Книга: Иммунитет. Как у тебя дела?
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Список литературы

Basiswissen und umfangreiche Standardliteratur finden sich u. a. in den Lehrbuchern: Janeways Immunobiology der Autoren K. Murphy und C. Weaver, 9. Auflage 2017, ISBN 978-0-8153-4505-3; und Immunologie fuer Einsteiger von L. Rink, A. Kruse und H. Haase, 2. Auflage Heidelberg 2015, ISBN 978-3-662-44842-7.


1. Где находится иммунная система?
Afshinnekoo, E.: «Geospatial Resolution of Human and Bacterial Diversity with City-Scale Metagenomics». In: Cell Systems. Juli 2015; 1(1): S. 72–87.
Bajoghli B. et al.: «A thymus candidate in lampreys». In: Nature. Februar 2011; 470(7332); S. 90–94. Link:


2. Беременность и роды
Ginhoux, F. et al.: «Tissue-Resident Macrophage Ontogeny and Homeostasis». In: Immunity. Marz 2016; 44(3): S. 439–449.
Schurmann, N. und Forrer, P. et al.: «Myeloperoxidase targets oxidative host attacks to Salmonella and prevents collateral tissue damage». In: Nature Microbiology. 2017; 2: Artikel-Nummer: 16268.
Ulas, T. et al.: «S100-alarmin-induced innate immune programming protects newborn infants from sepsis». In: Nature Immunology. Mai 2017; 18: S. 622–632.
Wei, L. et al.: «Acid-suppression medications and bacterial gastroenteritis: a population- based cohort study». In: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Juni 2017; 83(6): S. 1298–1308.


3. В младенческом возрасте
Arumugam, M. und Raes, J. et al.: «Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome». In: Nature. Mai 2011; 473: S. 174–180.
von Berg, A. et al.: «Allergic manifestation 15 years after early intervention with hydrolyzed formulas – the GINI Study». In: Allergy. Februar 2016; 71(2): S. 210–219.
Boyle, R. et al.: «Prebiotic-supplemented partially hydrolysed cow’s milk formula for the prevention of eczema in high risk infants: a randomized controlled trial». In: Allergy. Mai 2016; 71(5): S. 701–710.
Christian, M. et al.: «Breastfeeding and Childhood Asthma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis». In: American Journal of Epidemiology. Mai 2014; 179(10): S. 1153–1167.
Cunnington, A. J. et al.: «Vaginal seeding» of infants born by caesarean section». In: British Medical Journal. Februar 2016; 352: i227.
Denne, S. C.: «Neonatal Nutrition». In: Pediatric Clinics of North America. April 2015; 62(2): S. 427–438.
Dominguez-Bello, M. G. et al.: «Partial restoration of the microbiota of cesareanborn infants via vaginal microbial transfer». In: Nature Medicine. Marz 2016; 22(3): S. 250–253.
Ernahrungskommission der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Kinder- und Jugendmedizin: «Ernahrung gesunder Sauglinge». In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde. Juni 2014.
Ernahrungskommission der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Kinder- und Jugendmedizin. «Stellungnahme zur Verwendung von Sauglingsnahrungen auf Sojaeiwei.basis». In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde. 2006; 154: S. 913–916.
Indrio, F. et al.: «Prophylactic Use of a Probiotic in the Prevention of Colic, Regurgitation, and Functional ConstipationA Randomized Clinical Trial». In: Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics. Marz 2014; 168(3): S. 228–233.
Koletzko, B. et al.: «Can infant feeding choices modulate later obesity risk?». In: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Marz 2009; 89 (5): S. 1502–1508.
Lynch, S. J. et al.: «Thumb-Sucking, Nail-Biting and Atopic Sensitization, Asthma and Hay Fever». In: Pediatrics. August 2016; 138(2): e20160443.
Nakatsuji, T. et al.: «Antimicrobials from human skin commensal bacteria protect against Staphylococcus aureus and are deficient in atopic dermatitis». In: Science Translational Medicine. Februar 2017; 9(378): eaah4680.
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Savino, F. et al.: «Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 in infantile colic: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial». In: Pediatrics. September 2010; 126(3): S. 526–533.
Sevelsted, A. et al.: «Cesarean Section and Chronic Immune Disorders». In: Pediatrics. Januar 2015; 135 (1): e92–e98.
Urbanska, M. and Szajewska, H. et al.: «The efficacy of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 in infants and children: a review of the current evidence». In: European Journal of Pediatrics. Oktober 2014; 173(10): S. 1327–1337.
Weidinger, S. et al.: «Loss-of-function variations within the filaggrin gene predispose for atopic dermatitis with allergic sensitizations». In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Juli 2006; 118(1): S. 214–199.
Yuan, C. et al.: «Association Between Cesarean Birth and Risk of Obesity in Offspring in Childhood, Adolescence, and Early Adulthood». In: Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics. 2016; 170(11): e162385. link: Growing Up Today Study (GUTS):


