Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 7.
Дальше: CHAPTER 9.


And here they shoot down a fascist plane. Mary says with delight:
- Lenin! Party! The young Communist League!
And the warrior goes from shots of a German vulture. Although it is very difficult.
Warrior frankly pretty cool and fun... Bares his teeth himself, and winks. A bitch like that could bring down Focke-wolf. And knocks itself. A very aggressive girl.
Anastasia screams and screams:
- I am a lady with a red heart! And again, shoots... And hits the Fritz.
Knocking, says:
- I am such that never to say goodbye...
And rocks, the gloomy smile of a mixture of Cobra and boa, which is like a rattlesnake.
And then another fascist, lined with bare, graceful legs girls.
The exchange of blows is concrete. But the Germans still win. They use more advanced equipment and foreign divisions. They have more infantry, including at the expense of the Arabs and European forces.
And alas, while winning, and trump is quite rubbing his hands. It seems to him that he is a true strategist. Yes have Third Reich excellent amp; d were. And there is to prioritize, the fascists could achieve a lot.
Putin is terribly nervous ... his front is pressed. The fighting showed that the German self-propelled guns "E", a very successful machine. Dense layout scheme, low silhouettes, and large angles of rational inclination along with high-speed engines create them threatening mobility.
Hitlerites break to the Caspian sea and cut off the Caucasus by land. Of course the problem of fuel escalates. Then there's supplies under the lend-lease fell to almost zero...
Putin angry. Gives the order to advance in the center. But there is a powerful defense, and the Red army bogged down in battle, breaking through the defense.
The battle showed the effectiveness of self-propelled guns series "E" that they perfectly hold the blow on the forehead, and stunning movement.
Two beautiful German blonde girls fought on E-15, just received a model of self-propelled guns. Also with the gun "Panther", but even lower silhouette than the E-10, very mobile with the engine in 550
Girls: Albina and Alvina roared to themselves and squealed:
- Super....
Gun did twenty-shots in minute, and was highly lethal. And spat at the girls, at the Soviet tanks are very active.
And barefoot legs at the same time sorted out. And beat themselves on the Soviet troops.
Albina sang, rock teeth:
- We will find rest, cosiness, very briskly Russian beat!
And girl has shown its long, and very agile language.
Alvin fired too. Hit the enemy. Broke the Soviet tank, and squeaked:
- Split all the enemies of the Third Reich!
And also showed language. What a girl! And bare toes as it moves.
Elegant and they have legs, after all. Not girls, but real terminators in bikinis. And great steel beauties. And their Breasts are very expressive and beautiful.
And slim waist and hips luxurious. And the power is very great, and aggressiveness too.
After the attack in the center was repulsed, German and foreign troops moved along the coast of the Caspian sea. They moved very confidently. And overcome one obstacle after another.
There was nothing to catch on the plain of the Caspian sea. And the Soviet troops retreated.
Trump, quite rubbing his hands, said:
- I'm a real genius!
And again gives orders-as to smear rather, the Soviet army.
By the end of August 1943, the Germans joined the Turks and began storming Baku. Putin in despair tried to attack from the North of Stalingrad. But the Nazis were ready for this. Soviet troops advanced a dozen kilometers and were stopped by a powerful defense of the enemy.
Failed to achieve anything substantial and Leningrad.
By mid-October 1843, the Nazis under the leadership of trump captured almost the entire Caucasus.
But the wells in Baku were destroyed. And while the Germans could only get oil from Iraq and Kuwait. In Saudi Arabia, wells are still being drilled. But Russia has lost a lot of resources. And first of all in the energy sector.
Trump managed to win this game. And in winter the Germans moved through Africa. Seeking to take control of the resources of the black continent. The British and Americans could not contain them.
Trump said with a satisfied look:
- Africa, first of all!
And continued grabs. Soviet Union some delay by the spring of 1944 launched the is-2 and T-34-85. In addition, there were LA-7 and YAK-3. But the Germans already had in the summer in a series of ME-262 and HE-162 jet machines available in Russia in speed and weaponry. Trump clearly dominated the battlefield. It is so simple and it can not be overcome.
Putin tried to do something. In winter, the Soviet troops attacked a couple of times, but the Germans were always ready and repelled strikes with heavy losses for the red army.
In addition, the Soviet command had acted somewhat hesitantly hoping for new weapons, and saving power.
