Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 1.
Дальше: CHAPTER 3


When Putin awoke, he felt an extraordinary surge of vivacity and energy. He even jumped up, and soared in air. Next to him flew a tanned young man in swimming trunks, and very relief, like cast steel muscles.
What it seemed familiar to Vladimir Vladimirovich, and he exclaimed:
Donald, you!
A very muscular blond boy exclaimed:
- And who are you wolf? What you red became!
Putin looked at his body. It's transformed. Very muscular, tiles press and muscle knots, steel veins on the hands. Well, that's like, Brusly. Skin a dark bronze from tanning, and the figure of a glass, not a drop of fat. Just like trump.
Putin exclaimed:
- Transformed!
Trump yelled:
- Looks like! How wonderful I feel!
Putin laughed, it really felt so good. Not a drop of fatigue, a clear head, a body full of vigor and strength. The truth is only one thing confuses, trump's face is just like a boy. Not a single hair, the skin smooth as if polished. And now they look like extremely muscular teenagers. Yes, probably, world Champions in fitness among juniors such.
Having jumped to the cone of the hall, trump and Putin began to fall down. Really slowly, like the gravity was lower.
Next to them appeared already iconic girl in the crown. She was hung with jewels on her naked body, and on each finger of her bare foot hung a ring with a sparkling gem.
The Queen of supercivilization cooed.:
- You see, we kept our word! You are young and full of energy again! And ten times stronger than a human Olympic champion!
Putin said with a smile:
- Good! But aren't we too young? We don't even have a mustache!
The Queen said gravely:
- Why do you need a mustache and beard? You shaved them!
Trump answered for his colleague:
- Teenagers in our world are not used to take seriously!
The Queen laughed. There were four more girls in jewelry. The great demiurge replied:
- Don't worry! I will give you a large, Jupiter-sized planet, and a trillion eternally beautiful and young, obedient subjects.
Trump growled:
- I would like power on Earth?
The Queen responded harshly:
- Well, we don't have rights, the whole planet to impose unknown someone!
Putin agreed with this:
- Calm Down Don! We already own mother will not recognize you! How can we rule the Earth-by hiring space fighters or something?
The Queen nodded her multicolored head.:
- Of course! Common sense is stronger! And now ... you're so beautiful, maybe you'll make love to me!
Trump whistled and rumbled:
- How is it right here in the air?
The Queen nodded.:
- Zero gravity! Believe me you will be pleased!
Putin said in a harsh tone:
- I was President with virtually unlimited power. But do not allow myself to have sex with other women, although he could have a harem!
The Queen giggled and muttered:
- But you want to do it. And want me, so in our world there is no men! Let's give each other pleasure, especially since I'm not beautiful?
Trump replied with admiration:
- The most dazzling woman I've ever met!
Inflated both boys started shaking from excitement. They felt an influx of homos.
The Queen pulled them to her ... Bodies entwined in wild ecstasy. And it seemed like a tornado was raging, and thousands of volcanoes were erupting. And danced the stars in the universe. Broke out of a supernova and quasars. And the vacuum began to sing and light up. And there was an unprecedented, head-blowing ecstasy. The universe swirled stronger and stronger, in a mad cascade mutual orgasms.
After finally super and beyond the perception of the tornado ended, fresh baked boys were in the dining room. It was an Arsenal of incredible space, the earth's vastly superior capabilities of technology.
Beautiful, muscular, covered only with beads on full, developed Breasts, with thin waists, luxurious hips, also covered only with a necklace. On the hands and feet of the girls bracelets, studded with precious stones, and graceful legs bare, only on the thumb ring.
Warriors always fuss. Then take off, then flutter, then turn over in the air.
Putin barely forced himself to look away from the beautiful girls, and began to consider the various types of weapons. Here hung in the air and cool fancy guns, guns, pistols, tanks, planes and more. Some items had no earthly analogues and they were filled with the whole room. There were balls with trunks, and triangles, squares, and so on.
There were tanks in the form of a violin and prickly caterpillars, and trunks in the form of a jet launcher with a hybrid of an accordion and a samovar.
Some tanks looked like on the longitudinal of the pyramid. Also were there planes quite fanciful forms. And cars of various coloring. And also a lot of things more amazing and unique.
