Книга: Китайские дети
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Для своих исследований я провела множество интервью с учеными, родителями-китайцами, учителями, директорами школ, высокопоставленными чиновниками и экспертами. Я черпала сведения из ученых докладов Китая, США, Европы и Австралии, китайских СМИ общего профиля и онлайн-форумов, а иногда – и из западных информационных источников. В отношении статистики я полагалась на китайские правительственные источники, в том числе из Министерства образования и Национального комитета статистики, китайских государственных СМИ, на китайские, американские и европейские исследования, а также на работы некоммерческих структур и коллективов ученых. Далее привожу избранную библиографию источников. Я перевела названия китайских источников на английский. В целом, если источники встречаются более чем в одной главе, они помещены в разделе «Общие источники». (Более подробные примечания о фактах, цифрах и цитатах можно посмотреть у меня на сайте: .)


Friedman, Thomas. “The Shanghai Secret”, New York Times, October 23, 2013.

Levin, Richard. “The Rise of Asia’s Universities”. Speech delivered at the Royal Society, London, England, January 31, 2010, .

Office of the Press Secretary, the White House. “Remarks by the President on the Economy in Winston-Salem, North Carolina”. Posted on ObamaWhiteHouse.gov, December 6, 2010.

1. Яйца насильно

Heng, Wang. “Cultural Interpretations of Socratic and Confucian Education Philosophy”. PhD diss., University of Louisville, 2013

Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. “Notice on Further Strengthening the Work of Management and Selection of Municipal Exemplary Preschool”.

Office of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, July 9, 2009.

Starr, Don. “China and the Confucian Education Model”. Position paper commissioned by Universitas 21 (May 2012).

2. Дела семейные

Interviews include Bo Weifeng, Ge Fang Ping, Gregory Yao, Ye Xue Jie.

Feng, Hairong, et al. “Examining Chinese Gift-giving Behavior from the Politeness Theory Perspective”. Asian Journal of Communication, June 24, 2011.

Larsen, Janet. “Meat Consumption in China Now Double That in the United States”. Earth Policy Institute, April 24, 2012.

National Bureau of Statistics. “2016 Migrant Work Monitoring and Research Report”. National Bureau of Statistics website, April 28, 2017.

Zhu, Dongli. “The Structure and Social Function Analysis of Chinese Folk Present-Giving Custom”. Northwest A & F University, 2010, 29–32.

3. Подчиняйся учителю

Interviews include Xu Song Gen, Huang Man Jie, Guo Li Ping.

National People’s Congress. “Law of Compulsory Education of the People’s Republic of China”. April 12, 1986.

Soong Qing Ling School. Child Development Book, 2013−2014.

4. Никаких исключений из правил

Interviews include Yang Qiao Yun, Zhou Xiao Lan.

Boroditsky, Lera. “Does Language Shape Thought?: Mandarin and English Speakers’ Conceptions of Time”. Cognitive Psychology 43 (2001), 1–22.

DeFrancis, John. The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy. University of Hawaii Press, 1984.

Environmental Protection Agency. Air Quality Index: A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health (February 2014).

Erbaugh, Mary S. “The Acquisition of Mandarin”. Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition 3 (1992), 373–455.

Juan, Yang. “Problems of Chinese Evaluation of Children with Special Needs”. Journal of Sichuan College of Education 10 (2011).

Ministry of Education of the PRC. Chinese Curriculum Standards of Compulsory Education (2011). Beijing Normal University Publishing Group, 2011.

“Twelve Departments’ Advice on the Implementation of Standard Character List for Common Usage”. Posted on the Ministry of Education website, October 15, 2013.

Ministry of Environmental Protection of the PRC. “List of Enterprises under Key Supervision of the Nation in 2016”. February 4, 2016.

Moser, David. “Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard”. Schrifestschrift: Essays on Writing and Language in Honor of John DeFrancis on His Eightieth Birthday. Sino-Platonic Papers, 1991.

Shanghai Board of Education. “Heavy Air Pollution in Shanghai, Education Commission Requires Suspension of All Outdoor Activities for Students”. People’s Daily website. December 2, 2013.

Twenty-first Century Institute of Education. 2014 Blue Book of Education. Social Sciences Academic Press, 2014.

Wong, Edward. “‘Airpocalypse’ Smog Hits Beijing at Dangerous Levels”. Sinosphere (blog), New York Times, January 17, 2014.

