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Безусловно, перед вами очень разносторонний список, но он представляет собой те книги, которые я нашел особенно полезными при создании этого тома.

Воспетые в камне

Bradley Richard. The Passage of Arms. Cambridge, 1990.

_________. An Archaeology of Natural Places. London, 2000.

Collis John. The Celts. Stroud, 2003. (Коллис Джон. Кельты: истоки, история, миф. M.: Вече, 2007.)

Cunliffe Barry. Iron Age Communities in Britain. London, 1991.

_________. Facing the Ocean. Oxford, 2001.

Darvill Timothy. Prehistoric Britain. London, 1987.

Harper M. J. The History of Britain Revealed. London, 2002.

Hawkes Christopher and Jacquetta. Prehistoric Britain. London, 1943.

Hills Catherine. Origins of the English. London, 2003.

James Simon. The Atlantic Celts. London, 1999.

Mercer Roger. Farming Practice in British Prehistory. Edinburgh, 1981.

Oppenheimer Steven. The Origins of the British. London, 2006.

Pryor Francis. Britain BC. London, 2003.

Slack Paul and Ward Ryk (eds.). The Peopling of Britain. Oxford, 2002.

Stringer Chris. Homo Britannicus. London, 2006.

Путь римлян

Arnold C. J. Roman Britain to Saxon England. London, 1984.

Burnham B. C. and Johnson H. B. (eds.). Invasion and Response. Oxford, 1979.

Dark Ken. Britain and the End of the Roman Empire. Stroud, 2002.

Faulkner Neil. The Decline and Fall of Roman Britain. Stroud, 2004.

Frere Sheppard. Britannia: A History of Roman Britain. London, 1967.

Millett Martin. The Romanization of Britain. Cambridge, 1990.

Reece Richard. My Roman Britain. Cirencester, 1988.

Salway Peter. Roman Britain. Oxford, 1981.

_________. The Roman Era. Oxford, 2002.

Todd Malcolm (ed.). A Companion to Roman Britain. Oxford, 2004.

Webster G. The Roman Invasion of Britain. London, 1980.

Изменения климата

Fox Cyril. The Personality of Britain. Cardiff, 1938.

Jone Martin and Dimbleby Geoffrey (eds.). The Environment of Man. Oxford, 1981.

Mackinder H. J. Britain and the British Seas. London, 1902.

Parry M. L. Climatic Change, Agriculture and Settlement. Folkestone, 1978.

Rackham Oliver. The History of the Countryside. London, 1986.

Наконечники копий

Abels R. P. Lordship and Military Obligation in Anglo-Saxon England. London, 1988.

Arnold C. J. An Archaeology of the Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdom. London, 1988.

Blair John. The Anglo-Saxon Age. Oxford, 1984.

_________. The Church in Anglo-Saxon Society. Oxford, 2005.

Campbell James (ed.). The Anglo-Saxons. London, 1982.

Chadwick H. M. The Origin of the English Nation. Cambridge, 1924.

Charles-Edwards Thomas (ed.). After Rome. Oxford, 2003.

Higham N. J. Rome, Britain and the Anglo-Saxons. London, 1992.

_________. An English Empire. Manchester, 1995.

Hill Paul. The Age of Athelstan. Stroud, 2004.

Hodges Richard. The Anglo-Saxon Achievement. London, 1989.

Jackson Kenneth. Language and History in Early Britain. Edinburgh, 1953.

Jolliffe J. E. A. Pre-Feudal England. Oxford, 1933.

Kirby D. P. The Making of Early England. London, 1967.

Loyn H. R. The Governance of Anglo-Saxon England. London, 1984.

Morris John. The Age of Arthur. London, 1973.

Myres J. N. L. The English Settlements. Oxford, 1986.

Pryor Francis. Britain AD. London, 2005.

Randers-Pehrson Justine Davis. Barbarians and Romans. London, 1983.

