Книга: Легкое чтение на английском языке. Дж. Свифт. Путешествия Гулливера / Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels
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Part 2

A Voyage to Brobdingnag

Путешествие в Бробдингнаг


Two months after my return to England (через два месяца после возвращения в Англию) I decided to go to sea again (я решил снова уйти в море). On June 20th, 1702, I set sail for Surat in the Adventure (20 июня 1702 года, я отплыл на /корабле/ «Адвенчер» в Сурат). We sailed before a fair wind (мы плыли/шли с попутным ветром; fair – красивый, прекрасный; хороший, ясный /о погоде/; попутный /о ветре/) until we reached the Cape of Good Hope (пока не достигли мыса Доброй Надежды), where we put in for fresh water (где мы зашли в порт, чтобы запастись пресной водой: «ради пресной воды»; to put in – вставлять; останавливаться /в гостинице/; /мор./ заходить в порт; вставать на рейде; fresh – свежий; пресный /о воде/).

 Two months after my return to England I decided to go to sea again. On June 20th, 1702, I set sail for Surat in the Adventure. We sailed before a fair wind until we reached the Cape of Good Hope, where we put in for fresh water.

The Captain, John Nicholas, decided (решил) that we should spend some months there (что нам необходимо провести там несколько месяцев). It was the end of March before we set sail again (был /уже/ конец марта, когда мы снова поставили паруса). Once again all went well (все опять шло хорошо) until we ran into heavy winds on April 19th (пока 19 апреля мы не попали в сильные ветра; to run – бежать; двигаться; ходить, плыть /о поездах, судах и т. п./; to run into… – налететь на /кого-либо, что-либо/; /неожиданно/ попасть в /какие-либо обстоятельства/; heavy – тяжелый; сильный, интенсивный). Violent gales began to blow as we sailed north of Madagascar (яростные/жестокие шторма начали бушевать: «дуть», когда мы проходили к северу от Мадагаскара; gale – сильный ветер; шторм; буря). They continued for twenty days (они продолжались двадцать дней), forcing us to the east (относя нас к востоку; force – сила; насилие, принуждение; to force – двигать, толкать с силой /что-либо/; теснить). We were east of the Molucca Islands (мы находились /уже/ восточнее Молуккских островов) before we ran into calmer weather on May 2nd (когда: «прежде чем» 2 мая ветер /наконец/ утих: «мы оказались в более спокойных погодных условиях»; weather – погода; 2nd = the second).

 The Captain, John Nicholas, decided that we should spend some months there. It was the end of March before we set sail again. Once again all went well until we ran into heavy winds on April 19th. Violent gales began to blow as we sailed north of Madagascar. They continued for twenty days, forcing us to the east. We were east of the Molucca Islands before we ran into calmer weather on May 2nd.

Our captain knew those seas very well (наш капитан знал эти моря очень хорошо). He told us to prepare for a storm (он приказал нам приготовиться к шторму) and right enough a wind from the south, called the southern monsoon, hit us the very next day (и действительно: «достаточно/вполне верно» уже на следующий день по нам ударил ветер с юга, называемый южным муссоном). The storm was very fierce and lasted several days (шторм был очень жестокий и продлился несколько дней). I’d say (по моему расчету: «я бы сказал»; I’d say = I would say) the wind carried us about five hundred leagues to the east (ветер отнес нас приблизительно на пятьсот лиг на восток). By the time it had dropped again (к тому времени, как он стих; to drop – капать; падать; снижаться, понижаться, уменьшаться), not even the oldest sailor on board could tell exactly (даже самый старый моряк на борту не мог точно сказать) what part of the world we were in (в какой /именно/ части света мы находимся).

 Our captain knew those seas very well. He told us to prepare for a storm and right enough a wind from the south, called the southern monsoon, hit us the very next day. The storm was very fierce and lasted several days. I’d say the wind carried us about five hundred leagues to the east. By the time it had dropped again, not even the oldest sailor on board could tell exactly what part of the world we were in.

Our ship was undamaged (корабль наш был не поврежден), the sailors were in good health (моряки совершенно здоровы; health – здоровье) and we had enough food (у нас было достаточно съестных припасов), but we had very little water (но очень мало воды). The wind was still blowing hard from the south-west (ветер с юго-запада дул по-прежнему сильно). The captain decided to continue sailing towards the east (капитан решил продолжать плыть на восток), keeping a look-out for land (наблюдая, не покажется ли где-нибудь земля: «высматривая землю»; to keep – держать, не отдавать; сохранять; продолжать делать /что-либо в течение некоторого времени/; to look out – выглядывать; высматривать; look-out – наблюдение).

