Книга: Платформа: Практическое применение революционной бизнес-модели
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Использованные в тексте цитаты были собраны в ходе проведенных авторами ранее интервью или личных бесед с указанными людьми.


     “Full Text: Nokia CEO Stephen Elop’s ‘Burning Platform’ Memo,” Wall Street Journal, February 9, 2011, .

     Andrew Hill, “Inside Nokia: Rebuilt from Within,” Financial Times, April 13, 2011, .

     Ritsuko Ando and Bill Rigby, “Microsoft Swallows Nokia’s Phone Business for $7.2 Billion,” Reuters, September 3, 2013, .

     Donald Melanson, “Fortune Names RIM Fastest Growing Company in the World,” Engadget, August 18, 2019, .

     Charles Arthur, “RIM Chiefs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie’s Best Quotes,” Guardian (UK), June 29, 2012, .

     Al Sacco, “RIM’s CEO: What Went Wrong and Where BlackBerry Goes from Here,” InfoWorld, July 10, 2012, .

     Jesse Hicks, “Research, No Motion: How the BlackBerry CEOs Lost an Empire,” The Verge, February 21, 2012, .

     Ian Austen, “Research In Motion Eyes a Rebound,” New York Times, April 10, 2011, .

     Andy Rubin, “Where’s My Gphone?,” November 5, 2007, .

   Jim Dalrymple, “Apple Reaches iPhone Goal, Reports $1.14B Profit,” Macworld, October 22, 2008, .

   “Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results,” press release, October 21, 2008, .

   Matt Hartley, “With New BlackBerry, RIM Ramps Up Smart-phone War,” Globe and Mail, March 31, 2009, .

   “iPhone App Store Downloads Top 10 Million in First Weekend,” press release, July 14, 2008, .

   Zach Spear, “App Store Daily Download Rates Now Double December Volumes,” Apple Insider, January 16, 2009, .

   Erick Shonfeld, “RIM CEO Jim Balsillie To Steve Jobs: ‘You Don’t Need An App For The Web,’” Techcrunch, November 16, 2010, .

   John Gruber, “WWDC 2007 Keynote News,” June 11, 2007, .

   Jonathan S. Geller, “Open Letter to BlackBerry Bosses: Senior RIM Exec Tells All as Company Crumbles Around Him,” June 30, 2011, .

   Hicks, “Research, No Motion.”

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   Marc Andreessen, “Why Software is Eating the World,” Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2011, .

   Danny Wong, “In Q3, Facebook Drove 4X More Traffic than Pinterest,” Shareaholic Reports, October 27, 2014, .

   Henry Blodget, “Google’s Crash Took 40% of Internet Traffic Down with It,” Business Insider, August 18, 2013, .

   “Top Sites in the United States,” Alexa.com, .

   Brenda Goh, “Chinese Rivals Snap at Alibaba’s Heels in Cross-Border e-Commerce Race,” Reuters, February 25, 2015, .

   Cecilia, “Yu’E Bao Exceeded 578.9 Bln Yuan in 2014,” China Internet Watch, January 7, 2015, .

   W. Brian Arthur, Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994).

   David Goldman, “10 Big Dot-Com Flops,” CNN Money, November 6, 2015, .

   Adam Cohen, The Perfect Store: Inside eBay (New York: Little, Brown, 2002).

   Julia Ferris, Dr. Mike Goldsmith, Ian Graham, Sally MacGill, Andrea Mills, Isabel Thomas, and Matt Turner, Big Ideas that Changed the World: Incredible Inventions and the Stories behind Them (New York: DK Publishing, 2010).

   Cohen, The Perfect Store.

   Там же.

   Daniel Gross, “My eBay Job,” Slate, May 21, 2008, .

   Cohen, The Perfect Store.

   “The World’s Most Valuable Brands,” Forbes, .

   Red Hat finance information, Google Finance, .

