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О Ли Робинс и ее исследованиях: Lee N. Robins, «Vietnam Veterans’ Rapid Recovery from Heroin Addiction: A Fluke or Normal Expectation?», Addiction 88, no. 8 (1993), 1041–54; Lee N. Robins, John E. Helzer, and Darlene H. Davis, «Narcotic Use in Southeast Asia and Afterward», Archives of General Psychiatry 32, no. 8 (1975): 955–961; Lee N. Robins and S. Slobodyan, «Post-Vietnam Heroin Use and Injection by Returning US Veterans: Clues to Preventing Injection Today», Addiction 98, no. 8 (2003): 1053–60; Lee N. Robins, Darlene H. Davis, and Donald W. Goodwin, «Drug Use by U.S. Army Enlisted Men in Vietnam: A Follow-up on Their Return Home», American Journal of Epidemiology 99, no. 4 (май 1974): 235–49; Lee N. Robins, The Vietnam Drug User Returns, final report, Special Action Office Monograph, Series A, Number 2, май 1974, prhome.defense.gov/Portals/52/Documents/RFM/Readiness/DDRP/docs/35%20Final%20Report.%20The%20Vietnam%20drug%20user%20returns.pdf; Lee N. Robins, John E. Helzer, Michie Hesselbrock, and Eric Wish, «Vietnam Veterans Three Years after Vietnam: How Our Study Changed Our View of Heroin», American Journal on Addictions 19, 203–11 (2010); Thomas H. Maugh II, «Lee N. Robins Dies at 87; Pioneer in Field of Psychiatric Epidemiology», Los Angeles Times, 6 октября 2009, www.latimes.com/nation/la-me-lee-robins6-2009oct06-story.html.
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