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Наиболее популярный пенсионный план (накопительный пенсионный счет) в США.


J. P. Tangney, R. F. Baumeister & A. L. Boone, “High Self-Control Predicts Good Adjustment, Less Pathology, Better Grades, and Interpersonal Success”, Journal of Personality 72, № 2 (2004): 271–324; Paul Karoly, “Mechanisms of Self-Regulation: A Systems View”, Annual Review of Psychology 44 (1993): 23–52; James J. Gross, Jane L. Richards, & Oliver P. John, “Emotional Regulation in Everyday Life”, Emotion Regulation in Families: Pathways to Dysfunction and Health, ed. Douglas K. Snyder, Jeffry A. Simpson, & Jan N. Hughes (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2006); Katleen De Stobbeleir, Susan Ashford, & Dirk Buyens, “From Trait and Context to Creativity at Work: Feedback-Seeking Behavior as a Self-Regulation Strategy for Creative Performance”, Vlerick Leuven Gent Working Paper Series, 17/09/2008; Babette Raabe, Michael Frese, & Terry A. Beehr, “Action Regulation Theory and Career Self-Management”, Journal of Vocational Behavior 70 (2007): 297–311; Albert Bandura, “The Primacy of Self-Regulation in Health Promotion”, Applied Psychology 54 (2005): 245–54; Robert G. Lord et al., “Self-Regulation at Work”, Annual Review of Psychology 61 (2010): 543–68; Colette A. Frayne & Gary P. Latham, “Application of Social Learning Theory to Employee Self-Management of Attendance”, Journal of Applied Psychology 72 (1987): 387–92; Colette Frayne & J. M. Geringer, “Self-Management Training for Improving Job Performance: A Field Experiment Involving Salespeople”, Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (2000): 361–72.
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