Книга: Как учиться за рубежом бесплатно: Личный опыт студентов иностранных университетов
Назад: 10. Обучение за рубежом: ожидания и реальность
Дальше: FAQ. Самые часто задаваемые вопросы о заграничном образовании и ответы на них
Часть III


Примеры документов

Сложно найти двух людей с полностью идентичным опытом, поэтому и пакет документов у каждого человека будет особенным. Большинство экспертов отмечают, что основная проблема заявок от российских кандидатов — в монотонности повествования и изобилии речевых штампов. И если транскрипты и языковые сертификаты должны быть одинаковыми по форме и всем понятно, как они должны выглядеть, то в мотивационных и рекомендательных письмах можно развернуться и добавить что-то от себя. В этой главе собраны документы, которые привели своих авторов к успеху, — благодаря им все они получили гранты и были зачислены в вузы. Конечно, нет никакого смысла их копировать — ими стоит вдохновиться и подготовить такую заявку, которая будет отображать именно вашу личность, историю ее становления и потенциал.

Мотивационные письма и другие документы публикуются в неотредактированном виде и частично анонимны. Некоторые детали авторы предпочли не раскрывать — не пугайтесь, если увидите в тексте значок #.

Мотивационное письмо


Для поступления в магистратуру

Dear University,

In this essay I will outline my academic and extra-curricular accomplishments. I will also discuss my career objectives and the motivation to pursue MA studies at the Lund University.

The undergraduate curriculum in Asian studies major in Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, introduced me to a wide variety of subjects related to different aspects of Asia. Various courses like “History of China, Japan and Korea”, “Asian Literature” and “International Relations” provided me with a strong footing in the theoretical concepts of Asian studies.

While offering both depth and breadth across this field, these courses put into perspective the importance and relevance of Asian studies and the application of its fundamentals to the problems faced by process industry. I came to realize that the increasing complexity and magnitude of problems faced by process industry due to rapid growth in science about Asia have resulted in a growing need for the services of experts of Asian studies.

I have received one of the best possible undergraduate educations in Asian studies and Chinese language in Russia — Novosibirsk State University. My scholastic records and achievements have been quite well. I have consistently ranked in the top 5% of the students of my class during University education. I was studying in BA program of Asian studies, philology and Chinese language. The diversity of this program attracted me and up till now I have been able to grasp wide knowledge in areas focused on Chinese history and culture, Asian relations and business issues. I have successfully completed various scientific projects related to ancient Chinese culture, history and philosophy.

I was working on my final thesis work with theme “The concept of fate in ancient Chinese fortune-telling system 六壬 (liuren)”. The work contains description of Chinese ancient divination practices which in traditional Chinese culture are the most complete realization of the holistic approach to problems of the interaction of man and environment. My research also is based on comparison of western and Chinese concepts of fate in terms of culture and traditions. Moreover, my research which became the diploma project involves different things concerning philosophical, cultural and ethical traditions of China. Also it concerns to social tendencies in Chinese society. So I feel motivated to broaden my humanitarian knowledge and carry out research in areas focused on Asian studies and cultures.

Throughout my school and university education, I have been a keen participant in extra-curricular activities. Getting elected as the class representative continuously for five years during school and college life helped me polish my organizational and interpersonal skills. I have been working as journalist and editor’s assistant of our university newspaper. Also I have been volunteering in Press Development Institute, which was created in 1993 within the project “Russian-European Informational Press Centre”. I was an assistant of the coordinator of projects in the field of international relations development of social and cultural relations with other regions, organization of seminars, forums, trainings and monitoring of mass media. On the last year of my studies I was taking part in administrative work helping to realize some theater/film/photography festivals, workshops, educational projects dealing with contemporary arts (organization of exhibitions — working as curator’s assistant, collecting information, communicating with artists, developing the audience).

