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Adams, Charles. Fight, Flight, Fraud. Curacao, 1983.
Cipolla, Carlo M., ed. The Economic Decline of Empires. London, 1970.
Coffleld, James. A Popular History of Taxation. London, 1980.
Grapperhaus, Ferdinand H.H. Taxes, Liberty and Property. Amsterdam, 1989.
Montesquieu, Baron de. Spirit of Laws. 1751. Reprint. Birmingham, Ala., 1984.
Webber, Carolyn and Aaron Wildavsky. A History of Taxation and Expenditure in the Western World. New York, 1986.
The Ancient Egyptians
Aldren, Cyril. The Egyptians. London, 1961.
Aldren, Cyril. Akhenaten. London, 1968.
Baikie, J. The Amama Age, A Study in the Crises of the Ancient World. London, 1926.
Baikie, J. A History of Egypt. 2vols. London, 1929.
Breasted, James. A History of Egypt. New York, 1937.
Budge, Sir Wallace. The Rosetta Stone. London, 1928.
Bullock, Michael. Daily Life in Egypt. New York, 1964.
Erman, Adolf. Life in Ancient Egypt. New York, 1894.
Gardiner, Alan. «Ramesside Texts Relating to Taxation of Corn». The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 21 (1941): 19-73.
Grenfell, B. R Revenue Laws of Ptolemy Philadelphus. Oxford, 1896.
Maspero, G. History of Egypt. Vol. 2. London, 1903.
Packman, Zola. The Taxes in Grain in Ptolemaic Egypt. New Haven, 1958.
Rostovtzeff, M. Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World. 3 vols. Oxford, 1967. Wallace, Sherman. Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian. Princeton, 1938.
Ward, William. The Spirit of Ancient Egypt. Beirut, 1965.
Ancient Israel, Assyria, and Babylon
The Bible. Exodus 1; II Kings 17-20; II Chronicles 10, 32, 36.
Contenau, George. Everyday Life in Babylon and Assyria. London, 1954.
Baron, Solo. Ancient and Medieval Jewish History. Rutgers, 1972.
Baron, Solo. Economic History of the Jews. New York, 1969.
Flavius Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews, Books IX, X, XII; Wars of the Jews, Book IV.
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Grayson, A. Kirk. Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millenium BC. Toronto, 1991.
Graetz, Heinrich. History of the Jews. Philadelphia, 1898.
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Koestler, Arthur. The Thirteenth Tribe. New York, 1976.
Kramer, Samuel. History Begins at Sumer. New York, 1959.
Rostovzeff, M. Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World. 8 vols. Oxford, 1967.
Ancient Greece
Austin, M. M., and P. Vidal-Naquet. Economic and Social History of Ancient Greece: An Introduction. London, 1977.
Eliot, Charles, ed. «Plutarch’s Lives, Aristides.» The Harvard Classics. Vol. 12. New York, 1909.
Ehrenberg, Victor. The Greek State. New York, 1964.
Ferguson, W.S. Hellenistic Athens. London, 1911.
Finley, M.I. The Ancient Economy. Berkeley, 1978.
Glotz, Gustave. Ancient Greece at Work. New York, 1967.
Meritt, Benjamin. Documents on Athenian Tribute. Harvard, 1987.
Thomsen, Rudi. A Study of Direct Taxation in Ancient Athens. Copenhagen, 1964.
Badian, E. Publicans and Sinners. Cornell, 1972.
Browning, Robert. The Emperor Julian. London, 1975.
Brunt, P. A. Social Conflict in the Roman Republic. London, 1971.
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Cicero. «On the Good Life». On Duties II, 21:78. Ed. Michael Grant. New York, 1971.
Cipolla, Carlo M., ed. The Economic Decline of Empires. London, 1970.
Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. London, 1776.
Goffard, Walter. Caput and Colonate. Toronto, 1974.
Jones, A. H. M. The Roman Economy. Oxford, 1974.
Katz, Solomon. Decline of Rome. Cornell, 1955.
Lewis, Naphtali, and Meyer Reinhold. Life in Egypt under Roman Rule. Oxford, 1983.
Lewis, Naphtali, and Meyer Reinhold, eds. Sourcebook I: The Republic. New York, 1966.
