Книга: Бесконечная игра. В бизнесе побеждает тот, кто не участвует в гонке
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1. Северный Вьетнам потерял: The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara, directed by Errol Morris (Los Angeles: Sony Pictures, 2003), www.errolmorris.com/film/fow_transcript.html.

Глава 1.

2. В течение многих лет British Airways: Janet Guyon, “British Airways Takes a Flier,” September 27, 1999, archive. fortune.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/1999/09/27/266152/index.htm.

3. Хотя руководство компании знало, что это будет не легко: Daniel Eran Dilger, “Microsoft Abandons Zune Media Players in Defeat by Apple’s iPod,” March 14, 2011, Apple Insider, appleinsider.com/articles/11/03/14/microsoft_abandons_zune_media_players_in_ipod_defeat.

4. Их цель – не высокие результаты за квартал: Jonathan Ringen, “How Lego Became the Apple of Toys,” Fast Company, January 8, 2015, www.fastcompany.com/3040223/when-it-clicks-it-clicks.

5. В 1912 году Kodak стал первой: Rick Wartzman, The End of Loyalty: The Rise and Fall of Good Jobs in America (New York: PublicAffairs, 2017), 20–21.

6. В хорошие времена Victorinox: Epoch Times staff, “Staying True to Values: Interview with Carl Elsener Jr., Victorinox CEO,” Epoch Times, August 8, 2016, www. theepochtimes.com/staying-true-to-values-interview-with-carl-elsener-jr-victorinox-ceo_2132648.html.

7. Вы, должно быть, никогда не читали: Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara, directed by Errol Morris (Los Angeles: Sony Pictures, 2003), www.errolmorris. com/film/fow_transcript.html.

8. Дебютировав с долей рынка 9 %: Tim Beyers, “Too Zune for Hype,” Motley Fool, November 20, 2006, www.fool.com/investing/value/2006/11/30/too-zune-for-hype.aspx; and Dan Frommer, “Apple iPod Still Obliterating Microsoft Zune,” Business Insider, July 12, 2010, www.businessinsider.com/through-may-applesipod-had-76-of-the-us-mp3-player-market-while-microsofts-zune-had-1-according-to-npd-gro-2010-7.

9. Spanx, Sriracha и GoPro: Meg Prater, “9 Brands that Survive Without a Traditional Marketing Budget,” HubSpot, July 17, 2017, blog.hubspot.com/marketing/brands-without-traditional-marketing-budget.

10. Тем не менее в течение четырех лет: Rachel Rosmarin, “Apple’s Profit Soars on iPod Sales,” Forbes, July 19, 2006, www.forbes.com/2006/07/19/apple-ipod-earnings_cx_rr_0719apple.html#4e7d9a357f6c.

11. Нет никаких шансов, что iPhone: Jay Yarrow, “Here’s What Steve Ballmer Thought about the iPhone Five Years Ago,” Business Insider, June 29, 2012, http://www.businessinsider. com/heres-what-steve-ballmer-thought-about-the-iphone-five-years-ago-2012-6.

12. В конце первого квартала: Kurt Eichenwald, “Microsoft’s Lost Decade,” Vanity Fair, August 2012, www.vanityfair.com/news/business/2012/08/microsoft-lost-mojo-steve-ballmer.

13. За последние пять лет: Mary Jo Foley, “For Steve Ballmer, a Lasting Touch on Microsoft,” Fortune, December 10, 2013, fortune.com/2013/12/10/for-steve-ballmer-a-lasting-touch-on-microsoft.

14. Microsoft стала одержима: Matt Weinberger, “How Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Did What Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates Couldn’t,” Business Insider, January 30, 2016, www. businessinsider.com/satya-nadella-achieved-one-microsoftvision-2016-1.

15. превосходной конкурентноспособной машиной: Kurt Eichenwald, “Microsoft’s Lost Decade,” Vanity Fair, July 24, 2012, www.vanityfair.com/news/business/2012/08/microsoft-lost-mojo-steve-ballmer.

16. Согласно исследованию McKinsey: Stéphane Garelli, “Why You Will Probably Live Longer Than Most Big Companies,” IMD, December 2016, www.imd.org/research-knowledge/articles/why-you-will-probably-live-longer-than-most-big-companies, www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/reflections-on-corporate-longevity.

17. И по словам профессора Ричарда Фостера: Kim Gittleson, “Can a Company Live Forever?” BBC News, January 19, 2012, www.bbc.com/news/business-16611040.