The desire to delve deeper into my major persuaded me to try the job of translator/interpreter of three languages: Russian, English and Chinese. I worked also as the assistant and consultant of some business and trade issues about China and was responsible for translation and arranging of collaboration between Russian and Chinese partners in automobile company “Center-B, Co., Ltd”, which is the official representative in its region of the largest Russian automobile brand “Autovaz”.

Later on I was assigned the responsibility of an international educational consulting company based in Shanghai, which helps foreigners to have a chance to work in Chinese structures. During this assignment, I got a lot of useful skills and precious experience.

The years of university education and working after in the field of my major have been an enriching service experience — both academically and otherwise. I’d like to apply and follow Masters Degree in Asian studies of Lund University, to pursue a career in research and experience the excitement and satisfaction of being at the forefront of this vast expanding field. Good reputation of high quality education standards, an extremely distinguished faculty members and research facilities are the factors which have motivated me to choose Lund University for my graduate studies. I believe that higher graduate studies will help me acquire the versatility needed to reach my full potential as researcher.

I believe that I will match the high standards set by the department with my diverse academic background and research & work experience.

Комментарий автора

Лена Килина, училась в Лундском университете

«Сначала я написала план письма по пунктам, следуя стандартным семплам по созданию мотивационных писем. Нужна краткая презентация себя, своей специализации, опыта работы, волонтерства и прочей активности, а также обоснование выбора — этот пункт лучше осветить в конце. Очень важно подчеркнуть соответствие своего опыта выбранной специальности. Например, я писала письмо для поступления в магистратуру по востоковедению — соответственно указала на знание одного из восточных языков и работу в Китае — это выигрышные пункты. Также выбранная мной магистратура специализируется на социологии и политологии Азиатского региона, поэтому упоминание того, что в моем дипломе о высшем образовании были и такие курсы, совсем нелишнее.

По сути, нужно писать немного пафосное послание с акцентом на то, как я мечтаю учиться именно в этом вузе. Поэтому, на мой взгляд, нужно по возможности постоянно в своем письме возвращаться к тому, что весь ваш накопленный опыт будет бесценен и полезен на этом конкретном факультете, который вы выбрали.

Думаю, что акцент необходимо делать на двух пунктах, как я и делаю в моем письме: это академические достижения и опыт работы. Достижением считается любое участие в конференциях, написание курсовых, представление диплома. Если выгодно и красиво написать об этом, создастся впечатление, что академически вы подкованы. Профессиональный опыт тоже важен, так как доказывает, что у вас есть навыки и независимость.

Не нужно давать много описаний и фактов: отметьте свой университет, специальность, работу и дальше пишите больше о вашей активности, приобретенном опыте и том, как он может быть полезен в будущем. Самое главное в мотивационном письме — это уверенность и грамотная презентация себя».

Для работы в исследовательской группе

Dear Dr. #,

My name is Klim Kolyvanov and I have seen that you offer position of the “Image Analysis Specialist/Scientific Programmer” in your group.

I am a mathematician who is interested in programming and data visualization.

I graduated with BSc. in Applied Mathematics and Informatics at Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia). I am fine with algorithmic complexity, bit-wise operations, graphs and other computer science notions.

PDEs are my passion. I love to solve them both analytically and numerically.

I strengthen my programming skills at RWTH (Germany) acquiring MSc. in Simulation Sciences. I believe that my knowledge of parallel computing and data analysis could be useful for your group.

I had experience working on cluster under Linux. Therefore, such phrases as “submit jobs” and “batch” make sense for me.

On top of that, I am familiar with CUDA and GPU programming (MATLAB and C), openMP and MPI parallelization. The last one I was using for “Unsteady 2D heat equation” project at RWTH.

It is awesome that ImgLib2/BigDataViewer/Fiji community organizes hackathons all over the world. Hackathons were my special way to spend evenings in Aachen.

I fell in love with visualization after I tried Processing for the first time. I post Math-related animations for the alternative school “Planck Institute”from time to time. Code and images are available on my web site and GitHub.

