Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 6. Как покупают в магазинах и заказывают по телефону
Назад: Where’s your UFO section?
Дальше: I’d like to make an order, please

I’ll take these as well

«Sex Drive», Sean Anders, 2008 Adventure, Comedy, Romance, 6,7

– Um, I’ll take these as well. They’re not for me. They’re not.

I have a question

Покупательница хочет получить совет в выборе видеокассет.

«The 40 Year Old Virgin», Judd Apatow, 2005 Comedy, Romance, 6,5

– Excuse me. I have a question. What is the difference between Hi8 and Digital video tapes?

– I’m not a salesman, so, I could probably…

– Welcome to Smart Tech. How can I be of service to you?

– Well, I was just wondering what is the difference between these?

Will you take 30?

Покупка с лотков.

«The Visitor», Tom McCarthy, 2007 Drama, 7,2

– Ooh. Did you make these?

– Yes, I made these.

– Ooh. How much?

– Which one?

– Mmm… this one.

– That’s $35.

– Will you take 30?

– No. 35.

– Okay. My daughter will think this is very cool. Where are you from?

– Senegal.

– Oh, I was in Cape Town two summers ago. It is so beautiful.

– Thank you very much.

– What’s your name?

– Uh, Zainab.

– Zainab! So pretty. Thank you.

– Your change.

Как сделать заказ по телефону

l’d like to order the Erika Pekkari dust ruffles

Заказ мебели по телефону.

«Fight Club», David Fincher, 1999

Drama, 8,6

– Yes. l’d like to order the Erika Pekkari dust ruffles.

– Please hold.

– Anything clever, like a coffee table in the shape of a yin-yang, l had to have it. The Klipsk personal office unit. The Hovetrekke home exerbike. Or the Ohamshab sofa with the Strinne green stripe pattern. Even the Ryslampa wire lamps of environmentally-friendly unbleached paper. l’d flip through catalogues and wonder «„What kind of dining set defines me as a person?“» I had it all. Even the glass dishes with tiny bubblesubble [bʌbl] сущ. пузырь, пузырёк, мыльный пузырь, шарик and imperfections, proof that they were crafted by the honest, hard-working, indigenous peoples of…

– Please hold.


The information I give you – it’s private, confidential?

Заказ интимных разговоров по телефону.

«Punch-Drunk Love», Paul Thomas Anderson, 2002

Comedy, Drama, Romance, 6,8

OPERATOR GIRL: Hi, this is Janet, the operator. Who’s this?

BARRY: Hi, how’re you doing?

– Hi, is this your first time calling?

– Yes, it is.

– Can I have your credit card number followed by the expiration date?

– Sure. Aaaa… how much is this anyway?

– It’s $2.99 per minute for the first half hour and $1.99 per minute after that.

– Ok… and it’s confidential?

– What do you mean?

– The information I give you – it’s private, confidential?

– Of course, yeah. Would you like to talk to a girl? I can connect you with a beautiful girl if I can just have your credit card number followed by the expiration date.

– Sure. 5102 1717 8118 6554, expiration 05/04.

– And your billing address and the name as it appears on the card.

– 1274 Mallpark, Sherman-Aux, California, Apartment 4, 91403 zip code.

– And your name?

– Barry Egan.

– And your social security number?

– What for?

– It’s just a verification through the credit card company.

– And this is confidential?

– It’s just for us to verify your credit card information. It’s completely confidential and it appears on your credit card as D&D Mattress Man.

– Very good. 91… I’m sory. 91765—5052.

– OK! So hang on, Barry, all right?

– Thank you very much.

– We’re all set! Can I have the telephone number, area code first and then we’ll call you back?

– Could you possibly just connect me to one of the girls?

– Well, it’s a call back service so we’ll call you back.

– OK… I just was calling to speak with one of the girls, I thought that’s how it works… 818… 775… 3993.

– OK. And what kind of girl would you like to talk to?

– I don’t want anybody to know it’s me and I don’t want ’em to know my name OK?

– Nobody will know your name!

– OK, if you could tell my name is Jack.

– You want her to call you Jack?

– Sure… I just don’t want her to know it’s me.

– OK, that’s fine Jack.

– Thank you. I’m sorry.

– No problem! So we’ll call you right back, OK?

– Terriffic!

– Ok.

Twenty, right?

Покупка цветов.

««Serendipity», Peter Chelsom, 2001

Comedy, Romance, 7,7

– Twenty, right?

– Thanks.

I’ll take it

Покупка контрафактного товара с рук на улице.

«Serendipity», Peter Chelsom, 2001

Comedy, Romance, 7,7

– [Gasps] Prada! Oh, my God! Ooh! Prada! Ooh, I love this stuff.

– That’s $20.

– Twenty bucks?

– Eve, that’s a horrific knockoff. At least my fake says «Prada.» Yours says «Prado.»

– Yeah? Well, I say for a dollar, I can buy a little Magic Marker and fix that. I’ll take it. Twenty bucks?

– Right back here. Here you go.

– Two buckets of balls for the price of one at the Chelsea Piers today.

I’d like a delivery

Заказ продуктов и кровати по телефону.

«The Guitar», Amy Redford, 2008

Drama, Music, Romance, 7,0

– Hi. I’d like a delivery.

– [CLEARS THROAT] What are your specials?

– Golden Beef Happy Family? Actually, I’m vege… you know what? I’ll go for the Golden Beef Happy Family. Oh, what does that come with?

– Spare ribs? Okay.

– Hi.

– I’d like to order a bed, please.

– Mm-hmm.

– What’s the best you carry?

– Vera Wang?

– Okay, I’m gonna trust you on that. Um, what size…

– Um, I don’t know. I think… a king?

– Yeah, I’ll go for a king.

– Okay, I’m just gonna get my card.

– «Return to the womb»? I could do with that. [CHUCKLES]

– The card is 70262437.

Назад: Where’s your UFO section?
Дальше: I’d like to make an order, please