18. Например, после краха фондового рынка в 1929 году: Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last (New York: Portfolio/Penguin, 2017) (Glass-Steagall and Stock Market Crashes).

Глава 2.

19. ребенок умер: Volker Wagener, “Leningrad: The City That Refused to Starve in WWII,” DW.com, August 9, 2016, p.dw.com/p/1JxPh.

20. Я хочу, чтобы кафедра: Carolyn Fry, Seeds: A Natural History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016), 30–31.

21. Мы пойдем на костер: Jules Janick, “Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov: Plant Geographer, Geneticist, Martyr of Science,” HortScience 50, no. 6 (June 1, 2015): 772-76.

22. Ходить было трудно: Gary Paul Nabhan, Where Our Food Comes From: Retracing Nikolay Vavilov’s Quest to End Famine (Washington, D.C.: Shearwater, 2009), 10.

23. Мари Хага, исполнительный директор: Michael Major, “The Vavilov Collection Connection,” Crop Trust, March 19, 2018, www.croptrust.org/blog/vavilov-collection-connection.

24. Vizio, калифорнийский производитель: “Irvine California Jobs,” Vizio, careers.vizio.com/go/Irvine-California-Jobs/4346100.

Глава 3.

25. Мы решили отправиться на Луну: President John F. Kennedy, Moon speech, Rice University, Houston, Texas, September 12, 1962, NASA, er.jsc.nasa.gov/seh/ricetalk.htm.

26. Это была не просто идеальная картина будущего: Jim Collins, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap. . and Others Don’t (New York: HarperCollins, 2001), and Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (New York: HarperCollins, 2004).

27. Джек Уэлч, тогдашний генеральный директор: Quote comes from the author’s interview with Jeff Immelt. We need to go back to see if the topic of the town halls came from him too. Though I fear it didn’t.

28. Мы будем мировыми лидерами: Garmin, “About Us,” “Our Vision,” www.garmin.com/en-US/company/about.

29. Стремление к оценкам в миллиарды долларов: Eric Paley, “Venture Capital Is a Hell of a Drug,” Tech Crunch,

September 16, 2016, techcrunch.com/2016/09/16/venture-capital-is-a-hell-of-a-drug.

30. На этих рынках для таких компаний: Robert J. Samuelson, “Capitalism’s Tough Love: The Real Lessons from the Fall of Sears and GE,” The Washington Post, January 13, 2019, www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/capitalisms-toughlove-the-real-lessons-from-the-fall-of-sears-and-ge/

31. 70 %-90 % приобретений: Roger L. Martin, “M& A: The One Thing You Need to Get Right,” Harvard Business Review, June 2016, hbr.org/2016/06/ma-the-one-thing-you-need-to-get-right.

Глава 4.

32. Если мы будем работать вместе: Barbara Farfan, “Overview of Walmart’s History and Mission Statement,” The Balance Small Business, July 25, 2018, www.thebalancesmb. com/history-of-walmart-and-mission-statement-4139760.

33. [Walmart] занимает прочные позиции: “Mike Duke Elected New Chief Executive Officer of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,” Walmart, November 21, 2008, corporate.walmart.com/_news_/news-archive/investors/mike-duke-elected-new-chiefexecutive-officer-of-wal-mart-stores-inc-1229111.

34. В Конгрессе также было проведено расследование: Josh Eidelson, “The Great Walmart Walkout,” The Nation, December 19, 2012, www.thenation.com/article/great-walmart-walkout.

35. То, что произошло в Walmart: Simon Sinek, “Why Too Many Successions Don’t Succeed,” Huffington Post, December 27, 2008, www.huffingtonpost.com/simon-sinek/why-too-many-successions_b_146700.html.

36. Я поднимусь и буду снаружи: From a conversation with General Lori Robinson.

37. Я думаю, что одна из причин: Michael Dinkins, “What Jack Welch Taught This CFO about Leadership,” Spend Culture Stories Podcast, 2018, soundcloud.com/spendculture/what-it-was-like-to-work-with-jack-welch-michael-dinkins.

38. Возможность возглавить Walmart: “Doug McMillon Elected New Chief Executive Officer of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,” Walmart, November 25, 2013, corporate.walmart.com/_news_/news-archive/2013/11/25/doug-mcmillon-elected-newchief-executive-officer-of-wal-mart-stores-inc.