5. Никаких наград за второе место

China Education Online. “The History of the Gaokao”. Posted on ifeng.com, April 21, 2010.

China News Network. “In 2014, 7.97 Million Students Were Admitted into Academic High Schools, 260 000 Less than Last Year”. July 30, 2015.

Civil Service Examinations, Berkshire Encyclopedia of China. Berkshire Publishing Group 2009.

Crozier, Justin. “Chinese Imperial Examination System”. China in Focus (2002).

Decisions of the National Language Committee, the National Education Committee and Ministry of Radio, Film and Television on the Test of Mandarin Level. October 30, 1994.

Elman, Benjamin A. “Political, Social, and Cultural Reproduction via Civil Service Examinations in Late Imperial China”. Journal of Asian Studies 50:1 (1991), 7–28.

Fan Guangji. “The Historical Evolution of China’s College Entrance Examination System and Its Revelation to the Reform of Modern College Entrance Examinations”.

Fujian Education College Newspaper (June 2011).

Liu Fang. “Students Admitted to Vocational Schools Occupied 44.12 % of the TotalNumber in the High School Recruitment Period in 2014”. September 16, 2015.

Min Huang. “Xiaogan High School Put 12th Grade Students on a Drip to Supplement Energy”. Changjiang Times, June 6, 2012.

Ministry of Education of the PRC. “Statistics on the Number of Gaokao Participants and Those Admitted over the Years”. Posted on People’s Daily online, May 3, 2013.

“Overview of Chinese Education”. November 25, 2015.

Miyazaki, Ichisada. China’s Examination Hell: The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China. Yale University Press, 1981.

Sina Education. “Ranking of Yiben Admission Rate of All Provinces, Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai Top the Chart”. Posted on Sina.com, December 25, 2015.

Song Chunpeng. “The Double-Edged Sword of Traditional Culture and Scientific Innovations – Some Thoughts on the Talent Development of Universities”. Posted on the Ministry of Education of the PRC website, April 24, 2008.

Suen, H. K. “The Hidden Cost of Education Fever: Consequences of the Keju-Driven Education Fever in Ancient China”. Translated by Ki-soo Kim. Ha-woo Publishing Co., 2005. ww123 Forum. “Parent in Shanghai”. April 23, 2014.

Xinhua News Agency. “In 2014 the Country 9.39 Million Candidates to Participate in College Entrance Examination”. Posted on moe.gov.cn, June 4, 2014.

6. Высокая цена экзаменов

Interviews include Cong Qianzhen, Kang Jian, Li Jiacheng, Liu Jian, Li Qiong, Tiehui Weng, Wang Feng, Xu Jiandong, Yang Dongping, Yang Linqiong.

Chai Wei and Xiang Qianyun, “China’s ‘PISA’–Unveiling China’s Educational Assessment System”. Posted on China Education Daily, April 16, 2015.

Chongqing Morning News. “Chongmin Luo Delivered Speech in Southwest University: Last Year in Middle and High School Waste a Lot of Time”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, May 5, 2012.

Du, Feijin et al. “Heavy Burden on Students Has Become the Pain of the Nation”. People’s Daily, August 2, 2013.

Dukes, Richard, and Heather Albanesi. “Seeing Red: Quality of an Essay, Color of the Grading Pen, and Student Reactions to the Grading Process”. Social Science Journal 50 (2013), 96–100.

Feng Jianjun. “Examination-Oriented Education Wears Down Student’s Personality”. Posted on China Education News Network website, April 21, 2015;

Guangming Daily. “Primary and Middle School ‘Jianfu’ Report Published”. Posted on Xinhua News online, May 31, 2013.

Gu Mingyuan. “Interest Is the Biggest Drive of Study”. Posted on qq.com, August 15, 2014, .

He Yingchun. “Reflection on ‘Fudan Poisoning Case’: We Need to Learn to Forgive”. Posted on people.com, February 18, 2014.

Ji Lin. “Wei Yu: Socio-Emotional Competency Will Affect Children for the Lifetime,” Shanghai Education News, April 28, 2013.

Liang Jianmin, et al. “Zheng Yefu: Primary and Middle School Education Is Killing Creativity”. Information Times, October 9, 2013.

Li Jimei and Feng Xiaoxia. Interpretation of Guideline of Children’s Learning and Development for 3−to 6-year-old Children, People’s Education Press, 2013.

