Книга: Кельтские мифы
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Рекомендованная литература

Общие работы и переводы
Davies, S., The Mabinogion The Great Medieval Celtic Tales, Oxford, 2007.
Delaney, F., Legends of the Celts, London, 1980.
Gantz, J., Early Irish Myths and Sagas, London, 1981.
Green, M. J., Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend, London and New York, 1992.
Green, M. J., Celtic Myths, London, 1993.
Green, M. J., ed., The Celtic World, London and New York, 1995.
Green, M. J., and R Howell, Pocket Guide to Celtic Wales, Cardiff, 2000.
James, S., Exploring the World of the Celts, London and New York, 1993.
Kinsella, T., The Tá in, Oxford, 1969.
Mac Cana, P., Celtic Mythology, Feltham, England, 1983.
O’ Faolain, E., Irish Sagas and Folk Tales, Oxford, 1954.
Aldhouse Green, M. J., Caesar’s Druids, New Haven and London, 2010.
Chadwick, N., The Druids, Cardiff, 1997 (2nd edn, 1st edn 1966).
Cunliffe, B., Druids A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, 2010.
Fitzpatrick, A. P., Who Were The Druids? London, 1997.
Green, M. J., Exploring the World of the Druids, London and New York, 1997.
Brunaux, J.-L., The Celtic Gauls Gods, Rites and Sanctuaries, London, 1988.
Green, M. J., The Gods of the Celts, Stroud, 1986.
Raftery, B., Pagan Celtic Ireland, London and New York, 1994.
Полемика о кельтах
Collis, J., The Celts Origins, Myths, Inventions, Stroud, 2003.
James, S., The Atlantic Celts, Ancient People or Modern Invention? London, 1999.
Источники цитат
Работы, не включенные в список литературы, цитируются по следующим изданиям:


Caldecott, M., Women in Celtic Myth, London, 1988.
Carson, C., The Tain: A New Translation of the Tain Bo Cuailnge, London 2008.
Duff, B., trans. Silius Italicus, Punica, London, 1949.
Falconer, W., trans., Cicero, de Divinatione, London, 1922.
Graves, R., trans., Lucan, Pharsalia, Harmondsworth, 1956.
Harrison, G. B., (ed.), Macbeth: The Penguin Shakespeare, Harmondsworth, 1937.
Hennessey, W. M., ‘The ancient Irish Goddess of War’, Revue Celtique 1, 1870~72.
Jones, G., and T. Jones, The Mabinogion, London, 1974.
Minahane, J., The Christian Druids. On the Filid or Philosopher-Poets of Ireland, Dublin, 1993.
O’Faolain, E., Irish Sagas and Folk Tales, Dublin, 1986.
Ross, A., Pagan Celtic Britain, London, 1967.
Sjö blom, T., ‘Advice from a Birdman: Ritual Injunctions and Royal Instruction in TBDD’, in A. Ahlqvist, G. W Banks, R. Latvio, H. Nyberg and T. Sjoblom, eds, Celtica Helsingensia, Helsinki, 1996, 233–51.
Stokes, W., Coir Anman, Leipzig, 1897.
Thorpe, L., trans., Giraldus Cambrensis. The Journey Through Wales, Harmondsworth, 1978.
Tierney, J. J., ‘The Celtic Ethnography of Posidonius’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 60, 247–75.
Webb, J. F., trans., Navigatio Brendani. The Voyage of Saint Brendan, Harmondsworth, 1965.
Webb, T., ed., WB Yeats Selected Poems, London, 2000.
Winterbottorn, M., The Ruin of Britain and Other Works, London, 1978.
Wiseman, A., and P. Wiseman, trans., Julius Caesar. The Battle for Gaul, London, 1980.
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