I was revising topics from computer vision and machine learning recently and would like to keep going with these topics.

My main programming languages are MATLAB, C/C++, Python and Processing (language built on top of Java).

Moreover, I like that it is possible to publish my work in journals. And the last but not the least, I would like to live in Berlin.

I am currently in Russia but I am ready to move to Berlin as soon as necessary to start working on project. Visa is not a problem because I have a “job search” one.

At this point I have only one question: if this position implies work towards PhD?

Для стажировки

Dear Sir or Madame,

As an experienced Russian journalist, I apply for an internship at your company in the branch “Text/Conception/Marketing”. In Russia in 20# I graduated from the university and got my degree in linguistics and communication science. In 20# I obtained my master degree in the consequent scientific field. In fall 20# I took part in the program “Journalisten International” supported by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

For three years I have worked at the press centre of my university in Russia and collected a number of published journalistic experiences. Having taken care of PR projects running in the office I acquired new knowledge in public relations and marketing. My responsibilities were advertisements as well as cultural events, marketing for educational projects and entire university.

As part of my job I updated the university site, I learned some HTML at the same time and enjoyed it a lot. Eventually I created my own blog and described some projects online as well as promoted some of the initiatives of our university. I was responsible for organization and coordination of media, educational and cultural, that involved self-initiative and self-discipline as well as good team working skills. For example, our team organised the project named “Hand-Made”. We spread the word in order to gather artisans in order to help them promote themselves and sell their products. In the end effect we organized a huge exhibition. In a year’s time the project was repeated and attracted even more exhibitors and shoppers.

Direct international experience set in as part of my studies in 20# when I took part in the Russian-German students’ exchange programme in collaboration with Merseburg University of Applied Sciences and Hamburg University. In this project my responsibility was to translate <Ru Eng>, <Eng Ru>, <De Eng>. Back in Russia I published a number of journalistic materials about the international meeting. In 20# I took part in an exclusive media training provided by Russian Regional Environmental Centre and “Green Horizon Magazin” (Hungary) as I was involved in ecological journalism. In April 20# I was invited as an expert for printing media and a team member at the German-Russian media project “Medienköpfe. Deine Kompetenzen. Deine Ideen. Deine Medien” provided and promoted by Robert Bosch Foundation, Goethe-Institut and DAAD.

I am available to start the internship at your company in December, 1 20#.

Комментарий автора

Екатерина Стетюха, стипендиатка программы DAAD Journalisten International, училась в магистратуре Технического университета прикладных наук Вильдау

«Когда я писала это письмо, опыта в таких делах у меня было немного, и я много наводила справки и собирала информацию, как это правильно делать. Поскольку письмо изначально было на немецком языке, то я узнавала у коллег из Германии, какие клише и речевые выражения уместны в таком жанре публицистического стиля, как мотивационное или сопроводительное письмо. Работа длилась неделю, потому что у меня не было возможности выделить время на одно только письмо. Я записывала светлые мысли, которые приходили в голову между делом, и в свободную минуту оформляла их в предложение или абзац. Мое мнение: быстро хорошее письмо не пишется, лучше выделить время, чтобы подумать и отредактировать. Впоследствии я стала писать такие тексты значительно быстрее, при этом то письмо пока самое успешное. Всего в письме четыре абзаца. В первом я рассказала о себе и своем образовании, во втором — о профессиональных интересах и полученном международном опыте. В третьем абзаце шла речь о том же, потому что во второй все не уместилось. И в заключение одно предложение о том, что участие в данной образовательной программе мне бы очень помогло и расширило бы мои горизонты. Подход классический: введение, основная часть и заключение. Может быть, кому-то придет в голову что-то более креативное. Я придерживалась канонов.