Liu Shiyu. “Ni Minjing: The Meaning of PISA Test Is to Enlighten the Evaluation Reform”. Shanghai Education News, December 19, 2013.

Luo Yangjia, Shanghai Education. “Shanghai Student’s Top Performance in PISA Evokes Thinking”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, March 17, 2011.

Ma Bei Bei. “National Physique Evaluation: Chinese Youth’s Physique Has Decreased for 10 Years”. China Youth Daily, March 30, 2010.

Ministry of Education of the PRC, Department of Basic Education. Interpretation of Kindergarten Education Guidelines. Phoenix Education Publishing, 2002, repr. 2012.

“Guidance on Current Efforts to Strengthen the Management of Primary and Secondary Schools”. April 22, 2009.

“National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010–2020)”. July 2010.

“On the Prevention and Correction of Preschool ‘Elementary-Schoolization’ ”. December 28, 2011.

Guideline of Children’s Learning and Development for 3-to 6-year-old Children. Capital Normal University Press, 2012.

“To Solicit Public Opinion on ‘Ten Rules on Burden Relief of Elementary School Students’ ”. August 22, 2013.

“Notice of the Issue of Guide of the Establishment of Psychological Room in Middle and High Schools”. July 31, 2015.

National People’s Congress (NPC). “Education Law of the People’s Republic of China”. Posted on Chinese government portal gov.cn, May 25, 2005.

Netease Education Channel. “Research of Study Pressure of Chinese Primary and Middle School Students”. November 25, 2015.

Play Mountain Place website. .

Pleasance, Chris. “NY Teacher Brands Common Core Reform Child Abuse, Gets Rapturous Applause”. Daily Mail, November 15, 2013.

Preschool to Primary School Web. “Beijing 2014 Primary School Entrance Exam Collection: Common Sense”. Posted on ysxiao.cn, October 28, 2014.

Quality Education Research Group. “Common Concern: Quality Education System Research”. Educational Science Publishing House, 2006.

Ren Jinwen. “Hainan Gaokao Reform Breaks the System of Marks, Gives the Universities Autonomy for Admission”. Haikou Evening News. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, August 5, 2014.

Ryan, Janette. Education Reform in China: Changing Concepts, Contexts, and Practices. Routledge, 2011.

Salinas, D. “Does Homework Perpetuate Inequities in Education”. PISA in Focus 12 (2014), 1–4.

Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. “Several Opinions about Effectively Alleviating the Academic Burden on Schoolchildren”. December 5, 2004.

“The Notice of the Issue of the Pilot Plan of Shanghai Spring Gaokao in 2017”. November 8, 2016.

Shanghai Star. “Five Bears Suffer Sulphuric Acid Attack”. Posted on Shanghai Star website, February 28, 2002.

Sohu.com. “Shanghai Universities Will Consider Normal High School Test, Students Will Select Three Subjects Themselves”. Sohu, January 7, 2016.

Soong Qing Ling Primary School Readiness Meeting Notes, April 22, 2014.

Southern Weekly. “Top Controversy: Should the Act of Good Samaritan Justify the Recommendation Admission to the University?” Posted on ifeng.com, June 13, 2014.

State Council of the CP CCC. “China Education Reform and Development Guidelines”. Posted on Ministry of Education of the PRC website, February 13, 1993.

“Decision on the Deepening of Education Reform and the Enhancement of Suzhi Education”. General Office of the CPC Central Committee, June 13, 1999.

“The Implementation of Performance Pay Compulsory School Guidance”. Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, December 23, 2008.

“Advice on Deepening the Examination and Admission System Reform”. September 4, 2014.

“Full List of Practice Certifications for Different Jobs”. Posted on State Council website, December 19, 2016.

State Education Committee of PRC. “Some Notes about Actively Promoting Quality-Oriented Education”. 1997.

Tencent Education. “21st Century Education Research Institute Compulsory Education Stage of Primary and Secondary School Students ‘Lessen the Burden’Situation Survey”. 21st Century Education Research Institute, May 31, 2013.

Wang Wei. “PISA Only Tests One Aspect of the Education”. Shanghai Xinmin Evening News, December 5, 2013.

“Shanghai May Quit the Next PISA Test”. Shanghai Xinmin Evening News, March 7, 2014.

Wang Xiao Li. “Thoughts on the Change of Burden Relief Policies on Basic Education since the Foundation of the PRC”. Education and Examinations 5 (2009).