   Rip Empson, “Led by Former Microsofties, GitHub Brings the Party to Enterprise with New Windows Client,” Techcrunch, May 21, 2012, .


   GitHub statistics, CrunchBase, .

   Cade Metz, “How GitHub Conquered Google, Microsoft, and Everyone Else,” Wired, March 12, 2015, .

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   Paul Boag, “Are We Thinking about Digital All Wrong?,” Smashing Magazine, March 14, 2014, .

   Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, press release, October 14, 1975, .

   Friedrich Hayek, Individualism and the Economic Order (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1948). Приведенные ниже цитаты также взяты из этой книги.

   Там же.

   Ronald Coase, “The Institutional Structure of Production,” in Nobel Lectures, Economics 1991–1995, ed. Torsten Persson (Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing, 1997).

   Martin Reeves, George Stalk, and Filippo L. Scognamiglio Pasini, “BCG Classics Revisited: The Experience Curve,” BCG Perspectives, May 28, 2013, .

   Oskar Lange, “The Computer and the Market,” in Socialism, Capitalism and Economic Growth: Essays Presented to Maurice Dob, ed. C. F. Feinstein (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1967). Цитаты Ланге взяты из этой книги.

   Philip Evans and Thomas S. Wurster’s excellent 1999 book, Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy (Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press).

   Paul Krugman, “Why Most Economists’ Predictions Are Wrong,” Red Herring, June 1998.

   SINTEF, “Big Data, for Better or Worse: 90% of World’s Data Generated Over Last Two Years,” May 22, 2013, ScienceDaily, .

   John F. Gantz, Stephon Minton, Vernon Turner, and David Reinsel, “The Digital Universe of Opportunities: Rich Data and the Increasing Value of the Internet of Things,” IDC whitepaper, April 2014.

   Ming Zeng of Alibaba, Big Data Is the Future of the Internet, February 21, 2014, .

   Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook post, August 27, 2015, .

   “Alibaba Group Announces March Quarter 2015 and Full Fiscal Year 2015 Results,” May 7, 2015, .

   Тиль П. От нуля к единице: Как создать стартап, который изменит будущее. — М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2015.

   Edward Tse, China’s Disruptors: How Alibaba, Xiaomi, Tencent, and Other Companies are Changing the Rules of Business (New York: Penguin, 2014).

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   Fred Wilson, tweet, July 30, 2014, .

   “The Dentist Office Software Story,” July 30, 2014, .

   Sramana Mitra, Billion Dollar Unicorns: Entrepreneur Journeys (Amazon Digital Services, 2014), Kindle eBook.

   Brian Horowitz, “EHR Adoption to Hit 80 Percent in Health Care Market by 2016: IDC,” eWeek, June 1, 2012, .

   “Telehealth Companies See Investor Funding Jump in 2014 — The Doctor is Always In,” CB Insights (blog), August 17, 2014, .

   Erin McCann, “Google Testing Telehealth Waters,” HealthCare IT News, October 13, 2014, .

   Bill Gurley, “All Revenue Is Not Created Equal: The Keys to the 10X Revenue Club,” Above the Crowd, May 24, 2011, .

   Josh Constine, “Facebook Beats in Q2 with $4.04B Revenue, User Growth Slows to 3.47% QOQ to Hit 1.49B,” TechCrunch, July 29, 2015,

   Talia Goldberg and Jeremy Levine, “Valuations: What Is Happening and Does It Matter?,” Slideshare, February 2015, ; Boris [Wertz], “How We Determine Valuations for Marketplaces,” Version One, July 20, 2015, ; Barry Libert, Yoram Wind, and Megan Beck Fenley, “What Airbnb, Uber, and Alibaba Have in Common,” Harvard Business Review, November 20, 2014, .

   IDC, “Worldwide Smartphone Shipments Increase 25.2% in the Third Quarter with Heightened Competition and Growth beyond Samsung and Apple, Says IDC,” press release, October 29, 2014, .