Расскажите в вашем мотивационном письме о сильных сторонах вашей личности: например, вам совсем еще немного лет, скажем 23, а у вас уже два диплома и опыт работы, да еще участие в международных проектах и два языка. Об этом стоит красиво рассказать — такой self-marketing. Плюс стоит обосновать необходимость вашего участия в проекте — в частности, объяснить, зачем именно вам учиться за рубежом. Если у вас уже есть российское образование, то нужно показать связь между вашим отечественным дипломом и возможным зарубежным. Ведь кто-то будет вкладывать в вас деньги. Он имеет право знать, зачем — и какие дивиденды в будущем принесет вам образование на чужбине. Помимо этого важен международный опыт, пусть минимальный. Иногда этот фактор является решающим, если приходится выбирать между несколькими кандидатами. К зарубежному опыту относятся и туристические поездки тоже, они расширяют горизонты. Правда, эту информацию в очень краткой форме я бы включила в резюме. В мотивационном письме лучше написать о семинарах, курсах и учебных программах, которые вы прошли за рубежом. Такой опыт очень ценен. Чтобы его приобрести, можно самому заплатить за учебную программу или подать документы на грант или стипендию. Например, очень легко пройти курсы английского или любого другого языка за свой счет, можно и получить финансовую поддержку фондов. Если это ваш первый опыт, то в сопроводительном письме так прямо и пишите. Вернувшись на родину после такой поездки, вы точно станете немного другим человеком, более открытым и гибким».

Для участия в программе арт-резиденции

My desire to attend UNIDEE stems from a wish to develop design strategies in a completely novel way. I studied art and design in Moscow, Russia at both an undergraduate and graduate level, and the Russian approach to design is entirely aesthetic; we concentrated on the artistic side overwhelmingly and I was able to teach students and lead a design studio with what I knew. Yet design which is focused on creating objects of beauty and coherent corporate/brand designs is only the tip of the iceberg. However, I feel that design ideas should be integrated to social responsible projects.

Being a graphic designer, I can create a product or image and adapt it to different formats, usually for the purpose of ubiquity and coherence. It is my ambition to integrate the art and design knowledge and experience into social transformation ideas.

My project needs a conceptualization, because now it looks like the idea only. I have some local feedback from my friends, but it is not enough for project’s implementation. I would like to share it with UNIDEE residents to catch professional opinion.

Also, my project needs multiprofessional attention. It concerns to different areas, such as art, town planning, architecture, ecology, gardening, etc. So, I need a professional communication and interaction to share how to realize it. UNIDEE opportunities, such as interactions with local partners, including companies and institutions, could contribute this project.

Finally, I realize the importance of design’s emotional impact. I know deeply, that to deliver a message to an audience, the emotional message must be parallel to the content in order to have resonance. So I hope to create a design project for social transformations.

Комментарий автора

Ольга Карякина, художник, графический дизайнер, получила грант от резиденции UNIDEE

«В отличие от гранта на обучение мотивационное письмо в резиденцию является частью пакета документов вместе с описанием проекта, CV и портфолио, а также со ссылкой на личный веб-сайт. Для художника мотивационное письмо и портфолио имеют одинаковую степень важности, либо портфолио имеет даже большее значение.

Получив информацию о гранте UNIDEE, я поняла, что он мне подходит, и начала подготовку к конкурсу с осмысления того, над чем сейчас мне было бы интересно работать. Я хотела работать с арт-объектами из натуральных материалов. На сайте резиденции я увидела, что организаторы приветствуют проекты, которые вызывают позитивные изменения в обществе. Я сделала проект “Зеленая реклама”, направленный на то, чтобы заменить рекламные конструкции, которые загрязняют город, на зеленые арт-объекты, которые город бы украшали и очищали. Подобные проекты существуют во всем мире, но в России такого опыта пока нет. В заявке я писала, что в резиденции я хотела бы разработать теоретическую составляющую проекта и сделать у них несколько арт-объектов. Я писала, что для реализации проекта полезно обсуждать его с людьми из разных стран и с профессионалами, которые разбираются в экологии, архитектуре, социальных процессах и технологиях.