4. В детском возрасте
DEGAM-Leitlinie Nr. 7. Ohrenschmerzen. Aktualisierte Fassung 2014, S2k-Leitlinie AWMF-Registernr. 053/009 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin.
Thomas, J. P. et al.: «Acute otitis media: a structured approach». In: Deutsches Дrzteblatt International. 2014; 111(9): S. 151–160.
Venekamp, R. P. et al.: «Antibiotics for acute otitis media in children». In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Juni 2015; 6: Art. No.: CD000219.


5. С пубертатного периода до смерти
Strindhall, J. et al.: «No immune risk profile among individuals who reach 100 years of age: Findings from the Swedish NONA immune longitudinal study». In: Experimental Gerontology. August 2007; 42: S. 753–761.
Wikby, A. et al.: «The Immune Risk Profile and Associated Parameters in Late Life: Lessons from the OCTO and NONA Longitudinal Studies». In: Fulop T. et al. (eds) Handbook on Immunosenescence. 2009 Springer: S. 3–28.


6. Иммунные дефициты
Farmand, S. et al.: «Leitlinie «Diagnostik von primaren Immundefekten». In: AWMF online. Register Nr. 027/050; Stand 12/2011.


7. Аллергии
Azad, M. B. et al.: «Infant gut microbiota and the hygiene hypothesis of allergic disease: impact of household pets and siblings on microbiota composition and diversity». In: Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology. April 2013; 9(1): 15.
Gold, D.R. et al.: «NIAID, NIEHS, NHLBI, MCAN Workshop Report: The Indoor Environment and Childhood Asthma: Implications for Home Environmental Intervention in Asthma Prevention and Management». In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Oktober 2017; 140(4): S. 933–949.
Lodrup Carlsen, K. C. und Roll, S. et al.: «Does Pet Ownership in Infancy Lead to Asthma or Allergy at School Age? Pooled Analysis of Individual Participant Data from 11 European Birth Cohorts» In: PLoS ONE. August 2012; 7(8): e43214.
von Mutius, E.: «The microbial environment and its influence on asthma prevention
in early life». In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Marz 2016; 137(3): S. 680–689.
Scudellari, M.: «News Feature: Cleaning up the hygiene hypothesis». In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Februar 2017; 114(7): S. 1433–1436.
Strachan, D. P.: «Family size, infection and atopy: the first decade of the ‘hygiene hypothesis». In: Thorax. August 2000; 55(1): S. 2–10.


8. Аутоимунные заболевания
Hughes, J.W. et al.: «Autoimmune Diseases in Children and Adults With Type 1 Diabetes From the T1D Exchange Clinic Registry». In: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Dezember 2016; 101(12): S. 4931–4937.


9. Аутовоспалительные заболевания
Dinarello, C. A.: «Blocking IL-1 in systemic inflammation». In: Journal of Experimental Medicine. Mai 2005; 201(9): S. 1355–1359.
Doria, A. et al.: «Autoinflammation and autoimmunity: bridging the divide». In: Autoimmunity Reviews. November 2012; 12: S. 22–30.
Stojanov, S. und Lohse, P.: «Autoinflammatorische Erkrankungen als wichtige Diffe- renzialdiagnosen in der Rheumatologie – ein Update». In: Aktuelle Rheumatology. 2011; 36(4): S. 226–235.
Link: https://www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/Zuweiser/ Zentren/Rheumazentrum+%E2%80%93+ INDIRA/ Autoinflammation+ Reference+Center+ T%C3%BCbingen+%28arcT%29+.html


10. Трансплантация
Link: Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation:


11. Рак
Tomasetti, C. et al.: «Stem cell divisions, somatic mutations, cancer etiology, and cancer prevention». In: Science. Marz 2017; 355(6331): S. 1330–1334.
Link: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Krebsinformationsdienst: https://www.krebsinformationsdienst.de/ untersuchung/ diagnose-krebs.php
Link: Europaischer Kodex zur Krebsbekampfung: http://cancer-code- europe.iarc.fr/ index.php/de/


