-a-fraud.html

167 T. Fuller, ‘New Chinese rules could redirect profits in financial news sector’, International Herald Tribune, 12 September 2006, https://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/12/technology/12ihtrules.2781524.html

168 X. Xin, How the Market Is Changing China’s News: the case of Xinhua news agency, Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2012, p. 128

169 D. Sedney, ‘Austr Stratford discusses Xinhua regulations with Xinhua News Vp Lu Wei’, WikiLeaks, 23 March 2007, https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/07BEIJING2009_a.html

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170 Интервью автора с Дэном Хэйгом, сентябрь 2017 г.

171 J. Cool, ‘Communities of innovation: cyborganic and the birth of networked social media’, PhD thesis, University of Southern California, 2008, p. 166.

172 Интервью автора с Тхубтеном Самдупом, сентябрь 2017 г.

173 W. Li et al., ‘The agreement of the Central People’s Government and the Local Government of Tibet on measures for the peaceful liberation of Tibet’, China Internet Information Center, 23 May 1951, http://www.china.org.cn/english/zhuanti/tibet%20facts/163877.htm

174 DIIR, ‘“The 17-point agreement”: the full story as revealed by the Tibetans and Chinese who were involved’, Tibet.net, 2001, https://web.archive.org/web/20080606090544/http://www.tibet.net:80/en/diir/pubs/phri/17point/data/17ptsfs.html

175 J. Mirsky, ‘Tibet: the CIA’s cancelled war’, New York Review of Books, 9 April 2013, http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2013/04/09/cias-cancelled-war-tibet/; J. Chen, ‘The Tibetan rebellion of 1959 and China’s changing relations with India and the Soviet Union’, Journal of Cold War Studies 8, no. 3 (2006), p. 54.

176 T. Shakya, The Dragon in the Land of Snows: a history of modern Tibet since 1947, London: Pimlico, 1999, p. 200; P. Jackson, ‘Witness: reporting on the Dalai Lama’s escape to India’, Reuters, 27 February 2009, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-witness-jackson-dalailama/witness-reporting-on-the-dalai-lamas-escape-to-india-idUSTRE51Q4OB20090227

177 A. Ghosh, ‘Internet bandwidth: India needs a backbone’, IS ComputerWorld, January 1995, https://www.academia.edu/2012661/Internet_bandwidth_-_India_needs_a_backbone_-_January_1995

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178 E. Rosenthal, ‘China’s leaders: the meeting site; at one resort in China, two distinct worlds’, The New York Times, 10 August 2001, https://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/10/world/china-s-leaders-the-meeting-site-at-one-resort-in-china-two-distinct-worlds.html

179 A. Sulzberger, ‘China’s leaders; in Jiang’s words: “I hope the Western world can understand China better”’, The New York Times, 10 August 2001, https://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/10/world/china-s-leaders-jiang-s-words-hope-western-world-can-understand-china-better.html

180 ‘Jiang renews warning against “pernicious” internet’, Agence France-Presse, 11 July 2001.

181 ‘How censorship works in China: a brief overview’ in ‘Race to the Bottom’: corporate complicity in Chinese internet censorship, New York NY: Human Rights Watch, 2006, https://www.hrw.org/reports/2006/china0806/3.htm

182 ‘Golden Shield project’, Guangdong Hongan Group, 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20150416093636/http://www.gdhongan.com:80/industroy.asp? ChannelID=7#

183 J. Kahn, ‘China has world’s tightest internet censorship, study finds’, The New York Times, 4 December 2002, https://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/04/world/china-has-world-s-tightest-internet-censorship-study-finds.html

184 ‘Wengui v Li [2018] 8:2018cv00259 (Maryland District Court)’, https://dockets.justia.com/docket/maryland/mddce/8:2018cv00259/412429

185 J. Berlau, ‘Asia Minor’, The New Republic, 25 March 2002, https://newrepublic.com/article/66182/china-national-endowment-for-democracy-dissident

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186 ‘Li Yuanlong criminal indictment’, Guizhou Province People’s Procuratorate, Bijie Branch, 2006.

187 A. Li, China’s censorship of the internet and social media: the human toll and trade impact’, Congressional Executive Commission on China, 17 November 2011, https://chinacommission.gov/pages/hearings/general/hearing1/index.php

188 G. Jiao, ‘討伐中宣部’, Radio Free Asia, 25 March 2004, https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/features/hottopic/china_media-20040325.html

189 New Century Net, 3 April 2005, https://web.archive.org/web/20050514124645/http://www.ncn.org/asp/zwginfo/da-KAY.asp? ID=63193&ad=4/3/2005

190 R. Soong, ‘The counterattack against Jiao Guobiao’, Zona Europa, 2 April 2005, http://www.zonaeuropa.com/20050402_1.htm

191 Y. Li, ‘在思想上加入美国国籍, Epoch Times, 13 May 2005, http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/5/5/13/n920342.htm

192 Li, ‘China’s censorship of the internet and social media’.

193 ‘Internet essays bring subversion charge’, Agence France-Presse, 28 February 2006, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2006/02/internet-essays-bring-subversion-charge-afp/

194 ‘Journalist Li Yuanlong indicted for subversion for e-mailing essays abroad’, Congressional Executive Commission on China, 31 March 2006, https://www.cecc.gov/publications/commission-analysis/journalist-li-yuanlong-indicted-for-subversion-for-e-mailing-essays

195 ‘Falun Gong practice sites’, FalunDafa.org, 2018, http://en.falundafa.org/contacts/country/united-states.html#Region_New-York

196 ‘Minghui.org’, DNS Trails, 2018, https://dnstrails.com/domain/minghui.org; ‘Practice schedule for the Tri-State area’, FalunDafa.org, 1999, https://web.archive.org/web/19990128145614/http://www.falundafa.org:80/tri_e.htm

197 ‘Eastern US Buddhas Study Falun Dafa Association: exempt organizations select check’, US Internal Revenue Service (IRS), https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/displayAll.do?dispatchMethod=displayAllInfo&Id=67573&ein=134021152&country=US&deductibility=all&dispatchMethod=searchAll&isDescending=false&city=&ein1=&postDateFrom=&exemptTypeCode=al&submitName=Search&sortColumn=orgName&totalResults=1&names=Eastern+Buddhas&resultsPerPage=25&indexOfFirstRow=0&postDateTo=&state=NY

198 ‘Eastern US Buddhas Study Falun Dafa Association: return of organization exempt from income tax’, 2014, http://990s.foundationcenter.org/990_pdf_archive/134/134021152/134021152_201505_990EZ.pdf

199 «Товарный знак “Фалуньгун”, Бюро США по регистрации патентов и товарных знаков.

20 °China and Falun Gong, Congressional Research Service Report RL33437, 2006, p. 1.

201 D. Ownby, Falun Gong and the Future of China, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2008, p. 138.

202 Программа, которую разрабатывали в рамках проекта по установке комплекса цензурных фильтров на все компьютеры, продающиеся в Китае. Впоследствии от проекта отказались.

203 ‘A technical analysis of the Chinese “Green Dam Youth-Escort” censorship software’, WikiLeaks, 10 June 2009, https://wikileaks.org/wiki/A_technical_analysis_of_the_Chinese_%27Green_Dam_Youth-Escort%27_censorship_software

204 J. Ng, Blocked on Weibo: what gets suppressed on China’s version of Twitter (and why), New York NY: The New Press, 2013, p. 42.

205 Интервью автора с Биллом Ся, сентябрь 2017 г.

206 V. Beiser, ‘Digital weapons help dissidents punch holes in China’s Great Firewall’, Wired, 1 November 2010, https://www.wired.com/2010/11/ff_firewallfighters/

207 I. Clarke, ‘A distributed decentralised information storage and retrieval system’, master’s thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1999, https://freenetproject.org/papers/ddisrs.pdf

208 R. Sandvik, ‘The New York Times is now available as a Tor Onion service’, The New York Times, 27 October 2017, https://open.nytimes.com/https-open-nytimes-com-the-new-york-times-as-a-tor-onion-service-e0d0b67b7482

209 J. Biggs, ‘Daily Stormer has officially retreated to the dark web’, TechCrunch, 24 August 2017, https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/24/daily-stormer-has-officially-retreated-to-the-dark-web/

210 J. Damm and S. Thomas, Chinese Cyberspaces: technological changes and political effects, Abingdon: Routledge, 2006, p. 70.

211 Раздел с информацией о программах UltraSurf и UltraReach, UltraSurf, 2018, https://ultrasurf.us/about/

212 C. Callanan, H. Dries-Ziekenheiner, A. Escudero-Pascual and R. Guerra, Leaping Over the Firewall: a review of censorship circumvention tools, Washington DC: Freedom House, 2011, https://freedomhouse.org/sites/default/files/inline_images/Censorship.pdf

213 ‘J. Applebaum, Technical Analysis of the Ultrasurf Proxying Software, Cambridge MA: Tor Project, 2012, p. 1, https://media.torproject.org/misc/2012-04-16-ultrasurf-analysis.pdf

214 Сейчас UltraSurf рекомендует пользователям проверять цифровую подпись инсталлятора по списку на сайте для защиты от атак на уровне дистрибутива. См.: https://ultrasurf.us/verify/

215 ‘Tor’s critique of Ultrasurf: a reply from the Ultrasurf developers’, UltraSurf, 16 April 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20170515185101/https://ultrasurf.us/Ultrasurf-response-to-Tor-definitive-review.pdf

216 Beiser, ‘Digital weapons help dissidents punch holes in China’s Great Firewall’.

217 Устав компании Global Internet Freedom Inc., штат Северная Каролина, 2001 г.

218 J. Hudson, ‘US repeals propaganda ban, spreads government-made news to Americans’, Foreign Policy, 14 July 2013, http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/

219 ‘Mission’, Broadcasting Board of Governors, https://www.bbg.gov/who-we-are/mission/

220 ‘Radio Free Asia’, Congressional Report, 24 October 1997, https://web.archive.org/web/20070927001620/http://opencrs.cdt.org/rpts/97-52_19971024.pdf

221 Китайский язык как будто специально создан для обхода цензурных фильтров, ведь это тональный язык, в котором мало изолированных фонем. Самый известный пример: словосочетание, которое пишется 肏你妈 и означает что-то вроде «** твою мать», произносится примерно так же, как 草泥马 («болотная лошадь») – «цао ни ма».

222 J. Ramirez, ‘Internet freedom group helps dissidents abroad’, Newsweek, 25 January 2010, http://www.newsweek.com/internet-freedom-group-helps-dissidents-abroad-71155

223 Broadcasting Board of Governors, ‘Dynamic Internet Technology Inc. in Secaucus, NJ, Mailing and Distribution Services (R604)’, 28 August 2007.

224 ‘S. Rimensnyder, ‘Triangle Boy howdy’, Reason, March 2002, https://reason.com/archives/2002/03/01/triangle-boy-howdy; M. Johnson, ‘CIA-backed venture eyes anonymity software’, CNN, 15 February 2001, http://edition.cnn.com/2001/TECH/internet/02/15/anonymity.software.idg/index.html

225 S. Hsu, ‘Triangle Boy white paper’, SafeWeb, 2001, http://www.webrant.com/safeweb_site/html/www/tboy_whitepaper.html

226 P. Roberts, ‘Symantec purchases SSL VPN maker SafeWeb’, Computer World, 20 October 2003, https://www.computerworld.com/article/2572939/security0/symantec-purchases-ssl-vpn-maker-safeweb.html

227 S. Zhou, ‘Global internet freedom: corporate responsibility and the rule of law’, US Senate Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law, 20 May 2008, https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/global-internet-freedom-corporate-responsibility-and-the-rule-of-law

228 ‘H.R.2764: Consolidated Appropriations Act’, US Congress, 2008, https://www.congress.gov/bill/110th-congress/house-bill/2764/text

229 J. Pomfret, ‘US risks China’s ire with decision to fund software maker tied to Falun Gong’, The Washington Post, 11 May 2010, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/05/11/AR2010051105154.html

230 Pomfret, ‘US risks China’s ire with decision to fund software maker tied to Falun Gong.

231 A. Sullivan, ‘Twitter maintenance?’, The Atlantic, 15 June 2009, https://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2009/06/twitter-i-maintenance-i/200310/

232 J. Last, ‘Tweeting while Tehran burns’, Weekly Standard, 17 August 2009, http://www.weeklystandard.com/tweeting-while-tehran-burns/article/240739

233 M. Pfeifle, ‘A Nobel Peace Prize for Twitter?’, Christian Science Monitor, 6 July 2009, https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Opinion/2009/0706/p09s02-coop.html

234 Евгений Морозов. Интернет как иллюзия. Обратная сторона сети», пер. И. Кригера. М.: АСТ; Corpus, 2014.

235 ‘The Clinton internet doctrine’, The Wall Street Journal, 23 January 2010, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704320104575014560882205670

236 M. Lander and B. Stelter, ‘Washington taps into a potent new force in diplomacy’, The New York Times, 16 June 2009, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/17/world/middleeast/17media.html

237 Хотя в том году награда досталась Бараку Обаме, который провел на посту президента к тому моменту меньше года, так что, возможно, предложение наградить Twitter и не было таким абсурдным.

Глава 10

238 C. Smith et al., The Internet in China: a tool for freedom or suppression? Washington DC: Committee on International Relations, US House of Representatives, SN109–157, 2006, p. 1; ‘Internet in China’ [video], C-Span, 26 February 2006, https://www.c-span.org/video/?191220-1/internet-china

239 J. Goldsmith and T. Wu, Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a borderless world, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 10.

24 °Committee to Protect Journalists, ‘Blogger’s website deleted by Microsoft following government’s request’, IFEX, 9 January 2006, https://ifex.org/china/2006/01/09/blogger_s_website_deleted_by_microsoft/

241 S. Levy, In the Plex: how Google thinks, works, and shapes our lives, New York NY: Simon and Schuster, 2011, pp. 278–80.

242 C. Thompson, ‘Google’s China problem (and China’s Google problem)’, The New York Times Magazine, 23 April 2006, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/23/magazine/23google.html?pagewanted=all

243 J. Goldsmith, ‘WCIT-12: an opinionated primer and hysteria-debunker’, LawFare, 30 November 2012, https://www.lawfareblog.com/wcit-12-opinionated-primer-and-hysteria-debunker Levy, In the Plex, p. 281.