Мой проект был рассчитан на большие города, и поэтому в процессе работы в резиденции в Италии он сильно изменился. Рекламная составляющая проекта отошла на второй план, и в конце концов я работала над созданием арт-объектов из натуральных материалов. Чаще всего так и бывает: то, что написано на бумаге в описании заявки, и то, что выходит на деле, — совсем не одно и то же. Но это нормально, резидентские программы на то и рассчитаны. К выбору резиденции нужно относиться внимательно, и если ваш проект посвящен рекламе в больших городах, то и ехать стоит в большой город, а не в тихую провинцию в сердце Италии. Но тогда это был мой первый опыт подачи документов в резиденцию, и я просто об этом не подумала.

Работая над письмом, я придерживалась стандартной структуры: вступление, основная часть, заключение. На работу над письмом у меня ушло два дня. Во вступлении говорилось о существующей проблеме и о возможности ее разрешения с помощью предлагаемого проекта. Здесь я использовала американский стандарт написания эссе, когда в конце первого абзаца пишется основная мысль. Дальше идут три небольших абзаца, которые эту мысль конкретизируют и развивают. Также в основной части стоит написать о том, почему данный проект стоит развивать именно в этой резиденции, чтó существующие у них возможности дадут для развития проекта. Последний абзац — это заключение, в котором обычно суммируются все идеи, которые описывались выше. Если бы я еще раз писала для UNIDEE, то сделала бы письмо немного конкретнее — но не сильно, так как не стоит забывать, что в любом случае проект изменится. В качестве структуры мотивационного письма удобно брать за образец эссе языкового экзамена.

Есть сайты, которые предлагают шаблоны таких документов, но на практике с ними не очень удобно работать — получается совершенно мертвый текст. Единственная помощь, которая мне понадобилась, — это обсуждение с моим другом, живущим в Америке, того, как сформулировать некоторые мысли по-английски: то, как говорим мы и как говорят носители языка, сильно отличается. Хотя для неанглоязычных стран русский английский вполне подходит.

Наверное, единственное, о чем не стоит писать в мотивационном письме, — это то, что вы плохо умеете взаимодействовать с людьми. Да и вообще не надо быть скучным и писать всю правду. Гранты — это чистая политика. И письмо должно быть написано дипломатично, чтобы получить нужный результат».


Для поступления в магистратуру

When I was growing up in #, there were few opportunities for personal growth. # accounts for only #% of the population of #, and is an ethnic region of #. It seems a pinnacle of achievement for young # to enroll in one of regional universities and get a government stipend, with little prospects of finding a job in the end. However, this did not discourage me from striving for success.

If anything, this lack of dynamism has been motivating me to realize my potential, and in that I looked back on my family as a role model. I deeply respect my # who was a # in #. He was a selfmade man who initiated and coordinated a process of #. I always wanted his achievement to be recognized by #, and this is what lead me to an accomplishment of my own.

While an undergraduate student I seized an unexpected opportunity to address # on behalf of my family about that. A year later a commemorative plaque was installed in #. The event attracted over # people and local broadcast media, and me and my # could not be prouder. But there was more to it — now there is a prospect of having a street called in my #’s name too. This taught me how far a single pitch can go, and I never hesitated to use this technique moving forward, whether it was in an academic institution or in a # environment.

Speaking of #. By the time I was # years old I had undertaken half a dozen steps that pointed my career to new directions that were previously out of my reach. For example, studying # at #’s leading # school opened a new window of opportunities. It made me realize I possessed a number of transferable skills like # which I learned as a #, and # and # skills obtained in #. All this helped me succeed on an interview for a position in #. The experience of working for # has become a cornerstone of my career, allowing me to collaborate closely on # with a very professional and a very small # team responsible for #. I strongly believe this is a priceless, one-of-a-kind experience that allowed me to grow professionally to the point where I became able to manage # on my own. My career reached its highest point thanks to what I learned at #, as later on I stepped up to execute #.