In the summer the Germans advanced in the direction of Saratov, and bypassed Stalingrad.
Soviet troops tried to stop the Krauts. But trump threw a lot of Africans and Indians, the numerical superiority was on his side. At the same time fascists came and in Central Asia. Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan were captured. Here they also used in the promotion of Arabs and Indians. Lots of foreigners, lots of cannon fodder. And obviously the lack of resistance of Asians.
At the end of August Kuibyshev fell ... and the fighting unfolded for Uralsk. Here the Red army showed another example of heroism.
Four girls: Natasha, Zoya, Angelica and Svetlana, fought for Uralsk, even when the city was in a complete blockade and surrounded.
They shoot straight, metal bare legs grenades, and choked.
Natasha even uttered a historic phrase:
- Where Russia, Komsomolskaya Pravda do not back down!
And threw bare toes lemon, undermining a dozen Krauts.
Zoya too has given turn, threw her bare butt grenade, smashed the Nazis faces and squeaked:
- Never give up!
Angelica, too, was thrashed by the queue. Knocked out the Nazis. Then bare soles planted a bunch of grenades and roared:
- To Stalin and Communism!
Svetlana also slapped a lead stream. Drove the Nazis and provisal:
- For the Motherland, for Russia, for the Soviet Power
And too the whole bunch of grenades will throw feet ... Yes with such little girls it is so simple to fascists, even under control of trump Russia not to win. But it's still very hard.


The war continued the Germans under the command of the American President, advanced and won. The coming autumn did not disturb them yet.
In addition to Russian girls, fought and German Hellcats.
Here, for example Gerda, Charlotte, Christina, Magda sat on the latest E-50. The machine is already a real tank, with a rotating tower. But the height is only two meters. The frontal armor is 250 millimeters, and the side armor is 170 millimeters at an angle. Even the is-2 to the Board does not break.
And the gun... In 105-mm 100 AL, and twelve rounds per minute. Any Soviet car with five kilometers punch! So the Soviet tankers are very bad.
The Germans are advancing on Moscow, and visited the Russian capital from the South and North.
Warriors shoot himself and, laughing, talking.
Here Gerda fired and muttered:
- Still, Hitler steeper than Stalin!
Charlotte also fired with the joystick, pressing her bare toes, and agreed:
- Much cooler!
Christina also fired on Soviet machinery and screamed:
We're tougher!
Girls deafeningly burst out laughing and have shown languages!
Gerda again shot and was blown off by a shell tower Soviet tank. She bared her teeth in an unkind smile. Although I would've kept and very the beautiful, the blonde. Very elegant and her bare feet. From such a girl men go crazy. And they can't take their eyes off.
Charlotte also banged on the Russian tank, and hit him and muttered:
- Famous for the power of metal in centuries! Let the conscience rule, not fear!
Warrior a redhead and very even the beautiful. And her legs are so bare, and so chiseled. Just lovely, look at them and unable to break away.
Christina also sent a shell. With his killer marksmanship. Struck the Soviet car through and tweeted:
- A barefoot dream! Beauty makes a man a slave!
And again, Belle picked up and bared his teeth. And they have it as if pearls.
Golden-haired Magda also fired. Hit a Russian car. Tore off her tower, and then the beauty chirped with a grin of precious teeth:
- I am the power of all generations!
And again pick up and wink at the enemy. Here is this girl-charisma generations.
The four moves the e-50 tank, and punches opponents. Throws them in different directions. And it shows fantastic killing power.
Here is a girl-terminator. In them simply wild force. And colossal sexuality.
Gerda, once again shot, rammed the Soviet car with a lethal shell and sang:
That's power! How my mother gave birth to me!
After what I would've kept took and burst out laughing...
Charlotte also took lupanul at the enemy. Took the metal burned. And the shells of Soviet machines detonated. Here girls beat to themselves, do not give mercy.
The redhead took it and sang:
GOP, GOP, GOP... We're storming the Perekop!
And again the girl took it and winked And grinned.
Bare toes pressed the joystick and Christina. Hit the Soviet car and sang:
- Glory to the Third Reich-death to enemies!
And winked at your opponent in the eye.
She hit Magda with a well-aimed shot. And also used her chiseled, bare feet. Isn't that a girl? It's just a raging, very hot flame. And great beauty. And her hair is like gold leaf!
So that girls of higher class and already Moscow surround.