Lewis, Naphtali, and Meyer Reinhold, eds. Sourcebook II: The Empire. New York, 1966.
Lot, Ferdinand. The End of the Ancient World. New York, 1961.
Montesquieu, Baron de. Consideration on the causes of the greatness of the Romans and their decline. Translated by David Lowenthal. New York, 1965.
Polybius. The Rise of the Roman Empire, trans. Ian Scott-Kilvert. New York, 1979.
Rostovtzeff, M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. 2 vols. Oxford, 1971.
Smith, Charles. Tiberius and the Roman Empire. Baton Rouge, 1942.
Tenney, Frank, ed. An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome. 6 vols. Paterson, N.J., 1959.
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Tranquillus, Gaius Suetonius [Suetonius]. Lives of the Caesars. Translated by J.C. Rolfe. Cambridge, 1979.
Walbank, F.W. The Awful Revolution. Toronto, 1976.
Walbank, F.W. The Decline of the Roman Empire in the West. London, 1946.
Wallace, Sherman. Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian. Princeton, N.J., 1938.
Abbas, al ‘Azzai. History of Taxation in Iraq. Baghdad, 1959.
Aghnicles, Nicolas P. Mohammedian Theories of Finance. New York, 1916.
Ashtor, Eliyahu. A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Ages. London, 1976.
Dennett, Daniel. Conversion and the Poll Tax in Early Islam. Cambridge, 1950.
Imamuddin, S. M. The Economic History of Spain Under the Umayyads: 711-1031. Dacca, 1963.
Lapidas, Ira. Muslim Cities in the Late Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1967.
Lokkegaard, Frede. Islamic Taxation in the Classical Period. Philadelphia, 1978.
Lewis, Bernard, ed. Islam from the Prophet Muhammad to the Capture of Constantinople. 2 vols. New York, 1974.
Shaban, M.A. Islamic History, A New Interpretation. Cambridge, 1971.
Shemesh, A. Ben. Taxation in Islam. 2 vols. London, 1958, 1965.
Stewart, Desmond. Early Islam. New York, 1967.
The Middle Ages
Abrahams, Israel .Jewish Life in the Middle Ages. New York, 1969.
Baron, Solo. A Social and Religious History of the Jews. 8 vols. New York, 1960.
Cave, Roy, and Herbert Coulson. A Source Book for Medieval Economic History. New York, 1965.
Harriss, G. L. King, Parliament and Public Finance in Medieval England. Oxford, 1975.
Henneman, John. Royal Taxation in Fourteenth Century France. Princeton, 1971.
Hodgett, Gerald. A Social and Economic History of Medieval Europe. London, 1972.
Marcus, Jacob. TheJew in the Medieval World. New York, 1975.
Mitchell, Sydney. Taxation in Medieval England. Yale, 1951.
Morgan, Shepard. History of Parliamentary Taxation in England. New York, 1911.
Post, Gaines. Studies in Medieval Legal Thought. Princeton, 1964.
Prasad, Kunwar Deo. Taxation in Ancient India. Delhi, 1987.
Strayer, Joseph. Studies in Early French Taxation. Cambridge, Mass., 1939.
Blum, J. Lord and Peasant in Russia from the 9th to the 19th Century. Princeton, N.J., 1961.
Dmytryshyn, B., ed. Medieval Russia: A Source Book 900-1700. New York, 1967.
Fennell, John. The Emergence of Moscow 1304-1359. London, 1968.
Grey, Ian. The Horizon History of Russia. New York, 1970.
Klyuchevsky, Vasili. Peter the Great. New York, 1958.
Mavor, James. An Economic History of Russia. 2 vols. New York, 1965.
Oliva, L. Jay, ed. Catherine the Great. Englewood Cliffs, N J., 1971.
Pares, Bernard. A History of Russia. New York, 1964.
Prawdin, M. The Mongol Empire, Its Rise and Legacy. London, 1967.
Riasanovsky, Nicholas. A History of Russia. Oxford, 1969.
Vernadsky, George. The Mongols in Russia. Boston, 1980.
Vernadsky, George. A History of Russia. New Haven, 1966.