12. Снаружи и внутри
Carroll, M. et al.: «Adaptive immunity to rhinoviruses: sex and age matter». In: Respiratory Research. Dezember 2010; 11(1): S. 184.
Chen, Q. et al.: «Fever-range thermal stress promotes lymphocyte trafficking across high endothelial venules via an interleukin 6 trans-signaling mechanism». In: Nature Immunology. November 2006; 7: S. 1299–1308.
Cuesta, M. et al.: «Simulated Night Shift Disrupts Circadian Rhythms of Immune Functionsin Humans». In: Journal of Immunology. Marz 2016; 196(6): S. 2466–2475.
Dopico, X. C. et al.: «Widespread seasonal gene expression reveals annual differences in human immunity and physiology». In: Nature Communications. Mai 2015; 6: Article number: 7000.
Edgar, R. S. et al.: «Cell autonomous regulation of herpes and influenza virus infection by the circadian clock». In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Juni 2016; 113(36): S. 10085–10090.
Foxman, E. F. et al.: «Temperature-dependent innate defense against the common cold virus limits viral replication at warm temperature in mouse airway cells». In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Januar 2015; 112(3): S. 837–832.
Jackson, G. G. et al.: «Transmission of the common cold to volunteers under controlled conditions. I. The common cold as a clinical entity». In: AMA Archives Internal Medicine. Februar 1958; 101(2): S. 267–78.
Johnson, C. and Eccles, R.: «Acute cooling of the feet and the onset of common cold symptoms». In: Family Practice. Dezember 2005; 22(6): S. 608–613.
Long, J. E. et al.: «Morning vaccination enhances antibody response over afternoon vaccination: A cluster-randomised trial». In: Vaccine. Mai 2016; 34(24): S. 2679–2685.
Mace, T. A. et al.: «Differentiation of CD8+ T cells into effector cells is enhanced by physiological range hyperthermia». In: Journal of Leukocyte Biology. November 2011; 90(5): S. 951–962.
Prather, A. et al.: «Behaviorally Assessed Sleep and Susceptibility to the Common Cold». In: Sleep. September 2015; 38(9): S. 1353–1359.
Restif, O. und Amos, W.: «The evolution of sex-specific immune defences». In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Marz 2010; 277: S. 2247–2255.
Zhe C. et al.: «Deciphering Neural Codes of Memory during Sleep». In: Trends in Neurosciences. Mai 2017; 40(5): S. 260–275.


13. Психика
Ader, R. und Cohen, N.: «Behaviorally conditioned immunosuppression». In: Psychosomatic Medicine. Juli-August 1975; 37(4): S. 333–340.
Ayling, K. et al.: «Positive mood on the day of influenza vaccination predicts vaccine effectiveness: A prospective observational cohort study». In: Brain, Behavior and Immunity. September 2017; in press.
Ben-Shaanan, T. L. et. al.: «Activation of the reward system boosts innate and adaptive immunity». In: Nature Medicine. August 2016; 22(8): S. 940–944.
Britteon, P. et al.: «Association between psychological health and wound complications after surgery». In: British Journal of Surgery. Februar 2017; 104(6): S. 769–776.
Brynskikh, A. et al.: «Adaptive immunity affects learning behavior in mice». In: Brain Behavior Immunology. August 2008; 22(6): S. 861–869.
Cole, S. W. et al.: «Myeloid differentiation architecture of leukocyte transcriptome dynamics in perceived social isolation». In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Dezember 2015; 112(49): S. 15142–15147.
Heneka, M. T. et al.: «Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease». In: Lancet Neurology. April 2015; 14(4): S. 388–405.
Kipnis, J. et al.: «T cell deficiency leads to cognitive dysfunction: Implications for therapeutic vaccination for schizophrenia and other psychiatric conditions». In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Mai 2004; 101(21): S. 8180–8185.
Kipnis, J. et al.: «Pro-cognitive properties of T cells». In: Nature reviews Immunology. 2012; 12(9): S. 663–669.
Miller, A. H. und Raison, C. L.: «The role of inflammation in depression: from evolutionary imperative to modern treatment target». In: Nature Reviews Immunology. Januar 2016; 16: S. 22–34.
Murphy, M. et al.: «Offspring of parents who were separated and not speaking to one another have reduced resistance to the common cold as adults». In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Juni 2017; 114(25): S. 6515–6520.
Reber, S. O. et al.: «Immunization with a heat-killed preparation of the environmental bacterium Mycobacterium vaccae promotes stress resilience in mice». In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Mai 2016; 113(22): S. 3130–3139.
Uchino, B. N. et al.: «The relationship between social support and physiological processes: a review with emphasis on underlying mechanisms and implications for health». In: Psychological Bulletin. Mai 1996; 119(3): S. 488–531.