Tula fell. It was destroyed by powerful "Stormtroopers" with bombs. And other monsters. Gradually, the defense of Moscow succumbed, and by the end of November 1944, the capital of Russia was completely surrounded.
Putin in these conditions offered Trump peace on any terms. The President of the United States in Hitler's body thought...and agreed, subject to reparations, an end to the guerrilla war, and the supply of equipment for military factories and free labor. The USSR had to transfer all equipment of military plants to Germany.
So he could not take advantage of the pause while the Third Reich fought in the West to forge a weapon.
Well, Putin took and said-no! We will fight to the end... and ordered to unlock Moscow. The red army went on the offensive. But the forces were no longer the same. Especially the T-54 are still in the series no, but E-50 is already there. And jet aircraft of the Nazis in the air like animals.
The Krauts themselves do not storm Moscow. And come on Ryazan. Formed a few coppers. And they took control of the situation. Ryazan Fell. And in January, was surrounded by the city of Gorky( Nizhny Novgorod).
The Soviet units had a tough time. Hitlerites came and from the South... and by the end of March took Ulyanovsk. And the end of may fell and Bitter, and Kazan. Then the Nazis moved to the Urals. In mid-July were taken and Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk. And in early August, Moscow, dying of hunger, surrendered.
At the end of September fell and Leningrad... the Germans moved to Novosibirsk. While frosts and snowfalls did not stop their advance until spring. Came 1946... the United States a few because of the lack of slower uranium was an atomic bomb. A year later... but still created. And Japan turned to the sea. It was not easy to become the Land of the Rising Sun.
Trump decided to take under the guise of Britain. Moreover, the main forces of the USSR have already been ground and troops can be allocated. And the ingenious American President took in the winter, suddenly carried out the landing. And as times the British and not expected, that in January on similar the Nazis decide. They thought it was only possible when it got warmer.
And trump acted as a gambler. Made a bold bet and won. That's really a real leader-Superman. And in one week Britain was captured.
On the throne was put quite legitimate, but Pro-German king, and formed a government. Most of the English units and Navy recognized him. At the same time, the Germans intensified and actions of the submarine fleet.
In March 1946 operation Icarus was carried out. And captured Iceland. That need to say major achievement, so was, has become quite safe from American bombing Germany.
In April, the Germans resumed their advance in Siberia. We need to take the cities. And they went to themselves, with fights... the Red army was any more not so numerous, and firm. Many surrendered. A lot of people ran away.
There were even cases when whole regiments and divisions surrendered to the drumbeat... To fall, the Germans captured almost all the major cities of the USSR. Including Magda and Vladivostok. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was the last to fall. It was mid-September. Stalin and his staff went to the Siberian forests, and there continued to fight. Not too promising, though.
Trump gave Russia some autonomy and with a single army, police and currency, restoring the monarchy. Putting the king of Vladimir Romanov. But of course the war did not end there. The US is still strong and already has an atomic bomb. But Germany can not get!
Trump began to accumulate forces in Argentina and Brazil. At the same time the Germans in the winter of 1947 he moved to Alaska, and before that captured Greenland.
Then began to land in Canada. This is the situation.
The fighting in Alaska was fierce. But have the Nazis emerged to this time well effective tank AG-50, pyramidal and virtually invulnerable under shootings from all angles. And the US is still the outdated "Sherman" and "Pershing". And that against the series "E" do not pull, and against AG at all like wood.
Trump comes by them...
Snow in Alaska, and charming girls in the AG-50. Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda. Gun the newest high pressure in 88-millimeters-more and not need to. And shoots very accurately.
Although the trunk is relatively short, but the initial velocity of the projectile is high 1700 meters per second.
American cars from the race in eight to ten kilometers punches.
Yes, the Yankees were hit by crushing blows.
And the girls in the tank are so cute and barefoot and in bikinis. Shoot themselves and laugh.
Gerda smashed "Sherman" and squeaked:
- I was always beautiful!
Charlotte also fired, pressing her bare toes on the joystick button, and roared:
- A I warrior the most advanced direction!
And winked at her friends.
Christina also shot very accurately. Smashed an American car, and squeaked:
- I'm a girl who is capable of a little finger to bring down the quasar!
And again she fired, pressing her bare toes.
Magda also fucked, using her bare legs, so sexy and seductive.
The girls here are generally the highest flight. And beautiful and Busty. And like when with men mate. It's so beautiful.
