Книга: Ревизия психоанализа
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Bowlby, J., 1958: „The Nature of the Child’s Tie to the Mother.“ International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34.

Christiansen, B., 1963: Thus Speaks the Body: Attempts Toward a Personology from the Point of View of Respiration and Postures (Oslo: Institute for Social Research).

Eckhart, M., 1956: Meister Eckhart, selected by J. M. Clark (Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons).

Fenichel, O., 1953: „A Critique of the Death Instinct,“ в The Collected Papers of Otto Fenichel, First Series, collected and edited by H. Fenichel and D. Rapaport (New York: W. W. Norton, 1953), pp. 363–372.

Freud, S., 1953–1974: The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Standard Edition, (S.E.), Vols. 1–24 (London: Hogarth Press).

–1908b: Character and Anal Eroticism, S.E., Vol. 9, pp. 167–175.

–1912–1913: Totem and Tabu, S.E., Vol. 13.

–1920g: Beyond the Pleasure Principle, S.E., Vol. 18, pp. 1–64.

–1921c: Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, S. E., Vol. 18, pp. 65–143.

–1923b: The Ego and the Id, S.E., Vol. 19, pp. 1–66.

–1927c: The Future of an Illusion, S.E., Vol. 21, pp. 1–56.

–1930a: Civilization and Its Discontent, S.E., Vol. 21, pp. 57–145.

–1931b: Female Sexuality, S.E., Vol. 21, pp. 221–243.

–1933a: New Introductory Lectures, S.E., Vol. 22, pp. 1–182.

–1933b: Why War? S.E., Vol. 22, pp. 195–215.

–1940a: An Outline of Psychoanalysis, S.E., Vol. 23, pp. 139–207.

Fromm, E., 1932a: „Psychoanalytic Characterology and Its Relevance for Social Psychology,“ в E. Fromm, The Crisis of Psychoanalysis: Essays on Freud, Marx and Social Psychology (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970), pp. 135–162.

–1936a: „Sozialpsychologischer Teil,“ в M. Horkheimer et al., Eds., Studien über Autorität und Familie (Paris: Felix Alcan), pp. 77–135.

–1941a: Escape from Freedom (New York: Farrar and Rinehart).

–1947a: Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics (New York: Rinehart).

–1951a: The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to the Understanding of Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths (New York: Rinehart).

–1955a: The Sane Society (New York: Rinehart and Winston).

–1955b: „The Human Implications of Instinctivistic ‘Radicalism’: A Reply to Herbert Marcuse,“ Dissent (New York), pp. 342–349.

–1956a: The Art of Loving (New York: Harper and Row).

–1956b: „A Counter-Rebuttal to Herbert Marcuse,“ Dissent (New York), pp. 81–83.

–1960a: „Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism,“ в D. T. Suzuki, E. Fromm, and R. de Martino, Eds., Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis (New York: Harper and Row), pp. 77–141.

–1964a: The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil (New York: Harper and Row).

–1966a: You Shall Be as Gods: A Radical Interpretation of the Old Testament and Its Tradition (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston).

–1968h: „Marx’s Contribution to the Knowledge of Man,“ в E. Fromm, The Crisis of Psychoanalysis: Essays on Freud, Marx and Social Psychology (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston), pp. 62–76.

–1970a: The Crisis of Psychoanalysis: Essays on Freud, Marx and Social Psychology (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston).

–1970b (совместно с Michael Maccoby): Social Character in a Mexican Village: A Sociopsychoanalytic Study (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall).

–1970c: „The Crisis of Psychoanalysis,“ в E. Fromm, The Crisis of Psychoanalysis: Essays on Freud, Marx and Social Psychology (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston), pp. 9–41.

–1973a: The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston).

–1979a: Greatness and Limitations of Freud’s Thought (New York: Harper and Row).

–1980a: The Working Class in Weimar Germany: A Psychological and Sociological Study (Arbeiter und Angestellte am Vorabend des Dritten Reiches. Eine sozialpsychologiscbe Untersuchung), edited by Wolfgang Bonß (London: Berg Publishers).

–1989a: The Art of Being (New York: Crossroad / Continumm, 1992). (The German translation was published first under the title Vom Haben zum Sein in 1989.)

Gorer, G., 1934: Marquis de Sade (New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation).

Holt, R. R., 1965: „Freud’s Cognitive Style,“ American Imago, Vol. 22, pp. 163–179.

Huxley, A., 1946: Brave New World (London: Vanguard Library).

Laing, R. D., 1960: The Divided Self. An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness (London: Tavistock Publications).

–1961: The Self and Others: Further Studies in Sanity and Madness (London: Tavistock Publications).

–1964a (совместно с D. G. Cooper): Reason and Violence: A Decade of Sartre’s Philosophy 1950–1960, with a Foreword by Jean-Paul Sartre (London: Tavistock Publications).

–1964b (together with A. Esterson): Sanity, Madness and the Family. Volume 1: Families of Schizophrenics (London: Tavistock Publications).

–1966 (together with H. Phillipson and A. R. Lee): Interpersonal Perception: A Theory and a Method of Research (London: Tavistock Publications).

–1967a: The Politics of Experience (New York: Pantheon Books).

–1967b: The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise (Harmondsworth, Ind.: Penguin Books).

Maccoby, M., 1976: The Gamesman: The New Corporate Leaders (New York: Simon and Schuster).

Marcuse, H., 1941: Reason and Revolution (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press).

–1964: One-Dimensional Man (Boston: Beacon Press).

–1955/1966: Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud, with a New Preface by the author (Boston: Beacon Press).

–1969: An Essay on Liberation (Boston: Beacon Press).

May, R., E. Angel, and H. F. Ellenberger, Eds., 1958: Existence (New York: Basic Books).

Réage, P., 1972: Histoire d’O (Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert).

Sartre, J.-P., 1957: Existentialism and Human Emotions (New York: Philosophical Library).

Sontag, S., 1969: Styles of Radical Will (New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux).

Speer, A., 1970: Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson).

Suzuki, D.T., 1957, personal communication.

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