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Stephanie A. Hall, “‘Reality Is a Crutch for People Who Can’t Deal with Science Fiction’: Slogan-Buttons Among Science Fiction Fans,” Keystone Folklore 4, no. 1 (1989): 25. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/qr4mzG.


Edward Guthmann, “Woodstock Remembered: A Sentimental Journey – Participants Recall the Music, the Mood, the Mud 20 Years after Legendary Concert,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 13, 1989, Sunday Datebook section, 20. Accessed in NewsBank.


George Carlin, Brain Droppings (New York: Hyperion, 1997), 74. Verified in hard copy.


Ann O’Neill, “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lo,” City of Angles, Los Angeles Times, October 2, 2001, E2. Byline note: “Ann O’Neill is on vacation. This column was written by staff writers Gina Piccalo and Louise Roug.” Accessed in ProQuest.


George Carlin, Napalm and Silly Putty (New York: Hyperion, 2001), unnumbered page before introduction. Verified in hard copy.


P. R. [Peter Richard] Wilkinson, ed., Thesaurus of Traditional English Metaphors, 2nd ed. (New York: Routledge, 2002), 897.


Kevin Williams, “Deeper Meaning – Kabbalah Teaches Mystical Side of Judaism,” Daily Camera (Boulder, CO), July 20, 2002, Di.


Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī, The Essential Rumi, trans. Coleman Barks and John Moyne, new expanded ed. (New York: HarperOne, 2004), 106.


“They Said It,” Ledger (Lakeland, FL), February 8, 2005, East Polk section, F4. Accessed in NewsBank.


Patrick Kingsley, “Who Is the Mystery Poet Behind Megan Fox’s New Tattoo?” Guardian (London, UK), June 1, 2010, https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2010/jun/01 /megan-fox-mystery-tattoo-poet.


Quiz of the Week, BBC News, April 12, 2012.


Fred R. Shapiro, The Yale Book of Quotations (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006), 583. Verified in hard copy; Ralph Keyes, The Quote Verifier: Who Said What, Where, and When (New York: St. Martin’s, 2006), 119–20. Verified in hard copy; Elizabeth Knowles, ed., Oxford Dictionary of Quotations in Oxford Reference Online, s. v. “Blaise Pascal.”


Blaise Pascal, Les Provinciales, or, the Mystery of Jesuitisme, trans., 2nd ed. (London: Printed by J. G. for Richard Royston, 1658), 292. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/bqADC8.


Bernard Lamy, Antoine Arnauld, and Pierre Nicole, The Art of Speaking (London: W. Godbid, 1676), 8. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/Uyn9hB.


George Tullie, An Answer to a Discourse Concerning the Celibacy of the Clergy (Oxford: printed at the Theater for Richard Chiswell, 1688), preface. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/xHCPTC.


Edmund Bohun, A Geographical Dictionary, Representing the Present and Ancient Names of All the Countries, Provinces, Remarkable Cities… (London: printed for Charles Brome at the Gun, at the west end of St. Paul’s, 1688), page header AT, column 2. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/x2BOMq.


John Locke, The Works of John Locke Esq.: In Three Volumes (London: John Churchill, 1714), vii. Accessed in Google Books, http://goo.gl/UHOUhU.


William Cowper, “A Letter to Dr. Edward Tyson: Giving an Account of the Anatomy of Those Parts of Male Opossum that Differ from the Female,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 290 (March – April 1704): 1586. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/ts1iOw.


Benjamin Franklin, New Experiments and Observations on Electricity Made at Philadelphia in America, 2nd ed. (London: D. Henry and R. Cave, 1754), 82. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/fAzKrF.


“Signor Rossini and Signor Carpani,” Harmonicon 20 (August 1824): 156. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/8EJxBE.


The Life of Luther Written by Himself, arr. M. Michelet, trans. William Hazlitt (London: David Bogue, 1846), 293. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/uaqQX1.