   Dennis Schaal, “Interview: OpenTable CEO on How Its Game Changes within Priceline,” Skift, September 29, 2014, . The second quote is from “OpenTable CEO Matt Roberts Talks Restaurants_,” July 11, 2012. YouTube, .

   Ellen Huet, “What Really Killed Homejoy? It Couldn’t Hold on to Its Customers,” Forbes, July 23, 2015, .

   Mae Anderson, “Amazon Launches Etsy Rival ‘Handmade At Amazon,’” Associated Press, October 8, 2015, .

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   Ming Zeng, speaking at the July 25, 2014, Platform Strategy Summit at MIT.

   Chris Nuttall and Mure Dickie, “Ebay’s Strategy in China Shattered,” Financial Times, December 19, 2006, .

   Porter Erisman, Crocodile in the Yangtze: The Alibaba Story (TalusWood Films, 2012).

   Porter Erisman, Alibaba’s World: How a Remarkable Chinese Company is Changing the Face of Global Business (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

   Helen H. Wang, “How еBay Failed in China,” Forbes, September 12, 2010, .

   Эрисман П. Вселенная Alibaba.com. Как китайская интернет-компания завоевала мир. М.: Individuum, 2016.

   “Standard Oil Company and Trust,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, .

   Zeng, MIT Platform Strategy Summit.

   E. Glen Weyl and Alexander White, “Let the Right ‘One’ Win: Policy Lessons from the New Economics of Platforms,” Social Science Research Network, December 8, 2014, . Чтобы обеспечить максимальную точность данных, Глен Уэйл в прошлом был советником Апплико.

   Jonathan V. Hall and Alan B. Krueger, “An Analysis of the Labor Market for Uber’s Driver-Partners in the United States,” January 22, 2015, .

   Georgios Zervas, David Prosperio, and John Byers, “The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Estimating the Impact of Airbnb on the Hotel Industry,” May 7, 2015, .

   Paul Carsten, “Alibaba’s Singles’ Day Sales Surge 60 Percent to $14.3 Billion,” Reuters, November 11, 2015, .

   Eunice Yoon, “Inside a Taobao Village,” CNBC, September 17, 2014, . See also a report on the growing number of Taobao villages in China: Xu Wenwen, “‘Taobao Villages’ Soar Past 200,” Shanghai Daily, December 30, 2014, .

   Tim Wu, “In the Grip of the New Monopolists,” Wall Street Journal, November 13, 2010, .

   Fred Vogelstein, Dogfight: Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution (New York: Sarah Crichton Books, 2013).

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   Jana Kasperkevic, “Airbnb Founder: Best Way to Get Inside Your Customers’ Heads,” Inc., May 3, 2013, .

   Tomasz Tunguz, “If You Chase Two Rabbits…” (blog), July 28, 2015, .

   Lada A. Adamic, Orkut Buyukkokten, and Eytan Ada, “Orkut: A Social Network Caught in the Web,” First Monday 8, no. 6 (June 2003), .

   David Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010).

   Там же.

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   Tom Cheredar, “Airbnb Admits Gaming Craigslist, Blames Rogue Contractors,” Venture Beat News, June 2, 2011, .

   Alex Moazed, “5 Things You Can Learn From One of Airbnb’s Earliest Hustles,” Inc., June 30, 2015, .

   Eric M. Jackson, The PayPal Wars (Los Angeles: World Ahead, 2004).

   Там же.

   Brian X. Chen, “App-Powered Car Service Leaves Cabs in the Dust,” Wired, April 5, 2011, .

   “Statistics,” YouTube, , accessed June 2015.

   Jillian D’Onfro, “The ‘Terrifying’ Moment in 2012 when YouTube Changed Its Entire Philosophy,” Business Insider, July 3, 2015, .

   Eric Meyerson, “YouTube Now: Why We Focus on Watch Time,” YouTube Creator Blog, August 10, 2012, .

