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M. Muraven, M. Gagné, & H. Rosman, “Helpful Self-Control: Autonomy Support, Vitality, and Depletion”, Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology 44, № 3 (2008): 573–85. Также см.: Mark Muraven, “Practicing Self-Control Lowers the Risk of Smoking Lapse”, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 24, № 3 (2010): 446–52; Brandon J. Schmeichel & Kathleen Vohs, “Self-Affirmation and Self-Control: Affirming Core Values Counteracts Ego Depletion”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 96, № 4 (2009): 770–82; Mark Muraven, “Autonomous Self-Control Is Less Depleting”, Journal of Research in Personality 42, № 3 (2008): 763–70; Mark Muraven, Dikla Shmueli, & Edward Burkley, “Conserving Self-Control Strength”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91, № 3 (2006): 524–37; Ayelet Fishbach, “The Dynamics of Self-Regulation”, 11th Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology (New York: Psychology Press, 2001); Tyler F. Stillman et al., “Personal Philosophy and Personnel Achievement: Belief in Free Will Predicts Better Job Performance”, Social Psychological and Personality Science 1 (2010): 43–50; Mark Muraven, “Lack of Autonomy and Self-Control: Performance Contingent Rewards Lead to Greater Depletion”, Motivation and Emotion 31, № 4 (2007): 322–30.
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