Reynolds Andrew. Later Anglo-Saxon England. Stroud, 1999.

Stenton F. M. Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford, 1971.

Tatlock J. S. P. The Legendary History of Britain. New York, 1974.

Thomas Charles. Celtic Britain. London, 1986.

Wood Michael. In Search of the Dark Ages. London, 1994.

Кровавый орел

Cavill Paul. Vikings. London, 2001.

Dark K. R. Civitas to Kingdom. London, 1994.

Davies Wendy. From the Vikings to the Normans. Oxford, 2003.

Faith Rosamond. The English Peasantry and the Growth of Lordship. London, 1997.

Foot P. G. and Wilson D. M. The Viking Achievement. London, 1970.

Hadley D. M. and Richards J. D. (eds.). Cultures in Contact. Turnhout, 2000.

Loyn H. R. The Vikings in Britain. London, 1977.

Sawyer P. H. The Age of the Vikings. London, 1971.

Smyth A. P. King Alfred the Great. Oxford, 1995.

Stafford Pauline. Unification and Conquest. London, 1989.

Whitelock Dorothy. The Beginnings of English Society. London, 1952.

Королевская мера

Poole A. L. From Domesday Book to Magna Carta. Oxford, 1955.

Harvey Barbara. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Oxford, 2001.

Wormald Patrick. The Making of English Law. Oxford, 1999.

Приход захватчиков

Barlow Frank. Edward the Confessor. London, 1979.

_________. The English Church, 1000–1066. London, 1979.

Brown R. A. The Normans and the Norman Conquest. London, 1969.

Clarke P. A. The English Nobility under Edward the Confessor. Oxford, 1994.

Fleming Robin. Kings and Lords in Conquest England. Cambridge, 1991.

Garmonsway G. M. Canute and his Empire. London, 1964.

Lawson M. K. Cnut. Stroud, 2004.

_________. The Battle of Hastings. Stroud, 2007.

Loyn H. R. Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest. London, 1962.

McLynn Frank. 1066. London, 1998.

Walker I. W. Harold. Stroud, 1997.

Williams Ann. Ethelred the Unready. London, 2003.

Дьяволы и нечестивцы

Barlow Frank. William Rufus. London, 1983.

Douglas D. C. The Norman Achievement. London, 1969.

_________. William the Conqueror. London, 1964.

Freeman E. A. A History of the Norman Conquest of England. Oxford, 1870–1879.

_________. The Reign of William Rufus. Oxford, 1882.

_________. William the Conqueror. London, 1898.

Green Judith. The Government of England under Henry I. Cambridge, 1986.

_________. The Aristocracy of Norman England. Cambridge, 1997.

_________. Henry I. Cambridge, 2006.

Hicks Carola (ed.). England in the Eleventh Century. Stamford, 1992.

Hollister C. W. Henry I. London, 2001.

Maitland F. W. Domesday Book and Beyond. Cambridge, 1897.

Mason Emma. William II. Stroud, 2005.

Rex Peter. Hereward. Stroud, 2005.

_________. The English Resistance. Stroud, 2006.

Rowley Trevor. The Norman Heritage. London, 1983.

Strickland Matthew (ed.). Anglo-Norman Warfare. Woodbridge, 1992.


Cox R. H. The Green Roads of England. London, 1914.

Gelling Margaret. Signposts to the Past. London, 1978.

Hoskins W. G. The Making of the English Landscape. London, 1955.

Jusserand J. J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. London, 1889.

Закон мертв

Appleby J. T. The Troubled Reign of King Stephen. London, 1969.

Brooke Z. N. The English Church and the Papacy. Cambridge, 1931.

Chibnall Marjorie. The Empress Matilda. Oxford, 1991.

Cronne H. A. The Reign of Stephen. London, 1970.

Crouch David. The Reign of King Stephen. London, 2000.

Matthew Donald. King Stephen. London, 2002.

Мятежный поп

Amt Emilie. The Accession of Henry II in England. Woodbridge, 1993.