Wang Ying. “9.39 Million Students Took Gaokao in 2014 Nationwide”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, June 4, 2014.

Xie Yu et al. “The Report on Civic Development in China 2013”. Peking University Press, September 1, 2013.

Zhai Zihe. “The Fudan Poisoning Case Sensationalized the Society: Roommates Farewell the Dead in Tears”. Xinhua News, April 17, 2013.

Zhang Minxuan. “What Caused the Misinterpretation of the PISA Result?” Wenhui Daily. December 16, 2013.

Zhi Zhi and Huang Yiming. “Student Killer an Introvert Who Finally Cracks”. China Daily, March 17, 2004.

7. Маленькие солдатики

Interviews include Leland Cogan, Tan Chuanbo, Wang Zheng, William Schmidt, Xie Xiaoqing, Yong Zhao, Zhao Jue.

Bakken, Børge. The Exemplary Society: Human Improvement, Social Control, and the Dangers of Modernity in China. Oxford University Press, 2000.

Barboza, David. “Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader”. New York Times, October 25, 2012.

Cheung Kwah, Pan S. “Transition of Moral Education in China: Towards Regulated Individualism”. Citizenship Teaching and Learning 2:2 (2006), 37–50.

China Network. “Evolution of Primary School Textbook over the Past 60 Years”. Posted on China.com.cn, July 11, 2009.

Communist Party of China. “Rules of the Communist Party of China on the Development of Communist Party Members”. Posted on cpcnews.cn, undated.

“Relationship between the Communist Party and the Communist Youth League”. Posted on gqt.org.cn, December 29, 2012.

“Seminar on the Implementation of the Document No. 9 Issued by the General Office of CPC Central Committee,” Posted on the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law website, January 23, 2014.

Dai Weisen. “Hong Kong Education System Should Be More Patriotic: Chinese Officials”. Posted on Radio Free Asia website, January 8, 2015.

Darcy. “Walking on the Red Road” letter. Study process at Party school, accessed April 12, 2014.

People’s Congress. “The Regulation of the Young Pioneers of China”. June 3, 2005.

Forsythe, Michael, and Shai Oster. “Xi Jinping Millionaire Relations Reveal Elite Chinese Fortunes”. Bloomberg News, June 29, 2012.

Grammes, Tilman. “Nationalism, Patriotism, Citizenship and Beyond: Questioning the Citizenship Industry”. Journal of Social Science Education 10:1 (2011), 2–11.

Implementation Outline of Patriotism Education. People’s Education Press, 1994.

Jacobs, Andrew. “Chinese Professor Who Advocated Free Speech Is Fired”. New York Times, December 10, 2013.

Johnson, Ian. “Learning How to Argue: An Interview with Ran Yunfei”. New York Review of Books, March 2, 2012.

Jin Hao. “Up to the End of 2015, There Are 88 Million of League Members”. Guangming Daily, May 4, 2016.

King, Gary, et al. “Reverse-Engineering Censorship in China: Randomized Experimentation and Participant Observation”. Science 6199 (2014), 345: 1–10.

Kipnis, Andrew B. Governing Educational Desire: Culture, Politics, and Schooling in China. University of Chicago Press, 2011.

Kondo, Takahiro, and Xiaoyan Wu. “Patriotism as a Goal of School Education in China and Japan”. Journal of Social Science Education 10 (Spring 2011), 1.

Lee, Wing On, and Chi Hang Ho. “Ideopolitical Shifts and Changes in Moral Education Policy in China”. Journal of Moral Education 34:4 (2005), 413–431.

Li Lihong. “Promote ‘Big Youth League Committee,’ Welcome the 18th National Congress of the CPC”. China Youth News, October 10, 2010.

Maosen, Li. “Moral Education in the People’s Republic of China”. Journal of Moral Education 19 (1990), 3.

“Changing Ideological-Political Orientationsin Chinese Moral Education: Some Personal and Professional Reflections”. Journal of Moral Education 40:3 (2011), 387–395.

Mingjing News. “Gao Yu in Leak Case Sentenced to Seven Years”. Posted on chinaaid.net, April 17, 2015.

Phillips, Tom. “ ‘It’s Getting Worse’: China’s Liberal Academics Fear Growing Censorship”. Guardian. August 6, 2015.

Plan of Nine-Year Compulsory Full-Time Primary School Curriculum and Middle School Curriculum. People’s Education Press, 1992.