Marchi, Otto. Schweitzes Geschichte. Zurich, 1971.
Ikle, Max. Switzerland: An International Banking and Financial Center. Stroudsburg, Pa., 1972.
Vetter, Alfred, ed. Switzerland, Image of a People. Berne, 1971.
Vickers, Roy. Those Swiss Money Men. New York, 1973.
Benecke, G. Society and Politics in Germany: 1500-1750. London, 1974.
Dawson, William Harbrett. The Evolution of Modem Germany. New York, 1908.
Ergang, Robert. The Potsdam Fuhrer. New York, 1941.
Grunberger, Richard. A Social History of the Third Reich. Middlesex, England, 1971.
Holbom, Hajo. A Modem History of Germany, 1648-1840. New Haven, 1964.
Johnson, Hubert. Frederick the Great and His Officials. New Haven, 1975.
Palmer, Alan. Frederick the Great. London, 1974.
Seligman, Edwin R. The Income Tax. New York, 1914.
Stolpher, Gustav. German Economy 1870-1940. New York, 1940.
Spain and Mexico
Coe, Michael. Mexico. New York, 1962.
Davies, Nigel. The Aztecs. London, 1973.
Davies, R. Trevor. The Golden Century of Spain. London, 1937.
Davies, R. Trevor. Spain in Decline. London, 1957.
Davies, R. Trevor. The Decline of Spain, 1598-1640. Cambridge, 1963.
Elliott, J. H. «The Decline of Spain». Past and Present No. 20, 1961: 169-95. Also found in The Economic Decline of Empires, edited by Carlo Cipolla. London, 1970.
Grice-Hutchinson, Marjorie. Early Economic Thought in Spain. London, 1978.
Hamilton, Earl J. American Treasures and the Price Revolution in Spain, 1501-1650. Cambridge, 1965.
Davies, R. Trevor. «The Decline of Spain». Economic History Review 8 (1938): 168-79.
Highfield, Roger, ed. Spain in the 15th Century. London, 1972.
Hippolyte Mariegal,Jean. The Spain of Ferdinand and Isabella. New Brunswick, N.J., 1961.
Hume, Martin A.S. Spain its Greatness and Decay. Cambridge, 1898.
Imamuddin, S.M. The Economic History of Spain Under the Umayyads: 711-1031. Dacca, 1963.
Kamen, Harry. Spain 1469-1714, A Society of Conflict. London, 1983.
Kennedy, Paul. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. New York, 1987.
Klein, Julius. The Mesta, A Study in Spanish Economic History. Cambridge, 1920.
Ortez, Antonio. The Golden Age of Spain. London, 1971.
Ross, Kurt, ed. Codex Mendoza. Fribourg, Switz., 1978.
Vicens, Jaime. An Economic History of Spain. Princeton, N.J., 1969.
Wolf, Eric. Sons of the Shaking Earth. Chicago, 1962.
The Netherlands
Boxer, C. R. The Dutch Seaborne Empire, 1600-1800. London, 1965.
Geyl, Pieter. The Netherlands in the 17th Century. London, 1961.
Geyl, Pieter. Revolt in the Netherlands. London, 1966.
Grapperhaus, Ferdinand. Alva en de Tiende Penning. Deventer, 1982.
Grapperhaus, Ferdinand. Taxes, Liberty and Property. Amsterdam, 1989.
Haley, K. H. D. The Dutch in the Seventeenth Century. London, 1968.
Motley, John. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. New York, 1901.
Parker, Geoffrey. The Dutch Revolt. London, 1977.
Schama, Simon. Embarrassment of Riches. London, 1977.
Schiller, Johann. The History of the Revolt in the Netherlands, 1788. Translated by E.B. Eastwick. New York, 1847.
Schoffer, Ivo. A Short History of the Netherlands. Amsterdam, 1973.
Wilson, Charles. The Dutch Republic and the Civilization of the Seventeenth Century. London, 1968.
Bercé, Yves-Marie. History of Peasant Revolts. Ithaca, N.Y., 1990.
Bosher,J. F. French Finances, 1720-1795. Cambridge, 1970.
Brinton, Crane. A Decade of Revolution, 1789-1799. New York, 1934.