Глава 5.

39. В системе свободного предпринимательства: Milton Friedman, “A Friedman Doctrine – The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.” The New York Times Magazine, September 13, 1970, www.nytimes.com/1970/09/13/archives/a-friedman-doctrine-the-social-responsibility-of-business-is-to.html.

40. Существует одна: Friedman, “A Friedman Doctrine.”

41. В системе торговли: Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Part Two (New York: Collier, 1902), 442.

42. Как сказал Генри Форд: Quoted in Bryce G. Hoffman, American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company (New York: Crown Publishing, 2012), 398.

43. Во многом благодаря ослаблению регулирования: Caroline Fohlin, “A Brief History of Investment Banking from Medieval Times to the Present,” in The Oxford Handbook of Banking and Financial History, ed. Youssef Cassis et al. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).

44. Без руководства и организации: Michael Levitin, “The Triumph of Occupy Wall Street,” The Atlantic, June 10, 2015. www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/06/the-triumph-of-occupy-wall-street/395408/; and Ray Sanchez, “Occupy Wall Street: 5 Years Later,” CNN.com, September 16, 2016, www.cnn.com/2016/09/16/us/occupy-wall-streetprotest-movements/index.html.

45. Народная война: Transcript of interview with Vo Nguyen Giap, Viet Minh commander, People’s Century, “Guerrilla Wars (1956–1989),” season 1, episode 24, produced by BBC and WGBH Boston, 1973, www.pbs.org/wgbh/peoplescentury/episodes/guerrillawars/giaptranscript.html.

Глава 6.

46. это 49 % производительности: Diane Cardwell, “Spreading His Gospel of Warm and Fuzzy,” The New York Times, April 23, 2010, www.nytimes.com/2010/04/25/nyregion/25meyer-ready.html.

47. Однако Costco, которая платит своим продавцам: Andrés Cardenal, “Higher Wages Could Pay Off for Wal-Mart Employees, Customers, and Investors,” Motley Fool, January 20, 2016, www.fool.com/investing/general/2016/01/20/higher-wages-could-pay-off-for-wal-mart-employees.aspx.

48. из-за этого альтернативного мышления: Zac Hall, “Retail Chief Angela Ahrendts Talks ‘Today at Apple’ and More in Video Interview,” 9to5Mac, May 17, 2017, 9to5mac.com/2017/05/17/angela-ahrendts-today-at-apple-video.

49. средний уровень устойчивости кадров 80–90 %: Don Reisinger, “Here’s How Apple’s Retail Chief Keeps Employees Happy,” Fortune, January 28, 2016, fortune.com/2016/01/28/apple-retail-ahrendts-employees.

50. но истинную преданность: “Countless studies have shown that we’re more committed to an activity when we do it out of passion, rather than an external reward such as a trophy.” Jonathan Fader, PhD, “Should We Give Our Kids Participation Trophies?” Psychology Today, November 7, 2014, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-new-you/201806/should-we-give-our-kids-participation-trophies.

51. Тинделл вспоминает: Author’s interview with Kip Tindell.

Глава 7.

52. День за днем: Angus Chen, “Invisibilia: How Learning to Be Vulnerable Can Make Life Safer,” NPR, June 17, 2016, www. npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/06/17/482203447/invisibilia-how-learning-to-be-vulnerable-can-make-life-safer.

53. Преимущества безопасной среды: Chen, “Invisibilia.”

54. И результаты были замечательными: Robin J. Ely and Debra Meyerson, “Unmasking Manly Men,” Harvard Business Review, July-August 2008, hbr.org/2008/07/unmasking-manly-men.

57. У вас проблема: Bryce G. Hoffman, American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford (New York: Crown Publishing, 2012), 110–125.

58. Как только “круг безопасности”: Author’s interview with Alan Mulally

59. работать вместе, как команда: Hoffman, American Icon, 121.

Глава 8.

60. Культура = Поведение + Ценности: This formula comes from an interview with Lt. Gen. George Flynn, USMC (ret).

61. Как сообщила Th e New York Times: Michael Corkery, “Wells Fargo Fined $185 Million for Fraudulently Opening Accounts,” The New York Times, September 8, 2016, www.nytimes.com/2016/09/09/business/dealbook/wells-fargo-fined-for-years-of-harm-to-customers.html.