 Our ship was undamaged, the sailors were in good health and we had enough food, but we had very little water. The wind was still blowing hard from the south-west. The captain decided to continue sailing towards the east, keeping a look-out for land.

It was June 16th before land was sighted (земля показалась только 16 июня; «было = наступило 16 июня, прежде чем была замечена земля») and on the following day we saw quite clearly (и на следующий день мы совершенно ясно увидели) that it covered a large area (что она простиралась на большое пространство; to cover – накрывать, покрывать; охватывать; расстилаться; распространяться; area – территория; площадь; пространство). The captain decided (решил) to anchor the Adventure (поставить «Адвенчер» на якорь) about a league from a narrow strip of land (на расстоянии примерно в лигу от узкой полосы земли) jutting out into the sea (выступающей в море). Twelve sailors were sent off in a small boat to go ashore (двенадцать матросов были посланы в небольшой лодке на берег). They were given bottles for fresh water (им дали бутыли для пресной воды), if any could be found (если они смогут ее найти: «она сможет быть найдена»; any – какой-нибудь; сколько-нибудь). I asked permission to go with them (я попросил позволения отправиться с ними). I wanted to see what I could of the country (я хотел посмотреть, насколько возможно, эту страну: «увидеть, что смогу, в этой стране») while they were searching for water (пока они будут искать воду).

 It was June 16th before land was sighted and on the following day we saw quite clearly that it covered a large area. The captain decided to anchor the Adventure about a league from a narrow strip of land jutting out into the sea. Twelve sailors were sent off in a small boat to go ashore. They were given bottles for fresh water, if any could be found. I asked permission to go with them. I wanted to see what I could of the country while they were searching for water.

We could see no river or any other source of fresh water (ни реки, ни какого-нибудь другого источника пресной воды мы не увидели). The men began to walk along the shore (матросы стали ходить вдоль берега; man – мужчина, человек; солдат, рядовой; матрос) looking for any source that was near the sea (высматривая какой-нибудь источник/родник, расположенный недалеко от моря). We saw no sign of people (мы не заметили никаких признаков населения). I went off by myself (сам я в одиночку пошел) to look around a little further inland (осмотреться немного подальше от берега; inland – внутри страны /не у моря или границы/).

 We could see no river or any other source of fresh water. The men began to walk along the shore looking for any source that was near the sea. We saw no sign of people. I went off by myself to look around a little further inland.

The country seemed to be very bare and rocky (страна, казалось, была весьма бесплодной и каменистой/скалистой; bare – голый; непокрытый; пустой; лишенный растительности). I walked for about a mile (я прошел около мили) without seeing anything of interest (не заметив ничего интересного) and so I decided to go back to the shore (и потому решил идти обратно к берегу). As soon as I turned (как только я повернулся = повернувшись), I saw that our sailors were already in the small boat (я увидел, что наши матросы были уже в лодке) and rowing as fast as they could back to the Adventure (и гребли изо всех сил: «так быстро, как /только/ могли» обратно к кораблю). I was just going to call to them (я как раз = уже собирался окликнуть их), even though they would hardly have been able to hear me (хотя они вряд ли смогли бы меня услышать), when I saw a huge creature wading into the sea (как вдруг увидел громадное существо, идущее вброд по морю). He was chasing the sailors as fast as he could (он = оно со всех ног преследовало матросов).

 The country seemed to be very bare and rocky. I walked for about a mile without seeing anything of interest and so I decided to go back to the shore. As soon as I turned, I saw that our sailors were already in the small boat and rowing as fast as they could back to the Adventure. I was just going to call to them, even though they would hardly have been able to hear me, when I saw a huge creature wading into the sea. He was chasing the sailors as fast as he could.

They were more than half way back to our ship (они /уже/ преодолели более половины пути к нашему кораблю), but this monster seemed able to move quickly on his long legs (но этот исполин очевидно мог: «казался способным» очень быстро передвигаться на своих длинных ногах; monster – чудовище; монстр; громадина; гигант). The water only came up to his knees (вода доходила ему только до колен). I didn’t wait to see any more (я не стал ждать, чем все закончится: «чтобы увидеть больше»). I turned and ran as fast as I could back (повернулся и со всех ног побежал обратно) the same way I had gone before (той же дорогой, какой шел перед этим). Then I began to climb a steep hill (потом стал взбираться на крутой холм). I was told later (позже мне рассказали) that the sea in those parts is full of sharp rocks (что море в тех местах полно острых скал) and the monster had in fact given up the chase (и чудовище на самом деле бросило погоню).

 They were more than half way back to our ship, but this monster seemed able to move quickly on his long legs. The water only came up to his knees. I didn’t wait to see any more. I turned and ran as fast as I could back the same way I had gone before. Then I began to climb a steep hill. I was told later that the sea in those parts is full of sharp rocks and the monster had in fact given up the chase.