Henry David Thoreau, Letters to Various Persons (Boston: Houghton, Osgood, 1879), 165. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/qNv497. Letter with quotation is dated November 16, 1857, to Mr. B. [Harrison Blake].


“SLC to James Redpath, 15 June 1871,” Mark Twain Project Online, http://goo.gl/Io1Ihy.


[Untitled article], Operative Miller 23, no. 4 (April 1918): 130. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/fsU5tK.


J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (New York: Scholastic, 2000), 525. Verified in hard copy.


“Gems Gleaned from the Teachings of All Denominations,” Religious Thought, Mansfield News (Mansfield, OH), January 29, 1910, 15. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


Letters Written by the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq., Late Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Dresden, vol. 1, 4th ed. rev. (London: J. Dodsley, 1774), 289. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl /5Ts96N. Letter in question is dated May 17, 1748.


An Irish Country Gentleman [William Parnell], An Enquiry into the Causes of Popular Discontents in Ireland (London: J. Milliken, 1805), 78. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/btWbCA.


“Courtesy to Inferiors,” Farmer’s Cabinet 51, no. 8 (September 30, 1852): 1. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


[Freestanding quotation], Printers’ Ink 40, no. 10 (September 3, 1902): 26. Accessed in HathiTrust, https://goo.gl/CX0bt5.


“Freedman’s Address,” Daily Review (Decatur, IL), September 15, 1911, 1. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com. Many thanks to Suzanne Watkins for pointing out this citation and her pioneering exploration of the saying more broadly. She also pointed out the adage in Rowling’s book to QI, and she showed that the saying could be traced back to the early part of the twentieth century.


Leland Stanford, San Francisco: Its Builders, Past and Present: Pictorial and Biographical, vol. 2 (Chicago: S. J. Clarke, 1913), 26. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/cwZ585.


I. S. Caldwell, “Civilization’s Yard Stick,” Let’s Think This Over, Augusta Chronicle (Augusta, GA), August 15, 1930, 6. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


Carl Sagan, The Cosmic Connection: An Extraterrestrial Perspective (Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1973), 189–90. Verified in hard copy.


Ellen Frizell Wyckoff, “Star Land,” Greensboro Daily News (Greensboro, NC), June 15, 1913, 8. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


Albert Durrant Watson, “Astronomy: A Cultural Avocation,” Retiring President’s Address at Annual Meeting, January 29, 1918, in Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 12, no. 3 (March 1918): 89. Accessed in HathiTrust, https://goo.gl/3iyHML.


[Advertisement promoting a new contributor to the Evening News], Evening News (Sault Ste. Marie, MI], January 24, 1921, 2. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


H. Gordon Garbedian, “The Star Stuff That Is Man,” New York Times Magazine, August 11, 1929, SM1. Accessed in ProQuest.


Doris Lessing, Briefing for a Descent into Hell (New York: Vintage International, 2009), 180. Verified in Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature, https://goo.gl/I6aPLN.


Guy Murchie, The Seven Mysteries of Life: An Exploration in Science & Philosophy (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981), 402. Verified in scans.


“Carl Sagan – Profound Words of Wisdom,” YouTube video, 2:32, posted by “braincandy,” January 22, 2011, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECuarAmpK00. Quotation starts at 1:58. This video excerpt is from the episode “The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean” from the 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. Sagan delivers the line in an introductory speech near the beginning of the episode.


Vincent Cronin, The View from Planet Earth: Man Looks at the Cosmos (New York: William Morrow, 1981), 282. Verified in scans.


Michael Shermer, Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design (New York: Henry Holt, 2007), 158. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/QeQPTv.


Dwight Whitney, “Carol and Joe and Fred and Marge,” TV Guide, July 1, 1972, 10. Verified in microfilm. The issue’s table of contents states the article title as “Carol Burnett and Her Silent Partners.”