62. В конечном счете, 5 300 сотрудников: Chris Arnold, “Former Wells Fargo Employees Describe Toxic Sales Culture, Even at HQ,” NPR, October 4, 2016, www.npr.org/2016/10/04/496508361/former-wells-fargo-employees-describetoxic-sales-culture-even-at-hq.

63. Некоторые сотрудники вспоминают: Arnold, “Former Wells Fargo Employees Describe Toxic Sales Culture.”

64. Как признался другой сотрудник Wells Fargo: “Wells Fargo Workers Created Fake Accounts,” video, CNN Business, April 10, 2017, money.cnn.com/2017/04/10/investing/wells-fargo-board-investigation-fake-accounts/index.html.

65. В ходе расследования скандала: Matt Egan, “Wells Fargo Claws Back $75 Million from Former CEO and Top Exec,” CNN Business, April 10, 2017, money.cnn.com/2017/04/10/investing/wells-fargo-board-investigation-fake-accounts/index.html; and Independent Directors of the Board of Wells Fargo & Company, “Sales Practices Investigation Report,” April 10, 2017, www.documentcloud.org/documents/3549238-Wells-Fargo-Sales-Practice-Investigation-Board.html.

66. Кроме того, к 2010 году: Matt Egan, “Feds Knew of 700 Wells Fargo Whistleblower Cases in 2010,” CNN Business, April 19, 2017, money.cnn.com/2017/04/19/investing/wells-fargo-regulator-whistleblower-2010-occ/index.html? iid= EL.

67. Джону Стампфу было известно: Independent Directors of the Board of Wells Fargo & Company, “Sales Practices Investigation Report, April 10, 2017, 55, www.documentcloud. org/documents/3549238-Wells-Fargo-Sales-PracticeInvestigation-Board.html.

68. Она также, согласно докладу: Independent Directors of the Board of Wells Fargo & Company, “Sales Practices Investigation Report, 13, 8, 46, www.documentcloud.org/documents/3549238-Wells-Fargo-Sales-Practice-Investigation-Board. html.

69. В 2018 году он был оштрафован: Julia Horowitz, “Wells Fargo to Pay $2.09 Billion Fine in Mortgage Settlement,” CNN Business, August 1, 2018, money.cnn.com/2018/08/01/investing/wells-fargo-settlement-mortgage-loans/index. html.

70. Автомобильный отдел банка: Emily Glazer, “Wells Fargo to Refund $80 Million to Auto-Loan Customers for Improper Insurance Practices,” The Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2017, www.wsj.com/articles/wells-fargo-to-refund-80-million-to – auto-loan-customers-for-improper-insurance-practices-1501252927.

71. И оптовый отдел: “U.S. Probing Wells Fargo’s Wholesale Banking Unit: WSJ,” Reuters, September 6, 2018, www.reuters. com/article/us-wells-fargo-probe/u-s-probing-wells-fargos-wholesale-banking-unit-wsj-idUSKCN1LM28O.

72. Wells Fargo в конечном итоге: Wells Fargo & Company Annual Report 2016, 37, 88.3B.

73. Действительно, Джон Стампф потерял работу: Matt Krantz, “Wells Fargo CEO Stumpf Retires with $134M,” USA Today, October 13, 2016, www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2016/10/12/wells-fargo-ceo-retires-under-fire/91964778/.

74. Видя влияние повышения цен: Mark Maremont, “EpiPen Maker Mylan Tied Executive Pay to Aggressive Profit Targets,” The Wall Street Journal, September 1, 2016, www. wsj.com/articles/epipen-maker-mylan-tied-executive-pay-to-aggressive-profit-targets-1472722204; Aimee Picchi, “Mylan Boosted EpiPen’s Price Amid Bonus Target for Execs,” CBS News, September 1, 2016, www.cbsnews.com/news/mylan-boosted-epipens-price-amid-bonus-target-for-execs; and Gretchen Morgenson, “EpiPen Price Rises Could Mean More Riches for Mylan Executives,” The New York Times, September 1, 2016, www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/business/at-mylan-lets-pretend-is-more-than-a-game.html.

75. Несомненно, отвечая на этот стимул: Morgenson, “EpiPen Price Rises Could Mean More Riches for Mylan Executives.”