14. Чистота
Bundesinstitut fur Risikobewertung: «Triclosan nur im arztlichen Bereich anwenden, um Resistenzbildungen vorzubeugen». In: Stellungnahme Nr. 030/2006 vom 08. Mai 2006.
Cardinale, M. et al.: «Microbiome analysis and confocal microscopy of used kitchen sponges reveal massive colonization by Acinetobacter, Moraxella and Chryseobacterium species». In: Scientific Reports. Juli 2017; 7(1): S. 5791–5803.
Kim, S. A. et al.: «Bactericidal effects of triclosan in soap both in vitro and in vivo». In: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Dezember 2015; 70(12): S. 3345–3352.
Koukkidis, G. et al.: «Salad leaf juices enhance Salmonella growth, fresh produce colonization and virulence». In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Januar 2017; 83(1): e02416–16.
Kumarasamy, K. K. et al.: «Emergence of a new antibiotic resistance mechanism in India, Pakistan, and the UK: a molecular, biological, and epidemiological study». In: The Lancet Infectious Diseases. September 2010; 10(9): S. 597–602.
Stein, M. M. et al.: «Innate Immunity and Asthma Risk in Amish and Hutterite Farm Children». In: New England Journal of Medicine. August 2016; 375: S. 411–421.
World Health Organization (WHO): Global Guidelines for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection. 2016. ISBN 978 92 4 154988 2.
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15. Питание
Holick, M. F.: «Vitamin D Deficiency». In: New England Journal of Medicine. Juli 2007; 357(3): S. 266–281.
Kmietowicz, Z.: «Gluten-free diet is not recommended for people without celiac disease». In: British Medical Journa.; Mai 2017; 357: j3126.
Kongsbak, M. et al.: «The Vitamin D Receptor and T Cell Function». In: Frontiers in Immunology. Juni 2013; 4: S. 148.
Lebwohl, B. et al.: «Long term gluten consumption in adults without celiac disease and risk of coronary heart disease: prospective cohort study». In: British Medical Journal. Mai 2017; 357: j1892.
Li, S. S et al.: «Durable coexistence of donor and recipient strains after fecal microbiota transplantation». In: Science. April 2016; 352(6285): S. 586–589.
Wilkins, T. und Sequoia, J.: «Probiotics for Gastrointestinal Conditions: A Summary of the Evidence». In: American Family Physician. August 2017; 96(3): S.170–178.


16. Алкоголь и никотин
Afshar, M. et al.: «Acute immunomodulatory effects of binge alcohol ingestion». In: Alcohol. Februar 2015; 49(1): S. 57–64.
Romeo, J. et al.: «Changes in the Immune System after Moderate Beer Consumption». In: Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 2007; 51(4): S. 359–366.
Xu, M. et al.: «The influence of nicotine on granulocytic differentiation – Inhibition of the oxidative burst and bacterial killing and increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 release». In: BioMed Central Cell Biology. April 2008; 9:19.


17. Альтернативная медицина
Bundesinstitut fur Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM): «Hepatotoxische Reaktionen im Zusammenhang mit der Anwendung von Pelargonium-haltigen Arzneimitteln». In: Bulletin zur Arzneimittelsicherheit; 2012 (1).
Karsch-Volk M et al.: «Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold». Link: http://www.cochrane.org/CD000530/ARI_echinacea-for-preventing-andtreating-the-common-cold
Linde, K. et al.: «Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold». In: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Januar 2006; (1): CD000530.
Shang, A. et al.: «Placebo-controlled trials of Chinese herbal medicine and conventional medicine – comparative study». In: International Journal of Epidemiology. Oktober 2007; 36(5), S. 1086–1092.
Timmer, A. et al.: «Pelargonium sidoides extract for treating acute respiratory tract infections». In: Cochrane Database Sys Rev. Oktober 2013; (10): CD006323.
Link: http://www.ifd-allensbach.de/uploads/tx_reportsndocs/prd_0914.pdf
Link: https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/health-topics/complementary-medicines/homeopathy-review


18. Спорт и движение
Graf, C.: «Empfehlungen fur gesundheitswirksame korperliche Aktivitat im Kindes-und Erwachsenenalter» In: «Kцrperliche Aktivitдt und Gesundheit: Prдventive und therapeutische Ansдtze der Bewegungs-und Sportmedizin». Banzer, W. (Hrsg.). 2016, 1. Aufl.; Berlin: Springer, S. 61–66.