I could see a good deal of the countryside from the top of the hill (с вершины холма я мог обозреть немалую часть местности; deal – некоторое количество, часть; countryside – сельская местность). There were a lot of fields (там было много полей) and a number of different crops (и = на которых росли несколько видов культурных растений: «/некоторое/ количество различных…»). But it was the length of the grass that surprised me most (но больше всего меня поразила высота: «длина» травы: «высота травы было то, что поразило меня больше всего»). It was more than twenty feet high (она была больше двадцати футов высотой). I began to walk along what seemed to be a main road (я вышел на большую дорогу – такой, по крайней мере, она мне показалась: «начал идти по тому, что, казалось, было главной дорогой»).

 I could see a good deal of the countryside from the top of the hill. There were a lot of fields and a number of different crops. But it was the length of the grass that surprised me most. It was more than twenty feet high. I began to walk along what seemed to be a main road.

As soon as I began walking down this road (как только я начал идти по этой дороге = ступил на эту дорогу) I could no longer see the countryside on either side of me (я уже не мог видеть окрестностей ни с одной стороны; either – любой, каждый /из двух/; тот и другой; оба). Corn grew on both sides to a height of at least forty feet (хлеба по обеим сторонам /дороги/ росли = достигали в вышину не менее сорока футов; corn – зерно; зерновые хлеба; бобовые; злаки; to grow). It took me an hour to walk past the corn (мне потребовался час, чтобы пройти через все поле; past – мимо; за пределы /чего-либо/), after which I came to a hedge (после чего я вышел к живой изгороди) and some very tall trees (с несколькими очень высоким деревьям). There was a stile in the hedge (у изгороди находились приступки; stile – ступеньки для перехода через забор или стену; перелаз; приступки /у изгороди/). The trees were so tall (деревья были такими большими) that I was quite unable to guess their height (что я совсем не мог определить их высоту; to guess – /у/гадать, догад/ыв/аться; приблизительно определять). The hedge seemed to be at least one hundred and twenty feet high (изгородь имела, по-видимому, не менее ста двадцати футов вышины).

 As soon as I began walking down this road I could no longer see the countryside on either side of me. Corn grew on both sides to a height of at least forty feet. It took me an hour to walk past the corn, after which I came to a hedge and some very tall trees. There was a stile in the hedge. The trees were so tall that I was quite unable to guess their height. The hedge seemed to be at least one hundred and twenty feet high.

The stile had four steps (лестница /через изгородь/ имела четыре ступени) and a larger stone to cross over at the top (и камень большего размера сверху, через который нужно было перешагнуть; cross – крест; to cross /over smth./ – пересекать, переходить /через что-либо/; over относится к stone). I could see (я понимал: «мог видеть/понять») that I would never be able to climb over it (что мне никогда не удастся перебраться через нее = эту лестницу). Each of the steps was taller than my own height (каждая из ступеней была выше моего роста) and the large stone on the top (а большой камень сверху) seemed to be about twenty feet high (имел, по-видимому, около двадцати футов вышины). I began to look for a gap in the hedge (я начал искать /какую-нибудь/ щель/дыру в изгороди) that I could climb through (сквозь которую я смог бы пролезть). Suddenly I saw a monster on the far side of the hedge coming towards the stile (вдруг на другой: «дальней» стороне изгороди я увидел исполина, идущего к лестнице). He was the same size as the one (он был такой же величины, как тот) I had seen in the sea chasing our boat (которого я видел в море гонящимся за лодкой). I have never in my life been so frightened (никогда в жизни я не был так напуган). I ran back and hid in the corn (я побежал назад и спрятался в хлебах; to hide). This monster was a man (чудовище это было мужчиной/человеком), as tall as a church spire (высотой с церковный шпиль).

 The stile had four steps and a larger stone to cross over at the top. I could see that I would never be able to climb over it. Each of the steps was taller than my own height and the large stone on the top seemed to be about twenty feet high. I began to look for a gap in the hedge that I could climb through. Suddenly I saw a monster on the far side of the hedge coming towards the stile. He was the same size as the one I had seen in the sea chasing our boat. I have never in my life been so frightened. I ran back and hid in the corn. This monster was a man, as tall as a church spire.