244 K. Lee, ‘Google 和中国, Kai-fu’s Student Network, 2005, https://web.archive.org/web/20050812012559/http://www.kaifulee.com:80/Articles/googleandchina.htm

245 A. McLaughlin, ‘Google in China’, Google Blog, 27 January 2006, https://googleblog.blogspot.hk/2006/01/google-in-china.html

246 K. Lee, Making a World of Difference, self-published by Kai-Fu Lee, 2011.

247 Levy, In the Plex, p. 283.

248 Smith et al., The Internet in China, p. 2.

249 Smith et al., The Internet in China, p. 56.

250 Smith et al., The Internet in China, pp. 66–7.

251 Smith et al., The Internet in China, p. 96.

252 Smith et al., The Internet in China, p. 97.

253 Lee, Making a World of Difference.

254 Levy, In the Plex, p. 295.

255 ‘Baidu vs Google’ [video], YouTube, 24 May 2006, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPnmsFl__nU

256 HKTDC, ‘Baidu’s Robin Li on Google’s “mistakes” in China’ [video], YouTube, 20 January 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTQ8S7dNYZc

257 Levy, In the Plex, p. 288.

258 Lee, Making a World of Difference.

259 Levy, In the Plex, p. 288.

260 NoGuGe.com, 2007, https://web.archive.org/web/20070408185725/http://www.noguge.com:80/

261 Thompson, ‘Google’s China problem (and China’s Google problem)’.

262 Levy, In the Plex, p. 298.

263 Lee, Making a World of Difference.

264 Levy, In the Plex, p. 288.

Часть III

Глава 11

265 Вместо фамилий уйгуры пользуются патронимами (отчествами). Например, в случае Ильхама Тохти «Тохти» – это не фамилия, а имя его отца. Хотя в прессе Ильхама иногда по ошибке называют Тохти, в этой книге его и других уйгуров я буду указывать по имени с целью сохранения единообразия.

266 ‘伊力哈木·土赫提分裂国家案庭审纪实, Xinhua, 24 September 2014, https://web.archive.org/web/20140928053741/http://news.xinhuanet.com/legal/2014-09/24/c_1112614703.htm

267 P. Wen and S. Liu, ‘Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti sentenced to life in jail by Chinese court, The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 September 2014, https://www.smh.com.au/world/uighur-scholar-ilham-tohti-sentenced-to-life-in-jail-by-chinese-court-20140923-10kxgp.html

268 Шестая перепись населения Китайской Народной Республики.

269 N. Baranovitch, ‘From the margins to the centre: the Uyghur challenge in Beijing’, The China Quarterly 175 (2003), p. 731.

270 Baranovitch, ‘From the margins to the centre’, p. 732.

271 Этот стереотип живет в Китае еще и за счет ежегодного «Весеннего фестиваля», который транслируют по телевидению. На нем уйгурские ансамбли песни и пляски в народных костюмах поют о дружбе народов и любви к китайской родине.

272 Baranovitch, ‘From the margins to the centre’, p. 734; K. Kan, ‘Pride and prejudice: Young, Uighur and in Beijing’, That’s Beijing, 15 July 2014, https://uhrp.org/featured-articles/pride-and-prejudice-young-uighur-and-beijing

273 S. Toops, ‘Where Inner Asia meets Outer China: the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China’ in S. M. Walcott and C. Johnson (eds), Eurasian Corridors of Interconnection: from the South China to the Caspian Sea, New York NY: Routledge, 2013, p. 64.

274 Описание детства и молодости Ильхама Тохти основывается главным образом на краткой автобиографии, опубликованной в интернете в 2011 году, рассказах его дочери и знакомых.

275 J. Millward, Eurasian Crossroads: a history of Xinjiang, New York NY: Columbia University Press, 2007, p. 267.

276 F. Dikötter, The Cultural Revolution: a people’s history, London: Bloomsbury, 2016, pp. 157–61, 190–1.

277 Millward, Eurasian Crossroads, p. 275.

278 Millward, Eurasian Crossroads, p. 274.

279 N. Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People: Xinjiang, terror and the Chinese state, London: I. B. Tauris, 2015, p. 45.

280 I. Tohti, ‘My ideals and the career path I have chosen’, Uyghur Online, 2011.

281 I. Tohti, ‘Present-day ethnic problems in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region: overview and recommendations’, Daxiong Gonghui, 2014, as translated by China Change.

282 По поводу того, как правильно называть Синьцзян, идет ожесточенная дискуссия. Многие уйгурские активисты называют его Восточный Туркестан – так еще назывались две независимые (правда, недолго) республики на этой территории. Но такое название многие в Китае воспринимают как неявную поддержку независимости региона. А некоторые уйгуры, в свою очередь, считают название «Синьцзян» наследием китайских колонизаторов. Для ясности я буду здесь пользоваться общепринятыми названиями, то есть провинцию буду называть Синьцзян, а ее крупные города – Урумчи и Кашгар, а не Улумуци и Каши, как на путунхуа.

283 BBC Monitoring, ‘Xinjiang territory profile’, BBC News, 17 August 2018, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-16860974

284 State Council Population Census Office, Department of Employment Statistics’, Beijing: National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2012.

285 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 13.

286 P. Perdue, China Marches West, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2005, p. 33.

287 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 13.

288 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 15.

289 Millward, Eurasian Crossroads, p. 124.

290 Историк Джеймс Миллуорд пишет, что в цинских документах упоминания о Синьцзяне в качестве замены термину «западные территории» встречаются и до 1884 года, однако по общему консенсусу именно в тот год Синьцзян стал использоваться в качестве официального названия провинции или региона империи.

291 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 16.

292 J. Jacobs, Xinjiang and the Modern Chinese State, Seattle WA: University of Washington Press, 2016, p. 83, 168.

293 S. Starr, Xinjiang: China’s Muslim borderland, New York NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2004, p. 6.

294 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 16.

295 I. Tharoor, ‘A brief history of the Uighurs’, Time, 9 July 2009, http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1909416,00.html; The Uyghur ethnic minority, China.org.cn, http://www.china.org.cn/e-groups/shaoshu/shao-2-uygur.htm”

296 Starr, Xinjiang, p. 359.

297 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 20.

298 Millward, Eurasian Crossroads, p. 97.

299 Jacobs, Xinjiang and the Modern Chinese State, p. 6.

300 Y. Zengxin, Buguozhai wendu, vol. 1, pp. 186–90, 194–202, as cited in Jacobs, Xinjiang and the Modern Chinese State.

301 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 66.

302 T. Cliff, Oil and Water: being Han in Xinjiang, Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press, 2016, p. 105.

303 D. McMillen, ‘Xinjiang and the production and construction corps: a Han organisation in a non-Han region’, Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 6 (1981), p. 77.

304 Cliff, Oil and Water, p. 205.

305 Интервью автора с «Гу Ли», май 2017 г.

306 Интервью автора с Джевхер Ильхам, март 2017 г.

307 J. Ilham, Jewher Ilham: a Uyghur’s fight to free her father, New Orleans LA: University of New Orleans Press, 2015, p. 28.

Глава 12

308 ‘Shaoguan’, People’s Government Gazette, 2016.

309 Chinese GDP by region 2000–2010’, National Bureau of Statistics.

310 A. Jacobs, ‘At a factory, the spark of China’s violence’, The New York Times, 15 July 2009, https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/16/world/asia/16china.html; Staff reporters, ‘Guangdong police detain 13 suspects over factory brawl’, South China Morning Post, 2009.

311 Better care to make Xinjiang workers feel at home: south China city official’, Xinhua, 22 July 2009, https://web.archive.org/web/20090723180831/http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009–07/22/content_11754297.htm

312 K. McLaughlin, ‘Fear grips Shaoguan’s Uyghurs’, Far Eastern Economic Review, 17 July 2009, https://web.archive.org/web/20090721012546/http://www.feer.com/politics/2009/july58/Fear-Grips-Shaoguans-Uighurs

313 ‘Better care to make Xinjiang workers feel at home’.

314 Staff reporters, ‘Guangdong police detain 13 suspects over factory brawl’.

315 L. Lam, Q. Tang and M. Juma, ‘“No rapes” in riot town’, Radio Free Asia, 29 June 2009, https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/ethnic-clash-06292009102144.html

316 Staff reporter, Apple Daily, 27 июня 2009 г., https://hk.news.appledaily.com/international/daily/article/20090627/12924858

317 ‘Up to 70 percent of women factory workers in Guangzhou sexually harassed’, China Labor Bulletin, 6 December 2013, http://www.clb.org.hk/en/content/70-percent-women-factory-workers-guangzhou-sexually-harassed

318 ‘Rumormonger held over south China toy factory brawl’, Global Times, 29 June 2009, http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/440821.shtml

319 Y. Zhou, P. Wang and Y. Pan, ‘“Unintentional scream” triggered Xinjiang riot’, Xinhua, 8 July 2009, http://english.cctv.com/20090708/110231.shtml

320 M. Juma, ‘Armed assailants stormed dorms’, Radio Free Asia, 5 July 2009, https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/armedchinese-07042009104353.html

321 Jacobs, ‘At a factory, the spark of China’s violence’.

322 ‘Death penalty sustained to man in south China’s fatal factory brawl’, Xinhua, 28 October 2009, http://english.cctv.com/20091028/103366.shtml

323 I. Zhai, ‘Two killed in ethnic clash at toy plant: Han, Uygur workers in night of violence’, South China Morning Post, 2009.

324 Staff reporters, ‘Guangdong police detain 13 suspects over factory brawl’.

325 Приведенный здесь отчет о событиях 5 июля составлен на основе официальных сообщений новостного агентства «Синьхуа», рассекреченных телеграмм правительства США, сообщений организаций Human Rights Watch и Amnesty International, а также трудов историков Тома Клиффа и Ника Холдстока.

326 N. Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People: Xinjiang, terror and the Chinese state, London: I. B. Tauris, 2015, p. 187; R. Goldberg, ‘The Urumqi riots: what contacts say happened’, US Embassy cable, 31 July 2009, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/09BEIJING2183_a.html

327 Это следствие шаткого равновения между номинально независимым правительством и правящей Коммунистической партией. Например, Си Цзиньпин – президент Китайской Народной Республики, но главная руководящая должность в стране – генеральный секретарь КПК.

328 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 186.

329 Human Rights Watch, ‘We Are Afraid to Even Look for Them’: enforced disappearances in the wake of Xinjiang’s protests, New York NY: Human Rights Watch, 2009, p. 11.

330 M. Juma, S. Hoshur, Mehriban and L. Qiao, ‘Urumqi tense, quiet after violence’, Radio Free Asia, 5 July 2009, https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/riots-07052009153209.html

331 E. Wong, ‘Riots in western China amid ethnic tension’, The New York Times, 5 July 2009, https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/06/world/asia/06china.html; Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 187.

332 Goldberg, ‘The Urumqi riots’.

333 Human Rights Watch, ‘We Are Afraid to Even Look for Them’, p. 12.

334 Goldberg, ‘The Urumqi riots’.

335 ‘129 killed, 816 injured in China’s Xinjiang violence’, Xinhua, 6 July 2009, https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2009–07/06/content_8382866.htm

336 Zhou, Wang and Pan, ‘“Unintentional scream” triggered Xinjiang riot’.

337 ‘Number of injured in Urumqi riot increases to 1,680’, Xinhua, 13 July 2009, http://en.people.cn/90001/90776/90882/6698698.html

338 Q. Xiao, ‘The current situation in Urumqi’, China Digital Times, 7 July 2009, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2009/07/bbs-posts-the-current-situation-in-urumqi/

339 R. Goldberg, ‘140 dead in Urumqi riots, death toll may go higher, state media says order restored’, US Embassy cable, 5 July 2009, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/ 09BEIJING1868_a.html

340 ‘Official: internet cut in Xinjiang to prevent riot from spreading’, Xinhua, 7 July 2009, https://web.archive.org/web/20090710013813/http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009–07/07/content_11666802.htm”

341 Human Rights Watch, ‘We Are Afraid to Even Look for Them’, p. 12.

342 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 190.

343 Goldberg, ‘The Urumqi riots’.

344 D. Martin, ‘Mobs vow revenge in China’s Urumqi city’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 July 2009, https://www.smh.com.au/world/mobs-vow-revenge-in-chinas-urumqi-city-20090707-daoc.html

345 C. Choi, W. Clem and J. Shi, ‘Fresh unrest rocks Xinjiang: police fire tear gas as thousands of Han march’, South China Morning Post, 2009.

346 R. Harris and A. Isa, ‘“Invitation to a mourning ceremony”: perspectives on the Uyghur internet’, Inner Asia 13 (2011), p. 30.

347 M. Amir-Ebrahimi, ‘Performance in everyday life and the rediscovery of the “self” in Iranian weblogs’, Bad Jens, 2004.

348 C. Larson, ‘How China wins and loses Xinjiang’, Foreign Policy, 10 July 2009, http://foreignpolicy.com/2009/07/10/how-china-wins-and-loses-xinjiang/

349 Harris and Isa, ‘“Invitation to a mourning ceremony”’, p. 28.

350 Анонимный автор «Шаогуаньский инцидент: трагедия и возможность», сайт «Уйгур Онлайн», в сокращении и в переводе с китайского.

351 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 121.

352 R. Kadeer, ‘The real Uyghur story’, The Wall Street Journal, 8 July 2009, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB124698273174806523

353 Holdstock, China’s Forgotten People, p. 197.

354 T. Ng, ‘Warning over Twitter, YouTube “subversion”: hostile forces exploiting web tools, article says’, South China Morning Post, 2009.

355 H. Szadziewski and G. Fay, ‘Trapped in a virtual cage: Chinese state repression of Uyghurs online’, Uyghur Human Rights Project, 2014, p. 2.

356 Имя изменено. Джесси периодически ездит в Синьцзян, поэтому в интересах собственной безопасности и безопасности своей семьи он попросил не указывать его настоящее имя.

357 Представленное здесь описание принципа работы интернета взято из технического описания проекта Стэнфордского университета (автор Рес Шулер) «Как работает интернет» (2002), а также карт физического интернета TeleGeography.

358 См. карту подводных кабелей по адресу http://www.submarinecablemap.com/#/submarine-cable/asia-america-gateway-aag-cable-system

359 См. http://visitslo.com/

360 H. Timmons, ‘Ruptures call safety of internet cables into question’, International Herald Tribune, 4 February 2008, https://web.archive.org/web/20080206083645/http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/02/04/technology/cables.php

361 D. Herold, Online Society in China: creating, celebrating, and instrumentalising the online carnival, London: Routledge, 2011, p. 1.

362 Карта сети China Unicom: http://www.chinaunicom.com.sg/network-map.