Barber Richard. Henry Plantagenet. Ipswich, 1964.

Barlow Frank. Thomas Becket. London, 1986.

Bloch Marc. Feudal Society. London, 1961–1962.

Dark Sidney. St Thomas of Canterbury. London, 1927.

Grary H. L. English Field Systems. London, 1959.

Hall Hubert. Court Life under the Plantagenets. London, 1899.

Norgate Kate. England under the Angevin Kings. London, 1887.

Pain Nesta. The King and Becket. New York, 1964.

Roberts B. K. The Making of the English Village. London, 1987.

Salzman L. F. Henry II. London, 1917.

Vinogradoff Paul. The Growth of the Manor. London, 1904.

_________. Villainage in England. Oxford, 1927.

Warren W. L. Henry II. London, 1973.

Потерянная деревня

Beresford Maurice. The Lost Villages of England. London, 1969.

Oswald Alastair. Wharram Percy. York, 2004.

Великая хартия

Appleby J. T. England without Richard. Ithaca, 1965.

Brundage J. A. Richard Lionheart. New York, 1974.

Church S. D. (ed.). King John. Woodbridge, 1999.

Gillingham John. Richard the Lionheart. London, 1978.

Holt J. C. The Northerners. Oxford, 1961.

_________. Magna Carta. Cambridge, 1992.

Jolliffe J. E. A. Angevin Kingship. London, 1956.

Turner R. V. King John. Stroud, 2005.

Warren W. L. The Governance of Norman and Angevin England. London, 1987.

_________. King John. Berkeley, 1961.

Wilkinson Bertie. The High Middle Ages in England. Cambridge, 1978.

Преступление и наказание

Harding Alan. The Law Courts of Medieval England. London, 1973.

Musson Anthony. Medieval Law in Context. Manchester, 2001.

_________ and Ormrod W. M. The Evolution of English Justice. London, 1999.

Salzman L. F. English Life in the Middle Ages. London, 1926.

Простой король

Burton Janet. Monastic and Religious Orders in Britain, 1000–1300. Cambridge, 1994.

Carpenter D. A. The Minority of Henry III. London, 1990.

_________. The Reign of Henry III. London, 1996.

_________. The Struggle for Mastery. London, 2003.

Clanchy M. T. From Memory to Written Record. Oxford, 1993.

Harding Alan. England in the Thirteenth Century. Cambridge, 1993.

Harvey Barbara. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Oxford, 2001.

Hennings M. A. England under Henry III. London, 1924.

Lloyd Simon. English Society and the Crusade. Oxford, 1988.

Maddicott J. R. Simon de Montfort. Cambridge, 1994.

Powicke F. M. King Henry and the Lord Edward. Oxford, 1947.

_________. The Thirteenth Century. Oxford, 1962.

Stacey Robert. Politics, Policy and Finance under Henry III. Oxford, 1987.

Сезонный календарь

Hutton Ronald. The Rise and Fall of Merry England. Oxford, 1994.

Postan M. M. The Medieval Economy and Society. London, 1972.

Powicke J. M. Medieval England. London, 1931.

Император Британии

Jenks Edward. Edward Plantagenet. London, 1902.

Knowles David. The Religious Orders in England, Volume One. Cambridge, 1948.

Morris J. E. The Welsh Wars of Edward I. Oxford, 1901.

Morris Marc. A Great and Terrible King. London, 2008.

Ormrod W. M. (ed.). England in the Fourteenth Century. Woodbridge, 1986.

Pasquet D. An Essay on the Origins of the House of Commons. Cambridge, 1925.

Plucknett T. F. T. Legislation of Edward I. Oxford, 1949.

Prestwich Michael. Politics and Finance under Edward I. London, 1972.

_________. The Three Edwards. London, 1980.

Salzman L. F. Edward I. London, 1968.

Stones E. L. G. Edward I. Oxford, 1968.