Steve Allen, Steve Allen’s Almanac, Cosmopolitan 142 (February 1957), 12. This column was part of a series published between 1956 and 1957. Verified in scans from the Browne Popular Culture Library at Bowling Green State University. Great thanks to the librarians there who provided a digital image of a document from the Steve Allen Collection.


Janet Cawley, “Judge Crater Case Slips into History – Police File Is Closed on ‘Missingest’ Person,” Chicago Tribune, August 5, 1980, 1. Accessed in ProQuest.


Norton Mockridge, “A Rash of Graffiti,” New York Scene, Springfield Union (Springfield, MA), September 12, 1966, 6. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


John Lardner, “What Humor Means, with Samples,” The Air, New Yorker 34 (June 7, 1958): 78. Verified in hard copy.


Fred Danzig, “It’s Simpler Writing Gags,” Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, CA), July 21, 1958, 21. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


Bob Thomas, “Humorist Disproves Romanticists’ Idea,” Corpus Christi Times (Corpus Christi, TX), November 21, 1962. 8. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


“An Evening with Carol Burnett,” Variety Show of the Month, Show: The Magazine of the Arts 3 (February 1963): 22. Verified in scans. Thanks to a librarian at the University of Florida Gainesville Library.


Lenny Bruce, The Essential Lenny Bruce, John Cohen, ed. (New York, Ballantine, 1974), 116.


Carol Burnett, One More Time: A Memoir (New York: Avon, 1987), 52. Verified in scans.


Steve Allen and Jane Wollman, How to Be Funny: Discovering the Comic You (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987), 29. Verified in hard copy.


“If_it_breaks.avi,” YouTube video, 1:00, posted by “Stephen Crane,” December 5, 2008, https://www.youtube.com/watchPvHYn3IPTnkQM. Quotation starts at 0:40. This video clip is from the 1989 film Crimes and Misdemeanors directed by Woody Allen.


Associated Press, “Comic’s Unique Opening Leaves Impression,” Erie Times-News (Erie, PA), October 14, 2012. Accessed in NewsBank.


Barry Popik, “Comedy Is Tragedy Plus Time,” The Big Apple, June 22, 2011, http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/comedy_is_tragedy_plus_time/.


Перед нами игра слов: в слове copyright («авторское право») right может переводиться и как «правильный», и как «право». Писатель использует значение «пиши правильно» и «пиши неправильно». – Прим. пер.


Tomas Hood, letter to the editor, Athenaeum, April 22, 1837, 286–87. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/fbhFcs.


The Rival Beauties; A Poetical Contest, Poem Information: Clio’s Protest; Or, The Picture Varnished, Addressed to The Honourable Lady M-rg-r-t F-rd-ce (London: Printed for W. Griffin, at Garrick’s Head, in Catharine-Street, 1772), 16. Accessed in ECCO Eighteenth Century Collections Online.


Lord Byron, Beppo: A Venetian Story (London: John Murray, 1818), 25. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/sbjWu3.


The Journal of Belles Lettres, [Waldie’s] Select Circulating Library, Containing the Best Popular Literature 25 (June 20, 1837), 3. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/6wgKf6.


Review of Lectures, Addressed Chiefly to the Working Classes by W. J. Fox, Douglas Jerrold’s Shilling Magazine 2, no. 8 (1845): 192. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/F5EipW.


Tomas Keightly, The Satires and Epistles of Horace with Notes and Excursus (London: Whittaker, 1848), 94. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/EuvJN7.


Review of History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Abdication of James the Second, by David Hume, Graham’s American Monthly Magazine 35, no. 6 (December 1849): 379. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/uqyJup.


Review of Hurry-graphs; or Sketches of Scenery, Celebrity, and Society, Taken from Life, by N. Parker Willis, Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, DC), June 7, 1851, 2. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


Thomas Hood, Prose and Verse, new ed. (New York: Kiggins and Kellogg, 1857), 90. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/Sa2nR0.