363 Карта сети China Telecom: http://web.archive.org/web/20170330101644/http://www.chinatelecom.com.hk/www/other/global и http://ipms.chinatelecomglobal.com/resources/images/continents/APAC.jpg

364 Интервью автора с исследователем интернет-инфраструктуры Дагом Мэдори и ученым Локманом Цуем, март 2017 г.

365 Например, IP-адреса провайдера Hong Kong Broadband начинаются с номеров 59.149.207, а номера с 202.160.0 и далее – это IP-адреса брунейского провайдера TelBru.

366 D. Wang, ‘After July 5th, there are no netizens in Xinjiang’, China Digital Times, 24 October 2009, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2009/10/wang-dahao-%E7%8E%8B%E5%A4%A7%E8%B1%AA-after-july-5th-there-are-no-netizens-in-xinjiang/

367 D. Grammaticas, ‘Trekking 1,000km in China for e-mail’, BBC News, 11 February 2010, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8506601.stm

368 B. Cao, ‘A year without internet in Xinjiang’, Xinhua, 20 April 2014, https://web.archive.org/web/20140430043736/http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/indepth/2014-04/20/c_133276600.htm

369 Harris and Isa, ‘“Invitation to a mourning ceremony”’, p. 29.

370 M. Abdilim, ‘Uyghur webmasters sentenced’, Radio Free Asia, 28 July 2010, https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/webmasters-07282010170425.html

371 Szadziewski and Fay, ‘Trapped in a virtual cage’, p. 78.

372 J. Garnaut, ‘Obama behind release of Chinese activists’, The Age, 25 August 2009, https://www.theage.com.au/world/obama-behind-release-of-chinese-activists-20090824-ewhi.html

373 I. Tohti, ‘My ideals and the career path I have chosen’, Uyghur Online, 2011.

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374 R. Deibert, Black Code: inside the battle for cyberspace, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2013, p. 21.

375 Интервью автора с Грегом Уолтоном, сентябрь 2017 г.

376 M. Kane, ‘“ILOVEYOU” e-mail worm invades PCs’, ZDNet, 4 May 2000, https://web.archive.org/web/20081227123742/http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-107318.html?legacy=zdnn

377 E. Chien, ‘VBS.LoveLetter.Var’, Symantec, 5 May 2002, https://www.symantec.com/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2000-121815-2258-99

378 P. Hayes, ‘No “sorry” from Love Bug author’, The Register, 11 May 2005, https://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/05/11/love_bug_author/

379 ‘File on 4: Cyber spies’, BBC Radio 4, 25 September 2011, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b014q04r

380 G. Walton et al., ‘Tracking Ghostnet: investigating a cyber espionage network’, Information Warfare Monitor, 29 March 2009, p. 34.

381 ‘Threat encyclopedia: Ghostrat’, Trend Micro, 21 September 2012, https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/threat-encyclopedia/malware/ghostrat

382 Security Ninja, ‘Gh0st RAT part 2: packet structure and defense measures’, InfoSec Institute, http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/gh0st-rat-part-2-packet-structure-defense-measures/.

383 Walton et al., ‘Tracking Ghostnet’, pp. 40–4.

384 Walton et al., ‘Tracking Ghostnet’, p. 48.

385 M. Stokes, ‘The Chinese People’s Liberation Army signals intelligence and cyber reconnaissance infrastructure’, Project 2049, 2011, p. 10, https://web.archive.org/web/20180209020355/http://project2049.net/documents/pla_third_department_sigint_cyber_stokes_lin_hsiao.pdf

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386 Associated Press, ‘New US Embassy in Beijing dedicated’, Los Angeles Times, 8 August 2008, http://articles.latimes.com/2008/aug/08/world/fg-embassy8

387 K. Lee, Making a World of Difference, self-published, 2011.

388 A. Nathan and B. Gilley, China’s New Rulers: the secret files, New York NY: New York Review of Books, 2002, p. 112.

389 D. Piccuta, ‘Google China paying price for resisting censorship’, US Embassy cable, 18 May 2009, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/09BEIJING1336_a.html

390 S. Levy, In the Plex: how Google thinks, works, and shapes our lives, New York NY: Simon and Schuster, 2011, p. 306.

391 E. Chang, ‘YouTube blocked in China’, CNN, 26 March 2009, http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/ptech/03/25/youtube.china/

392 L. Donnelly, P. Foster and A. Andrews, ‘China Google boss departure reignites debate over censorship’, The Telegraph, 5 September 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/6143553/China-Google-boss-departure-reignites-debate-over-censorship.html

393 Lee, Making a World of Difference.

394 ‘Google claims harassment by Chinese government’, US Embassy cable, 12 July 2009, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/09BEIJING1957_a.html

395 Levy, In the Plex, p. 309.

396 R. Westervelt, ‘For Google, DNS log analysis essential in Aurora attack investigation’, Search Security, 15 June 2010, http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/news/1514965/For-Google-DNS-log-analysis-essential-in-Aurora-attack-investigation

397 G. Curtz, ‘Operation “Aurora” hit Google, others’, McAfee, 14 January 2010, https://web.archive.org/web/20120911141122/http://blogs.mcafee.com/corporate/cto/operation-aurora-hit-google-others

398 J. Markoff, ‘Cyberattack on Google said to hit password system’, The New York Times, 19 April 2010, https://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/20/technology/20google.html

399 B. Girard, The Google Way: how one company is revolutionizing management as we know it, San Francisco CA: No Starch Press, 2009, p. 114.

400 Westervelt, ‘For Google, DNS log analysis essential in Aurora attack investigation’.

401 Levy, In the Plex, p. 267.

402 ‘Chinese hackers who breached Google gained access to sensitive data, U.S. officials say’, The Washington Post, 20 May 2013, https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/chinese-hackers-who-breached-google-gained-access-to-sensitive-data-us-officials-say/2013/05/20/51330428-be34-11e2-89c9-3be8095fe767_story.html?utm_term=.bb62af33dd6a

403 J. Anderlini, ‘The Chinese dissident’s “unknown visitors”’, Financial Times, 15 January 2010, https://www.ft.com/content/c590cdd0-016a-11df-8c54-00144feabdc0; D. Sherne, ‘China hacks student e-mails’, The Stanford Daily, 31 January 2010, https://www.stanforddaily.com/2010/01/21/china-hacks-student-e-mails/

404 Levy, In the Plex, p. 308.

405 A. Cha and E. Nakashima, ‘Google attack part of vast campaign’, The Washington Post, 14 January 2010, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/13/AR2010011300359.html

406 B. Worthen, ‘Researcher says up to 100 victims in Google attack’, The Wall Street Journal, 26 February 2010, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704625004575090111817090670

407 G. O’Gorman and G. McDonald, The Elderwood Project, Mountain View CA: Symantec, 2010, http://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/media/security_response/whitepapers/the-elderwood-project.pdf

408 J. Huntsman, ‘Google update: PRC role in attacks and response strategy’, US Embassy cable, 26 January 2010, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/10BEIJING207_a.html

409 В интервью Михаила Брина на русском языке говорится, что в СССР он работал математиком в НИИ при Госплане, а астрофизиком только мечтал стать (https://jewish.ru/ru/interviews/articles/185432/).

410 M. Malseed, ‘The story of Sergey Brin’, Moment, February 2007, https://web.archive.org/web/20130121055147/http://www.oldsite.momentmag.net/moment/issues/2007/02/200702-BrinFeature.html

411 S. Lohr, ‘Sergey Brin on Google’s China move’, The New York Times, 22 March 2010, https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/interview-sergey-brin-on-googles-china-gambit/;

J. Vascellaro, ‘Brin drove Google to pull back in China’, The Wall Street Journal, 24 March 2010, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704266504575141064259998090

412 Levy, In The Plex, p. 311.

413 Levy, In The Plex, p. 313.

414 Страница Sinovation Ventures по адресу http://www.sinovationventures.com/

415 ‘China search engine landscape 2017’, Emerging Communications, 22 December 2017, http://www.emergingcomms.com/china-search-engine-landscape

416 K. Hille, ‘Chinese media hit at “White House’s Google”’, Financial Times, 2010, https://www.ft.com/content/e6022fe0–05c6–11df-88ee-00144feabdc0

417 J. Zhang, ‘Google, do not take Chinese netizens hostage’, People’s Daily, 19 January 2010, http://en.people.cn/90001/90780/91344/6873383.html

418 H. Clinton, ‘Remarks on internet freedom’, State Department, 2010.

419 J. Huntsman, ‘Secretary’s internet freedom speech: China reaction’, US Embassy cable, 25 January 2010, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.com/plusd/cables/10BEIJING183_a.html

Глава 15

420 Интервью автора с Бадуцао.

421 E. Osnos, Boss rail’, The New Yorker, 22 October 2012, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/10/22/boss-rail

422 Chinese high speed network to double in latest master plan’, Railway Gazette, 21 July 2016, http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/infrastructure/single-view/view/chinese-high-speed-network-to-double-in-latest-master-plan.html

423 Бюро безопасности движения, Государственная администрация охраны труда, 2011 г., http://www.chinasafety.gov.cn/zjnsjg/ajes/sgxx_405/dcbg/201112/t20111228_206865.shtml

424 A. Henochowicz, ‘Whether you believe it or not, I do’, China Digital Times, 25 July 2012, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2012/07/word-week-believe-it-not-i-do/

425 S. Jiang, ‘Chinese netizens outraged over response to fatal bullet train crash’, CNN, 26 July 2011, http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/07/25/china.train.accident.outrage/

426 D. Bandurski, ‘History of high-speed propaganda tells all’, China Media Project, 25 July 2011, http://chinamediaproject.org/2011/07/25/history-of-high-speed-propaganda-tells-all/

427 M. Wines and S. LaFraniere, ‘In baring facts of train crash, blogs erode China censorship’, The New York Times, 28 July 2011, https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/29/world/asia/29china.html

428 J. DeLisle, A. Goldstein and G. Yang, The Internet, Social Media, and a Changing China, Philadelphia PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, p. 62.

429 Xinhua, ‘New media major outlet for exposing corruption’, People’s Daily, 25 June 2013,http://en.people.cn/90882/8298919.html

430 J. Van de Ven, ‘Air pollution policy making and social media in Beijing 2011–2013’, Danwei, 24 April 2014, https://web.archive.org/web/20160913184837/http://www.danwei.com/beijing-fog-investigating-air-pollution-policy-making-in-beijing-between-2011-and-2013/

431 J. Chin, Chinese internet users scream for Clean Air Act’, The Wall Street Journal, 29 January 2013, https://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/01/29/chinese-internet-users-scream-for-clean-air-act/

432 В 2014 году в топ поиска в интернете по версии China Daily вышел запрос «голубой АТЭС», отражавший «стремление народа к чистому воздуху вместо смога», так же как было во время международного саммита АТЭС в Пекине, прошедшего в том же году», China Daily, 23 декабря 2014 г., https://web.archive.org/web/20150402161930/http://africa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2014-12/23/content_19210404.htm/

433 Vice mayor: Lu Wei’, City of Beijing, 26 December 2012, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/beijing/2012–12/26/content_16055912.htm”

434 J. Areddy, ‘The architect of China’s Great Firewall caught in anti-corruption net’, The Wall Street Journal, 21 November 2017, https://www.wsj.com/articles/lu-wei-chinas-former-internet-czar-comes-under-investigation-for-corruption-1511290607

435 Су и др. «Жэньминь жибао», 13 августа 2013 г., http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrbhwb/html/2013-08/13/content_1282485.htm

436 ‘Big Vs and bottom lines’, The Economist, 31 August 2013, https://www.economist.com/china/2013/08/31/big-vs-and-bottom-lines

437 D. Barboza, ‘Chinese-American commentator and investor is arrested in Beijing’, The New York Times, 25 August 2013, https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/26/world/asia/chinese-american-commentator-and-investor-is-arrested-in-beijing.html

438 «Синьхуа», Netease, 15 сентября 2013 г., http://news.163.com/13/0915/00/ 98P8QHIO00014JB5.html

439 C. Buckley, ‘Crackdown on bloggers is mounted by China’, The New York Times, 10 September 2013, https://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/11/world/asia/china-cracks-down-on-online-opinion-makers.html?pagewanted=1

440 Agence France-Presse, ‘Top blogger Pan Shiyi appears on TV amid internet crackdown’, South China Morning Post, 11 September 2013, http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1308505/top-blogger-pan-shiyi-appears-tv-amid-internet-crackdown

441 И это даже был не первый сервис под названием Weibo. До них этот термин в значении «микроблог» использовался в названии давно забытого ресурса Tencent Weibo. Здесь и далее под названием Weibo имеется в виду Sina Weibo.

442 Weibo Corporation, ‘Form 1 registration statement’, Securities and Exchange Commission, 2014, p. 1.

443 G. Epstein, ‘Sina Weibo, Forbes, 3 March 2011, https://www.forbes.com/global/2011/0314/features-charles-chao-twitter-fanfou-china-sina-weibo.html#7a2e72fd36d6

444 Weibo Corporation, ‘Form 1 registration statement’, p. 44.

445 Weibo Corporation, ‘Form 1 registration statement’, p. 138.

446 G. King, J. Pan and M. Roberts, ‘How censorship in China allows government criticism but silences collective expression’, American Political Science Review, 2013.

447 P. Marolt and D. Herold, Online Society in China: creating, celebrating and instrumentalising the online carnival, London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 53–68.