Wilkinson B. Studies in the Constitutional History of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Manchester, 1937.


Julius Anthony. Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England. Oxford, 2010.

Mundill R. R. England’s Jewish Solution. Cambridge, 1998.

Королевские фавориты

Davies J. C. The Baronial Opposition to Edward II. Cambridge, 1918.

Fryde Natalie. The Tyranny and Fall of Edward II. Cambridge, 1979.

Haines R. M. King Edward II. London, 2003.

Hamilton J. S. Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall. London, 1988.

Howell Margaret. Eleanor of Provence. Oxford, 1998.

Johnstone H. Edward of Carnarvon. Manchester, 1946.

Maddicott J. R. Simon de Montfort. Cambridge, 1994.

Raban Sandra. England under Edward I and Edward II. Oxford, 2000.

Tout T. F. The Place of the Reign of Edward II in English History. Manchester, 1936.

Рождение и смерть

Carey H. M. Courting Disaster, Astrology at the English Court and University in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1992.

Clay R. M. The Medieval Hospitals of England. London, 1909.

Finucane R. C. Miracles and Pilgrims. London, 1977.

Getz Faye. Medicine in the English Middle Ages. Princeton, 1998.

Hunt Tony. Popular Medicine in Thirteenth Century England. Woodbridge, 1990.

Rawcliffe Carole. Medicine and Society in Later Medieval England. Stroud, 1995.

Национальное самосознание

Carpenter D. A. The Reign of Edward III. London, 1996.

Edwards G. The Second Century of the English Parliament. Oxford, 1979.

Given-Wilson C. J. The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages. London, 1987.

Haines R. M. The Church and Politics in Fourteenth Century England. Cambridge, 1978.

Hewitt H. J. The Organisation of War under Edward III. Manchester, 1966.

Horrox Rosemary (ed.). The Black Death. Manchester, 1994.

Keen M. H. England in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1973.

McFarlane K. B. The Nobility of Later Medieval England. Oxford, 1973.

McKisack May. The Fourteenth Century. Oxford, 1959.

Mortimer Ian. The Perfect King. London, 2006.

Ormrod W. G. The Reign of Edward III. Stroud, 2000.

Prestwich Michael. Plantagenet England. Oxford, 2005.

Rubin Miri. The Hollow Crown. London, 2005.

Stubbs William. The Constitutional History of England. Oxford, 1874.

Waugh S. L. England in the Reign of Edward III. Cambridge, 1991.

Ночные школы

Aston Margaret. Lollards and Reformers. London, 1984.

Dahmus J. H. The Prosecution of John Wycliffe. New Haven, 1970.

Lambert M. D. Medieval Heresy. London, 1977.

McFarlane K. B. John Wycliffe and the Beginnings of English Nonconformity. London, 1952.

_________. Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights. Oxford, 1972.

Robson J. A. Wycliffe and the Oxford Schools. Cambridge, 1961.

Thomson J. A. F. The Later Lollards. Oxford, 1965.

Workman H. B. John Wycliffe. Oxford, 1926.


Allmand C. T. (ed.). War, Literature and Politics in the Late Middle Ages. Liverpool, 1976.

Bevan Bryan. King Richard II. London 1990.

Bird Ruth. The Turbulent London of Richard II. London, 1949.

Du Boulay F. R. H. and Barron C. M. (eds.). The Reign of Richard II. London, 1971.

Fletcher Christopher. Richard II. Oxford, 2008.

Fryde E. B. The Great Revolt of 1381. London, 1981.

Gillespie J. L. (ed.). The Age of Richard II. Stroud, 1997.

Jones R. H. The Royal Policy of Richard II. Oxford, 1968.

Mathew Gervase. The Court of Richard II. London, 1968.

Oman Charles. The Great Revolt of 1381. Oxford, 1969.

Ormrod W. G. (ed.). England in the Fourteenth Century. Woodbridge, 1986.

Saul Nigel. Richard II. London, 1997.