Brunn, Geoffrey. Europe and the French Imperium: 1799-1813. New York, 1938.
Cars well, John. The South Sea Bubble. London, 1961.
Church, William. Richelieu and Reason of State. Princeton, N.J., 1972.
Cole, Arthur. The Great Mirror of Folly. Cambridge, 1949.
Collins, James B. The Fiscal Limits of Absolutism. Berkeley, 1988.
Dakin, Douglas. Turgot and the Ancien Regime in France. London, 1939.
Dent, Julian. Crises in France, Crown Finances and Society in 17th Century France. New York, 1973.
Ebeling, Richard M. «Inflation and Controls in Revolutionary France: The Political Economy of the French Revolution». In Reflections on the French Revolution, A Hillsdale College Symposium, ed. Stephen Tonsor. Washington, D.C., 1990.
Funck-Brentano, Frantz. The Old Regime in France. New York, 1920.
Goubert, Pierre. The Ancien Regime. New York, 1974.
Hampson, N. The French Revolution. London, 1969.
Higgins, Earl Leroy. The French Revolution as Told by Contemporaries. New York, 1975.
Lewis, W. H. The Splendid Century. London, 1962.
Lodge, Eleanor C. Sully, Colbert, and Turgot: A Chapter in French Economic History. London, 1931.
Lough, John. An Introduction of Eighteenth Century France. London, 1960.
Matthews, George. Royal Farms in 18th Century France. New York, 1958.
Moote, Lloyd. The Revolt of the fudges. Princeton, 1971.
Mousnier, Roland. Peasant Uprisings. London, 1971.
Padover, Saul. The Life and Death of Louis XVI. New York, 1963.
Seligman, Edwin R. The Income Tax. New York, 1914.
Seward, Desmond. The Prince of the Renaissance. London, 1974.
Tocqueville, Alexis de. The Ancient Regime and the French Revolution. Translated by M. W. Patterson. Oxford, 1962.
Wheeler, Harold. The French Revolution. London, 1913.
Wolfe, Martin. The Fiscal System of Renaissance France. New Haven, 1972.
Beresford, Maurice. The Poll Taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381. Canterbury, 1963.
Brewer, John. «The English State and Fiscal Appropriations, 1688-1789». Politics and Society 16 (1988): 335-85.
Camden, William. The History of Princess Elizabeth. 1688. Reprint, Chicago, 1920.
Caswell's Illustrated History of England. London, 1903.
Coffield, James. A Popular History of Taxation. London, 1970.
Davis, R. The Rise of the English Shipping Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. London, 1962.
Dowell, Stephen. A History of Taxation and Taxes in England. 1884. Reprint. 4 vols. New York, 1965.
Farnsworth, A. Addington, Author of the Modem Income Tax. London, 1951.
Fraser, Duncan. The Smugglers. Montrose, Scotland, 1971.
Grappenhaus, Ferdinand. Taxes, Liberty and Property. Amsterdam, 1989.
Karnes, Lord Henry. Sketches in the History of Man. Dublin, 1769.
Kennedy, William. English Taxation 1649-1799. London, 1964.
Lacey, R. Henry VIII. London, 1972.
Mathias, Peter. The Brewing Industry in England, 1700-1800. Cambridge, 1965.
McCulloch, J.R. Taxation and the Funding System. London, 1845.
McCulloch, J. R., ed. A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts on Commerce [1859]. Reprint. New York, 1966.
Mill, John Stuart. Principles of Political Economy. New York, 1961.
Morley, John. Life of Gladstone. 3 vols. London, 1903.
Plumb, J.H. Sir Robert Walpole. 2 vols. New Jersey, 1973.
Read, Conyers, «Good Queen Bess». The American Historical Review (July, 1926).
Read, Conyers, Mr. Secretary Walsinghem and the Policy of Quen Elizabeth. 3 vol. Cambridge, Mass., 1925.
Ricardo, David. The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Ed. L. Reynolds and W. Fellner. New Haven, 1963.
Sabine, В. E. J. A History of Income Tax. London, 1966.
Shore, Henry. Smuggling Days and Smuggling Ways. London, 1971.
