Книга: Восемь правил эффективности
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David Lyle Light Shields et al., «Leadership, Cohesion, and Team Norms Regarding Cheating and Aggression», Sociology of Sport Journal 12 (1995): 324-36.


Более подробную информацию о нормах см.: Muzafer Sherif, The Psychology of Social Norms (London: Octagon Books, 1965); Jay Jackson, «Structural Characteristics of Norms», Current Studies in Social Psychology 301 (1965): 309; P. Wesley Schultz et al., «The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms», Psychological Science 18, № 5 (2007): 429-34; Robert B. Cialdini, «Descriptive Social Norms as Underappreciated Sources of Social Control», Psychometrika 72, № 2 (2007): 263-68; Keithia L. Wilson et al., «Social Rules for Managing Attempted Interpersonal Domination in the Workplace: Influence of Status and Gender», Sex Roles 44, №№ 3–4 (2001): 129-54; Daniel C. Feldman, «The Development and Enforcement of Group Norms», Academy of Management Review 9, № 1 (1984): 47–53; Deborah J. Terry, Michael A. Hogg, Katherine M. White, «The Theory of Planned Behaviour: Self-Identity, Social Identity and Group Norms», The British Journal of Social Psychology 38 (1999): 225; Jolanda Jetten, Russell Spears, Antony S. R. Manstead, «Strength of Identification and Intergroup Differentiation: The influence of Group Norms», European Journal of Social Psychology 27, № 5 (1997): 603-9; Mark G. Ehrhart, Stefanie E. Naumann, «Organizational Citizenship Behavior In Work Groups: A Group Norms Approach», Journal of Applied Psychology 89, № 6 (2004): 960; Daniel C. Feldman, «The Development And Enforcement Of Group Norms», Academy of Management Review 9, № 1 (1984): 47–53; Jennifer A. Chatman, Francis J. Flynn, «The Influence Of Demographic Heterogeneity On The Emergence And Consequences Of Cooperative Norms In Work Teams», Academy of Management Journal 44, № 5 (2001): 956-74.
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