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Roach, Michael, Christie McNally. How Yoga Works. New Jersey: Diamond Cutter Press, 2005.

Часть I. Добро пожаловать!


Alzheimer’s Association. “2016 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures”. .

Bournemouth University. “Brain Diseases Affecting More People and Starting Earlier Than Ever Before”. ScienceDaily. .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. “Statistics and Tracking”. .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. “Leading Causes of Death”. .

Keith, Lierre. The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2009.

Laidman, Jenni. “Obesity’s Toll: 1 in 5 Deaths Linked to Excess Weight”. . .

Perlmutter, David. “Bugs Are Your Brain’s Best Friends”. Extraordinary Health. Vol. 24, 2015: 9–13.

Pritchard, C., A. Mayers, D. Baldwin. “Changing Patterns of Neurological Mortality in the 10 Major Developed Countries 1979–2010”. Publ. Health 127, № 4 (2013): 357–368.


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Braniste, V. et al. “The Gut Microbiota Influences Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in Mice”. Sci. Transl. Med. 6, № 263 (November 2014): 263ra158.

Brogan, Kelly. A Mind of Your Own: The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives. New York, NY: HarperWave, 2016.

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Gao, B. et al. “The Clinical Potential of Influencing Nrf2 Signaling in Degenerative and Immunological Disorders”. Clin. Pharmacol. 6 (February 2014): 19–34.

Gedgaudas, Nora T. Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life. Rochester, Vermont: Health Arts Press, 2009.

Graf, D. et al. “Contribution of Diet to the Composition of the Human Gut Microbiota”. Microb. Ecol. Health. Dis. 26 (February 2015): 26164.

Holmes, E. et al. “Therapeutic Modulation of Microbiota-Host Metabolic Interactions”. Sci. Transl. Med. 4, № 137 (June 2012): 137rv6.

Jones, R. M. et al. “Lactobacilli Modulate Epithelial Cytoprotection through the Nrf2 Pathway”. Cell Rep. 12, № 8 (August 2015): 1217–1225.

Kelly, J. R. et al. “Breaking Down the Barriers: The Gut Microbiome, Intestinal Permeability and Stress-Related Psychiatric Disorders”. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 9 (October 2015): 392.

Kresser, Chris. “9 Steps to Perfect Health — № 5: Heal Your Gut”. . February 24, 2011. .

Kumar, Himanshu et al. “Gut Microbiota as an Epigenetic Regulator: Pilot Study Based on Whole-Genome Methylation Analysis”. mBio 5, № 6 (December 2014): pii: e02113–02114.

Li, H. et al. “The Outer Mucus Layer Hosts a Distinct Intestinal Microbial Niche”. Nat. Commun. 6 (September 2015): 8292.

Mandal, Ananya. “History of the Ketogenic Diet”. . .

Mu, C. et al. “Gut Microbiota: The Brain Peacekeeper”. Front. Microbiol. 7 (March 2016): 345.

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Slavin, Joanne. “Fiber and Prebiotics: Mechanisms and Health Benefits”. Nutrients 5, № 4 (April 2013): 1417–1435.

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Stulberg, E. et al. “An Assessment of US Microbiome Research”. Nature Microbiology 1, № 15015 (January 2016).

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Vojdani, A. et al. “The Prevalence of Antibodies Against Wheat and Milk Proteins in Blood Donors and Their Contribution to Neuroimmune Reactivities”. Nutrients 6, № 1 (December 2013): 15–36.

Zhan, Y. et al. “Telomere Length Shortening and Alzheimer’s Disease — A Mendelian Randomization Study”. JAMA Neurol. 72, № 10 (October 2015): 1202–1203.

Zonis, S. et al. “Chronic Intestinal Inflammation Alters Hippocampal Neurogenesis”. J. Neuroinflamm. 12 (April 2015): 65.


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Toledo, E. et al. “Mediterranean Diet and Invasive Breast Cancer Risk among Women at High Cardiovascular Risk in the PREDIMED Trial: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. JAMA Intern. Med. 175, № 11 (November 2015): 1752–1760.

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Want, Liqun et al. “Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammation Is Associated with Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products in Human Endothelial Cells”. FASEB J. 28, № 1 (April 2104).

Часть II. Основные положения программы


Brandhorst, S. et al. “A Periodic Diet That Mimics Fasting Promotes Multi-System Regeneration, Enhanced Cognitive Performance, and Healthspan”. Cell Metab. 22, № 1 (July 2015): 86–99.

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Azad, M. B. et al. “Infant Antibiotic Exposure and the Development of Childhood Overweight and Central Adiposity”. Int. J. Obes. (Lond.) 38, № 10 (October 2014): 1290–1298.

Babiker, R. et al. “Effects of Gum Arabic Ingestion on Body Mass Index and Body Fat Percentage in Healthy Adult Females: Two-Arm Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Double-Blind Trial”. Nutr. J. 11 (December 2012): 111.

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Schwartz, B. S. et al. “Antibiotic Use and Childhood Body Mass Index Trajectory”. Int. J. Obes. (Lond.) 40, № 4 (April 2016): 615–621.

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Mueller, N. T. et al. “The Infant Microbiome Development: Mom Matters”. Trends Mol. Med. 2014. .

Часть III. Давайте есть!


Otto, M. C. et al. “Everything in Moderation — Dietary Diversity and Quality, Central Obesity and Risk of Diabetes”. PLoS One 10, № 10 (October 2015): e0141341.

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. “ ‘Everything in Moderation’ Diet Advice May Lead to Poor Metabolic Health in US Adults”. ScienceDaily. .

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