76. После пятнадцатого повышения цен с 2009 года: Catherine Ho, “CEO at Center of EpiPen Price Hike Controversy Is Sen. Joe Manchin’s Daughter,” The Washington Post, August 24, 2016, www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/08/24/ceo-at-center-of-epipen-price-hike-controversy-is-sen-joe-manchins-daughter/? utm_term=.7f474849840b; and Matt Egan, “How EpiPen Came to Symbolize Corporate Greed,” CNN Business, August 29, 2016, money.cnn.com/

77. Когда позже генерального директора Хизер Бреш: Danielle Wiener-Bronner, “Mylan CEO: You Can’t Build a Company in a Quarter,” CNN Business, June 4, 2018, money. cnn.com/2018/06/04/news/companies/heather-bresch-boss-files/index.html.

78. Как объяснил исполняющий обязанности прокурора: “Mylan Agrees to Pay $465 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Liability for Underpaying EpiPen Rebates,” U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs, August 17, 2017, www.justice. gov/opa/pr/mylan-agrees-pay-465-million-resolve-false-claims-act-liability-underpaying-epipen-rebates.

79. Дэвид Мессик, профессор менеджмента: Ann E. Tenbrunsel and David M. Messick, “Ethical Fading: The Role of Self-Deception in Unethical Behavior,” Social Justice Research 17, no. 2 (June 2004): 223—36.

80. Тенбрунсель и Мессик: Tenbrunsel and Messick identify the proverbial “slippery slope”: Tenbrunsel and Messick, “Ethical Fading,” 228—29.

81. Тим Слоун признал, что: Matt Egan, “Elizabeth Warren to Wells Fargo CEO: ‘You Should Be Fired,’ ” CNN Business, October 3, 2017, money.cnn.com/2017/10/03/investing/wells-fargo-hearing-ceo; and “Wells Fargo Statement Regarding Board Investigation into the Community Bank’s Retail Sales Practices,” Business Wire, April 10, 2017, www. businesswire.com/news/home/20170410005754/en/Wells-Fargo-Statement-Board-Investigation-Community-Bank% E2 % 80 % 99s.

82. процесс всегда говорит нам: “Dr. Leonard Wong Discusses a Culture of Dishonesty in the Army,” STEM-Talk, Episode 29, Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, January 17, 2017, www.ihmc.us/stemtalk/episode-29-2.

83. Однако в своей статье: Leonard Wong and Stephen J. Gerras, “Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession,” U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute (Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College Press, 2015), ssi. armywarcollege.edu/pdffiles/pub1250.pdf.

84. Один из примеров: Wong and Gerras, “Lying to Ourselves.”

85. Текст гласил: Tim Nudd, “Ad of the Day: Patagonia,” Adweek, November 28, 2011, www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/ad-day-patagonia-136745/.

86. Мы сделали это из чувства вины: Monte Burke, “The Greenest Companies in Fly Fishing,” FlyFisherman.com, February 1, 2016, www.flyfisherman.com/conservation/greenest-companies-in-fly-fishing/Chouinard.

87. Мы планируем провести здесь: Katya Margolin, “Could Patagonia’s Alternative Leadership Model Unleash the Best in Your People?” Virgin, October 7, 2016, www.virgin.com/entrepreneur/could-patagonias-alternative-leadershipmodel-unleash-best-your-people.

88. Скорее компанией движет: Patagonia, “Sustainability Mission/Vision,” https://www.patagonia.com/sustainability. html.

89. Как говорится на их сайте: Patagonia, “Don’t Buy This Jacket, Black Friday and the New York Times,” November 25, 2011, www.patagonia.com/blog/2011/11/dont-buy-this-jacket-black-friday-and-the-new-york-times.

90. В результате нескольких отдельных внутренних аудитов: Gillian B. White, “All Your Clothes Are Made with Exploited Labor,” The Atlantic, June 3, 2015, www.theatlantic. com/business/archive/2015/06/patagonia-labor-clothingfactory-exploitation/394658.

91. Давление, оказываемое на акционерную компанию: Margolin, “Could Patagonia’s Alternative Leadership Model Unleash the Best in Your People?”

92. Сертифицированная B Corp: “Three Guides for Going B- and Why It Matters,” Patagonia.com, August 27, 2018, www.patagonia.com/blog/2018/08/three-guides-for-going-b-and-why-it-matters.

93. По словам генерального директора Patagonia: Jeff Beer, “How Patagonia Grows Every Time It Amplifies Its Social Mission,” Fast Company, February 21, 2018, www. fastcompany.com/40525452/how-patagonia-grows-every-time-it-amplifies-its-social-mission.