Gerda licking her lips, and shooting, says:
But the iron Reich, we were told, don't worry!
And again as will fire! What a girl! Which nothing can stop, or persuade to turn from the chosen path.
Gerda grins and shoots again ... Shakes her bare, chiseled legs. Here is a warrior - just super and top class, from classes.
But Charlotte's firing. And knocks out Americans. Then beeps like a mouse:
- I am a girl that super and Hyper! And then as a wink, and how to move on the enemy.
Christina pressed her bare toes on the joystick, and rattled:
- I am such a beauty that they call me super...
And as accorded and will show language. And then he chirps:
- The most senior pilots in the fighting on the ground...
And here and Golden-haired Magda, as he chirps, and jump like a ball. And also banging the enemy. Sending their projectiles very accurately. And the American tank is split apart. And all done with bare toes.
Then squeaks:
- Happiness is only a respite, a bright flash in the darkness problem!
Well, warriors fight heroically on land. And here in the sky of the battle.
And then, Albin and Alvin became the most successful Luftwaffe aces. After as girls brought down each more thousands of aircraft, their awarded specifically established under such supermen degree of of the order of the: of the Knight's view of the Iron cross, with platinum oak leaves, swords and diamonds. And the girls do such aerobatics show. Their cooler is simply not the case.
Albina from one turn knocks down a dozen American planes and says:
- Let there be peace in the world below us!
Alvina with one turn cut off a dozen of the steel birds and squeaked:
And forevermore domination is the best!
Albina again lupanula on American planes, and growled:
- Life Yes, we will be happy!
And bare toes on the trigger.
Alvina is also slashed, according to the Americans and squeaked:
- And will not die we are under adversity!
Pilots fighting on jets. Everybody gets crushed. But there are more serious weapon: combat of discrete. They're very powerful. And if they do, they will. The machines themselves, however, are more interested in using a battering RAM. But it does not beg their capabilities.
And on discrete rush, Gertrude, and Eva. Beautiful girls are ready to fight really hard. In their eyes sapphires and diamonds sparkle.
And, too, of course warrior in wearing bikinis and barefoot. And how sexy their bare toes are pressing the joystick buttons. And beat out Americans.
Gertrude even sang:
And dust as from carpets,
We knock it out of the clouds...
And will not stop,
And not change its feet...
Shining girls face,
And they are barefoot!
Warriors are amazing, simply amaze with the excitement and pressure. And their, in fact, floats invulnerable and invincible. Really this is the beauty of aerobatics.
Here Gertrude accelerates will diskret. And just three dozen American cars are broken in a laminar jet. Warrior shouts:
- I'm a super girl!
And shows the language... It all, of course, the beauty of active Shine.
Eva sang, also knocking down planes:
- Yes in our glory there is no obstacles! We'll beat and break everyone!
And again push bare toes of the legs on the joystick buttons. And sweeps away U.S. cars like a broom.
Yes, it is clear with these girls do not compete...
But fighting and Soviet tank crews. Natasha and Zoe sat on the ACS E-15. And that war with fascists ended, and to live on something need to. And the girls are two adorable Russian blondes in the army.
The machine is still very practical, and not removed from service. Guns and "Panther" against "Sherman" and "Pershing", is enough.
Russian girls also in bikinis and barefoot. Here clicks with bare fingers Natasha on the button of the joystick knocks "Sherman", after which fairly Peeps:
- I am the warrior over all forces!
Zoe, too, presses the button on the joystick. Defeats the enemy. Carries it to the chips and squeaks:
- I am a monster!
Then both girls laugh.
The boys are also fighting against the United States. But it is not so interesting. Although Hans Fire shows itself very cool. The boy is fighting barefoot and in shorts despite the cold weather and snow. This is Alaska and February. And a boy of fourteen, blond, almost naked, with two guns. And bare feet throwing disks, affecting Americans. This kid ... has been fighting since he was ten! A real phenomenon.
Hans threw a grenade with his bare foot and said::
- For the Fatherland, that all more beautiful!
And the terminator kid whistled out of all his nostrils. That's a boy, a real fighter.
Still a year younger than Frederick. Also in the room wearing only shorts grapple. And throws a bare foot drive, hitting the American in the throat. And after that the boy sang:
- Glory to heroes! And Prussian gods!