Charles Allston Collins, “Our Eye-Witness Among the Buildings,” All the Year Round, June 2, 1860, 189. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/dnDz3V.


Review of Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, by John Mclintock and James Strong, eds., Methodist Quarterly Review 27 (July 1867): 460. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/hjH2GP.


Anthony Trollope, Kept in the Dark (Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1882), 267. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/PNMrfJ.


Review of Ancient Religion and Modern Thought, by William Samuel Lilly, Daily News (London, UK), August 21, 1884, 3. Accessed in 19th Century British Newspapers by Gale Cengage.


Review of De Pontibus: A Pocket Book for Bridge Engineers, by J. A. L. Waddell, Engineering Magazine 15 (June 1898): 534. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/DYHp3J.


C. A. Bustard, “Richmond Compared to ‘Living in Museum,’” Richmond Times Dispatch (Richmond, VA), April 20, 1979, A14. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


George Plimpton, “Maya Angelou: The Art of Fiction No. 119,” Interviews, Paris Review, no. 116 (Fall 1990), http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/2279/the-art-of-fiction-no-119-maya-angelou.


Andy Warhol, The Andy Warhol Diaries, ed. Pat Hackett (New York: Warner Books, 1989), 156. Text is found in the diary entry dated July 27, 1978. Verified in hard copy.


John Leland, “The Invisible Man,” Spin 5, no. 9 (December 1989): 13. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/QB8Tk4.


Quotable, PJ: Privacy Journal, May 1996, 2. Verified in hard copy.


Graham Greenleaf, “The Inevitability of Life in Cyberspace,” Privacy Law and Policy Reporter 48, no. 5 (August 1996): http://goo.gl/KsAbyS.


Neal Gabler, Life: The Movie; How Entertainment Conquered Reality (New York: Vintage, 2000), 160. Verified in Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature, https://goo.gl/qQKJBH.


Ralph Blumenthal, “Neal Gabler: Roll ’Em: Life as a Long Starring Role,” At Lunch With, New York Times, December 8, 1998, E1. Accessed in ProQuest.


“Photos from Banksy’s LA Show,” Flickr photostream, 25 photos, Peggy Archer, September 15, 2006, https://goo.gl/SPPhaZ.


Sheryl Garratt, “Dennis Hopper: The Ride of His Life,” Telegraph (London, UK), September 25, 2008, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/3561177/Dennis-Hopper – the-ride-of-his-life.html.


Denise Sutherland and Mark E. Koltko-Rivera, Cracking Codes and Cryptograms for Dummies (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010), 316.


Guy Trebay, “Fashion Review: Designers Anonymous,” New York Times, January 19, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/20ii/0i/20/fashion/20MILAN.html.


Alice Calaprice, ed., The Ultimate Quotable Einstein (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010). Verified in hard copy.


Susan_madari, “Life and Society: More Life and Society,” Questions, answerbag.com, accessed March 19, 2013. The website answerbag.com is now defunct, but the webpage cited here can be found via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, which captured a snapshot of the webpage on October 25, 2012. See https://web.archive.org/web/20121025152939/http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/2809436.


“The Day That Albert Einstein Feared May Have Finally Arrived,” imfunny.net, November 3, 2012. The website imfunny.net is now defunct, but the webpage cited here can be found via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, which captured a snapshot of the webpage on November 10, 2012, although, unfortunately, the picture with the quotation was not part of the snapshot. (The Internet Archive Wayback Machine does not always store all images.) See https://web.archive.org/web/20121110025042/http://imfunny.net/the-day-that-albert-einstein-feared-may-have-finally-arrived/.


“Talk: Albert Einstein,” [discussion page], Wikiquote, https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki /Talk: Albert_Einstein.


В основе цитаты лежит звукоподражание. Быть – be и действовать – do сложились в припев «do, be, do, be, do», в котором лишились собственного лексического значения. – Прим. пер.