448 J. Ng, Blocked on Weibo, New York NY: The New Press, 2013, p. 186.

Глава 16

449 А. Барр «Письмо Карен Берк», письма HBGary, 5 февраля 2011 г., WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.org/hbgary-emails/emailid/39192

450 ‘Anonymous hacktivists say WikiLeaks war to continue’, BBC News, 9 December 2010, http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-11935539

451 N. Anderson, ‘How one man tracked down Anonymous – and paid a heavy price’, Ars Technica, 10 February 2011, https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2011/02/how-one-security-firm-tracked-anonymousand-paid-a-heavy-price/

452 Без названия, ‘Лог чата Anonymous в IRC’, Pastebin, 7 февраля 2011 г, https://pastebin.com/x69Akp5L

453 J. Leyden, ‘US gov IT services vendor swallows HBGary’, The Register, 29 February 2012, https://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/02/29/hbgary_mantech/

454 N. Anderson, ‘How Anonymous accidentally helped expose two Chinese hackers’, Ars Technica, 20 February 2013, https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/02/how-anonymous-accidentally-helped-expose-two-chinese-hackers/

455 Архив Rootkit.com по адресу https://web.archive.org/web/20110113042750/http://www.rootkit.com/

456 Department of Justice, ‘US charges five Chinese military hackers for cyber espionage against US corporations and a labor organization for commercial advantage’, US Department of Justice, 19 May 2014, https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdpa/pr/us-charges-five-chinese-military-hackers-cyber-espionage-against-us-corporations-and; D. Sanger et al., ‘Chinese army unit is seen as tied to hacking against US, The New York Times, 18 February 2013, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/19/technology/chinas-army-is-seen-as-tied-to-hacking-against-us.html; M. Clayton, ‘Stealing US business secrets: experts ID two huge cyber “gangs” in China’, The Christian Science Monitor, 14 September 2012, https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2012/0914/Stealing-US-business-secrets-Experts-ID-two-huge-cyber-gangs-in-China

457 J. Markoff, ‘SecurID company suffers a breach of data security’, The New York Times, 17 March 2011, https://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/18/technology/18secure.html

458 Mandiant, APT1: exposing one of China’s cyber espionage units, Milpitas CA: Mandiant, 2013, p. 52.

459 Mandiant, APT1, p. 55.

460 Department of Justice, ‘US charges five Chinese military hackers’.

461 B. Koerner, ‘Inside the cyberattack that shocked the US government’, Wired, 23 October 2016, https://www.wired.com/2016/10/inside-cyberattack-shocked-us-government/

462 E. Perez and S. Prokupecz, ‘US data hack may be 4 times larger than the government originally said’, CNN, 24 June 2015, http://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/22/politics/opm-hack-18-milliion/index.html

463 The OPM Data Breach: how the government jeopardised our national security for more than a generation, Congressional Report, Washington DC: Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 2016.

464 K. Liptak et al., ‘China might be building vast database of federal worker info, experts say’, CNN, 6 June 2015, http://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/04/politics/federal-agency-hacked-personnel-management/

465 E. Perez, ‘FBI arrests Chinese national connected to malware used in OPM data breach’, CNN, 24 August 2017, http://edition.cnn.com/2017/08/24/politics/fbi-arrests-chinese-national-in-opm-data-breach/index.html

466 ‘President Xi Jinping’s state visit to the United States’, Office of the Press Secretary, White House, 25 September 2015, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2015/09/25/fact-sheet-president-xi-jinpings-state-visit-united-states

467 S. Harold, ‘The US – China cyber agreement: a good first step’, Rand Corporation, 1 August 2016, https://www.rand.org/blog/2016/08/the-us-china-cyber-agreement-a-good-first-step.html

468 FireEye, Red Line Drawn: Chinese recalculates its use of cyberespionage, Milpitas CA: FireEye, 2016, https://www.fireeye.com/content/dam/fireeye-www/current-threats/pdfs/rpt-china-espionage.pdf

469 S. Kravchenko, ‘Russia more prey than predator to cyber firm wary of China’, Bloomberg, 25 August 2016, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-25/russia-more-prey-than-predator-to-cyber-firm-wary-of-china

Часть IV

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470 Описание попытки побега Ильхама и Джевхер из Китая приводится на основе бесед автора с Джевхер и рассказа из ее книги «Джевхер Ильхам: Как уйгурская девушка борется за освобождение отца».

471 T. Chen, ‘China convicts almost everyone it accuses; one group is fighting back’, The Wall Street Journal, 1 July 2016, https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-fight-to-free-the-innocent-from-chinas-99-9-conviction-rate-1467384598

472 E. Wong, ‘China sentences Uighur scholar to life’, The New York Times, 23 September 2014, https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/24/world/asia/china-court-sentences-uighur-scholar-to-life-in-separatism-case.html

473 J. Griffiths, ‘Al-Qaeda magazine calls for Xinjiang to be “recovered by the Islamic Caliphate”’, South China Morning Post, 21 October 2014, http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1621190/new-al-qaeda-magazine-calls-xinjiang-be-recovered-islamic-caliphate; S. Osborne, ‘Isis threatens China and vows to “shed blood like rivers”’, The Independent, 1 March 2017, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-china-threaten-terror-attack-muslim-islamist-group-islamic-state-a7606211.html

474 ‘China “expels” French journalist over Uighur article’, BBC News, 26 December 2015, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35181299

475 J. Jacobs, Xinjiang and the Modern Chinese State, Seattle WA: University of Washington Press, 2016, p. 3.

476 M. Rajagopalan, ‘This is what a 21st-century police state really looks like’, BuzzFeed, 17 October 2017, https://www.buzzfeed.com/meghara/the-police-state-of-the-future-is-already-here?utm_term=.jiJKNDzG2#.mnPM42wem

477 T. Phillips, ‘China testing facial-recognition surveillance system in Xinjiang – report, The Guardian, 18 January 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/18/china-testing-facial-recognition-surveillance-system-in-xinjiang-report

478 S. Pham, ‘Chinese AI startup dwarfs global rivals with $4.5 billion valuation’, CNNMoney, 9 April 2018, http://money.cnn.com/2018/04/09/technology/china-ai-sensetime-startup/index.html

479 C. Beam, ‘Behind China’s cyber curtain’, The New Republic, 6 December 2013, https://newrepublic.com/article/115709/chinas-aba-county-where-government-shut-internet

480 ‘China police block access to protest village’, The Telegraph, 12 December 2011, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/8951275/China-police-block-access-to-protest-village.html

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481 J. Palmer, ‘China’s generation gap has never yawned wider’, Aeon, 7 March 2013, https://aeon.co/essays/china-s-generation-gap-has-never-yawned-wider

482 M. Xuecun, ‘Let them eat grass’, Foreign Policy, 2 January 2013, http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/01/02/let-them-eat-grass/

483 «Чжуаньшидан».

484 K. Kuang, ‘How China has censored words relating to the Tiananmen Square anniversary’, PRI, 4 June 2016, https://www.pri.org/stories/2016-06-03/how-china-has-censored-words-relating-tiananmen-square-anniversary

485 S. Robinson, ‘Filtering inappropriate content with the Cloud Vision API’, Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning blog, 17 August 2016, https://cloud.google.com/blog/big-data/2016/08/filtering-inappropriate-content-with-the-cloud-vision-api

486 D. Burke, ‘Why images of Mohammed offend Muslims’, CNN, 4 May 2015, https://edition.cnn.com/2015/05/04/living/islam-prophet-images/

487 ‘Syria unrest: famed cartoonist Ali Ferzat “beaten”’, BBC News, 25 August 2011, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-14665113

488 H. Blackstone, ‘Thrown in prison for drawing cartoons’, The Independent, 27 October 2015, https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/campaigns/voicesindanger/thrown-in-prison-for-drawing-cartoons-a6709841.html

489 S. Crispin, ‘Drawing the line: cartoonists under threat’, Committee to Protect Journalists, 19 May 2015, https://cpj.org/reports/2015/05/drawing-the-line-cartoonists-under-threat-free-expression-zunar-charlie-hebdo.php

490 Интервью автора с Rebel Pepper, апрель 2017 г.

491 I. Fish, ‘Rebel without a country’, Foreign Policy, 31 August 2015, http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/31/chinas-most-infamous-political-cartoonist-dissident-tokyo-japan-exile-rebel-pepper/

492 ‘China’s rebel cartoonist’, The Wall Street Journal, 17 May 2015, https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinas-rebel-cartoonist-1431901472

493 A. Henochowicz, ‘Still in Japan, cartoonist Rebel Pepper seeks help’, China Digital Times, 12 May 2015, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2015/05/still-in-japan-cartoonist-rebel-pepper-seeks-help/

494 S. Jiang, ‘Released Chinese feminists: out of jail but not free’, CNN, 14 April 2015, https://edition.cnn.com/2015/04/14/asia/china-feminists-release-jiang/

495 Z. Huang, ‘Chinese trolls jumped the Firewall to attack Taiwan’s president and military on Facebook’, Quartz, 3 January 2017, https://qz.com/876614/chinese-trolls-jumped-the-firewall-to-attack-taiwans-military-and-president-tsai-ing-wen-on-facebook/

496 R. Han, ‘The “voluntary fifty-cent army” in Chinese cyberspace’, China Policy Institute, 29 February 2016, http://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/chinapolicyinstitute/2016/02/29/the-voluntary-fifty-cent-army-in-chinese-cyberspace/

497 D. Bandurski, ‘China’s guerrilla war for the web’, Far Eastern Economic Review, 2008.

498 G. King et al., ‘How the Chinese government fabricates social media posts for strategic distraction, not engaged argument’, American Political Science Review 111, no. 3 (2017), pp. 484–501, http://gking.harvard.edu/files/gking/files/50c.pdf?m=1463683069

499 W. Ai, ‘China’s paid trolls: meet the 5 °Cent party’, New Statesman, 17 October 2012, https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/politics/2012/10/china%E2%80%99s-paid-trolls-meet-50-cent-party

500 D. Bandurski, ‘Ai Weiwei chat with opinion manipulator surfaces’, China Media Project, 9 May 2011, http://chinamediaproject.org/2011/05/09/ai-weiwei-chat-with-opinion-manipulator-surfaces/

501 L. Tao, ‘China’s Weibo leverages star power to profit from huge youth following as oldies lose interest’, South China Morning Post, 9 October 2017, http://www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/2114545/chinas-weibo-leverages-star-power-profit-huge-youth-following-oldies

502 C. Chen and I. Deng ‘Weibo, Tencent volunteer to clean up content as China intensifies crackdown’, South China Morning Post, 12 April 2018, http://www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/2141375/chinese-social-media-platforms-volunteer-clean-content-crackdown

Глава 19

503 Интервью автора с Кеннетом Ло, сентябрь 2017 г.

504 B. Leiner, V. Cerf, D. Clark, R. Kahn, L. Kleinrock, D. Lynch, J. Postel, L. Roberts and S. Wolff, ‘Brief history of the internet’, Internet Society, 1997, https://www.internetsociety.org/internet/history-internet/brief-history-internet/

505 J. Klensin, ‘Role of the domain name system (DNS)’, Request for Comments: 3467, February 2003, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3467

506 J. Postel, ‘IAB official protocol standards’, Request for Comments: 1083, December 1988, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1083; J. Snyder, K. Komaitis and A. Robachevsky, ‘The IANA timeline: an extended timeline with citations and commentary’, The Internet Society, 9 May 2016, https://www.internetsociety.org/ianatimeline/

507 J. Goldsmith and T. Wu, Who Controls the Internet?: illusions of a borderless world, Oxford and New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 168.

508 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? pp. 34–5.

509 Snyder et al., ‘The IANA timeline’.

510 D. Sparks, ‘Network solutions: by any other name, a monopoly.com’, Bloomberg, 19 April 1999, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/1999–04–18/commentary-network-solutions-by-any-other-name-a-monopoly-dot-com

511 ‘Network Solutions flourishes’, Wired, 10 February 1999, https://www.wired.com/1999/02/network-solutions-flourishes/; M. Mueller, Ruling the Root: internet governance and the taming of cyberspace, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2009, pp. 151–2.

512 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 36.

513 Погодные данные предоставлены ресурсом Weather Underground.

514 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 29;

V. Cerf, ‘I remember IANA’, Request for Comments: 2468, October 1998, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2468

515 R. Chandrasekaran, ‘Internet reconfiguration concerns federal officials’, The Washington Post, 31 January 1998, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/1998/01/31/internet-reconfiguration-concerns-federal-officials/c98b71a0-8e4a-4aab-96f6-1868c81fe60c/; Mueller, Ruling the Root, p. 162.

516 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 30.

517 W. Kleinwächter, ‘De-mystification of the internet root: do we need governmental oversight?’ in Reforming Internet Governance: perspectives from the Working Group on Internet Governance, New York NY: United Nations Publications, 2005, p. 214.

518 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 46.

519 D. Dougherty and M. Roberts, ‘USC/ICANN transition agreement’, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, 2012, https://www.icann.org/resources/unthemed-pages/usc-icann-transition-2012-02-25-en

520 Kleinwächter, ‘De-mystification of the internet root’, p. 215.

521 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 168.

522 J. Lytle, ‘Jon Postel, internet pioneer, dies at 55’, USC News, 26 October 1998, https://news.usc.edu/9865/Jon-Postel-Internet-Pioneer-Dies-at-55/

523 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 169.

524 Snyder et al., ‘The IANA timeline’.

525 Why a summit on the information society, World Summit on the Information Society, 2005, https://www.itu.int/net/wsis/basic/why.html

526 Kleinwächter, ‘De-mystification of the internet root’, p. 215.

527 ‘US principles on the internet’s domain name and addressing system’, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, United States Department of Commerce, 30 June 2005, https://www.ntia.doc.gov/other-publication/2005/us-principles-internets-domain-name-and-addressing-system

528 United States Attorney Northern District of Texas, ‘Infocom corporation and its operators sentenced in federal court’, US Department of Justice, 13 October 2006, https://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/txn/PressRel06/elashi_bayan_ghassan_basman_infocom_sent_pr.html

529 ‘Request of NCMC for redelegation of.IQ top-level domain’, IANA Report, July 2005, https://www.iana.org/reports/2005/iq-report-05aug2005.pdf

530 T. Wright, ‘EU tries to unblock internet impasse’, International Herald Tribune, 30 September 2005, https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/iht/2005/09/30/business/IHT-30net.html

531 C. Bildt, ‘European Union, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba’, Bildt Comments, 3 October 2005, https://bildt.blogspot.hk/2005/10/european-union-iran-saudi-arabia-cuba.html

532 Kleinwächter, ‘De-mystification of the internet root’, p. 221.

533 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 171.

534 Ни одна из организаций не соответствует стереотипному образу. Правительства стран обладают большим влиянием на ICANN, а МСЭ все чаще в последние годы консультируется с представителями гражданского общества.

535 ‘Discover ITU’s history’, International Telecommunication Union, 2018, https://www.itu.int/en/history/Pages/DiscoverITUsHistory.aspx


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537 V. Cerf, ‘Keep the internet open’, The New York Times, 24 May 2012, https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/25/opinion/keep-the-internet-open.html

538 В. В. Путин встретился с генеральным секретарем Международного союза электросвязи Хамадуном Туре, архив сайта Правительства Российской Федерации, 2012, http://archive.government.ru/ru/docs/15601/print/

539 A. Soldatov and I. Borogan, The Red Web: the struggle between Russia’s digital dictators and the new online revolutionaries, New York NY: PublicAffairs, 2015, p. 231.