Having served # for more than # years I was able to nurture my interest in #. Every year we confront an increased number of issues, and with # background I am able to provide weighted reports on this complexity for the team to work on it further. However, I am convinced further training is needed for me to have a greater impact. With tectonic changes in regulation of # taking place in #, I witness many companies struggling with defining their # for the market. One example is #, which has recently #. In my opinion, it was a highly debatable decision, and the turnout must have been unpleasant for #, with so much negative # about this incident. I wish I could # like this in future.

From my experience, # frequently encounters challenging # issues as well. The reason must be that this company sets forward #, a # where people #. This trend was listed by the # magazine as one of the “#.” However, in many countries # are at odds with # supporters and try to stop the latter #. I had to work around a number of issues related to this, including a #. I would like to contribute to # of any #. I would rather #, because it helps people #. In order to do this, I believe I would need to do rigorous studying on how to #. Even more so, I would need to #, e. g. #, #, #.

I am confident that # will be of invaluable help in this regard, as I conclude that the school educates wellrounded professionals who #. When I was visiting campus I also got a sense that the school offers unparalleled access to its professors, alumni, and visiting scholars. As a lineup of both faculty and student body is highly international, yet very selective, it must be very productive to establish a working connection with these individuals. One of the many opportunities suitable for me may be learning from #, who did a research on #, essential for #, and who can provide comments on #. Another researcher’s work that # is that of #. Understanding of #, in addition to her studies of # really do resonate with my interests. On top of that, I firmly believe a tried and tested # curriculum, that emphasizes the study of #, is precisely the kind of knowledge that is vital for analyzing how #. These are the skills any serious # should possess.

Consequently, the sort of education # provides would allow me to aspire to pivot my career and step up to # in larger organizations, such as #, #, or # in the long term. With this ambitious goal in mind, I would be frequenting a career services office of #. I am under an impression that it is a vital resource of knowledge on how recruitment is done, as well as on how to leverage opportunities that may become new turning points of my career. When I was studying in my university, I could not imagine that a career center may offer organizing mock interviews, analysis of speech, and other types of hands-on preparation for job interviews.

Last but not least, I find it intellectually intriguing to soak myself into studying # as one of the regional specializations for students of # program. My background has already been intertwined with the # language by an intensive course of academic studies. This choice of foreign language as a compliment to my bachelor’s degree was first, due to its official status within the UN and a big number of nations speaking it, and because of my brief exposure to # culture while in # on # exchange program. Still, as much as I wanted my connection with # to be deeper during college (I picked topics related to the region for my class papers, participated in conferences, and attended events with current and former ambassadors), it was not a very realistic task, not least because of me being located rather remotely from the region. Coming to # I would be thrilled to learn a lot more about both political and sociocultural aspects of life in # and # in particular, as well as how this translates into completing practical tasks such as doing business in the region, and about issues that multinationals working in the region may confront. Whether my future jobs will eventually be located in # or #, profound understanding of # would be a big plus in any scenario. All of these countries maintain active relationships, with # and # being part of #, or, for instance, # and issues associated with it, or # bumping up trade with # by #% in the wake of #.

Regardless of the circumstances, I am sure I would find myself well trained by the diverse # community for many years of work in an international environment. And I hope to become an active part of your community.


Для поступления в магистратуру

1. Russia? Is it that country with bears?

Although there are many controversial and ambiguous situations now and I need to behave as tactfully as possible, I would be pleased to take an active part in creating the image of Russia. Firstly, because working on a brand’s reputation is a significant part of my future profession. Complex tasks, in solving which I can make at least a little bit, are always for the better. Secondly, because I can easily imagine a positive reputation of Russia. It is a country where extraordinary thinking youth live, reading a lot, improving their talents and being ready to grow. It is a country where many people form and maintain their own opinion despite of everything. In addition, it is a country where many people are willing to work hard. I believe that my education, creativity and communication skills make me a worthy candidate to represent my country at LJMU and in the UK as a whole.