Scattergood V. J. and Sherborne J. W. (eds.). English Court Culture in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1983.

Tuck Anthony. Richard II and the English Nobility. London, 1973.

В лесах

Keen M. H. The Outlaws of Medieval Legend. London, 1961.

Westwood Jennifer and Simpson Jaqueline. The Lore of the Land. London, 2005.

Страдающий король

Bennett Michael. Richard II and the Revolution of 1399. Stroud, 1999.

Dodd Gwilym and Biggs Douglas. Henry IV. Woodbridge, 2003.

Kirby J. L. Henry IV of England. London, 1970.

McNiven Peter. Heresy and Politics in the Reign of Henry IV. Woodbridge, 1987.

Mortimer Ian. The Fears of Henry IV: The Life of England’s Self-made King. London, 2007.

Williams Daniel (ed.). England in the Fifteenth Century. Woodbridge, 1987.

Wylie J. H. History of England under Henry IV. London, 1884–1898.


Allmand Christopher. Henry V. London, 1992.

Burne A. H. The Agincourt War. London, 1956. (Бёрн А. Битва при Азенкуре. История Столетней войны с 1369 по 1453 год / Пер. Л. А. Игоревского. М.: Центрполиграф, 2004.)

Earle Peter. The Life and Times of Henry V. London, 1972.

Harriss G. L. (ed.). Henry V. London, 1985.

Hutchinson H. F. Henry V. London, 1967.

Keen M. H. England in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1973.

Labarge M. W. Henry V: The Cautious Conqueror. London, 1975.

Lindsay Philip. King Henry V: A Chronicle. London, 1934.

Myers A. R. England in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1952.

Perroy Edouard. The Hundred Years War. New York, 1965. (Перруа Э. Столетняя война / Пер. М. Некрасова. СПб.: Евразия, 2002.)

Seward Desmond. Henry V. New York, 1987. (Сьюард Д. Генрих V. Смоленск: Русич, 1996.)

Sumption Jonathan. The Hundred Years War. London, 1990–2009.

Wylie J. H. and Waugh W. T. The Reign of Henry V. Cambridge, 1914–1929.

Простой человек

Bagley J. J. Margaret of Anjou. London, 1948.

Gasquet F. A. The Religious Life of Henry VI. London, 1923.

Griffiths R. A. The Reign of Henry VI. London, 1981.

_________. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Oxford, 2003.

Harriss Gerald. Shaping the Nation. Oxford, 2005.

Jacob E. F. The Fifteenth Century. Oxford, 1961.

Macfarlane K. B. The Nobility of Later Medieval England. Oxford, 1963.

_________. England in the Fifteenth Century. London, 1981.

Wolffe Bertram. Henry VI. London, 1981.

Знакомство с одной семьей

Davis Norman (ed.). Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century. London, 1971–1976.

Richmond Colin. The Paston Family. Cambridge, 1990–1996.

Разделенное королевство; Лев и агнец

Carpenter M. C. The Wars of the Roses. Cambridge, 1997.

Gillingham John. The Wars of the Roses. London, 1981.

Goodman Anthony. The Wars of the Roses. Stroud, 2005.

Hicks Michael. The Wars of the Roses. New Haven, 2010.

Lander J. R. Conflict and Stability in Fifteenth Century England. London, 1969.

_________. The Wars of the Roses. London, 1965. (Ландер Джек Р. Войны Роз / Пер. с англ. А. А. Кралиной. СПб.: Филол. факультет СПбГУ; Нестор-История, 2013.)

Pollard A. J. (ed.). The Wars of the Roses. London, 1995.

Seward Desmond. The Wars of the Roses. London, 1995.

Storey R. L. The End of the House of Lancaster. London, 1966.

Мир в игре

Egan Geoff (ed.). The Medieval Household. London, 1998.

Fleming Peter. Family and Household in Medieval England. London, 2001.