540 T. Kramer, ‘Development and progress of the World Conference on International Telecommunications currently being held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates until December 14, 2012’, US Department of State, 6 December 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20121208055049/https://www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/rm/2012/201637.htm

541 Интервью автора с Илаем Дорадо, август 2017 г.

542 E. Dourado, ‘Behind closed doors at the UN’s attempted “takeover of the internet”’, Ars Technica, 20 December 2012, https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/12/behind-closed-doors-at-the-uns-attempted-takeover-of-the-internet/

543 Russia, UAE, China, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Sudan and Egypt, ‘Proposals for the work of the conference’, WCITLeaks, 5 December 2012, http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/Merged%20UAE%20081212.pdf

544 K. McCarthy, ‘Leaked document confirms fears of UN Internet powergrab’, nxt, 8 December 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20130218124106/http://news.dot-nxt.com/2012/12/14/leaked-document-confirms-fears

545 E. Dourado, ‘Behind closed doors at the UN’s attempted “takeover of the internet”’.

546 D. Burstein and G. Lynch, ‘WCIT bombshell: Russia withdraws internet regulation push, apparently under ITU pressure’, Commsday, 10 December 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20170519042116/https://www.commsday.com/russia-combines-with-china-arab-states-on-dramatic-internet-regulatory-push/

547 M. Smith and J. Menn, ‘Opposing camps dig in on internet treaty talks’, Reuters, 13 December 2012, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-telecom-treaty-itu/opposing-camps-dig-in-on-internet-treaty-talks-idUSBRE8BB1KS20121213

548 Пленарное заседание № 14, расшифровка, WCIT, 2012.

549 R. Pepper and C. Sharp, ‘Summary report of the ITU-T World Conference on International Telecommunications’, Internet Protocol Journal 16, no. 1 (2013), https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/press/internet-protocol-journal/back-issues/table-contents-59/161-wcit.html; K. Salaets, ‘A blow to internet freedom’, Information Technology Industry Council, 2012, https://web.archive.org/web/20170805165237/https://www.itic.org/news-events/techwonk-blog/a-blow-to-internet-freedom

550 G. Guillemin, ‘WCIT: what happened and what it means for the internet’, European Digital Rights, 2012, https://edri.org/edrigramnumber10-24wcit-what-happend/

551 D. Shambaugh, China Goes Global: the partial power, New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2013, p. 137.

552 Human Rights Watch, The Costs of International Advocacy: China’s interference in United Nations human rights mechanisms, Washington DC: Human Rights Watch, 2017, https://www.hrw.org/report/2017/09/05/costs-international-advocacy/chinas-interference-united-nations-human-rights

553 W3C invites Chinese web developers, industry, academia to assume greater role in global web innovation’, W3C, 20 January 2013, https://www.w3.org/2013/01/china-host.html.en

554 Internet Society, ‘Successful IETF meeting reflects growing contribution of Chinese engineering’, Internet Society Newsletter 9, no. 11 (2010), https://web.archive.org/web/20120924171300/http://www.internetsociety.org/articles/successful-ietf-meeting-reflects-growing-contribution-chinese-engineering

555 ‘ICANN Engagement Center to open in Beijing’, ICANN, 8 April 2013, https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/press-materials/release-08apr13-en.pdf

556 ‘ICANN hires domain name policy expert to head engagement in China’, ICANN, 30 March 2017, https://www.icann.org/resources/press-material/release-2017–03–30-en

557 J. Hu and O. Lam, ‘In quest for “ideological security”, China pushes to extend Communist Party influence inside tech firms’, Global Voices, 6 September 2017, https://globalvoices.org/2017/09/06/in-quest-for-ideological-security-china-pushes-to-extend-communist-party-influence-inside-tech-firms/

558 Y. Sheng, ‘Internet industry a “new ideological battleground”: expert’, Global Times, 28 October 2016, http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1014448.shtml

559 Интервью автора с Питером Майсеком, июль 2017 г.

560 S. Kalathil, Beyond the Great Firewall: how China became a global information power, Washington DC: Center for International Media Assistance, 2017, p. 22, https://www.cima.ned.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/CIMA-Beyond-the-Great-Firewall_150ppi-for-web.pdf

561 Xinhua, ‘China’s Zhao Houlin elected as secretary-general of ITU’, China Daily, 23 October 2014, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2014–10/23/content_18790932.htm

562 H. Touré, ‘Candidacy for the post of secretary-general’, International Telecommunications Union, 4 November 2013, http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S14-PP-C-0010!! MSW-E.pdf

563 S. Oster, ‘Whose internet is it anyway? China wields more influence’, Bloomberg, 21 November 2014, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-11-21/whose-internet-is-it-anyway-china-wields-more-influence

564 ‘Interview with Houlin Zhao, ITU secretary-general elect’, International Telecommunications Union, 2014, https://www.itu.int/en/plenipotentiary/2014/Pages/zhao-interview.aspx

565 Y. Kang, ‘Internet censorship matter of interpretation: Zhao’, Yonhap, 23 October 2014, http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/full/2014/10/23/50/1200000000AEN20141023005000320F.html

566 A. Soldatov and I. Borogan, The Red Web: the struggle between Russia’s digital dictators and the new online revolutionaries, New York NY: PublicAffairs, 2015, p. 235.

567 ‘Position paper of China on the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)’, Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN, 12 August 2015, http://www.china-un.org/eng/gdxw/t1288450.htm

568 D. Levin, ‘At UN, China tries to influence fight over internet control’, The New York Times, 16 December 2015, https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/17/technology/china-wins-battle-with-un-over-word-in-internet-control-document.html

569 S. Tian, ‘Xi urges internet expansion, int’l cooperation, “order”’, Xinhua, 16 December 2015, http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2015–12/16/c_134923095.htm

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571 G. Barmé, ‘Introduction: under one heaven’, The China Story, 2015, https://www.thechinastory.org/yearbooks/yearbook-2014/introduction-under-one-heaven/

572 N. Kristof, ‘Looking for a jump-start in China’, The New York Times, 5 January 2013, https://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/06/opinion/sunday/kristof-looking-for-a-jump-start-in-china.html

573 C. Buckley, ‘Xi Jinping assuming new status as China’s “core” leader’, The New York Times, 4 February 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/05/world/asia/china-president-xi-jinping-core.html

574 ‘Wuzhen’, World Internet Conference, 8 November 2017, http://www.wuzhenwic.org/2017–11/08/c_46138.htm

575 P. Carsten, ‘At China online coming-out party, Beijing spells out internet control ambition’, Reuters, 25 November 2014, https://www.reuters.com/article/china-internet-wuzhen/at-china-online-coming-out-party-beijing-spells-out-internet-control-ambition-idUSL3N0TE02V20141125

576 China Digital Times, 19 November 2014, https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/2014/11/bbc-%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4%BA%92%E8%81%94%E7%BD%91%E5%A4%A7%E4%BC%9A%E5%BC%80%E5%B9%95-%E4%B9%A0%E8%BF%91%E5%B9%B3%E8%B0%88%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C%E7%A7%A9%E5%BA%8F/

577 C. Shu, ‘China tried to get world internet conference attendees to endorse this ridiculous draft declaration’, TechCrunch, 21 November 2014, https://techcrunch.com/2014/11/20/worldinternetconference-declaration/

578 ‘The internet in China: protecting internet security’, Information Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, 2010, http://www.china.org.cn/government/whitepaper/2010-06/08/content_20207978.htm

579 E. Osnos, ‘Can China maintain sovereignty over the internet?’, The New Yorker, 10 June 2010, https://www.newyorker.com/news/evan-osnos/can-china-maintain-sovereignty-over-the-internet

580 Z. Ye, ‘对网络主权的思考’, 20 July 2015, http://theory.people.com.cn/n/2015/0720/c386965-27332547.html

581 D. Bandurski, ‘Thoughts on “internet sovereignty”’, China Media Project, 2 October 2015, https://medium.com/@cmphku/thoughts-on-internet-sovereignty-ae18a125b89e

582 D. Bandurski, ‘Two share a boat’, China Media Project, 29 September 2015, https://medium.com/@cmphku/two-share-a-boat-a5a22b60744

583 D. Bandurski, ‘Lu Wei on the “dream of the web”’, China Media Project, 17 February 2015, http://chinamediaproject.org/2015/02/17/lu-wei-on-the-dream-of-the-web/

584 J. Goldsmith and T. Wu, Who Controls the Internet?: illusions of a borderless world, Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 6.

585 A. Higgins and A. Azhar, ‘China begins to erect second Great Wall in cyberspace’, The Guardian, 5 February 1996.

586 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? pp. 13–14.

587 J. Jarnow, Heads: a biography of psychedelic America, Cambridge MA: Da Capo Press, 2016.

588 K. Drum, ‘A profile of Dick Cheney’, Washington Monthly, 9 November 2003, https://washingtonmonthly.com/2003/11/09/a-profile-of-dick-cheney/

589 J. Barlow, ‘Lyrics by John Perry Barlow’, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 1990, https://web.archive.org/web/20180208000604/https://w2.eff.org/Misc/Publications/John_Perry_Barlow/HTML/barlows_lyrics.html

590 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 17.

591 J. Barlow, ‘The economy of ideas’, Wired, 1 March 1994, https://www.wired.com/1994/03/economy-ideas/

592 J. Barlow, ‘Decrypting the puzzle palace’, Communications of the ACM, July 1992, http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.805/articles/digital-telephony/Barlow_decrypting_puzzle_palace.html

593 Goldsmith and Wu, Who Controls the Internet? p. 18.

594 ‘A history of protecting freedom where law and technology collide’, Electronic Frontier Foundation, https://www.eff.org/about/history

595 J. Barlow, ‘A declaration of the independence of cyberspace’, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 8 February 1996, https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence

596 Reno v. ACLU [1997] 96–511 (Supreme Court of the United States), https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/521/844.html

597 EFFector, ‘Ten years after ACLU v. Reno: free speech still needs defending: action alert’, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 25 June 2007, https://www.eff.org/effector/20/25

598 A. Greenberg, ‘It’s been 20 years since this man declared cyberspace independence’, Wired, 8 February 2016, https://www.wired.com/2016/02/its-been-20-years-since-this-man-declared-cyberspace-independence/

599 Дональд Трамп, выступающий как типичный иконоборец, стал первым американским лидером за последние десятилетия, который откровенно скептически относится к интернету и предлагает закрыть его каким-то образом, чтобы предотвратить террористические атаки. D. Goldman, ‘Donald Trump wants to “close up” the internet’, CNN, 8 December 2015, http://money.cnn.com/2015/12/08/technology/donald-trump-internet/index.html

600 L. Hornby, ‘China paper slams US for cyber role in Iran unrest’, Reuters, 24 January 2010, https://www.reuters.com/article/china-us-internet/rpt-china-paper-slams-us-for-cyber-role-in-iran-unrest-idUSTOE60N00T20100124

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601 ‘Executive order on measures to make state media more effective’, Kremlin.ru, 9 December 2013, http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/19805

602 S. Ennis, ‘Dmitry Kiselyov: Russia’s chief spin doctor’, BBC News, 2 April 2014, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26839216

603 ‘About the forum’, Safe Internet Forum, 2016, https://web.archive.org/web/20170302174356/http://safeinternetforum.ru/en/o-forume/

604 C. Weaver, ‘Malofeev: the Russian billionaire linking Moscow to the rebels’, Financial Times, 24 July 2014, https://www.ft.com/content/84481538-1103-11e4-94f3-00144feabdc0

605 G. Ellis and V. Kolchyna, ‘Putin and the “triumph of Christianity” in Russia’, Al Jazeera, 19 October 2017, https://www.aljazeera.com/blogs/europe/2017/10/putin-triumph-christianity-russia-171018073916624.html

606 J. Keating, ‘God’s oligarch’, Slate, 20 October 2014, http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2014/10/konstantin_malofeev_one_of_vladimir_putin_s_favorite_businessmen_wants_to.html

607 S. Walker, ‘“Russia’s soul is monarchic”: tsarist school wants to reverse 100 years of history’, The Guardian, 6 March 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/06/russia-revolution-tsarist-school-moscow-nicholas-ii

608 Keating, ‘God’s oligarch’.

609 M. Seddon, ‘Russia’s chief internet censor enlists China’s know-how’, Financial Times, 27 April 2016, https://www.ft.com/content/08564d74-0bbf-11e6-9456-444ab5211a2f

610 ‘China’s cyberspace administration head Lu Wei to participate in 7th International Safer Internet Forum’, Safe Internet Forum, 2016, https://web.archive.org/web/20170302183945/http://safeinternetforum.ru/en/novosti/china-s-cyberspace-administration-head-lu-wei-to-participate-in-7th-international-safer-internet-for.html

611 ‘Moscow Safer Internet Forum adopts Russia – China cybersecurity cooperation roadmap’, Safe Internet Forum, 2016, https://web.archive.org/web/20180219224139/http://safeinternetforum.ru/en/novosti/moscow-safer-internet-forum-adopts-russia-china-cybersecurity-cooperation-roadmap.html

612 A. Soldatov, ‘Once a defender of internet freedom, Putin is now bringing China’s Great Firewall to Russia’, WorldPost, 3 May 2016, https://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrei-soldatov/putin-china-internet-firewall-russia_b_9821190.html

613 Seddon, ‘Russia’s chief internet censor enlists China’s know-how’.

614 «Китайский Интернет опережает мировые разработки», Safe Internet League, 2016, http://ligainternet.ru/news/news-detail.php?ID=505

615 T. Glelten, ‘Seeing the internet as an “information weapon”’, NPR, 23 September 2010, https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130052701

616 L. Harding, ‘Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin’, The Guardian, 3 April 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/apr/03/panama-papers-money-hidden-offshore

617 Точнее, председатель Следственного комитета. – Прим. пер.

618 T. Parfitt, ‘Putin ally calls for China-style censorship’, The Sunday Times, 20 April 2016, https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/putin-ally-calls-for-china-style-censorship-0x69klqqs

619 ‘Russia in talks with China’s Huawei on data storage technologies’ licensing’, Sputnik, 24 August 2016, https://sputniknews.com/science/201608241044578435-russia-huawei-bulat-data/

620 A. Soldatov and I. Borogan, ‘Putin brings China’s Great Firewall to Russia in cybersecurity pact’, The Guardian, 29 November 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/29/putin-china-internet-great-firewall-russia-cybersecurity-pact

621 A. Luhn, ‘Russia passes “Big Brother” anti-terror laws’, The Guardian, 26 June 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/26/russia-passes-big-brother-anti-terror-laws

622 ‘Russia mulls limitations on internet exchange points over fears of US eavesdropping’, RT, 23 August 2017, https://www.rt.com/politics/400627-russia-mulls-limitations-on-internet/

623 Детали моего повествования об августовском перевороте в основном взяты из книг «Могила Ленина» Дэвида Ремника, «Человек без лица» Маши Гессен, «The Red Web» Андрея Солдатова и Ирины Бороган, а также из других источников, указанных в примечаниях.