   “Twitter Usage Statistics,” Internet Live Stats, , accessed November 2015.

   David Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010).

   “The Twitter Platform’s Inflection Point,” AVC, April 7, 2010, .

   Staci D. Kramer, “Bill Gross on Ubermedia, the Power of Twitter and Why He’s Acquiring,” Gigaom, February 12, 2011, .

Juan Carlos Perez, “Twitter Clamps Down on Client Apps,” PC World, March 11, 2011, .

Michael Sippey, “Delivering a Consistent Twitter Experience” Twitter Blogs (blog), June 29, 2012, .

Yoree Koh, “Only 11% of New Twitter Users in 2012 Are Still Tweeting,” Digits, March 21, 2014, ; and Jim Edwards, “The Number of People Actively Using Twitter May Actually Be in Decline,” Business Insider, April 27, 2015, .

Nick Bilton, Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal (New York: Portfolio/Penguin, 2013).

Bill Gurley, “You Don’t Have to Tweet to Twitter,” Above the Crowd, November 15, 2011, .

“Twitter Boss Admits Firm Is Failing Victims of Trolling,” BBC News, February 5, 2015, .

Alyson Shontell, “Here’s What the First Hires at Apple, Google and Other Top Tech Companies Are Doing Now,” Entrepreneur, November 1, 2014, .

Jackson, The PayPal Wars.

Liz Gannes, “Airbnb Now Wants to Check Your Government ID,” All Things, April 30, 2013, .

Katie Roof, “Checkr Is Raising $30M+ For Its Background Checking API, Y Combinator Investing,” TechCrunch, October 13, 2015, .

Liz Gannes, “After Home-Trashing Incident, Airbnb Builds an In-House Enforcer Team,” All Things, July 16, 2013, .

Там же.

Bilton, Hatching Twitter.

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Nick Bilton, “The Surreal World of Chatroulette,” New York Times, February 20, 2010, .

Sam Anderson, “The Human Shuffle,” New York, February 5, 2010, .

Michelle Kessler, “Webcam ‘Chatroulette’ Generates Conversation — and Controversy,” USA Today, February 23, 2010, .

Michael Arrington, “Chatroulette Enlists Shawn Fanning in the Fight against the Masturbators,” TechCrunch, June 13, 2010, .

Erick Schonfeld, “Chatroulette Quadruples to 4 Million Visitors in February,” TechCrunch, March 29, 2010, ; Andrew Lipsman, “Chatroulette Takes the College Crowd by Storm,” comScore, March 16, 2010, ; Jennifer Valentino-DeVries and Lauren Goode, “Chatroulette, by the Numbers,” Digits, March 2, 2010, .

Robert J. Moore, “Chatroulette Is 89 Percent Male, 47 Percent American, And 13 Percent Perverts,” Techcrunch, March 16, 2010, .

Mary Elizabeth Williams, “R. I. P. Chatroulette, 2009–2010,” Salon, June 29, 2010, .

“Finding Love Online, Version 2.0,” Bloomberg Business, June 10, 2003, .

Julia Angwin, Stealing Myspace: The Battle to Control the Most Popular Website in America (New York: Random House, 2009).

Fast Company Staff, “A Cautionary Tale,” Fast Company, May 1, 2007, .

Max Chafkin, “How to Kill a Great Idea,” Inc., June 1, 2007, .

Gary Rivlin, “Wallflower at the Web Party” New York Times, October 15, 2006, .

danah boyd, “None of This Is Real: Identity and Participation in Friendster,” in Structures of Participation in Digital Culture, ed. Joe Karaganis (New York: Social Science Research Council, 2007).

Chafkin, “How to Kill a Great Idea.”

Angwin, Stealing Myspace; Stuart Dredge, “MySpace — What Went Wrong: ‘The Site Was a Massive Spaghetti-Ball Mess,’” Guardian (UK), March 6, 2015, .

Angwin, Stealing Myspace.