94. Если мы можем показать бизнес-сообществу: “Clothing Company Tells Customers to Buy Less,” PBS NewsHour, August 21, 2015, www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/daily-videos/clothing-company-tells-consumers-to-buy-less.

Глава 9.

95. Крис Эверт Ллойд и Мартина Навратилова: Gwen Knapp, “Evert vs. Navratilova – What a Rivalry Should Be,” San Francisco Chronicle, June 19, 2005, www.sfgate.com/sports/knapp/article/Evert-vs-Navratilova-what-a-rivalry-should-be-2661371.php.

96. Именно акцент на процессе и постоянное совершенствование: “Countless studies have shown that we’re more committed to an activity when we do it out of passion, rather than an external reward such as a trophy.” Jonathan Fader, PhD, “Should We Give Our Kids Participation Trophies?” Psychology Today, November 7, 2014, www.psychologytoday. com/us/blog/the-new-you/201806/should-we-give-our-kids-participation-trophies.

97. За 15 лет до прихода Мулалли: Bryce G. Hoffman, American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford (New York: Crown Publishing, 2012), 109; and Sarah Miller Caldicott, “Why Ford’s Alan Mulally Is an Innovation CEO for the Record Books,” Forbes, June 25, 2014, www.forbes.com/sites/sarahcaldicott/2014/06/25/why-fords-alan-mulally-is-an-innovation-ceo-for-the-record-books/#6b2caf297c04.

98. Одна из вещей, которую он узнал: Hoffman, American Icon, 127.

99. Исторически автомобольные компании Детройта: Hoffman, American Icon, 97–98.

100. Мы не собираемся бороться за долю рынка: Hoffman, American Icon, 139.

101. Apple поместила в Wall Street Journal: Bill Murphy Jr., “37 Years Ago, Steve Jobs Ran Apple’s Most Amazing Ad. Here’s the Story (It’s Almost Been Forgotten),” Inc.com, August 23, 2018, www.inc.com/bill-murphy-jr/37-years-ago-steve-jobs-ran-apples-most-amazing-ad-heres-story-its-almost-been-forgotten.html.

102. Добро пожаловать на самый захватывающий: Murphy Jr., “37 Years Ago, Steve Jobs Ran Apple’s Most Amazing Ad.”

103. Чем больше я распрашивал этих парней: John Douglas, Mindhunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit (New York: Pocket Books, 1996), 56.

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104. Это было, как позже рассказывал: Neal Gabler, Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination (New York: Vintage, 2007), 10.

105. Для начала культура Walt Disney Production: Gabler, Walt Disney, 492.

106. Лидеры некогда великой компании: Tendayi Viki, “On the Fifth Anniversary of Kodak’s Bankruptcy, How Can Large Companies Sustain Innovation?” Forbes, January 19, 2017, www.forbes.com/sites/tendayiviki/2017/01/19/on-the-fifth-anniversary-of-kodaks-bankruptcy-how-can-largecompanies-sustain-innovation/#5eb918e46280.

Глава 11.

107. Но разве вы не продаете сигареты: Larry Merlo, “The Good and the Growth in Quitting,” TED Talk, Wake Forest University, YouTube video, 15:24, April 2015, www.youtube. com/watch? v= aM2ZtpqwYQs.

108. Это может принести деньги в стране Оз: Jeff Morganteen, “Cramer: CVS’ Tobacco Move Won’t Fly on Wall Street,” CNBC, February 5, 2015, www.cnbc.com/2014/02/05/cramer-cvs-tobacco-move-wont-fly-on-wall-street.html.

109. Один консультант по продажам и маркетингу из Иллинойса: “CVS’ Tobacco Exit Draws Reaction, Applause,” Convenience Store News, February 6, 2014, csnews.com/cvs-tobacco-exit-draws-reaction-applause.

110. Независимое исследование, заказанное CVS: “We Quit Tobacco, Here’s What Happened Next,” Thought Leadership, CVS Health Research Institute press release, September 1, 2015, cvshealth.com/thought-leadership/cvs-health-research-institute/we-quit-tobacco-heres-what-happened-next.

111. Такие компании, как Irwin Naturals: Brian Berk, “CVS Pharmacy Unveils the ‘Next Evolution of the Customer Experience,” Drug Store News, April 19, 2017, www. drugstorenews.com/beauty/cvs-pharmacy-unveils-nextevolution-customer-experience.