“Practice and Reflection of Developing High School Student Party Members”. Ideological and Theoretical Education 16 (2009), 1.

Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC. “Patriotism Education Implementation Summary”. People’s Education 10 (1994), 6–9.

Ran Zhang. “By the End of 2015, There Are 88.758 Million Party Members in China”. Jing Hua, July 1, 2016. Reposted on People.com.

Seventh National People’s Congress. “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the National Flag”. October 1,1990.

Shepherd, Christian. “China Changes Start Date of War with Japan, Says Will Bolster Patriotic Education”. Reuters, January 11, 2017.

Tsang, Mun. Education and National Development in China Since 1949: Oscillating Policies and Enduring Dilemmas. China Review, 2000.

Wang, Zheng. “National Humiliation, History Education, and the Politics of Historical Memory: Patriotic Education Campaign in China”. International Studies Quarterly 52 (2008), 783–806.

Wansheng, Zhan, and Ning Wujie. “The Moral Education Curriculum for Junior High Schools in 21st Century China”. Journal of Moral Education 33 (2004), 4.

Westheimer, Joel. “Should Social Studies Be Patriotic?” Social Education 73:7 (2009), 316–320.

Writing Group of High School Ideology and Politics. Textbook of MOE, Ideology and Politics. People’s Education Press, 2013.

Xinhua News Agency. “Authorized Release: The CPC’s Statistical Communique in 2015”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, June 30, 2016.

Zang Xiaowei. “Educational Credentials, Élite Dualism, and Élite Stratification in China”. Sociological Perspectives 44:2 (2001) 189–205.

Zhao, Yong. Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon. Jossey-Bass, 2014.

Zhao Wei. “The First Chinese Lesson”. Procuratorial Daily, August 28, 2015.

8. Сто дней до экзамена

Interviews include Guan Yi, Scott Rozelle, Zhang Futao, Zhou Nian Li.

Chan, Kam Wing. “The Household Registration System and Migrant Labor in China: Notes on a Debate”. Population and Development Review 36:2 (2010), 357–364.

“China, Internal Migration”. Encyclopedia of Global Migration. Blackwell Publishing, 2013.

“China’s First Poverty-Alleviation Day. a List of 592 Key Counties of National Poverty Alleviation and Development”. October 17, 2014.

Dahe.cn. “216 Students in Henan Province Have Been Enrolled by Peking University. about 70 % of Gaokao Champions in 18 Cities Have Chosen Peking University. Posted on Dahe.cn, July 21, 2016.

The Economist. “Ending Apartheid, Special Report”. Economist. April 19, 2014.

“Kaifeng: Down and out in rural China”. Economist, August 23, 2014.

Li Shi. “Speech about the Gini Coefficient at the China Economic Development Forum 2016”. Posted on Sina.com, November 19, 2016.

Liu Jinsong. “Peking University Professor: Guangdong and Anhui Students’ Rate of Admission in Peking University Is Only 1 Percent That of Beijing Students”. Economic Observer, June 1, 2012.

Liu Yaxuan. “The Patriotism in the Textbook of History in Foreign Primary Schools”. Journal of Teaching and Management, May 15, 2012.

Mao Zedong. On Agriculture Cooperation. From Selected Works of Mao Zedong. People’s Publishing House, 1977: 168–191.

Ministry of Education of the PRC, Department of Development Planning. China Education Yearbook 2010. People’s Education Press, 2010.

Pepper, Suzanne. Radicalism and Education Reform in Twentieth-Century China. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Peterson, Glen. The Power of Words: Literacy and Revolution in South China, 1949–1995. University of British Columbia Press, 1997.

Roberts, Dexter. “Chinese Education: The Truth Behind the Boasts”. Bloomberg News, April 5, 2013.

Rose. “Target Hackathon: Design an App for China Left-behind Children”. Posted on Collective Responsibility, 2017, .

Ross, Heidi. China Country Study. Paper commissioned for the EFA Global Monitoring Report, 2006, Literacy for Life, 2005.

Rozelle, Scott. “Caixin Column 2: China’s Inequality Starts during the First 1,000 Days”. Caixin magazine series Inequality 2030 (October 28 2013).

Seeborg, Michael C., et al. “The New Rural-Urban Labor Mobility in China: Causes and Implications”. Journal of Socio-Economics 29 (2000), 39–56.

Shirk, Susan L. “Work Experience in Chinese Education”. Comparative Education 14 (1978), 5–18.