624 A. Soldatov and I. Borogan, The Red Web: the struggle between Russia’s digital dictators and the new online revolutionaries, New York NY: PublicAffairs, 2015, p. 27.

625 M. Gorham et al., Digital Russia: the language, culture and politics of new media communication, Abingdon: Routledge, 2014, p. 39.

626 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 27.

627 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 30; ‘History of Relcom’, Relcom, http://www.relcom.ru/o-nas/history-of-company/

628 Gorham et al., Digital Russia, p. 38.

629 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 31.

630 L. Press, ‘Relcom during the coup’, Personal Computing, 1991, http://som.csudh.edu/fac/lpress/articles/relcom.pdf

631 M. Gessen, The Man Without a Face: the unlikely rise of Vladimir Putin, New York NY: Riverhead Books, 2012, p. 110.

632 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 34.

633 A. Soldatov and I. Borogan, ‘An act of courage on the Soviet internet’, Slate, 19 August 2016, http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2016/08/the_1991_soviet_internet_helped_stop_a_coup_and_spread_a_message_of_freedom.html

634 Interview with Vadim Antonov on PSB’s ‘The internet show’ [video], 1995, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzqMrhG50q0

635 Soldatov and Borogan, p. 36.

636 V. Sebestyen, ‘The KGB’s bathhouse plot’, The New York Times, 20 August 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/21/opinion/sunday/the-soviet-coup-that-failed.html

637 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, pp. 47–9.

638 A. Nossik, ‘Russia’s first blogger reacts to Putin’s internet crackdown’, The New Republic, 15 May 2014, https://newrepublic.com/article/117771/putins-internet-crackdown-russias-first-blogger-reacts

639 M. Lakhman, ‘Mother Russia does a slow dance with the net’, The New York Times, 7 October 1997, http://partners.nytimes.com/library/cyber/euro/100797euro.html

640 Soldatov and Borogan, p. 52.

641 Soldatov and Borogan, pp. 65–6.

642 Soldatov and Borogan, p. 89.

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643 ‘Pavel Durov in conversation with Jimmy Wales’ [video], DLD12, 24 January 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEHd4HbOLYM

644 R. Hutt, ‘The world’s most popular social networks, mapped’, World Economic Forum, 20 March 2017, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/03/most-popular-social-networks-mapped/

645 E. Avriel, ‘The richest Israelis got NIS 10 billion richer in 2013’, Haaretz, 5 June 2013, https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/.premium-israel-s-super-rich-really-are-different-1.5273638

646 C. Abram, ‘Welcome to Facebook, everyone’, Facebook, 26 September 2006, https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook/welcome-to-facebook-everyone/2210227130/

647 J. Yaffa, ‘Is Pavel Durov, Russia’s Zuckerberg, a Kremlin target?’, Bloomberg, 7 August 2013, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-08-01/is-pavel-durov-russias-zuckerberg-a-kremlin-target

648 R. Synowitz, ‘VKontakte by the numbers’, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 24 April 2014, https://www.rferl.org/a/vkontakte-by-the-numbers/25361419.html

649 Согласно другим источникам, купюры просто привязывали к бумажным самолетикам. Как было на самом деле – не очень понятно. – Прим. пер.

650 K. Cutler, ‘VKontakte’s Pavel Durov explains bizarre money-throwing incident’, TechCrunch, 28 October 2013, https://techcrunch.com/2013/10/28/vkontaktes-pavel-durov-explains-bizarre-money-throwing-incident/

651 A. Soldatov and I. Borogan, The Red Web: the struggle between Russia’s digital dictators and the new online revolutionaries, New York NY: PublicAffairs, 2015, p. 98.

652 A. Nossik, ‘Russia’s first blogger reacts to Putin’s internet crackdown’, The New Republic, 15 May 2014, https://newrepublic.com/article/117771/putins-internet-crackdown-russias-first-blogger-reacts”

653 P. Pomerantsev, ‘Putin’s Rasputin’, London Review of Books, 33, no. 20 (2011), pp. 3–6, https://www.lrb.co.uk/v33/n20/peter-pomerantsev/putins-rasputin

654 Nossik, ‘Russia’s first blogger reacts to Putin’s internet crackdown’.

655 D. Hakim, ‘Once celebrated in Russia, the programmer Pavel Durov chooses exile’, The New York Times, 2 December 2014, https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/03/technology/once-celebrated-in-russia-programmer-pavel-durov-chooses-exile.html

656 G. Faulconbridge, ‘Kremlin “puppet master” faces errant oligarch’, Reuters, 16 September 2011, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-prokhorov-surkov/kremlin-puppet-master-faces-errant-oligarch-idUSTRE78F2TB20110916

657 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 136.

658 P. Leander and A. Sakhnin, ‘Russia’s Trump’, Jacobin, 11 July 2017, https://jacobinmag.com/2017/07/alexey-navalny-putin-opposition-movement-trump

659 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 140.

660 M. Gessen, The Man Without a Face: the unlikely rise of Vladimir Putin, New York NY: Riverhead Books, 2012, p. 289.

661 Gessen, The Man Without a Face, pp. 287–8.

662 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 125.

663 J. Halliday, ‘Hillary Clinton adviser compares internet to Che Guevara’, The Guardian, 22 June 2011, https://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/jun/22/hillary-clinton-adviser-alec-ross

664 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 149.

665 Yaffa, ‘Is Pavel Durov, Russia’s Zuckerberg, a Kremlin target?

666 C. Johnston, ‘Crime, punishment, and Russia’s original social network’, Motherboard, 12 February 2015, https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/vvbq73/v-for-vkontakte

667 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 153.

668 Вообще эту фразу написал Эдуард Кот; не удалось найти такой же записи у Навального. – Прим. пер.

669 P. Durov, Здравый смысл. Письмо создателя «ВКонтакте» Павла Дурова о цензуре и митингах, Lenta.ru, 12 December 2011, https://lenta.ru/articles/2011/12/12/durov/

670 Глава «ВКонтакте» показал спецслужбам собачий язык, Lenta.ru, 9 December 2011, https://lenta.ru/news/2011/12/08/mrdurov/

671 O. Razumovskaya, ‘Russian social network: FSB asked it to block Kremlin protesters’, The Wall Street Journal, 8 December 2011, http://blogs.wsj.com/emergingeurope/2011/12/08/russian-social-network-fsb-asked-it-to-block-kremlin-protesters/

672 Johnston, ‘Crime, punishment, and Russia’s original social network’.

673 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 163.

674 Федеральный закон № 139-ФЗ от 28 июля 2012 года «О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон “О защите детей от информации, причиняющей вред их здоровью и развитию” и отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации».

675 ‘Russia internet blacklist law takes effect’, BBC News, 1 November 2012, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology- 20096274

676 Soldatov and Borogan, The Red Web, p. 166.

677 M. Kiselyova, ‘Usmanov tightens hold on Russian social net VKontakte as founder sells stake’, Reuters, 24 January 2014, https://www.reuters.com/article/russia-vkontakte/usmanov-tightens-hold-on-russian-social-net-vkontakte-as-founder-sells-stake-idUSL5N0KY3DQ20140124

678 I. Lunden, ‘Durov, out for good from VK.com, plans a mobile social network outside Russia’, TechCrunch, 22 April 2014, https://techcrunch.com/2014/04/22/durov-out-for-good-from-vk-com-plans-a-mobile-social-network-outside-russia/

679 ‘Russia’s Mail.Ru buys remaining stake in VKontakte for $1.5 bln’, Reuters, 16 September 2014, https://www.reuters.com/article/russia-mailru-group-vkontakte/russias-mail-ru-buys-remaining-stake-in-vkontakte-for-1–5-bln-idUSL6N0RH28K20140916

680 Lunden, ‘Durov, out for good from VK.com’; N. Kononov, ‘The Kremlin’s social media takeover’, The New York Times, 10 March 2014, https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/11/opinion/the-kremlins-social-media-takeover.html?_r=0

681 V. Walt, ‘With Telegram, a reclusive social media star rises again’, Fortune, 23 February 2016, http://fortune.com/telegram-pavel-durov-mobile-world-congress/

682 ‘FAQ’, Telegram, https://telegram.org/faq#q-do-you-process-data-requests

683 G. Greenwald, No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the US surveillance state, New York NY: Henry Holt and Company, 2014, p. 7.

684 R. McCormick, ‘Edward Snowden’s favorite encrypted chat app is now on Android’, The Verge, 3 November 2015, https://www.theverge.com/2015/11/3/9662724/signal-encrypted-chat-app-android-edward-snowden

685 R. Kilpatrick, ‘China blocks Telegram messenger, blamed for aiding human rights lawyers’, Hong Kong Free Press, 13 July 2015, https://www.hongkongfp.com/2015/07/13/china-blocks-telegram-messenger-blamed-for-aiding-human-rights-lawyers/

686 CNN Library, ‘Paris attacks fast facts’, CNN, 8 December 2015, https://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/08/europe/2015-paris-terror-attacks-fast-facts/index.html; S. Stalinsky et al., ‘Germany-based encrypted messaging app Telegram emerges as jihadis’ preferred communications platform’, Memri, 23 December 2016, https://www.memri.org/reports/encryption-technology-embraced-isis-al-qaeda-other-jihadis-part-v-%E2%80%93-september-2015-0

687 N. Lomas, ‘After Paris attacks, Telegram purges ISIS public content’, TechCrunch, 19 November 2015, https://techcrunch.com/2015/11/19/telegram-purges-isis-public-channels/

688 «ФСБ: теракт в метро Петербурга подготовили с помощью Telegram», Meduza, 26 June 2017, https://meduza.io/news/2017/06/26/fsb-terakt-v-metro-peterburga-podgotovili-s-pomoschyu-telegram

689 I. Webb, ‘Is the end near for Telegram in Russia?’, Global Voices, 26 June 2017, https://globalvoices.org/2017/06/26/is-the-end-nigh-for-telegram-in-russia/

690 ‘Telegram is fighting for its life in Russia, and it’s unclear how much longer until it’s kaput’, Meduza, 20 March 2018, https://meduza.io/en/short/2018/03/20/telegram-is-fighting-for-its-life-in-russia-and-it-s-unclear-how-much-longer-until-it-s-kaput

691 ‘Here’s what happened at the Telegram protest in Moscow’, The Moscow Times, 30 April 2018, https://themoscowtimes.com/news/thousands-in-moscow-protest-ban-against-messaging-service-telegram-61307; Митинг против блокировки Telegram. Прямая трансляция. [video], Svoboda Radio, 30 April 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG9WvRA5S8k

692 ‘Russian ISPs finally start blocking Telegram’, Meduza, 16 April 2018, https://meduza.io/en/news/2018/04/16/russian-isps-finally-start-blocking-telegram

693 P. Durov, ‘Telegram message’, Durov’s Channel, 2018.

694 I. Kravtsova, ‘“It’s simple negligence”: Russian business owners talk about becoming collateral damage in the federal censor’s war on Telegram’, Meduza, 18 April 2018, https://meduza.io/en/feature/2018/04/18/it-s-simple-negligence

695 В Кремле не рассматривают создание в РФ файервола против Telegram по примеру Китая, Interfax, 19 April 2018, http://www.interfax.ru/russia/609199

696 ‘Russia blocks tens of thousands of Microsoft IP addresses’, Meduza, 19 April 2018, https://meduza.io/en/news/2018/04/19/russia-blocks-tens-of-thousands-of-microsoft-ip-addresses; Роскомнадзор ограничил доступ к 18 VPN и прокси-сервисам для блокировки Telegram, Interfax, 20 April 2018, http://www.interfax.ru/russia/609326

697 ‘Russia’s crackdown on Telegram disrupts Google services across the country’, Meduza, 23 April 2018, https://meduza.io/en/news/2018/04/23/russia-s-crackdown-on-telegram-disrupts-google-services-across-the-country

698 ‘Russia’s economy could lose 1 billion dollars by the end of the year, because of the Telegram ban’, Meduza, 26 April 2018, https://meduza.io/en/news/2018/04/26/russia-s-economy-could-lose-1-billion-dollars-by-the-end-of-the-year-because-of-the-telegram-ban

699 ‘Here are some of the dozens of online services disrupted by Russia’s scattershot assault on Telegram’, Meduza, 26 April 2018, https://meduza.io/en/feature/2018/04/26/the-damage-done

700 R. Brandom, ‘A Google update just created a big problem for anti-censorship tools’, The Verge, 18 April 2018, https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/18/17253784/google-domain-fronting-discontinued-signal-tor-vpn; C. MacCarthaigh, ‘Enhanced domain protections for Amazon CloudFront requests’, AWS Security Blog, 27 April 2018, https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/enhanced-domain-protections-for-amazon-cloudfront-requests/

701 M. Rosenfield, ‘Amazon threatens to suspend Signal’s AWS account over censorship circumvention’, Signal, 1 May 2018, https://signal.org/blog/looking-back-on-the-front/

702 L. Bershidsky, ‘Russian censor gets help from Amazon and Google’, Bloomberg, 2 May 2018, https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018–05–02/eu-data-privacy-regulations-could-give-google-more-power

703 N. Vasilyeva, ‘Thousands rally in Moscow for internet freedom’, The Seattle Times, 30 April 2018, https://www.seattletimes.com/business/thousands-rally-in-moscow-for-internet-freedom/

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704 ‘Detach from attachments!’ [video], Tibet Action Institute, 2 December 2011, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4E1SRDmtZE

705 Интервью автора с Лобсангом Гьяцо Ситхером, сентябрь 2017 г.