2. Bringing a business to Russia? Does it mean working next to bears?

Even if this is not an opinion of a representative of political or economic elite, I think that it is possible to run business in Russia. The situation can be more stable or less stable, but there is always a positive side. In addition to the fact that sometimes it is more than beneficial, it is always very interesting to do business in Russia. The audience, its culture, ideology and values are very different from the European ones. For several years I had been working at the Russian branches of foreign companies, noting the collision of Russian and foreign values. After the full-time study at LJMU I will become very familiar with the European approach to business. Thus, the ideal future path for me would be dealing with promotion of British companies in Russia. I could be a mediator between the developed approach of the UK and the Russian market.

3. Starting a business in Russia? Right there, next to bears?

All sorts of rankings and market research have recently showed a minimal level of faith that Russians have for the country and its future. From the point of view of many of my compatriots, the normal communication between Russia and foreign countries is hardly possible now, as well as the effective operation of international business. I certainly do not think so, and I will welcome any opportunity to refute this. As in the past, building and maintaining a company needs a lot of analysis and preparatory work along with good knowledge of the consumers’ and competitors’ mentality. However, building a profitable business in Russia is possible; that is perfectly demonstrated by the existence of many startups. Take the ONE TOUCH Digital Agency as an example — that is where I am happy to be working at the moment.

4. To be serious, I have never met bears in Moscow.

However, there is a bit of a joke in every joke. Assessing the modern situation, I realize that the developed countries have gone far ahead in technology and promotion. For example, the words “digital marketing” can cause confusion or smiles on people’s faces in Russia, and social networks are hardly developed even half as good as throughout Europe. However, I sincerely believe that the digital field is the only possible future for marketing, and social networking is a convenient, effective, and relatively inexpensive tool for business promotion.

In general, my answer to the question might sound a bit pompous. In fact, I do not set too global and vague goals, but I am willing to reach a high bar in this direction within my profession. Using digital marketing, I will try to show what are successful and mutually beneficial relationships between Russia and the rest of the world and what should be the attitude of residents to their country like.



Dear Admission Team,

I confirm that I have known Liudmila Manina for approximately five years. Based on my teaching experience, I evaluate Liudmila Manina as an intelligent, respectful, and initiative person and highly recommend her for acceptance for studying at Master program.

I have worked with the group, in which Liudmila Manina studied, as a teacher of psychological disciplines with focus on management and marketing. First, I should mention the course “Conflict Studies”, which includes the influence of conflicts on organization’s strategy as a whole, as well as methods of social and psychological diagnosis of conflicts. Another course that I teach is called “Management for Social Development of Organization”. This course examines the social development as a complex mechanism that drives human activity; in other words, it teaches the chain of needs, interests, and motives that encourage people to work.

As a whole, Liudmila Manina is a well-organized and ambitious student, always strives to study the discipline or a specific question very comprehensively. She has shown a great interest in all the courses I teach, with a lot of patience and diligence. Liudmila has participated in discussions, prepared reports and presentations for the group.

Having worked in the Department of Labor Economics and Human Resource Management, which are the key aspects of the fields of study chosen by Liudmila, I have also communicated with Liudmila as her supervisor during her research work. According to the results of our cooperation (participation in three conferences with the subsequent publication of articles), it can be argued that Liudmila is an energetic and creative person, always relying on her ability to make judgments independently.

Regarding social life, Liudmila is an open-minded girl, ready to help or to give a piece of advice. What is more important is that she is able to accept criticism; she is always ready to consider comments and continue improving.

I am sure that Liudmila Manina exhibits all the qualities that are essential to international students. I highly recommend Liudmila Manina for your program.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dear # Team,

I have known # for approximately one term (4th term). # has taken the course # and has proved to be one of the most talented students of the group.