Looking out through the corn (взглянув сквозь стебли), I could see him standing on the top of the stile (я увидел его стоящим наверху лестницы). He looked back and called out something (он посмотрел назад и что-то крикнул). His voice was so loud (его голос был так громок) that at first I thought it was thunder (что сначала я подумал, что это гром = я принял его за раскаты грома). Seven monsters like himself came towards him (к нему подошли семь чудовищ, таких же как он сам) and began climbing over the stile (и стали перебираться по лестнице) into the field where I was hiding (в поле, где = в котором я прятался). They wore poorer clothes than the first man (они были одеты беднее первого: «в более бедную одежду, чем первый мужчина»; to wear – носить /одежду и т. п./; быть одетым /во что-либо/) and seemed to be farm workers (и являлись, по-видимому, батраками: «рабочими в крестьянском хозяйстве»). Each of them carried a reaping-hook (каждый из них нес = у каждого в руках был серп; to reap – жать или косить /хлеб/; hook – крюк, крючок; кривой нож; серп). The hook was about six times the length of a scythe (серп был примерно в шесть раз длиннее /нашей/ косы). As soon as I saw that the farm workers were moving towards the corn (как только я увидел = увидев, что батраки подходят к хлебам = полю) and starting to reap (и начинают жать), I began moving backwards (я начал отступать назад /вглубь поля/).

 Looking out through the corn, I could see him standing on the top of the stile. He looked back and called out something. His voice was so loud that at first I thought it was thunder. Seven monsters like himself came towards him and began climbing over the stile into the field where I was hiding. They wore poorer clothes than the first man and seemed to be farm workers. Each of them carried a reaping-hook. The hook was about six times the length of a scythe. As soon as I saw that the farm workers were moving towards the corn and starting to reap, I began moving backwards.

I moved back through the stalks of corn (я пробирался назад = в глубину поля сквозь стебли) trying all the time to get as far away from these monsters as possible (все время стараясь как можно дальше убраться от чудовищ: «так далеко от чудовищ, как /только/ возможно»). What I had thought was a main road (/то/ что я принял за большую дорогу: «что, я думал, было главной дорогой») was no more than a narrow foot-path through a field for these people (для этих людей было не более чем = всего лишь узкой тропинкой через поле). Some of the stalks were not more than a foot apart (некоторые стебли росли на расстоянии не более фута друг от друга; apart – в отдалении, в стороне; на расстоянии от других или друг от друга) and I found it very difficult to squeeze between them (и мне было очень трудно: «я находил это очень трудным» протискиваться между ними; to squeeze – сжимать; сдавливать; втискивать/ся/; протискиваться). I kept going until I could go no further (я продолжал двигаться до тех пор, пока не мог больше сделать ни шагу: «идти дальше»). I had reached a part of the field (я достиг части поля) where the wind and rain had flattened the corn to the ground (где ветер и дождь пригнули стебли к земле; flat – плоский; распростертый, лежащий плашмя; to flatten – делать плоским, ровным; повалить). I tried to creep through (я попытался проползти сквозь /них/), but it was quite impossible (но это было совершенно невозможно). I could hear the monsters cutting through the corn (я слышал, как чудовища срезают колосья) not more than a hundred yards behind me (не более = не дальше ста ярдов позади меня).

 I moved back through the stalks of corn trying all the time to get as far away from these monsters as possible. What I had thought was a main road was no more than a narrow foot-path through a field for these people. Some of the stalks were not more than a foot apart and I found it very difficult to squeeze between them. I kept going until I could go no further. I had reached a part of the field where the wind and rain had flattened the corn to the ground. I tried to creep through, but it was quite impossible. I could hear the monsters cutting through the corn not more than a hundred yards behind me.

I lay on the ground (я лег на землю), wishing that I would die (желая умереть) before they reached me (до того, как они доберутся до меня). I thought of my wife and children (я думал о жене и детях; to think – думать; вспоминать) and of all the friends and relations (о всех друзьях и родственниках) who had advised me not to go to sea again (советовавших мне не уходить опять в море). I also thought of the time I had spent in Lilliput (я также вспомнил время, когда я жил в Лилипутии; to spend – тратить, расходовать; проводить /время/). How strange it was (как странно) that I seemed to be as small a person in this land (что в этой стране я, вероятно, был таким же маленьким существом) as a person from Lilliput would be among us (каким был бы среди нас человечек из Лилипутии). Suddenly one of the workers came so close (вдруг один из работников подошел = оказался так близко) that one more step would squash me to death under his foot (что еще один шаг раздавил бы меня = при следующем его шаге я был бы раздавлен его ногой: «под его ногой»).

 I lay on the ground, wishing that I would die before they reached me. I thought of my wife and children and of all the friends and relations who had advised me not to go to sea again. I also thought of the time I had spent in Lilliput. How strange it was that I seemed to be as small a person in this land as a person from Lilliput would be among us. Suddenly one of the workers came so close that one more step would squash me to death under his foot.

