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Более подробную информацию о том, как появляются и работают организационные рутины, см.: Paul S. Adler, Barbara Goldoftas, & David I. Levine, “Flexibility Versus Efficiency? A Case Study of Model Changeovers in the Toyota Production System”, Organization Science 10 (1999): 43–67; B. E. Ashforth & Y. Fried, “The Mindlessness of Organisational Behaviors”, Human Relations 41 (1988): 305–29; Donde P. Ashmos, Dennis Duchon, & Reuben R. McDaniel, “Participation in Strategic Decision Making: The Role of Organisational Predisposition and Issue Interpretation”, Decision Sciences 29 (1998): 25–51; M. C. Becker, “The Influence of Positive and Negative Normative Feedback on the Development and Persistence of Group Routines”, Purdue University, 2001; M. C. Becker & N. Lazaric, “The Role of Routines in Organizations: An Empirical and Taxonomic Investigation”, Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge, 2004; Bessant, Caffyn, & Gallagher, “The Influence of Knowledge in the Replication of Routines”, Economie Appliquée LVI, 65–94; “An Evolutionary Model of Continuous Improvement Behaviour”, Technovation 21 (2001): 67–77; Tilmann Betsch, Klaus Fiedler, & Julia Brinkmann, “Behavioral Routines in Decision Making: The Effects of Novelty in Task Presentation and Time Pressure on Routine Maintenance and Deviation”, European Journal of Psychology 28 (1998): 861–78; Tilmann Betsch et al., “When Prior Knowledge Overrules New Evidence: Adaptive Use of Decision Strategies and Role Behavioral Routines”, Swiss Journal of Psychology 58 (1999): 151–60; Tilmann Betsch et al., “The Effects of Routine Strength on Adaptation and Information Search in Recurrent Decision Making”, Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes 84 (2001): 23–53; J. Burns, “The Dynamics of Accounting Change: Interplay Between New Practices, Routines, Institutions, Power, and Politics”, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 13 (2000): 566–86; M. D. Cohen, “Individual Learning and Organisational Routine: Emerging Connections”, Organisation Science 2 (1991): 135–39; M. Cohen & P. Bacdayan, “Organisational Routines Are Stored as Procedural Memory: Evidence from a Laboratory Study”, Organisation Science 5 (1994): 554–68; M. D. Cohen et al., “Routines and Other Recurring Action Patterns of Organisations: Contemporary Research Issues”, Industrial and Corporate Change 5 (1996): 653–98; B. Coriat, “Variety, Routines, and Networks: The Metamorphosis of Fordist Firms”, Industrial and Corporate Change 4 (1995): 205–27; B. Coriat & G. Dosi, “Learning How to Govern and Learning How to Solve Problems: On the Co-evolution of Competences, Conflicts, and Organisational Routines”, The Role of Technology, Strategy, Organisation, and Regions, ed. A. D. J. Chandler, P. Hadstroem, & O. Soelvell (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998); L. D’Adderio, “Configuring Software, Reconfiguring Memories: The Influence of Integrated Systems on the Reproduction of Knowledge and Routines”, Industrial and Corporate Change 12 (2003): 321–50; P. A. David, Path Dependence and the Quest for Historical Economics: One More Chorus of the Ballad of QWERTY (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997); G. Delmestri, “Do All Roads Lead to Rome. or Berlin? The Evolution of Intra– and Inter-organisational Routines in the Machine-Building Industry”, Organisation Studies 19 (1998): 639–65; Giovanni Dosi, Richard R. Nelson, & Sidney Winter, “Introduction: The Nature and Dynamics of Organisational Capabilities”, The Nature and Dynamics of Organisational Capabilities, ed. G. Dosi, R. R. Nelson, & S. G. Winter (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 1–22; G. Dowell & A. Swaminathan, “Racing and Backpedalling into the Future: New Product Introduction and Organisational Mortality in the US Bicycle Industry, 1880–1918”, Organisation Studies 21 (2000): 405–31; A. C. Edmondson, R. M. Bohmer, & G. P. Pisano, “Disrupted Routines: Team Learning and New Technology Implementation in Hospitals”, Administrative Science Quarterly 46 (2001): 685–716; M. Egidi, “Routines, Hierarchies of Problems, Procedural Behaviour: Some Evidence from Experiments”, The Rational Foundations of Economic Behaviour, ed. K. Arrow et al. (London: Macmillan, 1996), 303–33; M. S. Feldman, “Organisational Routines as a Source of Continuous Change”, Organisation Science 11 (2000): 611–29; Marta S. Feldman, “A Performative Perspective on Stability and Change in Organizational Routines”, Industrial and Corporate Change 12 (2003): 727–52; Marta S. Feldman & B. T. Pentland, “Reconceptualizing Organizational Routines as a Source of Flexibility and Change”, Administrative Science Quarterly 48 (2003): 94–118; Marta S. Feldman & A. Rafaeli, “Organisational Routines as Sources of Connections and Understandings”, Journal of Management Studies 39 (2002): 309–31; A. Garapin & A. Hollard, “Routines and Incentives in Group Tasks”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 9 (1999): 465–86; C. J. Gersick & J. R. Hackman, “Habitual Routines in Task-Performing Groups”, Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes 47 (1990): 65–97; R. Grant, “Toward a Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm”, Strategic Management Journal 17(1996): 109–22; R. Heiner, “The Origin of Predictable Behaviour”, American Economic Review 73 (1983): 560–95; G. M. Hodgson, “The Ubiquity of Habits and Rules”, Cambridge