Kurt Vonnegut, Deadeye Dick (New York: Delacorte, 1982), 224. Verified in scans.


Paul Crume’s Big D, Dallas Morning News, January 29, 1968, A1. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


“Strangers in the Night – Frank Sinatra,” YouTube video, 5:10, posted by “kumpulanvideo,” July 6, 2007, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlSbSKNk9f0.Quotation starts at 2:23.


Weekend Chuckles, Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), July 28, 1968. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


[Advertisement for Joe Griffith Inc.] News and Courier (Charleston, SC), January 31, 1969, 15B. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


John Anders, “Wishbone for Pros?” Dallas Morning News, November 10, 1971, 4B. Accessed in GenealogyBank. The original text contained “Sarte” instead of “Sartre.”


“Medical Education – A Review,” Aequanimitas 1972: Yearbook of the Medical and Nursing Schools, University of Michigan Medical School, 120. Accessed in HathiTrust, https://goo.gl/5yS69p.


Diane White, “Graffiti by the Girls,” Boston Globe, August 31, 1972, 42. Accessed in ProQuest.


P. H. S., The Times Diary, Times (London, UK), January 2, 1973, 10. Accessed in The Times Digital Archive by Gale Cengage.


P. H. S., The Times Diary, Times (London, UK), January 5, 1973, 12. Accessed in The Times Digital Archive by Gale Cengage.


Бодлианская библиотека располагается на территории Оксфордского университета и считается старейшей в Европе. – Прим. ред.


P. H. S., The Times Diary, Times (London, UK), January 12, 1973, 12. Accessed in The Times Digital Archive by Gale Cengage.


Jerry Rubin, Do It! Scenarios of the Revolution (Simon and Schuster, 1970).


Personals, Reason, January 1982, 58, http://unz.org/Pub/Reason-1982jan-00055.


Vonnegut, Deadeye Dick, 224.


“Do,” rec.humor Usenet newsgroup, March 21, 1990. Accessed in Google Groups, https://goo.gl/3RhS05.


Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, “Vertuous Women Found: New England Ministerial Literature, 1668–1735,” American Quarterly 28, no. 1 (Spring 1976): 20. Accessed in preview page in JSTOR, http://goo.gl/YwJe8z.




Антиномизм – христианская моральная доктрина: вера в то, что для спасения необходима только вера, и поэтому нет необходимости подчиняться моральным или духовным законам, так как за их нарушение человек не несёт никакой ответственности. – Прим. пер.




Hazel Dixon-Cooper, Born on a Rotten Day: Illuminating and Coping with the Dark Side of the Zodiac (New York: Fireside, 2003), 42.


Dennis Lythgoe, “Ulrich Touts Women in History,” Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT), October 21, 2007, E10. Accessed in NewsBank.


Мировая серия (англ. World Series) – решающая серия игр в сезоне Главной лиги бейсбола, право играть в которой сейчас имеют лучшие команды Американской и Национальной лиг. – Прим. пер.


Steve Marcus, “Color Yogi a Happy Guy; Now Wearing Astros’ Rainbow Uniform, Berra’s Relaxed, Popular,” Newsday (Long Island, NY), February 24, 1986, sports section, 92. Accessed in ProQuest.


William Safire, “Mr. Bonaprop,” On Language, New York Times, February 15, 1987, A8. Accessed in ProQuest.


Yogi Berra, The Yogi Book: I Really Didnt Say Everything I Said! (New York: Workman, 1998), 30. Verified in hard copy.


Clifford Terry, “Gimmicks Jam ‘The Silencers,’” Chicago Tribune, February 22, 1966, B5. Accessed in ProQuest.


