Книга: Digital Painting with KRITA 2.9: Learn All of the Tools to Create Your Next Masterpiece
Назад: Copy and Paste Options
Дальше: Chapter 2 - Painting Fundamentals

Common Configuration Options

The previously discussed features are all you need to get started. There are some other nice settings that exist. The amount of configurable options could be an entire chapter, so I will only briefly discuss a few. I am going to go over some of the features that I think are the most useful. These options can all be accessed by using the main menu Settings > Configure Krita.

Undo Stack Size

How much do you like to undo your mistakes? By default, Krita will retain the last 30 actions that you have done. That means that your 31st action will not be reversible with an Edit > Undo. If you have a lot of memory (RAM) on your computer, you can probably increase this amount. It usually becomes more of a problem when you start working with large images since they tend to consume a lot of memory. This setting is located under the General tab under the Miscellaneous grouping.


If you have made digital artwork in the past, you probably have lost your work from the application locking up or crashing. Autosave will occasionally save copies to prevent this. For large images, this operation can take a little while, so you might want to tweak it. By default, your document will be autosaved every 5 minutes. You can turn this off by unchecking the option. This setting is located under the General tab under the Miscellaneous grouping.

Brush Shape

When you are painting, you will get a preview for your cursor. This cursor shape can be changed. The Cursor shape and Outline shape will allow you to change the display. The brush outline will be the shape of the brush. This setting is located under the General tab under the Miscellaneous grouping.

Canvas-Only Settings

If you like working in Canvas-Only mode, you can decide which user interface elements you want to hide. By default, all elements are hidden. Many people don’t like to see elements like the status bar, so you may want to hide that. There is no option to hide the tabs area. If seeing the tabs really bothers you, switch to subwindows mode on the General tab to make them disappear. The other settings are all located under the Canvas-only settings tab.

Pasting Data from Simple Source

When you paste images from the clipboard, you may get a warning about how you want to paste the image in. You can automatically set which option to choose so you get no more warnings. This setting is located under the Color Management tab.

Artwork by Kynlo

Назад: Copy and Paste Options
Дальше: Chapter 2 - Painting Fundamentals