Felix Gillette, “The Rise and Inglorious Fall of Myspace,” Bloomberg Business, June 22, 2011, .

Там же.

Там же.

David Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010).

Carolyn, “Welcome to Facebook Everyone,” Facebook note, September 26, 2006, .

Rob Hof, “Facebook Declares New Era for Advertising,” Bloomberg Business, November 6, 2007, .

“Number of Active Users at Facebook over the Years,” Associated Press, May. 1, 2013, .

Luz Lazo, “Uber Turns 5, Reaches 1 Million Drivers and 300 Cities Worldwide. Now What?” Washington Post, June 4, 2015, .

David Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect (New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 2010).

Angwin, Stealing Myspace.

The Rise and Inglorious Fall of Myspace.

Там же.

Seth Fiegerman, “Inside the Failure of Google+, a Very Expensive Attempt to Unseat Facebook,” Mashable, August 2, 2015, .

Kevin Maney, “‘First Mover Advantage’ No Longer an Advantage,” USA Today, July 18, 2001.

Steve Blank, “Steve Blank: Here’s Why the First-Mover Advantage Is Extremely Overrated,” Business Insider, October 19, 2010, .

David S. Evans, “Governing Bad Behavior by Users of Multi-Sided Platforms,” Berkeley Technology Law Journal 27, no. 2 (Fall 2012).

Angwin, Stealing Myspace.

Xu Lin, “First Impressions Count,” China Daily, , accessed July 2015.

Nancy Jo Sales, “Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse,” Vanity Fair, August 31, 2015, .

Julia Greenberg, “Tinder Completely Freaked Out on Twitter,” Wired, August 11, 2015 .

Nick Summers, “Facebook’s ‘Porn Cops’ Are Key to Its Growth,” Newsweek, April 30, 2009, .

danah boyd, “White Flight in Networked Publics? How Race and Class Shaped American Teen Engagement with MySpace and Facebook,” in Race after the Internet, ed. Lisa Nakamura and Peter A. Chow-White (New York: Routledge, 2011).

Tim Arango, “Hot Social Networking Site Cools as Facebook Grows,” New York Times, January 11, 2011, .

Shane McGlaun, “Microsoft Spends 1 Billion on Exclusive Xbox One Games,” Dailytech, May 30, 2013, .

Josh Halliday, “Twitter Founders Launch Two New Websites, Medium and Branch,” Guardian (UK), August 15, 2012, .

Liz Gannes, “The Secret Behind Pinterest’s Growth Was Marketing, Not Engineering, Says CEO Ben Silbermann,” AllThings, October 20, 2012, .

Ramana Nanda and Liz Kind, “AngelList,” Harvard Business School Case 814–036, September 2013 (revised November 2013).

“List of Wikipedias,” September 2015, .

Michael Mandiberg, “7,473 Volumes at 700 Pages Each: Meet Print Wikipedia,” Wikimedia Blog, June 19, 2015, .

Andrew Lih, The Wikipedia Revolution: How A Bunch of Nobodies Created The World’s Greatest Encyclopedia (New York: Hyperion, 2009).

“Episode 45 — Ryan Fujiu, Product Lead on Lyft’s Growth Team,” 500 Startups Podcast, .

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Ty McMahan, “Sequoia to Color Labs: Not Since Google Have We Seen This,” Wall Street Journal, Venture Capital Dispatch, March 11, 2011, .

Jefferson Graham, “Color App for iPhone Lets Others Peek at Your Photos, Video,” USA Today, March 23, 2011, .

Danielle Sacks, “Bill Nguyen: The Boy in the Bubble,” Fast Company, October 19, 2011, .

Mike Melanson, “Color CEO: The Tech Justifies the $41 Million,” read write, March 24, 2011, .

Sacks, “Bill Nguyen.”

Melanson, “Color CEO”; Claire Cain Miller, “Investors Provide Millions to Risky Startups,” New York Times, June 20, 2011, .