The #, a discipline based on mathematics, statistics, economics, and accounting, is a significant part of undergraduate education for prospective specialists in the field of management and aims to create a view of processes and methods of organizations’ analysis. # passed the exam on this course with distinction; she confirmed her knowledge in the areas mentioned above as well as the ability to work hard.

# has shown herself as a self-confident, self-motivated and reliable person, successfully applying her knowledge and always willing to grow and develop. Furthermore, # is an active, sociable girl, and valuable member of the team with good communication skills and situational thinking. Taking into account all the positive qualities, I can safely say that her involvement in any projects and research activities can only benefit.

To sum up, I strongly believe that # is a deserving candidate for your Master programme.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


The Associate Professor of #

Candidate of Economic Sciences


Tel.: #

E-mail: #


Klim Kolyvanov

Place and Birth Date: Russia | 29 July 19#

Address: #

email: #@#.com

LinkedIn: #

Work Experience

Nov 2014 — Oct 2015

Student Assistant (HiWi) at Chair for Computational Analysis of Technical Systems at RWTH University, Aachen

Worked on fracture mechanics problems. Prepared test cases. Compared the numerical and analytical solutions. Extended the existing module (C/FORTRAN)

Feb 2014 — Oct 2014

Student Assistant (HiWi) at Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical

Engineering, Aachen

Worked on electrical impedance tomography models. Generated mesh. Developed the automated solution by finite element method in FEniCS (Python)

Nov 2011 — Oct 2013

Assistant (Technician) at Department of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Tomsk

Lectures on “Mathematical Problem Solving”


Oct 2015

MSc. in Simulation Sciences

German Research School for Simulation Sciences (RWTH), Aachen

Major: Mathematics

Thesis: “Initial study on the generation of vectorized linear algebra code.” Advisor: Prof. Paolo Bientinesi

Jun 2013

BSc. in Applied Mathematics and Informatics

Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk

Major: Mathematical Physics | Degree with honors

Thesis: “Quasiclassical approximation for Gross–Pitaevskii equation.”

Advisor: Prof. Andrey Trifonov

Jun 2013

Specialist of Elite Engineering

Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk

Major: Mathematics | Non-degree studies

Fall 2012

Exchange Semester — Eramus Mundus Action II Scholarship Vienna University of Technology, Vienna

Major: Modeling and Simulation

Project: “Fishing model” (Anylogic). Advisor: Prof. Felix Breitenecker

May 2009

Complete Secondary Education

School #24, Tomsk

Major: Foreign Languages | Diploma with honors

Scholarships and Certificates

2011/12, 2012/13 Increased state scholarship for academic achievement

2012/13, 2013/14 Increased state scholarship for academic achievement in science

2011/12, 2012/13 V. Potanin charity foundation scholarship

2013/14 Dr. Carl-Arthur Pastor scholarship

2013/14, 2014/15 Educational Fund scholarship (RWTH Aachen)

2014/15 DAAD scholarship

2013 TestAS: Computer Science and Mathematics (95th percentile)

Training and Schools

Mar 2014

45th IFF Spring School

“Computing Solids: Models, Ab-initio Methods and Supercomputing” Forschungszentrum, Juelich

Aug 2012

Summer School “Fundamental Interactions” Dynasty Fund, Protvino

Aug 2012

Summer School “Internet Technologies” New University of Lisbon, Lisbon


May 2012 (5th) VI International Mathematical Olympiad

Apr 2012 (2nd) 2nd Round of Open International Internet Olympiad in Mathematics

Apr 2011 (2nd) Regional round of Russian Olympiad in Physics

Apr 2011 (3rd) “Best student of Elite Engineering Department”

Mar 2010 (3rd) 2nd Round of Russian Olympiad in Mathematics


Russian: Mother-tongue

English: Upper-Intermediate

German: Pre-Intermediate

Computer Skills

Languages: MATLAB, C/C++, Processing, Python, Wolfram Mathematica, FORTRAN


Interests and Activities

Mathematics, Ultimate Frisbee, Reading, Swimming, Traveling

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