Shoup, Carl. Ricardo on Taxation. New York, 1960.
Sinclair, John. A History of the Public Revenues of the British Empire. 1803. Reprint. 3 vols. New York, 1966.
Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations. London, 1776.
Stone, Lawrence. The Crisis of the Aristocracy 1558-1641. Oxford, 1965.
Teignmouth, Lord, et al. The Smugglers. 2 vols. London, 1923.
Ward, W. R. «The Administration of the Window and Assessed Taxes, 1696-1798».
English Historical Review 67 (October 1952): 522-42.
Wiener, Joel H. The War of the Unstamped: The Movement to Repeal the British Newspaper Tax, 1830-1836. Ithaca, N.Y, 1969.
British cases on tax avoidance
Ayrshire Pullman Services, Ltd. v. I.R.C., (1929) 14 T.C. 754, 763-64.
Howardde Waiden v. I.R.C., (1942) 25 T.C. 121, 134.
Latilla v. I.R.C., (1943) 25 T.C. 107,117.
Vestey’s Executors v. I.R.C, (1949) 31 T.C. 1, 90.
Peter Buchanan v. McVey, (1951) (1955) A.C. 516, 529.
Japan and the Tigers
Borton, Hugh. Peasant Uprisings in Japan of the Tokugawa Period. New York, 1968.
Duus, Peter. Feudalism in Japan. New York, 1976.
Glassman, Lindsey, Lifau, Mallaby and Miltzer. «Is the Asian Flu Fatal». Reason (Los Angeles, May 1998).
Gee, Marcus. «The Real End of Japan, Inc.» Globe and Mail (Toronto, April 18, 1998).
Hall, John, and Marius Jansen, eds. Studies in the Institutional History of Early Modem Japan. Princeton, N.J., 1968.
Ishi, Hiromitsu. The Japanese Tax System. Oxford, 1989.
Noguchi, Yukio. «Tax Reform Debates in Japan». In World Tax Reform, ed. Michael Boskin and Charles McLure, Jr. San Francisco, 1990.
Pepper, Thomas P., Merit E. Jarow, and Jimmy Wheeler. The Competition: Dealing with Japan. New York, 1985.
Rabushka, Alvin. Hong Kong, A Study in Economic Freedom. Chicago, 1979.
Rabushka, Alvin. «Tax Policy and Economic Growth in the Four Asian Tigers». Journal of Economic Growth 3 (1988): 11.
Scheiner I., and T. Nagita, eds. Japanese Thought in the Tokugawa Period, 1600-1868. Chicago, 1978.
Schell, Jonathan. «Speak Loudly, Carry a Small Stick». Harper's (March 1989).
Tsiang, S. C. «Taiwan’s Economic Success Demystified.» Journal of Economic Growth 3 (1988): 21.
Tsunoda, R., ed. Sources of Japanese Tradition. New York, 1958.
Woronoff, Jon. Asia's MiracleEconomies. New York, 1986.
Bethell, Tom. «Is the Kibbutz Kaput?» Reason (October 1988).
Friedman, Milton. «Capitalism and the Jews». The Freeman 38 (October 1988): 385 95.
Rabushka, Alvin. Scorecard on the Israeli Economy, A Review of 1990. Jerusalem, 1991.
Rabushka, Alvin, Steve H. Hanke, and Yakir Plessner, eds. Toward Growth: A Blueprint for Economic Rebirth in Israeli (Spring 1989): 49.
Sheshinski, Eytan. «The 1988 Tax Reform in Israel». In World Tax Reform, ed.
Michael J. Boskin and Charles E. McLure, Jr. San Francisco, 1990.
United States
Adams, Charles. Those Dirty Rotten Taxes. New York, 1998.
Baldwin, Leland D. Whiskey Rebels. Pittsburgh, 1968.
Becker, Robert. Revolution, Reform, and the Politics of American Taxation, 1763-1783. Baton Rouge, La., 1980.
Bensel, Richard F. Yankee Leviathan. Cambridge, 1995.
Birnbaum, Jeffrey H. and Alan S. Murray. Showdown at Gucci Gulch. New York, 1987.