I screamed as loudly as I could (я завопил так громко, как /только/ мог). He stopped (он остановился) and began looking around on the ground (и начал смотреть себе под ноги: «смотреть кругом/повсюду на земле»). Then he saw me (потом он меня заметил). I could see that he was wondering (я видел, что он раздумывает; wonder – чудо; удивление; сомнение, неуверенность; to wonder – удивляться; задавать /себе/ вопрос; размышлять, сомневаться) whether to pick me up (стоит ли меня подобрать; whether – ли /вводит придаточные предложения, выражающие сомнение, неуверенность, выбор/). Perhaps he thought (возможно, он подумал) that I was a small dangerous animal (что я /какое-нибудь/ маленькое опасное животное; danger – опасность). He reached down (он протянул руку вниз; to reach – доставать; достигать; протягивать, вытягивать /особенно руку/) and lifted me from behind (и поднял меня /ухватив/ сзади), between his thumb and finger (между большим и указательным пальцами; thumb – большой палец руки; finger – палец руки /часто исключая большой/). My sides hurt from the pressure of his fingers (мои бока болели от давления его пальцев) but I tried to keep still (но я старался оставаться неподвижным/спокойным), so as not to frighten him as he peered at me (чтобы не испугать его, когда он будет меня рассматривать). I was afraid that he might throw me to the ground (я боялся, что он может бросить меня на землю), about sixty feet below (/находящуюся/ около шестидесяти футов ниже), if he didn’t like the look of me (если ему не понравится мой вид).

 I screamed as loudly as I could. He stopped and began looking around on the ground. Then he saw me. I could see that he was wondering whether to pick me up. Perhaps he thought that I was a small dangerous animal. He reached down and lifted me from behind, between his thumb and finger. My sides hurt from the pressure of his fingers but I tried to keep still, so as not to frighten him as he peered at me. I was afraid that he might throw me to the ground, about sixty feet below, if he didn’t like the look of me.

I placed my hands together (я сложил руки вместе) and said some words in a low voice (и произнес несколько слов тихим голосом; low – низкий; тихий, негромкий). When this seemed to please him (когда /мне/ показалось, что это пришлось ему по нраву; to please – нравиться; доставлять удовольствие) I groaned a little (я слегка застонал) and moved my head towards my sides (и стал поворачивать голову к бокам), hoping to let him know (надеясь дать ему понять) how much he was hurting me (какую боль он мне причиняет: «как сильно он мне причиняет боль»). He seemed to understand (по-видимому, он понял), and put me gently into his pocket (осторожно положил меня в карман; gently – мягко, нежно; осторожно) and ran back down the field (и побежал обратно по полю).

 I placed my hands together and said some words in a low voice. When this seemed to please him I groaned a little and moved my head towards my sides, hoping to let him know how much he was hurting me. He seemed to understand, and put me gently into his pocket and ran back down the field.

The next thing I knew (не успел я опомниться: «следующее, что я осознал /было/»), I was being held in the hands of the farmer (/как/ очутился в руках у фермера: to hold – держать) that I had first seen standing on the stile (которого я вначале видел стоящим на ступенях). He blew my hair away from my face (он сдул волосы с моего лица) in order to see me more clearly (чтобы лучше: «яснее» меня рассмотреть). He poked at my clothes with a stalk of corn (потыкал мою одежду соломиной: «стеблем злака»). I think he was trying to see (я думаю, он пытался разобраться) whether my clothes were a kind of skin (не была ли моя одежда чем-то вроде кожи/шкуры; kind – сорт; разновидность, вид, род) that grew on me (покрывающей меня от природы: «которая росла на мне»). The other workers stood around (остальные работники стояли вокруг) looking at me closely (пристально глядя на меня; closely – близко; внимательно, тщательно; пристально). At last he put me down on the ground (наконец он поставил/положил меня на землю). I began to walk slowly backwards and forwards (я начал медленно прохаживаться взад и вперед) so they would know I was not going to run away (чтобы они знали, что я не собираюсь убегать; to be going to… – собираться, намереваться /что-либо сделать/).

 The next thing I knew, I was being held in the hands of the farmer that I had first seen standing on the stile. He blew my hair away from my face in order to see me more clearly. He poked at my clothes with a stalk of corn. I think he was trying to see whether my clothes were a kind of skin that grew on me. The other workers stood around looking at me closely. At last he put me down on the ground. I began to walk slowly backwards and forwards so they would know I was not going to run away.

They sat down in a circle around me (они сели в кружок вокруг меня). I pulled off my hat (я снял шляпу) and made a low bow to the farmer (и сделал глубокий поклон фермеру). I fell on my knees (стал: «упал» на колени), lifted up my hands and eyes (поднял вверх = к небу глаза и руки) and spoke several words as loudly as I could (и как можно громче произнес несколько слов). I then took a purse of gold out of my pocket (потом я вынул из кармана кошелек с золотом) and gave it to the farmer (и подал его фермеру). He examined it carefully (он тщательно его осмотрел/изучил; care – забота; внимание, осторожность; тщательность) but didn’t seem to know what it was (но, казалось, не знал, что это такое).

