Книга: Власть привычки
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R. G. Nunn, K. S. Newton & P. Faucher, “2.5 Years Follow-up of Weight and Body Mass Index Values in the Weight Control for Life! Program: A Descriptive Analysis”, Addictive Behaviors 17, № 6 (1992): 579–85; D. J. Horne, A. E. White & G. A. Varigos, “A Preliminary Study of Psychological Therapy in the Management of Atopic Eczema”, British Journal of Medical Psychology 62, № 3 (1989): 241–48; T. Deckersbach et al., “Habit Reversal Versus Supportive Psychotherapy in Tourette’s Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial and Predictors of Treatment Response”, Behaviour Research and Therapy 44, № 8 (2006): 1079–90; Douglas W. Woods & Raymond G. Miltenberger, “Habit Reversal: A Review of Applications and Variations”, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 26, № 2 (1995): 123–31; D. W. Woods, C. T. Wetterneck & C. A. Flessner, “A Controlled Evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Plus Habit Reversal for Trichotillomania”, Behaviour Research and Therapy 44, № 5 (2006): 639–56.
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