Blum, Walter, and Harry Kalvern, Jr. The Uneasy Case for Progressive Income Taxation. Chicago, 1958.
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry. Incidents of the Insurrection. 1795. Reprint. New Haven, 1972.
Brownlee, W. Ellliot. Federal Taxation in America. Cambridge, 1996.
Carson, Gerald. The Golden Egg. Boston, 1977.
Chambliss, Lauren. «The IRS, the gang that cannot shoot straight». The Financial World (March 21, 1989).
Conable, Barber B. Congress and the Income Tax. Norman, Okla., 1989.
Cooley, Thomas, M. Constitutional Limitations. 1868. Reprint. Birmingham, Ala., 1987.
Dalmetch,John. Rebellion and Reconciliation. London, 1975.
Davidson, Jim. «Punch Out the IRS». Playboy Magazine (April 1976). You might compare this with some articles written a decade earlier that created quite a strong response from the IRS. «Tyranny in the Internal Revenue Service». The Reader's Digest (August 1967). A few critics hide behind pseudonyms. See Diogenes and John Gait below.
Davis, Shelly. Unbridled Power Inside the Secret Culture of the IRS. New York, 1997.
Diogenes. The April Game. Chicago, 1973.
Eisenstein, Louis. The Ideologies of Taxation. New York, 1961. See interesting
book review by justice Douglas in NY. Herald Tribune (Sept. 24, 1961): 6 (Books).
Epstein, Daniel F. The Political Thought of the Federalist. Chicago, 1984.
Ferleger, Herbert. David Wells and the American Revenue System. Philadelphia, 1977.
Fleetwood, Blake. «The Tax Police.» Saturday Review of Literature (May 1980).
Forsythe, Dali. Taxation and Political Change in the Young Nation, 1781-1833. New York, 1977.
Gait, John. Dreams Come Due. New York, 1986.
Grapperhaus, Ferdinand. Taxes, Liberty and Property. Amsterdam, 1989.
Groves, Harold M. Tax Philosophers. Madison, Wis., 1974.
Hall, Robert, and Alvin Rabushka. «А Proposal to Simplify Our Tax System». Wall Street Journal (December 10, 1981), p. 30.
Hansen, George. To Harass Our People. Washington, D.C., 1980.
Harris, Richard. «Annals of the Law (The Fourth Amendment II)». The New Yorker (November 10, 1975).
Hayek, Friedrich. The Constitution of Liberty. Chicago, 1978.
Hellerstein, Jerome. Taxes, Loopholes and Morals. Boston, 1977.
Hess, Karl. Dear America. New York, 1975.
Hummel, Jeffrey. Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men. Chicago, 1996.
Kellems, Vivian. Toil, Taxes, and Trouble. New York, 1952.
Ketchum, Richard. Will Rogers. New York, 1973.
Kilpatrick, William. The Big Tax Lie. New York, 1986.
Kittrie, Nicholas, and Eldon D. Wedlock, Jr., eds. The Tree of Liberty, A Documentary History of Rebellion and Political Crimes in America. Baltimore, 1986.
Knight, David. The Whiskey Rebellion. New York, 1968.
Kultner, Robert. Revolt of the Haves. New York, 1980.
Larson, Martin A. Tax Revolt: The Battle for the Constitution. Greenwich, Conn., 1983.
MacPherson, Donald W. April 15th: The Most Pernicious Attack Upon English Liberty. Phoenix, 1983.
Mellon, Andrew. Taxation: The Peoples Business. New York, 1924.
Nock, Albert J. Our Enemy The State. 1935. Reprint. New York, 1989.
Paul, Randolph. Taxation in the United States. Boston, 1954.
Payne, James L. Costly Returns. San Francisco, 1993.
Payne, James L. The Culture of Spending. San Francisco, 1991.
Rabushka, Alvin. The Flat Tax. Stanford, 1985.
Rabushka, Alvin. The Tax Revolt. Stanford, 1982.
Ratner, Sidney. American Taxation. New York, 1942.
Ratner, Sidney. Taxation and Democracy in America. New York, 1967.
Reid, John Phillip. Constitutional History of the American Revolution. Vol. 2, The Authority to Tax. Madison, Wis., 1987.