 They sat down in a circle around me. I pulled off my hat and made a low bow to the farmer. I fell on my knees, lifted up my hands and eyes and spoke several words as loudly as I could. I then took a purse of gold out of my pocket and gave it to the farmer. He examined it carefully but didn’t seem to know what it was.

I made a sign (я сделал знак) that he should put his hand on the ground (чтобы он положил руку на землю). I then took the purse (затем взял кошелек), opened it (открыл его) and poured all the gold pieces (и высыпал все золотые монеты; to pour – лить; сыпать) into the palm of his hand (к нему на ладонь). He lifted up some of the larger coins (он поднял вверх несколько монет покрупнее) and looked closely at them (и внимательно их рассмотрел). But it was clear (но было ясно/понятно) that he had no idea what they were (что он не имел представления, что это такое). He made a sign that I should put them back into the purse again (чтобы я положил их обратно в кошелек) and put the purse back in my pocket (а кошелек в карман). This I did (это = так я /и/ сделал), after offering them to him once more (после того, как предложил их ему еще раз).

 I made a sign that he should put his hand on the ground. I then took the purse, opened it and poured all the gold pieces into the palm of his hand. He lifted up some of the larger coins and looked closely at them. But it was clear that he had no idea what they were. He made a sign that I should put them back into the purse again and put the purse back in my pocket. This I did, after offering them to him once more.

By this time the farmer seemed to think (к этому времени фермер, казалось, пришел к выводу) that I must be some kind of human (что я, должно быть, какое-то человеческое существо), rather than a small animal (а не маленькое животное; rather – лучше, предпочтительнее; скорее, вернее). He said a number of things to me (он сказал мне несколько фраз; number – число; /некоторое/ количество; thing – вещь, предмет; нечто, что-то). The sound of his voice was so loud (звук/шум его голоса был так громок) that it hurt my ears (что стало больно ушам: «он причинял боль моим ушам»). I answered him as loudly as I could (я отвечал ему как можно громче), trying several languages (попробовав несколько языков). But neither of us could understand a word the other said (но ни один из нас не понял ни слова из того, что говорил другой).

 By this time the farmer seemed to think that I must be some kind of human, rather than a small animal. He said a number of things to me. The sound of his voice was so loud that it hurt my ears. I answered him as loudly as I could, trying several languages. But neither of us could understand a word the other said.

After some time he sent the workers back to their reaping (через некоторое время он отправил работников обратно к жатве), took a handkerchief from his pocket (вынул из кармана носовой платок) and placed it on the ground (и положил его на землю). He made a sign that I should step into it (он сделал мне знак взойти на него). I lay down on the handkerchief (я лег на платок). The farmer picked up the corners (фермер поднял углы/концы /платка/) and carried me back to his house (и понес меня к себе в дом). He then called his wife (затем = придя туда, он позвал жену) and showed me to her (и показал меня ей). She screamed (она завизжала) and jumped back (и отскочила назад), much as a woman in England might do on seeing a spider (подобно тому, как поступила бы английская женщина при виде паука). However, when she saw (однако, увидев) that I did what the farmer told me to do by making signs (что = как я выполняю /все/ то, что фермер при помощи знаков велит мне делать), she seemed to find it great fun (она, казалось, была очень довольна: «посчитала это большим/прекрасным развлечением»; to find – находить, обнаруживать; считать, признавать; fun – веселье, забава; развлечение; что-либо интересное).

 After some time he sent the workers back to their reaping, took a handkerchief from his pocket and placed it on the ground. He made a sign that I should step into it. I lay down on the handkerchief. The farmer picked up the corners and carried me back to his house. He then called his wife and showed me to her. She screamed and jumped back, much as a woman in England might do on seeing a spider. However, when she saw that I did what the farmer told me to do by making signs, she seemed to find it great fun.

It was midday (был полдень) and when a servant brought in dinner (и когда слуга/служанка принес/ла/: «внес» обед), the farmer placed me on the dining table (фермер посадил меня на обеденный стол). The farmer, his wife (фермер, его жена) three children (трое детей) and a grandmother (и бабушка) sat down to eat (сели есть). I kept a long way from the edge of the table (я держался подальше от края), since there was a drop of about thirty feet to the floor (так как до пола было около тридцати футов; drop – капля; падение; глубина падения; расстояние сверху вниз, высота). The wife cut up a bit of meat in small pieces (жена /фермера/ порезала кусочек мяса на мелкие части), crumbled some bread (покрошила немного хлеба) and put it before me (и поставила это передо мной). I bowed to her (я поклонился ей), took out my sailor’s knife and fork (вынул свой матросский нож и вилку) and began to eat (и начал есть). They seemed to find this very amusing indeed (казалось, их = хозяев это очень забавляло).