“Tabulation on the 2010 Population Census of The People’s Republic of China”. China Statistics Press.

21 Century Education Research Institute. “Civil Gaokao Reform Scheme Version 3.0”. Posted on the 21 Century Education Research Institute website, 2014.

Wu Ce, Pang Zheng. “National Poverty Relief Priority Counties List Released”. Posted on China.com, June 8, 2016.

Wu Han Evening Newspaper. “The Proportion of Rural College Students Causes Wen Jiabao Concern”. Posted on Sina.com, January 24, 2009.

Yuan Guiren. “Comprehensively Promote the Scientific Development of National Education Cause”. Posted on MOE website, January 3, 2011.

Zhao, Yaohui. “Labor Migration and Earnings Differences: The Case of Rural China”. Economic Development and Cultural Change 47:4 (1999), 767–782.

Zhen Yang. “9.02 Million! Latest National Rural Left-behind Children Statistics Published – Why Has the Number Dropped 50 Million?” Posted on Kanka news, November 9, 2012.

9. Уловки и поблажки

Baidu Online Forum. “The Initial Gaokao Papers Were Leaked in Hunan 2015”. Posted anonymously, June 24, 2015.

Bain & Company. “The Rise of the Borderless Consumer”. Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study, Fall – Winter 2014.

BBS Online Forum. Post by teacher in Ezhou City, April 17, 2012.

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. “Ministry of Education: Paid Afterschool Classes Banned and Hotline for Complaints Published”. July 4, 2015.

China News Network. “Henan Investigation of College Entrance Examination for the 127 People”. June 18, 2014.

“Peking University and Tsinghua University Plan to Enroll 353 Students in Beijing 2016”. Reposted on Sina.com, June 20, 2016.

Fang Zhou. “Can We Have No-Gift Teachers’ Day, Please”. ChinaDaily.com, September 10, 2014.

Fan Tianjiao. “Several Officials of Education Sector Dismissed for Bribery in Bengbu, Education Equipment Procurement Section Becomes Easy Target for Bribery”. Legal Daily, October 12, 2016.

Gough, H. G. “A Creative Personality Scale for the Adjective Check List”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 37:8 (1979), 1398.

Gu Yuansen. “Cai Rongsheng, Former Head of Admission and Employment at Renmin University, Was Accused”. Modern Express, October 10, 2015.

“Heat News: Go Undercover in a Cross Province Group Providing Substitute with the Examinee in Gaokao”. June 7, 2015. Reposted on Sina.com.

Hou, Ning, et al. “Survey and Regulation on Cheating Behavior of College Students”. Examination Journal 73 (2011).

Jou, Eric. “Tool for Cheating in China Is Comparable to 007’s”. Reference for the Youth, June 25, 2014.

Liu, Jintie, et al. “Investigation on University Students’ Cheating in Examinations and Corresponding Countermeasures”. Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Social Science Edition) 14 (2012), 1.

Moore, Malcolm. “Riot after Chinese Teachers Try to Stop Pupils Cheating”. Telegraph, June 20, 2013.

Ministry of Education of the PRC. “The Notice of the Issue of Regulations on Prohibiting Teachers Accepting Gifts or Payments from Students and Their Parents by Ministry of Education”. July 8, 2014.

“Establishing a Sound System of Punishing and Preventing Corruption in Organs and Units Directly Supervised by the Ministry of Education”. Ministry of Education of the PRC, October 14, 2014.

“Regulations on the Prohibition of School and Teachers Employed to Give After-Class Lessons”. Ministry of Education of the PRC, June 29, 2015.

“Anti-Corruption in Education System Is Still Tough and Complex”. Posted on Paper.cn, February 27, 2016.

“Special Campaign by Ministry of Education to Address the Problem of Paid Make-up Class and Teachers Accepting Gifts and Payments against Regulations”. July 26, 2016.

Ministry of Finance of the PRC. “The Implementation Advice on Regulating the Collection of Fees for Education and Rectifying Unauthorized Collection of Fees for Education in 2015”. June 3, 2015.

National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. “The 163rd Clause of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China”. 2015.

“Version 9. Amendment to Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China”. August 29, 2015.

Nelson, Katie. “Photos of the Day: Hubei School Holds Midterms in Forest to Prevent Cheating”. Shanghaiist, May 3, 2014.

Ni Zhang. “How Strict Is Gao Kao Exam Discipline This Year?” China News Network, May 25, 2016.