Gleanings, Nonconformist and Independent (London, UK), February 23, 1882, 178. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


Sparklets, Daily People (New York, NY), December 7, 1907, 2. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


“Here and There: Clear but Confusing,” Philadelphia Inquirer, December 19, 1907, 8. Accessed in GenealogyBank; “Clear but Confusing,” Titusville Herald (Titusville, PA), March 9, 1908, 5. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


“Clear, but Confusing,” Middletown Daily Times-Press (Middletown, NY), March 4, 1914, 7. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com. Thanks to top researcher Barry Popik who identified this primal version and located other valuable citations. See his post about this quote on his website: “‘Nobody Goes There Anymore. It’s Too Crowded’ (Restaurant Joke),” The Big Apple, July 22, 2004, http://goo.gl/VPMVtC.


Paul Harrison, Harrison in Hollywood, Racine Journal Times (Racine, WI), September 8, 1941, 14. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com; Paul Harrison, In Hollywood, Trenton Evening Times (Trenton, NJ), September 30, 1941, 14. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


John McNulty, “Some Nights When Nothing Happens Are the Best Nights in This Place,” New Yorker, February 20, 1943, 13. Verified in hard copy.


Havey J. Boyle, “Mirrors of Sport,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 12, 1943, 22. Accessed in Google News Archive, https://goo.gl/t39Ysy.


Earl Wilson, “Emotional Bit Better Now That Phil Can’t See Critics Leaving,” Best of New York, St. Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg, FL), January 6, 1961, 10D. Accessed in Google News Archive, https://goo.gl/ku1EQp.


Hal Lebovitz, “Flap Your Arms, Hitters Tell Perry,” Cleveland Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH), April 1, 1962, 2C. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


Fred Tharp, Fred Tharp on Sports, Mansfield News Journal (Mansfield, OH), December 29, 1963, 20. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


Roy Blount Jr., “Yogi: As a Reincarnated Yankee Skipper, Yogi Berra Is Working for George Steinbrenner,” Sports Illustrated, April 2, 1984. Accessed in Sports Illustrated Archive.


Joe Sharkey, “Commencement Ain’t Over Till It’s Started,” New York Times, May 19, 1996, NJ1. Accessed in ProQuest.


Berra, The Yogi Book, 16. Verified in hard copy.


Ralph Keyes, The Quote Verifier: Who Said What, Where, and When (New York: St. Martin’s, 2006), 87. Verified in hard copy.


“Toys,” Once a Week (London, UK), April 18, 1868, 344. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/5VCWKn.


Milton J. Horowitz, “Trends in Education,” Journal of Medical Education 37, no. 3 (June 1962), 637. Verified in hard copy.


Silvan S. Tompkins, Exploring Affect: The Selected Writings of Silvan S. Tomkins, E. Virginia Demos, ed., Studies in Emotion & Social Interaction series (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 445. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/Z12rlg. Article originally appeared in Silvan S. Tompkins and Samuel Messick, eds. Computer Simulation of Personality: Frontier of Psychological Theory (New York: Wiley, 1963).


Harold Borko, review of Computer Simulation of Personality: Frontier of Psychological Theory, by Silvan S. Tomkins and Samuel Messick, Science 142, no. 3593 (November 8, 1963): 656. Accessed in JSTOR.


Abraham Kaplan, The Conduct of Inquiry: Methodology for Behavioral Science (San Francisco: Chandler, 1964), 28. Verified in hard copy.


Abraham Kaplan, “The Age of the Symbol – A Philosophy of Library Education,” Library Quarterly 34, no. 4 (October 1964): 303. Accessed in JSTOR.


Abraham H. Maslow, The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance (New York: Harper and Row, 1966), 15–16. Verified in hard copy.


Richard Harwood, “FCC Is Divided on Regulating ‘Quality,’” Washington Post, October 23, 1967, A22. Accessed in ProQuest.


Howard Jacobs, “Checks May Soon Be Thing of the Past,” Remoulade, Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), September 10, 1974, 15. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


Howard Jacobs, “Today Is Dedicated to Local Versifiers,” Remoulade, Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), November 21, 1974, 19.


Howard J. Ruff, Survive and Win in the Inflationary Eighties (San Ramon, CA: Target, 1981), 44. Verified in scans.