Adrian Chen, “Extremely-Hyped Startup Fails to Live Up to Extreme Hype,” Gizmodo, .

Robert Scoble, “Why Color’s Bad First Experience Will Always ‘Color’ This Company in App Stores,” Scobleizer (blog), March 24, 2011, .

Eric M. Jackson, The PayPal Wars (Los Angeles: World Ahead, 2004); Visakan Veerasamy, “The Original #GrowthHackers: How PayPal Achieved 7–10% Daily Growth in the Early 2000s,” ReferralCandy, January 23, 2014, .

Carly Page, “Android Hits 83.6 Percent Marketshare while iOS, Windows and BlackBerry Slide,” Inquirer, November 3, 2014, .

Thoshi, “Chicken & Egg Problem: How Quora & Reddit Got Their First Users,” Byte Campaign, January 6, 2015, .

Jeff Roberts, “Craigslist Cracks Down on Outside Services, Says Violators Must Pay ‘$0.10 per Server Request,’” Gigacom, August 19, 2014, .

Nick Summers, “The Truth About Tinder and Women Is Even Worse Than You Think,” Bloomberg Businessweek, July 2, 2014, .

Nick Bilton, Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal (New York: Portfolio/Penguin, 2013).

Matt Egan, “Etsy Now Worth Over $3 Billion. Stock Jumps 88% after IPO,” CNN Money, April 16, 2015, .

Chris Dixon, “Come for the Tool, Stay for the Network,” cdixonblog, January 31, 2015, .


Alex Moazed, “3 Growth Lessons From the Billion-Dollar Company That Handles Payments for Facebook and Uber,” Inc., September 16, 2015, .

Yessi Bello Perez, “Santander: Blockchain Tech Can Save Banks $20 Billion a Year,” CoinDesk, June 16, 2015, .

“The March of Financial Services Giants into Bitcoin and Blockchain Startups in One Chart,” Insurance Tech Insights, November 3, 2015, .

Ryan Lawler, “Uber Strikes Deal to Lower the Cost of Car Ownership for Drivers,” Tech Crunch, November 24, 2013, .

Jennifer Van Grove, “New Industry Piggybacking on Uber, Airbnb,” San Diego Union Tribune, August 8, 2015, .

Catherine Clifford, “By 2017, the App Market Will Be a $77 Billion Industry,” Entrepreneur, August 26, 2014, .

Charlie Wells, “Piggybackers’ Hitch Themselves to Airbnb, Uber,” Wall Street Journal, February 18, 2015, .

Cyrus Farivar, “How Zynga Went from Social Gaming Powerhouse to Has- Been,” Ars Technica, September 12, 2013, .

Nick O’Neill, “Zynga Launches ‘FarmVille.’ Does It Look Familiar?” Social Times, June 22, 2009, .

Vikas Shukla, “Zynga Inc: The Rise and Fall,” ValueWalk, May 28, 2014, .

Farivar, “How Zynga Went from Social Gaming Powerhouse to Has-Been.”

“Facebook and Zynga to End Close Relationship,” BBC News, November 30, 2012, .

Dean Takahashi, “Zynga Accounted for $445M, or 12 Percent of Facebook’s Revenue, in 2011,” Venture Beat, February 1, 2012, .

Terrence O’Brien, “HTC Revenues Continue to Drop at Alarming Rates, Down 61% From Last October,” Engadget, November 6, 2012, .

Chris Velazco, “Motorola Mobility Closes Out Q4 2011 with an $80 Million Net Loss,” TechCrunch, January 26, 2012, .

Tim Culpan, “HTC Posts Record Profit Drop as Samsung, Apple Grab Sales,” Bloomberg Business, October 8, 2012, .

Tim Culpan, “HTC Trading below Cash Leaves Smartphone Brand with No Value,” Bloomberg Business, August 9, 2015, .