 It was midday and when a servant brought in dinner, the farmer placed me on the dining table. The farmer, his wife, three children and a grandmother sat down to eat. I kept a long way from the edge of the table, since there was a drop of about thirty feet to the floor. The wife cut up a bit of meat in small pieces, crumbled some bread and put it before me. I bowed to her, took out my sailor’s knife and fork and began to eat. They seemed to find this very amusing indeed.

The wife called out (фермерша /что-то/ крикнула) and a servant came with a small cup (пришла служанка с маленькой чашечкой) and filled it with a drink (и наполнила ее /каким-то/ напитком). Perhaps it was their smallest cup (наверное, это была их самая маленькая чашка), but it held about two gallons (однако вмещала она около двух галлонов). I had great difficulty lifting it with both hands (мне стоило большого труда поднять ее обеими руками; difficulty – трудность). I drank the health of the farmer’s wife (я выпил за здоровье фермерской жены), saying what I had to say as loudly as I could in English (как можно громче произнеся тост: «то, что имел = хотел сказать» по-английски). This made them laugh so much (это их так рассмешило: «заставило их смеяться») that I was almost deafened by the noise (что я едва не оглох от шума/грохота: «был почти оглушен шумом»; deaf – глухой, лишенный слуха). The drink, however, was pleasant (напиток, однако, был приятен /на вкус/) and tasted a little like cider (и слегка напоминал сидр: «был по вкусу немного похож на сидр»).

 The wife called out and a servant came with a small cup and filled it with a drink. Perhaps it was their smallest cup, but it held about two gallons. I had great difficulty lifting it with both hands. I drank the health of the farmer’s wife, saying what I had to say as loudly as I could in English. This made them laugh so much that I was almost deafened by the noise. The drink, however, was pleasant and tasted a little like cider.

While I was eating (когда я ел), a cat jumped onto the lap of the farmer’s wife (на колени к жене фермера вскочила кошка; lap – подол; пола; колени /верхняя часть ног у сидящего человека/). I was glad to be at the far end of the table (я был рад, что находился на другом: «дальнем» конце стола) when this happened (когда это произошло). The animal was about three times the size of an ox (животное было раза в три раза больше /нашего/ быка). I was not so lucky with the baby of the family, however (однако с младенцем хозяев: «семьи» мне повезло меньше: «я был не так удачлив»). Just as we were finishing our meal (когда мы уже заканчивали обедать; just – точно, как раз; в то самое время), a nurse came in (вошла нянька/кормилица) carrying a baby of about one year old in her arms (с годовалым ребенком на руках: «неся на руках…»). The baby saw me (младенец меня заметил) and immediately began crying to get hold of me (и тут же заревел, протягивая ко мне руки: «чтобы меня ему дали»; to get hold of… – получить, завладеть /чем-либо/).

 While I was eating, a cat jumped onto the lap of the farmer’s wife. I was glad to be at the far end of the table when this happened. The animal was about three times the size of an ox. I was not so lucky with the baby of the family, however. Just as we were finishing our meal, a nurse came in carrying a baby of about one year old in her arms. The baby saw me and immediately began crying to get hold of me.

The mother took me up (мать подняла/взяла меня) and held me towards the child (и протянула ребенку), who then took me in its hand (который взял меня в руку) and put my head in its mouth (и засунул к себе в рот мою голову). I roared so loudly (я заорал так громко) that the child became frightened (что ребенок испугался: «стал напуганным») and dropped me (и выронил меня). I would certainly have broken my neck on the floor below (я непременно сломал бы себе шею внизу на полу = об пол) if the mother had not held out her apron (если бы мать не подставила: «вытянула вперед» свой передник) to catch me as I fell (чтобы поймать меня, когда я падал = летел вниз).

 The mother took me up and held me towards the child, who then took me in its hand and put my head in its mouth. I roared so loudly that the child became frightened and dropped me. I would certainly have broken my neck on the floor below if the mother had not held out her apron to catch me as I fell.

I was put in the charge of the mother for the afternoon (после обеда я был вверен заботам матери = хозяйки; charge – заряд; загрузка; ответственность; забота, попечение; надзор). She could see that I was tired (она заметила, что я устал). She put me on her own bed (она положила меня на свою собственную постель) and placed a handkerchief over me (и укрыла носовым платком). It was bigger and more coarse than the sail of a man-of-war (он был больше и грубее паруса на военном корабле). But I slept for a few hours (тем не менее я проспал несколько часов), dreaming of my wife and children (и мне снились моя жена и дети: «видя во сне…»). This made me feel all the more lonely when I woke up (от этого я почувствовал себя еще более одиноким, когда проснулся).