Edward B. Fiske, “Computers Alter Lives of Pupils and Teachers,” New York Times, April 4, 1982, A1. Accessed in ProQuest.


Warren E. Buffett, “The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville” Hermes: A Magazine for Alumni of Columbia Business School, Fall 1984, 8. Verified in scans.


David Lenfest, letter to the editor, InfoWorld 6, no. 34 (August 20, 1984): 6. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/pZ4WIY.


William Gaddis, Carpenter’s Gothic (New York: Viking, 1985), 223. Verified in scans.


“Race Relations in U. S.: A Dilemma Which No Commission Can Solve,” Viewpoint, News Herald (Panama City, FL), October 21, 1995, 8A. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


Charles Clay Doyle, Wolfgang Mieder, and Fred R. Shapiro, eds., The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012),114. Verified in hard copy. Special thanks to Charles Clay Doyle and his colleagues for their research.


Proverbs 17:28, Bible Hub, accessed October 24, 2012, http://biblehub.com/proverbs /17–28.htm. The website Bible Hub contains several translations from the Online Parallel Bible Project of Biblos.com.


Fred R. Shapiro, The Yale Book of Quotations (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006), 446. Verified in hard copy; “Advice,” Golden Book 14 (November 1931): 306. Verified in hard copy.


Geoffrey C. Ward, Dayton Duncan, and Ken Burns, Mark Twain: An Illustrated Biography (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001), 189. Verified in hard copy.


Robert Christy, Proverbs, Maxims, and Phrases of All Ages (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1887), 268. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/uO3OOH.


Jewels of Thought, Stamford Mirror (Stamford, NY), August 8, 1893, 1. Accessed in Old Fulton NY Post Cards, fultonhistory.com.


Maurice Switzer, Mrs. Goose, Her Book (New York: Moffat, Yard, 1907), 29. Accessed in Google Books, https://goo.gl/waA7Kh.


Charles Clay Doyle, Wolfgang Mieder, and Fred R. Shapiro, eds., The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012), 83. Verified in hard copy.


[Front-page banner text], Duluth Sunday News-Tribune (Duluth, MN), December 17, 1922, society section, 1. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


Слово thought (форма глагола think «думать, полагать») была записана как thot. – Прим. пер.


[Freestanding quote], Crescent (Evansville, IN), June 19, 1923, 3. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


Bob’s Sportitorials, Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, WA), June 10, 1924, sports section, 1. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


Doc Rockwell, “Rockwell Tells How to Behave Like a Human Being,” Omaha World Herald (Omaha, NE), March 22, 1931, 8. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


Tony Wons, As I Think It, Albany Evening News (Albany, NY), May 25, 1931, 9. Accessed in Old Fulton NY Post Cards, fultonhistory.com.


Not So Swell, letter to the editor, Daily Northwestern (Evanston, IL), October 16, 1931, 2. Accessed in GenealogyBank.


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Phraseologies, Aiken Standard and Review (Aiken, SC), March 21, 1962, 2. Accessed in NewspaperARCHIVE.com.


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John Robert Colombo, Neo Poems (Vancouver, BC: Sono Nis, 1970), 46. Verified in hard copy.


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Colombo, Neo Poems, 46.


James Eayrs, Diplomacy and Its Discontents (Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1971), 121. Verified in hard copy.


Michael Hornyansky, review of Neo Poems, by John Robert Colombo, University of Toronto Quarterly 40, no. 4 (Summer 1971): 375. Verified in hard copy.


James Eayrs, “Policy Toward Greek Colonels Found Wanting,” Windsor Star (Windsor, ON), May 3, 1972, 11. Accessed in Google News Archive, https://goo.gl/PgIWCt.


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Barry Popik, “History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Does Rhyme,” The Big Apple, June 5, 2010, http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/history_doesnt_repeat _itself_but_it_does_rhyme.

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