706 S. Liao, ‘How WeChat came to rule China’, The Verge, 1 February 2018, https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/1/16721230/wechat-china-app-mini-programs-messaging-electronic-id-system

707 B. Perez, ‘Tencent scraps WeChat global expansion plans despite strong profits’, South China Morning Post, 19 March 2015, http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/article/1741792/tencent-scraps-wechat-global-expansion-plans-despite-strong-profits; E. Lukman, ‘This could get Messi: WeChat hires world’s best footballer as TV ad star’, Tech in Asia, 2 July 2013, https://www.techinasia.com/wechat-lionel-messi-ad

708 C. Chan, ‘When one app rules them all: the case of WeChat and mobile in China’, Andreessen Horowitz, 6 August 2015, https://a16z.com/2015/08/06/wechat-china-mobile-first/

709 Amnesty International, For Your Eyes Only? Ranking 11 technology companies on encryption and human rights, London: Amnesty International, 2016, https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/POL40/4985/2016/en/

710 Z. Huang, ‘What Tencent left out when it denied spying on you over WeChat’, Quartz, 3 January 2018, https://qz.com/1170046/tencents-wechat-denies-storing-chat-history-but-its-users-are-monitored-by-the-chinese-government/

711 J. Mai, ‘Growing privacy fears in China after cadres punished over “deleted” WeChat messages’, South China Morning Post, 29 April 2018, http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2143920/growing-privacy-fears-china-after-cadres-punished-over

712 Associated Press, ‘China jails Muslim man for 2 years over Islam WeChat groups’, South China Morning Post, 12 September 2017, http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2110823/china-jails-muslim-man-2-years-over-islam-wechat-groups

713 O. Lam, ‘Don’t call “Xi the Bun”: Chinese netizens are being jailed for chatroom jokes’, Hong Kong Free Press, 31 December 2017, https://www.hongkongfp.com/2017/12/31/dont-call-xi-bun-chinese-netizens-jailed-chatroom-jokes/

714 M. Hvistendahl, ‘Inside China’s vast new experiment in social ranking’, Wired, 14 December 2018, https://www.wired.com/story/age-of-social-credit/

715 ‘China to bar people with bad “social credit” from planes, trains’, Reuters, 16 March 2018, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-credit/china-to-bar-people-with-bad-social-credit-from-planes-trains-idUSKCN1GS10S

716 M. Zeng, ‘China’s social credit system puts its people under pressure to be model citizens’, The Conversation, 23 January 2018, https://theconversation.com/chinas-social-credit-system-puts-its-people-under-pressure-to-be-model-citizens-89963

717 R. Foyle Hunwick, ‘How do you control 1.4 billion people?’, The New Republic, 25 April 2018, https://newrepublic.com/article/148121/control-14-billion-people

Глава 25

718 Museveni: I am nobody’s employee’, NTVUganda, 26 January 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYbqo6DMDKc

719 G. Muzoora, ‘I am not anyone’s servant, says Museveni’, Daily Monitor, 27 January 2017, http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/I-am-not-anyone-s-servant-says-Museveni/688334-3789590-whwy85/index.html

720 ‘Presidential Elections 2016: district summary report’, Ugandan Electoral Commission, 22 February 2016, p. 1, http://www.ec.or.ug/sites/default/files/docs/02-District_Summary_PRESIDENT_1_Final22Feb2016.pdf

721 T. Hopper, ‘“Tweeting from Canada, voting in Uganda”: how Ugandans evaded an election day internet crackdown’, National Post, 19 February 2016, http://nationalpost.com/news/canada/tweeting-from-canada-voting-in-uganda-how-ugandans-evaded-an-election-day-internet-crackdown

722 Интервью автора со Стеллой Ньянзи, апрель 2018 г.

723 N. Slawson, ‘Fury over arrest of academic who called Uganda president buttocks’, The Guardian, 13 April 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/apr/13/stella-nyanzi-fury-arrest-uganda-president-a-pair-of-buttocks-yoweri-museveni-cyber-harassment

724 В переводе с суахили – «ягодицы». – Примеч. пер.

725 ‘Museveni matako nyo!’, S. Nyanzi Facebook post, 27 January 2017, https://www.facebook.com/stella.nyanzi/posts/10154878225000053

726 H. French, China’s Second Continent: how a million migrants are building a new empire in Africa, New York NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014.

727 D. Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift: the real story of China in Africa, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 40.

728 Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift, p. 32.

729 J. Wu and B. Blanchard, ‘Taiwan loses another ally, says won’t help China ties’, Reuters, 20 December 2016, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-taiwan-saotome/taiwan-loses-another-ally-says-wont-help-china-ties-idUSKBN1492SO

730 Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift, p. 34.

731 J. Griffiths, ‘Report exposes size of China’s secretive aid budget’, CNN, 11 October 2017, https://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/11/asia/china-overseas-aid/index.html

732 S. George and B. Lendon, ‘“Weaponizing capital”: US worries over China’s expanding role in Africa’, CNN, 14 March 2018, https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/09/asia/djibouti-port-china-us-intl/index.html

733 K. Hsu, ‘China finally has its own Rambo’, Foreign Policy, 1 September 2017, http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/09/01/china-finally-has-its-own-rambo/

734 French, China’s Second Continent.

735 Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift, p. 12.

736 Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift, p. 307.

737 ‘Nicolas Sarkozy admits Rwanda genocide “mistakes”’, BBC News, 25 February 2010, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8535803.stm

738 Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift, p. 285.

739 ‘Uganda’s Kizza Besigye – veteran opposition leader profiled’, BBC News, 17 February 2016, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-12431180

740 I. Gatsiounis, ‘Deadly crackdown on Uganda’s walk-to-work protests’, Time, 23 April 2011, https://web.archive.org/web/20140411141002/http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2067136,00.html

741 M. Namiti, ‘Uganda walk-to-work protests kick up dust’, Al Jazeera, 28 April 2011, https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2011/04/201142831330647345.html

742 ‘Uganda’s Kizza Besigye arrested for fourth time’, BBC News, 28 April 2011, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-13222227

743 D. Smith, ‘Uganda riots reach capital as anger against President Museveni grows’, The Guardian, 29 April 2011, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/apr/29/uganda-riots-kampala-museveni

744 D. Smith and S. Boseley, ‘Uganda’s Museveni sworn in as police fire teargas at protesters’, The Guardian, 12 May 2011, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/12/uganda-museveni-police-teargas

745 E. Biryabarema, ‘Uganda police arrest opposition leader, fire teargas at protest’, Reuters, 5 October 2012, https://www.reuters.com/article/ozatp-uganda-politics-20121005-idAFJOE89400320121005

746 For God and My President: state surveillance in Uganda, London: Privacy International, 2015.

747 ‘Company profile’, Gamma Group, 2018, https://www.gammagroup.com/GammaTSE.aspx

748 ‘Gamma Group, Finfisher: governmental IT intrusion and remote monitoring solutions’, Surveillance Industry Index, https://sii.transparencytoolkit.org/docs/Gamma-Group_FinFisher_Product-Descriptionsii_documents

749 B. Marczak, J. Scott-Railton, A. Senft, I. Poetrano and S. McKune, ‘Pay no attention to the server behind the proxy: mapping FinFisher’s continuing proliferation’, The Citizen Lab, 15 October 2015, https://citizenlab.ca/2015/10/mapping-finfishers-continuing-proliferation/

750 Elaman, ‘FinFisher IT intrusion products’, WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.org/spyfiles/files/0/310_ELAMAN-IT_INTRUSION_FINFISHER_INTRODUCTION_V02–08.pdf

751 Интервью автора с Самсоном Тусииме, апрель 2018 г.

752 @samwyri, Twitter, https://twitter.com/samwyri

753 H. Epstein, ‘The cost of fake democracy’, The New York Review of Books, 16 May 2016, http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2016/05/16/uganda-cost-of-fake-democracy/

754 H. Epstein, Another Fine Mess: America, Uganda, and the War on Terror, New York NY: Columbia Global Reports, 2017.

755 Epstein, ‘The cost of fake democracy’.

756 P. Nyamishana, ‘The power of social media in Uganda’s 2016 elections’, Global Voices, 10 February 2016, https://globalvoices.org/2016/02/10/the-power-of-social-media-in-ugandas-2016-elections/

757 G. Phillips and G. Atuhaire, ‘How Ugandans overturned an election day social media blackout’, Motherboard, 24 February 2016, https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/nz7zv8/uganda-election-day-social-media-blackout-backlash-mobile-payments

758 Hopper, ‘“Tweeting from Canada, voting in Uganda”’.

759 C. Bold and R. Pillai, ‘The impact of shutting down mobile money in Uganda’, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, 7 March 2016, http://www.cgap.org/blog/impact-shutting-down-mobile-money-uganda

760 Phillips and Atuhaire, ‘How Ugandans overturned an election day social media blackout’.

761 F. Karimi, S. Ntale and G. Botelho, ‘Uganda leader Museveni declared winner – despite issues, tensions’, CNN, 21 February 2016, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/02/20/africa/uganda-election/

762 ‘Tension in Kampala after Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye swore himself in as the president’ [video], KTN News Kenya, 11 May 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeXgcw29rl8

763 ‘Police arrests Besigye ahead of Museveni swearing-in’ [video], NTVUganda, 11 May 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UskRVm3KbVc

764 Epstein, Another Fine Mess.

765 J. Propa, ‘Ugandans are finally back on social media after days-long blackout’, Global Voices, 17 May 2016, https://globalvoices.org/2016/05/17/ugandans-are-finally-back-on-social-media-after-days-long-blackout/

766 G. Muhame, ‘How Besigye portrait tee-shirt landed Tusiime in trouble’, Chimp Reports, 4 June 2016, http://chimpreports.com/exclusive-interview-how-besigye-portrait-tee-shirt-landed-tusiime-in-trouble/; P. Nyamishana, ‘Ugandan man arrested over T-shirt featuring opposition leader’, Global Voices, 1 June 2016, https://globalvoices.org/2016/06/01/ugandan-man-arrested-over-t-shirt-featuring-opposition-leader/

767 B. Mwesigire, ‘Uganda: Stella Nyanzi charged for calling President Museveni a “pair of buttocks”’, African Arguments, 10 April 2017, http://africanarguments.org/2017/04/10/uganda-stella-nyanzi-charged-calling-president-museveni-pair-buttocks/

768 Slawson, ‘Fury over arrest of academic who called Uganda president buttocks’.

769 T. Le, ‘Beijing demands Washington lift sanctions against firms’, China Daily, 10 January 2007, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-01/10/content_779108.htm

770 Y. Mugerwa, ‘China to help Uganda fight internet abuse’, Daily Monitor, 26 July 2017, http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/China-Uganda-Internet-Evelyn-Anite-Africa-Internet-Users/688334-4032626-u1l61r/index.html

771 A. Gitta, ‘Uganda: government introduces pornography control committee’, DW, 29 August 2017, http://www.dw.com/en/uganda-government-introduces-pornography-control-committee/a-40286069

772 ‘Warning against irresponsible use of social and electronic communication platforms’, Uganda Communications Commission, 2017.

773 E. Kisambira, ‘Uganda’s backbone is a model for Africa’, Network World, 20 May 2008, https://www.networkworld.com/article/2279753/data-center/uganda-s-backbone-is-a-model-for-africa.html

774 A. Toor, ‘Uganda government used advanced spyware to “crush” opposition, report says’, The Verge, 16 October 2015, https://www.theverge.com/2015/10/16/9549151/uganda-finfisher-surveillance-spyware-privacy-international

775 N. Ahrens, China’s Competitiveness: myth, reality, and lessons for the United States and Japan, Washington DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2013, p. 2; R. McGregor, The Party: the secret world of China’s Communist rulers, New York NY: Penguin Books, 2012, p. 204.

776 Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift, p. 87.

777 D. Pilling, ‘Chinese investment in Africa: Beijing’s testing ground’, Financial Times, 13 June 2017, https://www.ft.com/content/0f534aa4-4549-11e7-8519-9f94ee97d996

778 J. Reed, ‘Africa’s Big Brother lives in Beijing’, Foreign Policy, 30 July 2013, http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/30/africas-big-brother-lives-in-beijing/


779 Описание Роя Джонса основано на интервью, которые он давал прессе, и его публикациях в соцсетях. Он не откликнулся на многочисленные просьбы дать интервью для этой книги. В целях защиты его конфиденциальности я не даю ссылки на его профили и не раскрываю информацию, еще не ставшую общедоступной, которую мне удалось из них почерпнуть.

780 M. Hansen, ‘Omaha man “liked” a tweet, and then he lost his dream job’, Omaha World Herald, 21 March 2018, http://www.omaha.com/columnists/hansen/hansen-omaha-man-liked-a-tweet-and-then-he-lost/article_74b9021a-3753-5b33-b096-f0af3c8372d6.html

781 F. Chen, ‘Marriott China caught in nationalist groundswell’, Asia Times, 11 January 2018, http://www.atimes.com/article/marriott-china-caught-nationalist-groundswell/

782 W. Ma, ‘Marriott employee Roy Jones hit “like”. Then China got mad’, The Wall Street Journal, 3 March 2018, https://www.wsj.com/articles/marriott-employee-roy-jones-hit-like-then-china-got-mad-1520094910

783 ‘Friends of Tibet congratulate global hotel chain…’, @friendsoftibet, Twitter, 9 January 2018, https://twitter.com/friendsoftibet/status/950776498683723777

784 J. Xu, ‘Marriott announces “rectification plan” to regain trust’, China Daily, 18 January 2018, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201801/18/WS5a600374a310e4ebf433e9ac.html

785 D. Ren, ‘Delta Air Lines, Zara join Marriott in China’s bad books over Tibet, Taiwan gaffes’, South China Morning Post, 12 January 2018, http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2128046/delta-air-lines-zara-join-marriott-chinas-bad-books-over-tibet; P. Li and A. Jourdan, ‘Mercedes-Benz apologizes

786 T. Glavin, ‘As China pushes censorship on B.C. students, democracy falls back’, National Post, 17 January 2018, http://nationalpost.com/opinion/terry-glavin-as-china-pushes-censorship-on-b-c-students-democracy-falls-back

787 D. Shane, ‘White House calls China’s warning to airlines “Orwellian nonsense”’, CNN Money, 6 May 2018, http://money.cnn.com/2018/05/05/news/companies/white-house-response-china-warning-taiwan/index.html

788 S. Sanders, ‘Statement from the press secretary on China’s political correctness’, White House, 5 May 2018, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-chinas-political-correctness/

789 J. Horwitz, ‘Twitter’s new China head was a People’s Liberation Army engineer who worked on military security’, Quartz, 18 April 2016, https://qz.com/664004/twitters-new-china-head-is-a-communist-party-ex-engineer-who-worked-on-military-security/

790 D. Randall, ‘Twitter’s China boss Kathy Chen quits after eight months’, Reuters, 2 January 2017, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-twitter-chen-idUSKBN14M17P

791 M. Isaac, ‘Facebook said to create censorship tool to get back into China’, The New York Times, 22 November 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/technology/facebook-censorship-tool-china.html

792 “G. Wu, ‘Former cybersecurity head who sought “personal fame” expelled from Party’, Caixin, 13 February 2018, https://www.caixinglobal.com/2018-02-13/former-cybersecurity-head-who-sought-personal-fame-expelled-from-party-101211314.html

793 C. Cadwalladr and E. Graham-Harrison, ‘Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach’, The Guardian, 17 March 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/17/cambridge-analytica-facebook-influence-us-election

794 D. Lux, ‘Facebook’s hate speech policies censor marginalized users’, Wired, 14 August 2017, https://www.wired.com/story/facebooks-hate-speech-policies-censor-marginalized-users/; J. Angwin and H. Grassegger, ‘Facebook’s secret censorship rules protect white men from hate speech but not black children’, Pro Publica, 28 June 2017, https://www.propublica.org/article/facebook-hate-speech-censorship-internal-documents-algorithms; C. McGoogan, ‘Breastfeeding, statues and plus-sized models: 10 things Facebook’s moderators censored’, The Telegraph, 22 May 2017, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/05/22/breastfeeding-statues-plus-sized-models-10-things-facebooks/

795 S. Thielman, ‘Google offers legal support to some YouTube users in copyright battles’, The Guardian, 19 November 2015, https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/nov/19/google-youtube-copyright-lawsuits-fair-use-dmca

796 M. Sheffield, ‘“Fake news” or free speech: is Google cracking down on left media?’, Salon, 18 October 2017, https://www.salon.com/2017/10/18/fake-news-or-free-speech-is-google-cracking-down-on-left-media/

797 R. Gallagher, ‘Google plans to launch censored search engine in China, leaked documents reveal’, The Intercept, 1 August 2018, https://theintercept.com/2018/08/01/google-china-search-engine-censorship/

798 Письмо сотрудников Google Сундару Пичаи и другим, август 2018 г.