Hanawalt B. A. Growing Up in Medieval London. Oxford, 1993.

Herlihy David. Medieval Households. Cambridge, Mass., 1985.

Leach A. F. The Schools of Medieval England. London, 1915.

Orme Nicholas. Medieval Schools. London, 2006.

Salusbury G. T. Street Life in Medieval England. Oxford, 1939.

Shahar Shulamith. Childhood in the Middle Ages. London, 1990.

Основа жизни

Abram Annie. English Life and Manners in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1913.

Dyer Christopher. Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1989.

Henisch B. A. Fast and Feast. Pittsburgh, 1976.

Король весны

Baldwin David. Elizabeth Woodville. Stroud, 2002.

Brown A. L. The Governance of Late Medieval England. Stanford, 1989.

Chrimes S. B., Ross C. D. and Griffiths R. A. (eds.). Fifteenth-century England. London, 1972.

Dockray Keith. Edward IV. Stroud, 1999.

Goodman Anthony. The New Monarchy. Oxford, 1988.

Myers A. R. The Household of Edward IV. Manchester, 1959.

Ross Charles. Edward IV. London, 1974.

Thomson John. The Transformation of Medieval England. London, 1983.

Thornley I. D. (ed.). England under the Yorkists. London, 1920.

Идем в город

Beresford Maurice. New Towns of the Middle Ages. London, 1967.

Britnell R. H. The Commercialisation of English Society, 1000–1500. Cambridge, 1993.

Dyer Christopher. Making a Living in the Middle Ages. New Haven, 2002.

Green Alice. Town Life in the Fifteenth Century. London, 1894.

Nicholas David. The Later Medieval City. London, 1997.

Palliser D. M. (ed.). The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, 600–1540. Cambridge, 2000.

Platt Colin. The English Medieval Town. London, 1976.

Reynolds Susan. An Introduction to the History of English Medieval Towns. Oxford, 1977.


Dockray Keith. Richard III. Stroud, 1997.

Hammond P. W. (ed.). Richard III. London, 1986. (Хэммонд П. Ричард III и битва при Босворте / Пер. М. Степанова. М.: Евразия, КЛИО, 2014.)

Hanham Alison. Richard III and his Early Historians. Oxford, 1975.

Hicks Michael. Richard III. London, 1991.

Hughes Jonathan. The Religious Life of Richard III. Stroud, 1997.

Kendall P. M. Richard III. New York, 1956.

Pollard A. J. Richard III and the Princes in the Tower. Stroud, 1991.

Ross Charles. Richard III. London, 1981.

Король подозрений

Bevan Bryan. Henry VII. London, 2000.

Chrimes S. B. Henry VII. London, 1972.

Grant Alexander. Henry VII. London, 1985.

Hunt Jocelyn and Towle Carolyn. Henry VII. London, 1998.

Loades D. M. Politics and the Nation. London, 1973.

Lockyer Roger. Henry VII. London, 1968.

Rogers Caroline. Henry VII. London, 1991.

Temperley Gladys. Henry VII. Boston, 1914.

Wroe Anne. Perkin Warbeck. London, 2003.


Andrews J. P. The History of Great Britain. London, 1794.

Buckle H. T. History of Civilization in England. London, 1908.

Churchill W. S. A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. London, 1956.

Clark Jonathan (ed.). A World By Itself. London 2010.

Davies Norman. The Isles. London, 1999.

Fraser Rebecca. A People’s History of Britain. London, 2003.

Green J. R. History of the English People. London, 1878–1880.

Hibbert Christopher. The English. London, 1987.

Keightley Thomas. The History of England. London, 1837.

Lingard John and Belloc Hilaire. The History of England. New York, 1912.

Mackintosh James, Scott Walter and Moore Thomas. The Cabinet History of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1831.

Smollett Tobias and Hume David. The History of England. London, 2008.

Trevelyan G. M. History of England. London, 1945.

Wood Michael. In Search of England. London, 1999.

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