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Подробной информацией о жизни О’Нила и деятельности «Alcoa» я обязан самому Полу О’Нилу, а также много-численным руководителям компании. Многие сведения почерпнуты мной из следующих источников: “Vision and Strategy: Paul H. O’Neill at OMB and Alcoa”, Kennedy School of Government, 1992; Peter Zimmerman, “Vision and Strategy: Paul H. O’Neill at OMB and Alcoa Sequel”, Kennedy School of Government, 1994; Kim B. Clark & Joshua Margolis, “Workplace Safety at Alcoa (A)”, Harvard Business Review, 31/10/1999; Steven J. Spear, “Workplace Safety at Alcoa (B)”, Harvard Business Review, 22/12/1999; Steven Spear, Chasing the Rabbit: How Market Leaders Outdistance the Competition and How Great Companies Can Catch Up and Win (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009); Peter Kolesar, “Vision, Values, and Milestones: Paul O’Neill Starts Total Quality at Alcoa”, California Management Review 35, № 3 (1993): 133–65; Ron Suskind, The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O’Neill (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2004); Michael Arndt, “How O’Neill Got Alcoa Shining”, BusinessWeek, 02/2001; Glenn Kessler, “O’Neill Offers Cure for Workplace Injuries”, The Washington Post, 31/03/2001; “Pittsburgh Health Initiative May Serve as US Model”, Reuters, 31/05; S. Smith, “America’s Safest Companies: Alcoa: Finding True North”, Occupational Hazards 64, № 10 (2002): 53; Thomas A. Stewart, “A New Way to Wake Up a Giant”, Fortune, 10/1990; “O’Neill’s Tenure at Alcoa Mixed”, Associated Press, 21/12/2000; Leslie Wayne, “Designee Takes a Deft Touch and a Firm Will to Treasury”, The New York Times, 16/01/2001; Terence Roth, “Alcoa Had Loss of $14.7 Million in 4th Quarter”, The Wall Street Journal, 21/01/1985; Daniel F. Cuff, “Alcoa Hedges Its Bets, Slowly”, The New York Times, 24/10/1985; “Alcoa Is Stuck as Two Unions Reject Final Bid”, The Wall Street Journal, 2/06/1986; Mark Russell, “Alcoa Strike Ends as Two Unions Agree to Cuts in Benefits and to Wage Freezes”, The Wall Street Journal, 7/07/1986; Thomas F. O’Boyle & Peter Pae, “The Long View: O’Neill Recasts Alcoa with His Eyes Fixed on the Decade Ahead”, The Wall Street Journal, 9/04/1990; Tracey E. Benson, “Paul O’Neill: True Innovation, True Values, True Leadership”, Industry Week 242, № 8 (1993): 24; Joseph Kahn, “Industrialist with a Twist”, The New York Times, 21/12/2000.
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