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M. C. Becker, “Organizational Routines: A Review of the Literature”, Industrial and Corporate Change 13, № 4 (2004): 643–78.


B. Coriat & G. Dosi, “Learning How to Govern and Learning How to Solve Problems: On the Co-evolution of Competences, Conflicts, and Organisational Routines”, The Role of Technology, Strategy, Organisation, and Regions, ed. A. D. J. Chandler, P. Hadstroem, & O. Soelvell (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998); C. I. Barnard, The Functions of the Executive (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938); P. A. Mangolte, “La dynamique des connaissances tacites et articulées: une approche socio-cognitive”, Economie Appliquée 50, № 2 (1997): 105–34; P. A. Mangolte, “Le concept de ‘routine organisationelle’ entre cognition et institution”, Université Paris-Nord, U.F.R. de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Centre de Recherche en Economie Industrielle, 1997; P. A. Mangolte, “Organisational Learning and the Organisational Link: The Problem ofConflict, Political Equilibrium and Truce”, European Journal of Economic and Social Systems 14 (2000): 173–90; N. Lazaric & P. A. Mangolte, “Routines et mémoire organisationelle: un questionnement critique de la perspective cognitiviste”, Revue Internationale de Systémique 12 (1998): 27–49; N. Lazaric & B. Denis, “How and Why Routines Change: Some Lessons from the Articulation of Knowledge with ISO 9002 Implementation in the Food Industry”, Economies et Sociétés 6 (2001): 585–612; N. Lazaric, P. A. Mangolte, & M. L. Massué, “Articulation and Codification of Know-How in the Steel Industry: Some Evidence from Blast Furnace Control in France”, Research Policy 32 (2003): 1829–47; J. Burns, “The Dynamics of Accounting Change: Interplay Between New Practices, Routines, Institutions, Power and Politics”, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 13 (2000): 566–86.
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