Seligman, Edwin. The Income Tax. 1914. Reprint. New York, 1970.
Senholz, Hans. Taxes and Confiscation. New York, 1993.
Sfeinmo, Sueu. Taxation and Democracy. New Haven, 1993.
Smith, Page. A New Age Begins. 2 vols. New York, 1976.
Stampp, Kenneth M. The Causes of the Civil War. Englewood, 1959.
Stem, Philip. The Rape of the Taxpayer. New York, 1973.
Strum, Phillip. Louis D. Brandeis: Justice for the People. Cambridge, Mass., 1984.
Surface, William. Inside Internal Revenue. New York, 1967.
Tait, Alan. The Personal Wealth Tax. Urbana, 111., 1967.
Taylor, John. Tyranny Umasked. 1822. Reprint. Indianapolis, 1992.
Thomas, Peter. British Politics and the Stamp Act Crises. Oxford, 1975.
Throp, Willard, et al., eds. American Issues. Vol. 1: The Social Record. Chicago, 1944.
Wanniski, Jude. The Way the World Works. New York, 1978.
Warren, Mercy Otis. History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution. 1805. Reprint. Indianapolis, 1988.
Witte, John F. The Politics and Development of the Federal Income Tax. Madison, Wis., 1985.
Leading U. S. Tax Cases
Hylton v. United States (1796) 3 Dali. 171, 1 L.ed. 556.
United States v. Singer (1872) 15 Wall. 111,21 L.ed 49.
Head Money Cases, (1884) 112 U.S. 580.
Pollock v. Farmers Loan and Trust Co. (1895) 157 U.S. 429.
Magoun v. Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, (1898) 170 U.S. 283.
Knowltonv. Moore, (1899) 178 U.S. 41.
United States v. Plasynski, (1982) 550 F. Supp. 549; reversed (1983) 462 U.S. 74, 103 S. Ct. 2239.
California Bankers Assn. v. Shultz (1974) 94 S. Ct. 1494.
Boyd v. United States (1885), 116 U.S. 616.
Fischer v. United States, (1976) 425 U.S. 391.
Selected Materials on the Offshore World
Chappel, Robert. Secrets of Offshore Tax Havens. Orlinda, Calif., 1985.
Clarke, Thurston, and John Tigue. Dirty Money. New York, 1975.
Fay, Stephen, et al. Hoax, The Inside Story of the Howard Hughes-Clifford Irving Affair. New York, 1972.
Frantz, Douglas. Mr. Diamond. London, 1987.
Kinsman, Robert. Robert Kinsman Guide to Tax Havens. Homewood, 111., 1978.
Kinsman, Robert. Your New Swiss Bank Book. Homewood, 111., 1979.
Kwitny, Jonathan. The Fountain Pen Conspiracy. New York, 1973.
Moffit, Donald, ed., and the staff reporters of the Wall Street Journal. Swindled: Classical Business Frauds of the Seventies. Princeton, 1976.
Naylor, R.T. Hot Money. Toronto, 1987.
Thomas, S. Clark. How to Form Your Own Tax Haven Company Privately. Fort Erie, Ontario, 1981.
United States v. Carver, et al. Court of Appeals, Jamaica (Cayman Islands Appeal No. 5, 1982).
Vicker, Ray. Those Swiss Money Men. New York, 1973.
U. S. Government Studies
Gordon, Richard. Tax Havens and Their Use by American Taxpayers: An Overview.
U.S. Public Document 81-397. Washington, D.C., 1981.
Tax Havens in the Caribbean Basin. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Public Document 84-403. Washington, D.C., January 1984.
Leading U.S. Cases Involving Tax Haven Issues
U.S. v. Field, (1976) 532 F.2d 404; criticized in 17 Virginia Journal of International Law 328(1977).
U.S. v. Paynor, (1977) 434 F. Supp. 113, reversed with dissenting opinions, (1980) 100 S. Ct. 24.
U.S. v. Bank of Nava Scotia (1984) 740 F.2d 817.
U.S. v. Kilpatrick (1984) 594 F.Supp. 1328; (1987) 821 F.2d 1456,(1988) 108 S. Ct. 2369.


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