112. Цена акций CVS упала: Andrew Meola, “Rite Aid (RAD) and Walgreen (WAG) Rise on CVS Caremark (CVS) Tobacco Announcement,” TheStreet, February 5, 2014, www.thestreet. com/story/12311827/1/rite-aid-rad-and-walgreen-wag-rise-on-cvs-caremark-cvs-tobacco-announcement.html.

113. До объявления: CVS Health Corporation Revenue & Earnings Per Share (EPS), Nasdaq, data as of April 2, 2019, www.nasdaq.com/symbol/cvs/revenue-eps.

114. Она сказала, что я не могу позволить: Author’s interview with Doug Parker.

115. Скандал в конечном итоге привел к отставке: Edward Wong, “Under Fire for Perks, Chief Quits American Airlines,” The New York Times, April 25, 2003, www.nytimes.com/2003/04/25/business/under-fire-for-perks-chief-quits-american-airlines.html.

116. Говорить, что вы доверяете людям: Author’s interview with Doug Parker.

117. И видя, что их работники могут отставать: “A Letter to American Employees from Doug Parker and Robert Isom on Team Member Pay,” American Airlines Newsroom, April 26, 2017, news.aa.com/news/news-details/2017/A-letter-to-American-employees-from-Doug-Parker-and-Robert-Isom-on-team-member-pay/default.aspx.

118. О дин аналитик, Кевин Крисси: “The Case Against ‘Maximizing Shareholder Value,’ ” NPR, May 6, 2017, www.npr.org/2017/05/06/527139988/the-case-against-maximizing-shareholder-value.

119. Мы обеспокоены передачей богатства AAL: John Biers, “American Airlines Defends Pay Increase As Shares Tumble,” Yahoo Finance, April 27, 2017, finance.yahoo.com/news/american-airlines-boosts-employee-pay-earnings-fall-130526168.html.

120. Мы должны работать над этим: CITATION?

121. Худший вид бизнеса: Quoted in Adam Levine-Weinberg, “7 Ways Warren Buffett Blasted the Airline Industry – Before Investing Billions There, Motley Fool, March 5, 2017, www.fool.com/investing/2017/03/05/7-ways-warren-buffett-blasted-the-airline-industry.aspx.

122. помочь людям во всем мире: Walgreens Boots Alliance, “About us,” “Vision, Purpose and Values,” www.walgreensbootsalliance.com/about/vision-purpose-values.

123. активное решение уменьшить видимость: Ronnie Cohen, “When CVS Stopped Selling Cigarettes, Some Customers Quit Smoking,” Reuters, Health News, March 20, 2017, www.reuters.com/article/us-health-pharmacies-cigarettes/when-cvs-stopped-selling-cigarettes-some-customers-quitsmoking-idUSKBN16R2HY.

124. Мы рассматривали это на регулярной основе: Lisa Schencker, “Why Is Walgreens Still Selling Cigarettes? Shareholders Want to Know,” Chicago Tribune, January 26, 2017, www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-walgreens-selling-cigarettes-0127-biz-20170126-story.html.

125. По данным центра по контролю заболеваний: “Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/index.htm.

126. Все эти болезни, связанные с курением: “Economic Trends in Tobacco,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/economics/econ_facts/index.htm.

127. Почти 70 % всех курильщиков: Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC), “Quitting Smoking Among Adults – United States, 2001–2010,” MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 60, no. 44 (November 11, 2011): 1513—19, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=22071589; https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/cessation/quitting/index.htm

128. В Rite Aid мы лично заинтересованы: Rite Aid, “About Us,” “Our Story,” www.riteaid.com/about-us/our-story.

129. Rite Aid предлагает широкий спектр: Paul Edward Parker, “Rite Aid Responds to CVS Decision to Stop Selling Tobacco,” Providence Journal, February 6, 2014, www.providencejournal.com/breaking-news/content/20140206-rite-aid-responds-to-cvs-decision-to-stop-selling-tobacco.ece.

130. На следующий день после того: CVS Health, CVS Purpose Short, YouTube, October 9, 2017, www.youtube. com/watch? v= Geq6HuItPN4.

131. Они ждут, пока общественное мнение: Steve Lohr and Landon Thomas Jr., “The Case Some Executives Made for Sticking with Trump,” The New York Times, August 17, 2017, www.nytimes.com/2017/08/17/business/dealbook/as-executives-retreated-lone-voices-offered-support-for-trump.html.

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