Книга: Восемь правил эффективности
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Sigal G. Barsade, «The Ripple Effect: Emotional Contagion And Its Influence On Group Behavior», Administrative Science Quarterly 47, № 4 (2002): 644–675; Vanessa Urch Druskat, Steven B. Wolff, «Building The Emotional Intelligence Of Groups», Harvard Business Review 79, № 3 (2001): 80–91; Vanessa Urch Druskat, Steven B. Wolff, «Group Emotional Intelligence And Its Influence On Group Effectiveness», The emotionally intelligent workplace: How to select for, measure, and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups and organizations (2001): 132-15; Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee, «The Emotional Reality Of Teams», Journal of Organizational Excellence 21, № 2 (2002): 55–65; William A. Kahn, «Psychological Conditions Of Personal Engagement And Disengagement At Work», Academy of Management Journal 33, № 4 (1990): 692–724; Tom Postmes, Russell Spears, Sezgin Cihangir, «Quality Of Decision Making And Group Norms», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 80, № 6 (2001): 918; Chris Argyris, «The Incompleteness Of Social-Psychological Theory: Examples From Small Group, Cognitive Consistency, And Attribution Research», American Psychologist 24, № 10 (1969): 893; James R. Larson, Caryn Christensen, «Groups As Problem-Solving Units: Toward A New Meaning Of Social Cognition», British Journal of Social Psychology 32, № 1 (1993): 5-30; P. Wesley Schultz et al. «The Constructive, Destructive, And Reconstructive Power Of Social Norms», Psychological Science 18, № 5 (2007): 429-34.
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