Shanghai Sheng Xue. “Shanghai High School Ranking Based on Enrolled Number of Students into Local Yiben Universities”. Posted on edu.online.sh.cn, July 8, 2016.

Strait News. “One Student in Fujian Paid for a Surrogate Exam-Taker for Gaokao; Both Were Jailed”. July 28, 2016.

Westwood, R., and D. R. Low. “The Multicultural Muse: Culture, Creativity and Innovation”. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management 3:2 (2003), 235–259.

Wu Nan. “Kindergarten Drug Scandal Leads to Call for Overhaul of Regulations”. South China Morning Post, March 30, 2014.

Xinhua News Agency. “Amendments to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China”. August 30, 2015.

Yang Meiping. “Teachers Seduced by Lucrative Private Work”. Shanghai Daily, February 22, 2016.

Zahedi, F. “The Challenge of Truth Telling across Cultures: a Case Study”. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 4 (2011), 11.

Zhu Dongli. “The Structure and Social Function Analysis of Chinese Folk Present-Giving Custom”. Northwest A & F University, 2010, 29–32.

10. Побороть систему – или выйти из нее

Interview subjects include Carol Dweck, Chai Bensheng, Charles Leadbetter, Haiyan Hua, Marc Tucker, Xinran. CCTV-2. “Dialogue: Ballpoint Pen Challenges High End Manufacture”. November 22, 2015. Didau, David. “PISA 2015: Some Tentative Thoughts about Successful Teaching”. The Learning Spy blog, December 6, 2016. Dong Hongliang. “Yuan Guiren on Education Dream:

Individualized Education for All”. People’s Daily, March 8, 2013. Fu, Genyue, et al. “Chinese Children’s Moral Evaluation of Lies and Truths: Roles of Context and Parental Individualism-Collectivism Tendencies”. Infant and Child Development 19:5 (2010), 498–515.

Guilford, J. P. “Creativity”. American Psychologist 5:9 (September 1950), 444–454.

Han Han. “Shower with the Quilted Jacket On”. Posted on Sina.com, September 29, 2009.

Kim, Kyung Hee. “Learning from Each Other: Creativity in East Asian and American Education”. Creativity Research Journal 17 (2005) 4: 337–347.

Liu Chang. “Chinese Company Successfully Manufacturers Ballpoint”. Posted on cctv.com, January 10, 2017.

Li Xiying, et al. “The Relationship of Youth’s Creative Personality and Creativity: A Comparative Study between China and U.S.”. Psychological Exploration 34 (2014) 2: 186–192.

Postiglione, Gerard. “Improving Transitions: From School to University to Workplace”. Asian Development Bank, 2012.

Robinson, Ken. Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education. Penguin Publishing Group, 2016.

SASAC. “China Aerospace Science and Industry: Fully Tap into the Role Creativity Plays in Corporate’s Development”. Posted on 163.com, December 7, 2012.

Schmitz, Rob. “Why Can’t China Make a Good Ballpoint Pen?” APM’s Marketplace, December 14, 2015.

Schwinger, Malte, et al. “Academic Self-Handicapping and Achievement: A Meta-Analysis”. Journal of Educational Psychology 106:3 (2014), 744–761.

Shen Jiliang. “The Cultivation of Creative Talents in China Through Intercultural Comparison”. Chinese Talents 11 (2014).

Staats, Lorin K. “The Cultivation of Creativity in the Chinese Culture – Past, Present, and Future”. Journal of Strategic Leadership 3:1 (2011), 45–53.

State Council of the CPCCC. “Advice on Policies That Promote Popular Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. July 16, 2015.

“The 13th Five Year Plan for National Education Development”. January 19, 2017.

Wadhwa, Vivek, et al. “America’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Parts I–VII”. Duke University, Master of Engineering Management Program; University of California−Berkeley, School of Information, January 4, 2007.

“Globalization of Innovation”. Kauffman Foundation of Entrepreneurship, June 2008.

“Skilled Immigration and Economic Growth”. Applied Research in Economic Development 5 (2008): 1.

Xia Guming. “Research on Students’ Critical Thinking,” Posted on People Education Press, February 7, 2012.

Xiao Gangling. “Why Not Educate Students to ‘Challenge Authority’ during Conventional Teaching?” China Education News Network, May 14, 2015.

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11. Займемся арифметикой!

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12. «Гений» означает «старание»

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13. Золотая середина

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Общие источники

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