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Архивные документы
VGFA – Vincent van Gogh Foundation Archives
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Bernard, Émile. Les Hommes d’Aujourd’hui // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 282–285.
Bernard, Louis Anquetin
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Bernard, Souvenirs sur Van Gogh
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Boele van Hensbroek
Boele van Hensbroek, Pieter. Uit // Verzamelde Brieven. – P. 334–335.
Bonger, Letters and Art
Bonger, Andries. Letters and Art // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 105.
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Brochure for the Asylum
Brochure for the Asylum: Maison de Santé de Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, c. 1865 // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 147–150.
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Cadorin, Paolo. Colour Fading in Van Gogh and Gauguin // A Closer Look: Technical and Art-Historical Studies on Works by Van Gogh and Gauguin / ed. by Cornelia Peres, Michael Hoyle, and Louis van Tilborgh. – Zwolle, 1991. – P. 12–19. – (Cahier Vincent 3.)
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Cochin, Henry. Boccace // Revue des Deux Mondes. – 1888. – no. 3. – P. 373–413.
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Doiteau, 1923–1924
Doiteau, Victor. La curieuse figure de Docteur Gachet // Aesculape. – 1923. – August—December. – P. 169–173, 211–216, 250–254, 278–283; 1924. – January. – P. 7–11.
Doiteau, 1957
Doiteau, Victor. Deux ‘copains’ de Van Gogh, inconnus: Les frères Gaston et René Secrétan, Vincent, tel qu’ils l’ont vu // Aesculape. – Vol. 40. – 1957. – March. – P. 38–62.
Doiteau, Leroy
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Early Biography
An Early Biography (letter from Vincent to the Reverend Thomas Slade-Jones, June 17, 1876) // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 32–41.
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Gachet, 1957
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Gauguin, Avant et après
Gauguin, Paul. Avant et après // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 123–128.
Gauguin, On Van Gogh’s Legacy
Gauguin, Paul. On Van Gogh’s Legacy // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 240.
Gauguin, Still Lifes
Gauguin, Paul. Still Lifes // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 121–122.
Gauguin, van Gogh
Gauguin, Paul, Gogh, Vincent van. On Working Together in Arles (letters from Vincent and Gauguin, October—December 1888) // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 128–130.
Gauzi, François. Lautrec et son Temps // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 71–72.
Geffroy, Gustave. Chronique: Dix tableaux de Claude Monet // La Justice. – Vol. 9. – 1888. – no. 3077. – June 17. – P. 1–2.
Görlitz, 1986
Görlitz, Paulus Coenraad. Among the People (letter from Görlitz to M. J. Brusse) // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 41–42.
Görlitz, van Eeden
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Hageman, Victor. Van Gogh in Antwerp // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 68–70.
Hirschig, Anton. Recollections of Vincent van Gogh // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 210–211.
House, John. Towards the Modern Landscape // Van Gogh and the Painters of the Petit Boulevard. – P. 159–198.
Hulsker, 1970
Hulsker, Jan. Critical Days in the Hospital in Arles // Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh. – Vol. 1. – 1970. – no. 1. – P. 20–31.
Hulsker, 1971
Hulsker, Jan. Vincent’s Stay in the Hospitals at Arles and Saint-Rémy: Unpublished Letters from the Postman Joseph Roulin and the Reverend Salles to Theo van Gogh / transl. by J. van Hattum // Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh. – Vol. 1. – 1971. – no. 2. – P. 24–44.
Hulsker, 1972
Hulsker, Jan. Van Gogh’s Threatened Life in St. Rémy and Auvers / transl. by J. van Hattum // Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh. – Vol. 2. – 1972. – no. 1. – P. 21–39.
Hulsker, 1974
Hulsker, Jan. What Theo Really Thought of Vincent / transl. by Jan van Hattum // Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh. – Vol. 3. – 1974. – no. 2. – P. 2–28.
Hulsker, 1989
Hulsker, Jan. The Elusive Van Gogh, and What His Parents Really Thought of Him // Simiolus. – Vol. 4. – 1989. – P. 243–263.
Jansen, Luijten, Fokke
Jansen Leo, Luijten Hans, Fokke Erik. The Illness of Vincent van Gogh: A Previously Unknown Diagnosis // Van Gogh Museum Journal. – 2003. – P. 113–119.
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Mendes da Costa
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On Signac’s Visit to Arles
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Pabst, van Uitert
Pabst, Fieke, Uitert, Evert van. A Literary Life, with a List of Books and Periodicals Read by Van Gogh // The Rijksmuseum: Vincent van Gogh / ed. by E. van Uitert and M. Hoyle. – Amsterdam, Meulenhoff / Landshoff, 1987. – P. 68–84.
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Petition and Investigation
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Peyron, Théophile. On His New Patient, Vincent (letter from Peyron to Theo van Gogh, May 26, 1889) // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 152–153.
Piérard, 1986
Piérard, Louis. Among the Miners of the Borinage // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 45–48.
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Register of Voluntary Commitments
Register of Voluntary Commitments // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 151–152.
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Secrétan-Rollier, 1973
Secrétan-Rollier, Pierre. Looking through Vincent’s Book of Psalms / transl. by J. van Hattum // Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh. – Vol. 2. – 1973. – no. 4. – P. 21–24.
Seurat, Georges. On Van Gogh in Paris // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 90.
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Sonn, Richard D. Marginality and Transgression: Anarchy’s Subversive Allure // Montmartre and the Making of Mass Culture / with a foreword by Karal Ann Marling. – New Brunswick (N. J.): Rutgers University Press, 2001. – P. 120–141.
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Stolwijk, 1997–1998
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Stolwijk, 1999
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Sund, 1996
Sund, Judy. Van Gogh’s «Berceuse» and the Sanctity of the Secular // Van Gogh 100. – P. 205–225.
Ten Brink et al.
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Trublot, Paul Alexis. At Midnight // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 96.
Valadon, Suzanne. Vincent van Gogh // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 87.
Van Crimpen
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Van den Eerenbeemt
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Van der Heijden
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Van Gogh, On Vincent in Paris
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Van Gogh, Aurier
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Van Gogh-Bonger, 1978
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Van Heugten, 1993
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Van Tilborgh, 1992–1993
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Van Tilborgh, Pabst
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Varieties of Aggressive Behavior
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Von Herkomer, 1882
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Wenckebach, Ludwig «Willem» Reijmert. Letters to an Artist // Van Gogh: A Retrospective. – P. 66–67.
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Wylie, 1975
Wylie, Anne Stiles. Vincent’s Childhood and Adolescence // Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh. – Vol. 4. – 1975. – no. 2. – P. 4–27.
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