Journal of Economics 21 (1997): 663–84; G. M. Hodgson, “The Mystery of the Routine: The Darwinian Destiny of An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change”, Revue Économique 54 (2003): 355–84; G. M. Hodgson & T. Knudsen, “The Firm as an Interactor: Firms as Vehicles for Habits and Routines”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 14, № 3 (2004): 281–307; A. Inam, “Institutions, Routines, and Crises: Post-earthquake Housing Recovery in Mexico City and Los Angeles”, University of Southern California, 1997; A. Inam, “Institutions, Routines, and Crises – Post-earthquake Housing Recovery in Mexico City and Los Angeles”, Cities 16 (1999): 391–407; O. Jones & M. Craven, “Beyond the Routine: Innovation Management and the Teaching Company Scheme”, Technovation 21 (2001): 267–79; M. Kilduff, “Performance and Interaction Routines in Multinational Corporations”, Journal of International Business Studies 23 (1992): 133–45; N. Lazaric, “The Role of Routines, Rules, and Habits in Collective Learning: Some Epistemological and Ontological Considerations”, European Journal of Economic and Social Systems 14 (2000): 157–71; N. Lazaric & B. Denis, “How and Why Routines Change: Some Lessons from the Articulation of Knowledge with ISO 9002 Implementation in the Food Industry”, Economies et Sociétés 6 (2001): 585–612; Levitt & J. March, “Organisational Learning”, Annual Review of Sociology 14 (1988): 319–40; P. Lillrank, “The Quality of Standard, Routine, and Nonroutine Processes”, Organization Studies 24 (2003): 215–33; S. Massini et al., “The Evolution of Organizational Routines Among Large Western and Japanese Firms”, Research Policy 31 (2002): 1333–48; T. J. McKeown, “Plans and Routines, Bureaucratic Bargaining, and the Cuban Missile Crisis”, Journal of Politics 63 (2001): 1163–90; A. P. Minkler, “The Problem with Dispersed Knowledge: Firms in Theory and Practice”, Kyklos 46 (1993): 569–87; P. Morosini, S. Shane, & H. Singh, “National Cultural Distance and Cross-Border Acquisition Performance”, Journal of International Business Studies 29 (1998): 137–58; A. Narduzzo, E. Rocco, & M. Warglien, “Talking About Routines in the Field”, The Nature and Dynamics of Organizational Capabilities, ed. G. Dosi, R. Nelson, & S. Winter (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 27–50; R. R. Nelson, “Routines”, The Elgar Companion to Institutional and Evolutionary Economics, vol. 2, ed. G. Hodgson, W. Samuels, & M. Tool (Aldershot, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 1992), 249–53; B. T. Pentland, “Conceptualizing and Measuring Variety in the Execution of Organizational Work Processes”, Management Science 49 (2003): 857–70; B. T. Pentland & H. Rueter, “Organisational Routines as Grammars of Action”, Administrative Sciences Quarterly 39 (1994): 484–510; L. Perren & P. Grant, “The Evolution of Management Accounting Routines in Small Businesses: A Social Construction Perspective”, Management Accounting Research 11 (2000): 391–411; D. J. Phillips, “A Genealogical Approach to Organizational Life Chances: The Parent– Progeny Transfer Among Silicon Valley Law Firms, 1946–1996”, Administrative Science Quarterly 47 (2002): 474–506; S. Postrel & R. Rumelt, “Incentives, Routines, and Self-Command”, Industrial and Corporate Change 1 (1992): 397–425; P. D. Sherer, N. Rogovksy, & N. Wright, “What Drives Employment Relations in Taxicab Organisations?” Organisation Science 9 (1998): 34–48; H. A. Simon, “Programs as Factors of Production”, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Winter Meeting, 1966, Industrial Relations Research Association, 1967, 178–88; L. A. Suchman, “Office Procedure as Practical Action: Models of Work and System Design”, ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems 1 (1983): 320–28; G. Szulanski, “Appropriability and the Challenge of Scope: Banc One Routinizes Replication”, Nature and Dynamics of Organisational Capabilities, ed. G. Dosi, R. R. Nelson, & S. G. Winter (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), 69–97; D. Tranfield & S. Smith, “The Strategic Regeneration of Manufacturing by Changing Routines”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management 18 (1998): 114–29; Karl E. Weick, “The Vulnerable System: An Analysis of the Tenerife Air Disaster”, Journal of Management 16 (1990): 571–93; Karl E. Weick, “The Collapse of Sensemaking in Organizations: The Mann – Gulch Disaster”, Administrative Science Quarterly 38 (1993): 628–52; H. M. Weiss & D. R. Ilgen, “Routinized Behaviour in Organisations”, Journal of Behavioral Economics 14 (1985): 57–67; S. G. Winter, “Economic ‘Natural Selection’ and the Theory of the Firm”, Yale Economic Essays 4 (1964): 225–72; S. G. Winter, “Optimization and Evolution in the Theory of the Firm”, Adaptive Economic Models, ed. R. Day & T. Groves (New York: Academic Press, 1975), 73–118; S. G. Winter & G. Szulanski, “Replication as Strategy”, Organization Science 12 (2001): 730–43; S. G. Winter & G. Szulanski, “Replication of Organisational Routines: Conceptualizing the Exploitation of Knowledge Assets”, The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organisational Knowledge: A Collection of Readings, ed. N. Bontis & C. W. Choo (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 207–21; M. Zollo, J. Reuer, & H. Singh, “Interorganizational Routines and Performance in Strategic Alliances”, Organization Science 13 (2002): 701–13.
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