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Историей о Хопкинсе, «Pepsodent» и уходе за зубами в США я обязан Скотту Свэнку (куратору Национального музея лечения зубов имени доктора Сэмюэля Д. Харриса), Джеймсу Гатманну (DDS) и Дэвиду Чемину (редактору журнала «Journal of the History of Dentistry»). Многие сведения почерпнуты мной из следующих источников: James Twitchell, Twenty Ads That Shook the World (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2000); the Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Mu seum of Dentistry; the Journal of the History of Dentistry; Mark E. Parry, “Crest Toothpaste: The Innovation Challenge”, Social Science Research Network, 10/2008; Robert Aunger, “Tooth Brushing as Routine Behavior”, International Dental Journal 57 (2007): 364–76; Jean-Paul Claessen et al., “Designing Interventions to Improve Tooth Brushing”, International Dental Journal 58 (2008): 307–20; Peter Miskell, “Cavity Protection or Cosmetic Perfection: Innovation and Marketing of Toothpaste Brands in the United States and Western Europe, 1955–1985”, Business History Review 78 (2004): 29–60; James L. Gutmann, “The Evolution of America’s Scientific Advancements in Dentistry in the Past 150 Years”, The Journal of the American Dental Association 140 (2009): 8–15; Domenick T. Zero et al., “The Biology, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental Caries: Scientific Advances in the United States”, The Journal of the American Dental Association 140 (2009): 25–34; Alyssa Picard, Making of the American Mouth: Dentists and Public Health in the Twentieth Century (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2009); S. Fischman, “The History of Oral Hygiene Products: How Far Have We Come in 6,000 Years?” Periodontology 2000 15 (1997): 7–14; Vincent Vinikas, Soft Soap, Hard Sell: American Hygiene in the Age of Advertisement (Ames: University of Iowa Press, 1992).
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