 I was put in the charge of the mother for the afternoon. She could see that I was tired. She put me on her own bed and placed a handkerchief over me. It was bigger and more coarse than the sail of a man-of-war. But I slept for a few hours, dreaming of my wife and children. This made me feel all the more lonely when I woke up.

The bed was about twenty yards wide (кровать имела около двадцати ярдов в ширину) and there seemed to be about eight yards down to the floor (а до пола было, по-видимому, около восьми ярдов). I was trying to see if I could find any way of getting down to the floor (я пытался найти какой-нибудь способ спуститься на пол) when I saw two rats (как вдруг увидел двух крыс) creeping up the curtain beside the bed (взбирающихся по занавеске возле кровати). They ran sniffing to and fro on the bed (они забегали, принюхиваясь, взад и вперед по кровати). When one of them came up almost to my face (когда одна из них подобралась почти к /самому/ моему лицу), I pulled out my sword (я вытащил мою саблю) and ripped up its belly (и распорол ей брюхо). I wounded the other on its back as it ran away (другую я ранил в спину, когда она убегала). These animals were no bigger than large dogs (эти животные были не крупнее больших собак), but if I had taken off my belt before falling asleep (но если бы я снял свой пояс, прежде чем заснуть) and not had my sword at hand (и у меня не было бы под рукой сабли), they would certainly have torn me to pieces and eaten me (они непременно разорвали бы меня на части и сожрали; to tear). I could now see that the tail of the dead rat was about two yards long (теперь я мог разглядеть, что хвост мертвой крысы имел около двух ярдов в длину).

 The bed was about twenty yards wide and there seemed to be about eight yards down to the floor. I was trying to see if I could find any way of getting down to the floor when I saw two rats creeping up the curtain beside the bed. They ran sniffing to and fro on the bed. When one of them came up almost to my face, I pulled out my sword and ripped up its belly. I wounded the other on its back as it ran away. These animals were no bigger than large dogs, but if I had taken off my belt before falling asleep and not had my sword at hand, they would certainly have torn me to pieces and eaten me. I could now see that the tail of the dead rat was about two yards long.

When the farmer’s wife came back to the bedroom (когда жена фермера возвратилась в спальню) she was frightened at the sight of the blood on the bed and on my clothes (она испугалась при виде крови на постели и моей одежде). However, she seemed very pleased to find (но она, казалось, очень обрадовалась, убедившись) that I wasn’t hurt in any way (что я был ничуть: «никоим образом» не ранен; to hurt – причинить боль; повредить; ранить; травмировать). She called a servant to clear up the mess (она позвала служанку /и велела ей/ привести все в порядок: «убрать грязь»; mess – беспорядок; грязь), picked me up (подняла меня = взяла меня в руку) and took me down to the garden (и отнесла в сад; down – вниз; указывает на движение вниз или в более отдаленное или менее важное место). I made signs to her (я показал ей знаками/жестами) that I wished to be placed on the ground (что хочу быть поставленным = чтобы она меня поставила на землю). Once there, I tried to make her understand (оказавшись там = внизу, я постарался дать ей понять) that she should look the other way (что ей нужно отвернуться: «смотреть в другую сторону»). She seemed to guess what it was that I wished to do (она, казалось, догадалась/поняла, что я хотел/собирался делать). I walked away and hid between two leaves (я отошел в сторону и спрятался между двумя листками; leaves – мн. ч. от leaf), where I was able to relieve myself (где смог справить свои нужды).

 When the farmer’s wife came back to the bedroom she was frightened at the sight of the blood on the bed and on my clothes. However, she seemed very pleased to find that I wasn’t hurt in any way. She called a servant to clear up the mess, picked me up and took me down to the garden. I made signs to her that I wished to be placed on the ground. Once there, I tried to make her understand that she should look the other way. She seemed to guess what it was that I wished to do. I walked away and hid between two leaves, where I was able to relieve myself.

I hope that the reader will excuse the fact (надеюсь, читатель извинит меня за то: «извинит /то/ обстоятельство») that this account of my travels includes so many details (что рассказ о моих путешествиях заключает в себе так много подробностей; account – счет; сводка; отчет; описание, рассказ). This voyage made such an impression on me (путешествие это произвело на меня такое /глубокое/ впечатление) that in writing it down (что описывая его = составляя его описание) I have tried to present a true account of all that happened to me (я старался представить правдивый отчет обо всем, что со мной происходило).

 I hope that the reader will excuse the fact that this account of my travels includes so many details. This voyage made such an impression on me that in writing it down I have tried to present a true account of all that happened to me.

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