Книга: За гранью японских свечей
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Buchanen, Daniel Crump, Japanese Proverbs and Sayings, Oklahoma City, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965.

Cleary, Thomas, The Japanese Art of War, Boston, MA: Shambhala, 1991. Dilts, Marion May, Pageant of Japanese History, New York, NY: David McKay, 3rd edition, 1963. Hiroshi, Okamoto, Keisen no Mikata (The Way to Look at Charts), Tokyo, Japan: Nihon Keizai Shin-bunsha, 1972.

Hoshii, Kazutaka, Hajimete Kabuka Chato wo Yomu Hito no Hon (A Book for Those Reading Stock Charts for the First Time), Tokyo, Japan: Asukashuppansha, 1990. Ikeda, Mamoru, Kabushki Chato Nyumon (Introduction to Stock Charts), Tokyo, Japan: Diamondsha, 1978.

Ikutaro, Gappou, Kabushikisouba no Technical Bunseki (StockMarket Technical Analysis), Tokyo, Japan: Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, 1985.

Ishii, Katsutoshi, Kabuka Chato no Tashikana Yomikata (A Sure Way to Read Stock Charts), Tokyo, Japan: Jiyukokuminsha, 1990.

Nippon Technical Analysts Association, Analysis of Stock Price in Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 1986.

Oyama, Kenji, Hanawa Kurenai Yanagiwa Midori (The Flower is Red, the Willow is Green), Tokyo, Japan: Oyama Keizai Kenkyusho, 1977.

Sakata Goho Wa Furinkazan (Sakata’s Five Rules are Wind, Forest, Fire and Mountain), Tokyo, Japan: Nihon Shoken Shinbunsha, 1969.

Seidensticker, Edward G., Even Monkeys Fall from Trees and Other Japanese Proverbs, Rutland, VA: Charles E. Tuttle, 1987. Sun-Tzu, The Art of War, trans. Samuel B. Griffith, London, England: Oxford University Press, 1963.

Sun-Tzu, The Art of Warfare, trans. Roger Ames, New York, NY: Ballantine, 1993. Shimizu, Seiki, The Japanese Chart of Charts, trans. Gregory S. Nicholson, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Futures Trading Publishing Co., 1986. Technical Traders Bulletin, May 1991, Torrence Hills, CA: Island View Financial Group Inc., 1991. Yasui, Taichi, Kabushikikeisen no Shinzui (The Essence of Stock Charts), Tokyo, Japan, 1976.

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