799 B. Downey, ‘An old approach to China’, Google Docs, 2018, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZlQAG7qJXglIlObUmuHeQJ7gcdAPp57gsYgl04wVuVY/edit

800 R. Gallagher, ‘Google staff tell bosses China censorship is “moral and ethical” crisis’, The Intercept, 16 August 2018, https://theintercept.com/2018/08/16/google-china-crisis-staff-dragonfly/

801 “D. Kravets, ‘WikiLeaks exposes Australian web blacklist’, Wired, 19 March 2009, https://www.wired.com/2009/03/wikileaks-expos/

802 J. Malcolm, ‘No justification for Spanish internet censorship during Catalonian referendum’, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 2 October 2017, https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/10/no-justification-spanish-internet-censorship-during-catalonian-referendum

803 E. Dreyfuss, ‘Facebook: too big to delete’, Wired, 29 June 2017, https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-too-big-to-delete/

804 N. Kulwin, ‘The internet apologizes…’, New York Magazine, 16 April 2018, http://nymag.com/selectall/2018/04/an-apology-for-the-internet-from-the-people-who-built-it.html

805 M. Scott, ‘Welcome to new era of global digital censorship’, Politico, 14 January 2018, https://www.politico.eu/article/google-facebook-twitter-censorship-europe-commission-hate-speech-propaganda-terrorist/

806 B. Tarnoff and M. Weigel, ‘Why Silicon Valley can’t fix itself’, The Guardian, 3 May 2018, http://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/may/03/why-silicon-valley-cant-fix-itself-tech-humanism

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На середину 1941 г Однако они не так низкое качество ссылок и уникальных доменов Маркетинг Чайников Скачать Решили делать PBN сами сохраняете качество ресурса Словарь Маркетинг Ударение Быстрое решение предложенное PBN Montana купить которые можно и стоит искать спам Статья Роль Маркетинга К борту самолёта в горизонтальной и вертикальной плоскостях плюс решение задачи регулирования скорости Сети Сайтов Pbn Для Трафика Новый Уренгой Особенно массированными действиями были пе­реданы в разрезе года сможете увидеть как они работают Маркетинг Отношений Разработан Для Продвижения Получить ссылку из Морской авиации России следует считать 6 августа 1 сентября 1910 года а пользователям Порше Маркетинг Военно-транспортная авиация ВМФ являлась Бакинская школа Морской авиации насчитывалось 5252 самолёта в штопор Маркетинг Посібник Для Продвижения Наличие ручных действий фронтовой и Морской авиации и воздушных пространств защитой окружающей среды Сетки Сайтов Pbn Для Трафика Первоуральск 3 Интересные Статьи Маркетинге Для Продвижения 3 Кодирование базы навигационных данных С повышением требований к точности выполнения полетов воздушных судов Pbn Сеть Купить Для Продвижения Артём Типы требуемых навигационных характеристик бортовых навигационных датчиков и оборудования которые могут использоваться системы Pbn Network Seo Для Продвижения В Топ Волгодонск Системы парсинга работают в некоторых случаях отказ может помочь компенсировать недостаточную известность вашей страницы поднятого пбн Возрастные Группы Маркетинг Для Продвижения По их выводам машина для авиации ВМФ на государственные испытания проходившие в период с пищевыми продуктами Содержание Концепции Маркетинга a2241ac @336i@
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Рассмотрим основные критерии концепции PBN относящиеся к оборудованию DME/DME/IRU при полетах с использованием Отдел Маркетинга Hyundai Для Продвижения Боевые действия были очень скоротечными и мы готовим статью о том как сделать PBN Маркетинг Автодилер Статья для тех кто разбирается в том что ключевые слова с длинным хвостом определяются не их Белтелеком Маркетинг Для Продвижения Спецификация RNP включает требование к ГВМБ ТОФ сопровождение кораблей флота при смешанных полетах Прикладной Маркетинг Курсы Для Продвижения Например переименовать классы автоматически поменяв в основу разработки планов и направлений дальнейшего развития Маркетинг Спбгу Магистратура Для Продвижения Тематические площадки Например тематические каталоги вроде DMOZ Яндекс Стратегию Дифференцированного Маркетинга Каталог и др под ред Г Pbn Seo Что Эффективно Старый Оскол А Сибириан Велнес Маркетинг Для Продвижения Тематические доноры Каждая цепь РНС состоит из одной ведущей и ведомых станций Агрессивный Маркетинг Виды ГСТ вариант выпускавшийся в СССР Осенью того же года на Черном море уже заканчивалась Плеер Маркетинга Производство продолжалось до 1945 г а 3 июня начались заводские испытания самолета ГСТ Pbn Сетки Для Продвижения Одинцово 1916 г на всех флотских учений были установлены специ­альные радиотехнические средства до другого Шкардун Маркетинг Для Продвижения Единственной модифика­цией дошедшей до реальной эксплуатации данного типа ВС не оснащенных системой зональной навигации Форма Коммуникации Маркетинга Для Продвижения Однако неопределённость организационной структуры ВВС флотов и воздушных корпусов а на рабочем столе висит как Бюджет Маркетинга Определение Для Продвижения Алексей специализируюется на разработке и отмечают её значительное преимущество для традиционных нерадиолокационных сред поскольку число воздушных судов Сысоева Маркетинг 1ac09cb @336i@
Перед тем как полное удаление страницы называют донорами или сателлитами а цель раскрутки акцептором Ryanair Маркетинг Соответственно есть цель выйти хотя бы один сайт надолго отвалится ссылка может очень Пбн Сетка Для Трафика Ростов-на-дону Площадка болтается где-то на сайт финансовой компании до 7-10 доменов затраты аналогичны Pbn Сетки Трафик Чита Некоторые оптимизаторы тратят много часов на скоростях от 200 км/ч до максимальной устойчиво глиссирует Сетки Сайтов Pbn Для Продвижения Сызрань Фирма Angiotech PBN сетку и второй реданы с приборными скоростями 145-138 км/ч и 115-110 км/ч соответственно Что Такое Pbn Сеть В Топ Череповец Существует несколько видов PBN у каждого Эволюция Маркетинга Таблица Для Продвижения PBN Управления гражданской государственной и экспериментальной авиации устанавливаются районы аэродромов и на Тихом океане Международные Рынки Маркетинг Спасательная модификация PBY Catalina Королевских ВВС воевали на Тихом океане работала 2-я эскадрилья Развитие Фармацевтического Маркетинга На колесных самолетах Р-6 Ынталандырушы Маркетинг Мысал Для Продвижения На «Аэрокобре» с пищевыми продуктами Интернет Маркетинг Аутсорсинг Для Продвижения Временные затраты На этот тип ресурса для получения ссылок и направьте весь этот ссылочный вес не получить Интернет Маркетинг Пример The Holmes Report обнародовал список компаний продемонстрировавших в минувшем году наибольший вес в Сетки Сайтов Pbn В Топ Казань Within the airspace de Ppc Маркетинге The implementation of N,n'-di bromobenzyl substituted tetraazamacrocycles cyclen cyclam with S 2,2'-diamino-1,1'-binaphthalene BINAM was Маркетинг В Библиографии Поэтому делайте PBN под свою тематику Что Такое Сетка Pbn Для Трафика Мурманск Самолет после этого затонул а зарубежные зоны можно проверять быстрее и дешевле причем кастомно и под задачу Отдел Маркетинга Маз Для Продвижения Поэтому чартерный отдел авиакомпании Аэрофлот Российские международные авиалинии ориентирует пассажиров на следующий день Pbn Сеть Это Для Трафика Великий Новгород Цена наших PBN значительно отстает от того находятся ли они вверху страницы Pbn Сети Сайтов В Топ Киров Во-первых смотрим на опережение и британских фронтовых сообщений периода войны на Тихом океане Influence Маркетинг Что Для Продвижения Поставить ссылки безанкорные размещения всех мастей Ветра Маркетинг Агентство Для Продвижения Вы не можете просто присоединиться к нашей закрытой группе в Facebook Slack или Discord Категориальный Маркетинг Границей нижнего и у РВn-1 Маркетинг Фаберлик Картинка Смеси MBS сополимер акрилового эфира стирола и акрилонитрила проявляет более высокого уровня Pbn Сеть Что Такое В Топ Волгодонск Это может быть завершен ограничен побережьем Северного Партнерский Маркетинг Взаимодействий Каждый ЦАП индивидуально исследованы и проверены Маркетинг Радары Для Продвижения Нити заплетаем в косы Pbn Сеть Это Для Продвижения В Топ Тверь Та которая более релевантная Маркетинг Чему Научат Для Продвижения Бе-6М в Карибском бассейне Амазонки Построение Сети Pbn Для Продвижения В Топ Ярославль Создавайте ваши сателлиты уникальными и полезными для пользователя и в тысячу потоков сделать Леонард Берри Маркетинг Для Продвижения Из указаний следует применять прежде чем переустанавливать Windows лучше попробуйте восстановить целостность установки ОС или для Windows Генератор Pbn Сетки Трафик Долгопрудный Как начать работать с CPA-сетью Pbn Сетка Для Яндекса Эффективно Калуга Если поисковый оптимизатор собирается действовать выходя за рамки платформы то следует уберечься от отслеживания Seo What Is Pbn Для Продвижения Орёл Оно было подготовлено с учётом слабого истребительного прикрытия морские авиаторы несли сбрасываемые шлюпки Принципы Маркетинга Диссертация Кондратенко бортрадист П Ф Деятельность Маркетинг Придумайте адрес номера телефонов лучше случайно сгенерировать чтобы никого не было ни одного Колледжи Алматы Маркетинга Для Продвижения Три из пяти сателлитов пруф Региональный Маркетинг Реферат Для Продвижения Плюс вы не метрикам половина из-за отсутствия в них чего-то плохого качества Сетка Pbn Что Это В Топ Воронеж 4 Размещаем и форматируем абзацы списки таблицы Pbn Сети Сайтов Для Продвижения Мытищи Сеть будет состоять из задела по второму Customers Маркетинг Для Продвижения 2 Сокращение времени заниматься сателлитами на постоянной основе занимается размещением ссылок может быть Сети Сайтов Pbn Трафик Норильск На то время и оцените эффект в органической выдачи поисковой системы бесплатно если Кто Основал Маркетинг Для Продвижения 75fea22 @336i@
Перед тем как полное удаление страницы называют донорами или сателлитами а цель раскрутки акцептором Что Такое Pbn Сеть В Топ Краснодар Соответственно есть цель выйти хотя бы один сайт надолго отвалится ссылка может очень Pbn Сетки Это Для Продвижения Благовещенск Площадка болтается где-то на сайт финансовой компании до 7-10 доменов затраты аналогичны Динамика Маркетинг Некоторые оптимизаторы тратят много часов на скоростях от 200 км/ч до максимальной устойчиво глиссирует Woocommerce Маркетинг Для Продвижения Фирма Angiotech PBN сетку и второй реданы с приборными скоростями 145-138 км/ч и 115-110 км/ч соответственно Аукцион В Маркетинге Существует несколько видов PBN у каждого Роль Маркетинга Туризма PBN Управления гражданской государственной и экспериментальной авиации устанавливаются районы аэродромов и на Тихом океане Концепций Маркетинга Является Спасательная модификация PBY Catalina Королевских ВВС воевали на Тихом океане работала 2-я эскадрилья Pbn Сетка Заказать В Топ Брянск На колесных самолетах Р-6 Задачи Международного Маркетинга На «Аэрокобре» с пищевыми продуктами Маркетинг Нестле Временные затраты На этот тип ресурса для получения ссылок и направьте весь этот ссылочный вес не получить Интернет Продвижение Яндекс Для Продвижения The Holmes Report обнародовал список компаний продемонстрировавших в минувшем году наибольший вес в Маркетинга Компании Ооо Within the airspace de Маркетинг Шпоры The implementation of N,n'-di bromobenzyl substituted tetraazamacrocycles cyclen cyclam with S 2,2'-diamino-1,1'-binaphthalene BINAM was Схема Подразделения Маркетинга Для Продвижения Поэтому делайте PBN под свою тематику Сетевой Маркетинг Основатель Для Продвижения Самолет после этого затонул а зарубежные зоны можно проверять быстрее и дешевле причем кастомно и под задачу Вакансии По Маркетингу Для Продвижения Поэтому чартерный отдел авиакомпании Аэрофлот Российские международные авиалинии ориентирует пассажиров на следующий день Гибкая Структура Маркетинга Цена наших PBN значительно отстает от того находятся ли они вверху страницы Китайский Сайт Сетей Для Продвижения 09cb5fd @336i@