Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 8. Как пользуются транспортом
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Welcome back, Miss Jones

Прохождение пограничного контроля в аэропорту США.

«Closer», Mike Nichols, 2004

Drama, Romance, 7,3

– Welcome back, Miss Jones.

– Thank you.

More peanuts, please

Заказ арахисовых орешков в самолёте.

«Daredevil», Mark Steven Johnson, 2003

Action, Adventure, Crime, 6,1

– She’s sleeping.

– Can I get you anything before we land?

– More peanuts, please.

We will take it

Двое молодых людей пытаются взять билет из США в Германию.

«Eurotrip», Jeff Schaffer, 2004

Adventure, Comedy, 7,6

– We’re going to be couriers?

– Best way to get a cheap flight. We just have to carry their packages, then drop them off when we get there. My cousin did it going to India.

– Yeah?

– Of course, he ended up using a public restroom in New Delhi and they had to cut off his leg. You know… but he got there cheap, is what I’m saying.

– OK, I don’t have anything to Germany for a week. But I can get you both to London today for $118.

– Anything else?

– Europe is the size of the Eastwood Mall. We can walk to Berlin from there.

– Cooper, England’s an island.

– OK, swim. Whatever. We will take it.

First time to France?

Прохождение пограничного контроля во французском аэропорту.

«Kiss of the Dragon», Chris Nahon, 2001

Action, Crime, Drama, 7,6

– First time to France?

– Yes.

– Purpose of your visit? Business or pleasure?

– Pleasure.

Do we miss our flight or…

Молодожёны ловят такси и садятся на самолёт.

«Meet the Fockers», Jay Roach, 2004

Comedy, Romance, 7,1

– Oh, taxi!

– Going to the airport?

– Yeah.

– Take mine.

– Great.

– Nice guy.

– You two, you’re up.

– Oh, dear.

– What?

– Well, they overbooked coach.

– So what does that mean? Do we miss our flight or…

– Well, we are gonna have to upgrade you to first class.

– Really?

– [chuckling] Thank you.

– [grunting] Oh! Sir, why don’t you let me take that for you?

– Okay, yeah. So, uh, you wanna check it or put it on another flight ’cause that’s cool, whatever you want to do.

– I’m just gonna store it in the Captain’s closet.

– That was nice.

– Yeah.

– Champagnechampagne [ʃæm’peɪn] сущ. шампанское, шампанское вино?

– Thank you.

– Champagne, sir?

– Thank you.

– Enjoy.

– Would you like to purchase rental insurance, Mr. Focker?

– Um… No. Thanks.

– No?

– [whispering] It’s a scam. That’s how they make all their money.

– That’s true. You don’t need it. Get out of here.

Anything without alcohol

Стюардесса предлагает свою помощь.

«Liar Liar», Tom Shadyac, 1997

Comedy, Fantasy, 7,7

– Honey, can l help you?

– l’m fine.

– Are you sure?

– Jerry, l can open the bag!

– Would you like anything to drink before takeoff?

– Yes. Anything with alcoholalcohol [«ælkəhɔl] сущ. алкоголь, спиртное, please.

– Audrey.

[Stewardess] lf you’ll focus on the screen, we’ll be running a safety video.

– How about that drink?

Oh, hell, just go

Жених хочет догнать невесту, уже севшую в самолёт.

«Not Another Teen Movie», Joel Gallen, 2001 Comedy, 5,9

– Next stop, airport.

– The red zone is for the loading and unloading ofpassengers. No parking.

– Attention, please. All red Porsche 944s parked in the white zone will be towed immediately.

– Paris Air, flight 805 to art school in Paris from gate 122, is now boarding.

– Excuse me, everyone! There’s a girl boarding a plane right now to Paris, that I love. If I don’t get there in time and tell her how I feel… l may never see her again.

– Go get her, son.

– Good luck, young man.

– Go get her!

– Go for it.

– Oh, hell, just go.

I have a first class ticket

Стюардесса объясняет пассажиру, что его билет не в первый класс.

«Planes, Trains & Automobiles», John Hughes, 1987

Comedy, 7,6

– You should have discussed this with the ticket agent.

– I didn’t know he put me in coach.

– I’m sorry. First class is full.

– I have a first class ticket.

– You have a coach seat assignment.

– Hi, Larry.

– Hi, Liz. Here OK? Oh, here, there.

– Anywhere’s fine.

– Pardon me.

– You’ll get a refund on the difference.

– I want a seat in first class where I was booked over a month ago.

– I’ve had enough of you. Now take your seat.

– You’ve had enough of me? First you delay me, then you bump me. What happens next?

– Is this a coincidence or what? Have a seat.

Four tickets to Albuquerque

Глава семьи берёт четыре билета на самолёт.

«Rat Race», Jerry Zucker, 2001

Adventure, Comedy, 7,2

– Flight 115 to Albuquerque, New Mexico.

– Ok. Thank you.

– Gate 17. You better hurry.

– Four tickets to Albuquerque. Please. Near the front of the plane. Please.

– All right.

– Come on!

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