It is clear with these USA soldiers not to resist. And by the end of March, most of Alaska was captured. In April, the Germans and their coalition advanced to Canada. And at the same time, entered into Mexico. In may, the Nazis managed to occupy half of Canada and capture Toronto. At the same time the Nazis entered the United States.
Fighting took place in June in Philadelphia. Americans in every way tried to gather in a fist, and to reflect invasion of fascists. But the forces say, the right was very much unequal.
Trump refused to storm Philadelphia, and ordered her to just surround. And moved his troops on.
And again a beautiful girl fighting. Here is in particular a redhead Augustine and the blonde Svetlana. They are on the ACS E-25, with a high-pressure gun, more rapid-fire, and high-speed projectile, despite the short barrel. A caliber of 75 mm is sufficient.
Augustine fired, hit "Sherman" and noticed:
- We'll have lunch as always!
Svetlana pressed the joystick with her bare toes. Struck the American "Pershing", and tweeted:
- In this regard, nothing will ever stop us!
And both girls laughed. And they showed long, pink tongues.
Warriors as they should be: always ahead! They can be said at all girls-super!
Natasha and Zoe also fight. Send a shell for a shell. And amaze Americans. Here it is girls the beauty and heat them in the chest! As these girls, but not love!
Natasha presses her bare legs, fingers on the button of the joystick, and tweets:
Yes, it will be in the sky a bright star, Soviet, great country!
Zoe took a shot and sang:
- Glory to Russia, glory! Tanks are rushing forward! Division in the red shirts welcomed the Russian people!
And warrior just so cute.
Natasha presses the joystick with her bare toes again. Inciting American gun, and squeaks:
In the name of the Motherland of the Soviet Union!
Zoya makes a shot, knocks another, American car and vyakaet:
- We won't bow our heads.
However, when their self-propelled gun exploded on a large mine and stopped for repairs, Natasha noticed:
- Should we Russian girls go to the Wehrmacht?
Zoya logically have observed:
- This is our vocation to fight! So let's go and fight!
Natasha giggled and sang:
- I'm used to fighting things! Bottles of many, very many see the bottom.... In men in love, believe in love! A long time ago! A long time ago!
Zoe noticed.:
- Russian women are not bendable!
Natasha agreed with this:
- Of course! And fight desperately!
Zoya took, shot and squeaked:
- But pasaran!
Natasha confirmed:
- Enemies will not pass!
And both girls shouted in unison:
- Glory Of Great Russia!
Then continued firing. Smashed the gun ... Cut down the bunker, and broke through the wall. At all acted as if tornado. If we sweep the capital. In them such forces, and relief musculature, on envy men athletes.
Trump has led the war very confidently. Now the German troops came to new York. Started his assault... And then the newest self-propelled gun - "Sturmius" in business. And if she really swings into, you will not find anyone. There reactive mortars of a caliber of 600 mm! And destroys, as if falls vacuum bomb!
Leaves no chance of any calculations on at least some advantages.
Trump acts quite coolly and skillfully, and at the same time cynically.
Here the Germans began to storm and Washington. Gerda's tank crew is on the case.
Girls conduct yourself the fire and laugh.
Gerda pressed her bare toes on the joystick button and tweeted:
Yes, it will be a red banner over the world!
And as wink at their counterparts. Such a cool and bloody Krahl. If he presses, he won't back down.
Charlotte also fired, using her bare toes, and hissed with rage:
- I'll tear you up like a blotter!
And wink! And let the real lightning out of his eyes! What a woman. And red, and very beautiful, just does wonders.
And then there's Christina, as bare toes will press the joystick button. How to launch a deadly destruction, and squeak with aplomb:
-I'm a real terminator girl!
And her hair is Golden-red, and the girl herself is very pretty. And press it relief. And the legs are seductive and sexy, as they want to shower with kisses. That's a real terminator girl. Shoots himself at Americans and squeals.
And then there's Magda with Golden-white hair. The most beautiful of girls. She has such grace and so much sexual energy. Neither to give not to take - a wonderful beauty!
And sang even:
- I beauty Shine, and all kill!
Magda grins and winks. It the dream of every girl to become a warrior and to kill everyone.
But this foursome breaks through on the pyramidal AG-50 to the White House. He takes a couple of shots. A white flag is thrown. America seems ready to surrender.
Trump, rubbing his hands-says:
- Hurry up! How many can be their kill!
And now white flags throughout the United States. So all very menacing and zealous happened! Trump won again!


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Дальше: CHAPTER 9.