Ian Sherr and Evan Ramstad, “Has Apple Lost Its Cool to Samsung?” Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2013, .

David Gilbert, “Samsung Loses 50% of Its China Smartphone Market Share as Apple Dominates,” International Business Times, May 11, 2015, .

Greg Kumparak, “Apple Just Had the Most Profitable Quarter of Any Company Ever,” TechCrunch, January 27, 2015, .

Daniel Eran Dilger, “Samsung’s Mobile Profits Plunge 64.2% after Apple’s iPhone 6 Devastates Premium Galaxy Sales,” Apple Insider, January 28, 2015, .

Joe Minihane, “Why Samsung’s Smartphone Business’s Decline Could Be Terminal,” uSwitch.com, July 30, 2015, ; Ben Thompson, “Smartphone Truths and Samsung’s Inevitable Decline,” Stratechery, July 8, 2014, .

“Smartphone Wars: Why Is Samsung Losing Momentum?,” Bloomberg, September 3, 2015, .

Simon Rothman, tweet, November 13, 2015, . Ротман выступал на конференции «Экономика будущего и будущее работы» (“Next Economy: What’s the Future of Work?”).

Lisa Guernsey, “EBay Not Liable for Goods That Are Illegal, Judge Says,” New York Times, November 13, 2000, .

Carlos Tejada, “U. S. Warns Alibaba Again about Selling Counterfeit Goods,” Wall Street Journal, December 17, 2015, .

Eric M. Jackson, The PayPal Wars (Los Angeles: World Ahead, 2004).

“Feds: PayPal Not a Bank,” CNET, May 19, 2002, .

Mark Cuban, “Some Thoughts on YouTube and Google,” Blog Maverick: The Mark Cuban Weblog, October 7, 2006, .

Anne Broache, “Viacom sues Google over YouTube clips,” CNET, March 13, 2006, ; позже стороны пришли к соглашению во внесудебном порядке.

David Bogoslaw, “Peer-to-Peer Lending: Problems and Promise,” Bloomberg, April 6, 2009, .

Hari Sreenivasan, “Why Is New York City Cracking Down on Airbnb?”.

PBS, August 1, 2015, .

Zak Stone, “Living and Dying on Airbnb,” Medium, November 8, 2015, .

Steven Millwar, “WeChat’s Growth Continues, Hits 650 Million Users,” Tech In Asia, November 10, 2015, .

Lily Kuo, “WeChat Is Nothing Like WhatsApp — and That Makes It Even More Valuable,” Quartz, February 20, 2014, .

Jeff Grub, “Research Firm: China’s Tencent Is Now a Bigger Gaming Company than Microsoft and Activision,” Venture Beat, March 10, 2014, .

Eric Savitz, “5 Things You Need to Know about Chinese Social Media,” Forbes, October 25, 2012, .

Connie Chan, “When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China,” Andreessen Horowitz, August 6, 2015, .

“Top 10 Android App Stores | China,” Newzoo, , accessed July 2015.

Reid Hoffman, “The Information Age to the Networked Age: Are You Network Literate?” June 13, 2014, .

A. Harrington, “The B2B Super Markets,” Management Consultancy, May 7, 2001.

Erin Griffith, “In B2B E-commerce, Alibaba Has Solved the One Problem Amazon Can’t,” Fortune, September 8, 2014, .

David S. Evans and Richard Schmalensee, “Failure to Launch: Critical Mass in Platform Businesses,” Review of Network Economics 9, no. 4 (2010).

Liu Shiying and Martha Avery, Alibaba: The Inside Story Behind Jack Ma and the Creation of the World’s Biggest Online Marketplace (New York: HarperCollins e-books, 2009).

Alex Moazed, “How to Claim a Piece of the $100 Billion Waste Management Opportunity,” Inc., November 28, 2015, .

Gitta Rohling, “Facts and Forecasts: Billions of Things, Trillions of Dollars,” Pictures of the Future, October 1, 2014, .

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