19. Прививки
Link: http://www.pei.de/DE/infos/fachkreise/impfungen-impfstoffe/ impfungenimpfstoffe-node.html; jsessionid=28BCBB5D32 B12EB87339DD017CBCCA25.1_cid319ujm
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Link: http://www.rki.de/DE/Home/homepage_node.html
Link: http://www.who.int/gho/en/


20. Антибиотики
Ahmadizar, F. et al.: «Early life antibiotic exposure is associated with an increased risk of atopic hay fever and eczema». In: European Respiratory Journal. November 2016; 48(60): PA3639.
Bailey, L. C. et al.: «Association of Antibiotics in Infancy With Early Childhood Obesity». In: JAMA Pediatrics. November 2014; 168(11): S. 1063–1069.
Li, D. – K. et al.: «Infection and antibiotic use in infancy and risk of childhood obesity: a longitudinal birth cohort study». In: The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. Januar 2017; 5(1): S. 18–25.
Schaumburg, F. et al.: «Airport door handles and the global spread of antimicrobialresistant bacteria: a cross sectional study». In: Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Dezember 2016; 22(12): S. 1010–1011.


Взгляд в будущее
Alexander, T. et al.: «Resetting the immune system with immunoablation and autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in autoimmune diseases». In: Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. August 2016; 34(98): S. 53–57.
Barrangou, R.: «Diversity of CRISPR-Cas immune systems and molecular machines». In: Genome Biology. November 2015; 16: S. 247.
Catakovic, K. et al.: «T cell exhaustion: from pathophysiological basics to tumor immunotherapy». In: Cell Communication and Signaling. Januar 2017; 15(1):1.
Cathomen, T. et al.: «Editing CCR5: a novel approach to HIV gene therapy». In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2015; 848: S. 117–130.
Deltcheva, E. et al.: «CRISPR RNA maturation by trans-encoded small RNA and host factor RNase III». In: Nature. Marz 2011; 471(7340): S. 602–607.
Graham, A. M. et al.: «Maternal Systemic Interleukin-6 During Pregnancy Is Associated With Newborn Amygdala Phenotypes and Subsequent Behavior at 2 Years of Age». In: Biological Psychiatry. Juni 2017; pii: S0006–3223(17)31670–0.
Hartmann, J. et al.: «Clinical development of CAR T cells – challenges and opportunities in translating innovative treatment concepts». In: EMBO Molecular Medicine. September 2017; 9(9): S. 1183–1197.
Jashnsaz, H. et al.: «Hydrodynamic Hunters». In: Biophysical Journal. Marz 2017; 112(6): S. 1282–1289.
Kalos, M. et al.: «T Cells with Chimeric Antigen Receptors Have Potent Antitumor Effects and Can Establish Memory in Patients with Advanced Leukemia». In: Science Translational Medicine. August 2011; 3(95): 95ra73.
Loquet, A. et al.: «Atomic model of the type III secretion system needle». In: Nature. Juni 2012; 486: S. 276–279.
Loquet, A. et al.: «Structural investigations of molecular machines by solid-state NMR». In: Accounts of Chemical Research. 201; 46: S. 2070–2079.
Ma, H. et al.: «Correction of a pathogenic gene mutation in human embryos». In: Nature. August 2017; 548: S. 413–419.
Niu, D. et al.: «Inactivation of porcine endogenous retrovirus in pigs using CRISPRCas9». In: Science. September 2017; 357(6357): S. 1303–1307.
Sahin, U. et al.: «Personalized RNA mutanome vaccines mobilize poly-specific therapeutic immunity against cancer». In: Nature. Juli 2017; 547(7662): S. 222–226.
Scudellari, M.: «How iPS cells changed the world». In: Nature. Juni 2016; 534: S. 310–312.
Takahashi, K. und Yamanaka, S.: «Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Fibroblast by defined facors». In: Cell. August 2006; 126(4): S. 663–676.
Tang, L. et al.: «CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human zygotes using Cas9 protein». In: Molecular Genetics and Genomics. Juni 2017; 292(3): S. 525–533.
Valenta, R. et al.: «Vaccine development for allergen-specific immunotherapy based on recombinant allergens and synthetic allergen peptides: Lessons from the past and novel mechanisms of action for the future». In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Februar 2016; 137(2): S. 351–357.
Wherry, E. J. und Kurachi, M.: «Molecular and cellular insights into T cell exhaustion». In: Nature Reviews Immunology. August 2015; 15(8): S. 486–499.
Zhu et al.: «Investigating monogenic and complex diseases with pluripotent stem cells». In: Nature Reviews Genetics. April 2011; 12: S. 266–275.
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