Trump also barely looked away from the girls, of which there are thousands. And all very beautiful, muscular. Different, however, the type of tan: light bronze and dark bronze. As well as hair color, hairstyles, jewelry. But all almost naked and barefoot, with sports figures. Faces are cute, too different, but mostly European type, or Asian.
A lot of girl who are very seductive take poses and wink.
Naturally there are living men, and even so beautiful.
Trump thought, what do girls make love. Is it just with the robots. How many opportunities there are! Yes, it is a Paradise for men!
The weapon is also attracted interest. Trump was very worried about Russian weapons. All the time it seemed that America lags behind. But in practice, Russia has always been at demonstrations, it was stronger than in reality. It was remembered that for example is-2 punched on the ground "Panther" from one and a half kilometers. But in practice, given the rebound from the sloping armor of the big cat, and five hundred meters.
I wonder what kind of gun that is. All studded with buttons and levers. Apparently cool weapons.
The Queen appeared. She was very happy and cheerful, chirped:
- Well, boys! I see you in uniform!
Putin on-business asked:
- What weapons will we take with us?
Great mood with the Queen subsided and she replied:
- Unfortunately, boys, in parallel universe no weapons shifting cannot be. Such are the laws of physics!
Trump exclaimed in annoyance:
- What the hell! The job is really interesting!
Putin logically noticed:
- That's why they called us! Apparently, the place where we are sent super girls so easily bare hands will not take!
The Queen nodded.:
- That's it! If only we needed you! I already ruled my people when you were still in animal skins and running around with stone axes. And so... Alas the guys you'll have to rely on yourself and a great body! Which all healed without a trace!
Trump asked with timid hope:
- Maybe you'll let us take the team with us? The task force "Isolation" or "Predator", we very much would fit!
The Queen shook her multicolored head.:
- No! You can only move two! Alas, indeed, who stole our phallus, were almost sure of impunity.
Trump, grinning, asked:
Is he big?
The Queen grinned back.:
- Not really! Thirty centimeters in length, and the thickness of a human wrist. - Here the voice of girls, the demiurge became appealing. "But we need him, and not just us. If the phallus is not returned, then not only our civilization will not be able to multiply, but all the people, animals, and living beings in our universe will become barren. And life in the universe stop!
Putin gave a whistle and rounded mouth:
Wow! Aren't you exaggerating?
The Queen said confidently:
- No! It's serious! That's why you'll be transferred as quickly as possible and naked. Trump shivered, nasal:
- I this adventure less and less like!
The Queen replied sternly:
"And humanity will be extinct in a few centuries!"
Trump grunted angrily:
Enough for me!
Putin logically noticed:
- Moreover, may at the expense of the fate of mankind is your bluff!
Several dozen half-naked girls threw up their bare, right leg and screamed:
- No! Death threatens the entire universe!
The Queen waved her hand.:
Calm down girls! Guys understand us!
Trump chuckled, his muscles rolled like ripples in water:
- And this without anything to look the phallus in the whole universe!
The Queen replied:
- You're men, and you can feel it. Find the point where the rod of life. From time to time we will extract you from this universe for a few seconds. And when you find the phallus, hold it tight. You may have to wait until we can pick him up with you.
Putin winced:
What if he's at the other end of the universe and we're on an uninhabited planet?
The Queen smiled charmingly, and noticed:
In that universe, it takes a year, and we have only one minute. If you're not annihilated, you can live forever. You have bodies with absolute regeneration. The girl licked her scarlet lips and continued. - Everything grows and recovers. Even the brain ... although you can still be killed if the whole body is burned and there is nothing to grow. In addition, you still need power to recover. Otherwise you will decrease for a while.
Trump whistled, cheeks rounded:
- Wow! Eternal life and eternal adventures!
Putin logically noticed:
You really spend in the search for eternity....
The Queen noticed:
- But this better than painfully die from old age on the planet Earth. But what will you have then opportunities! And body you have... You are ten times stronger than the strongest man on earth, and is able to move faster than a Cheetah. And that's at absolute endurance. What you still need to!
Trump logically noticed:
- Can the skills of the special forces!
The Queen smiled:
- That's exactly what it will be! Welcome to the box!



In the air there were large similar to those that were the first astronauts helmets.
With the Queen came two muscular, fair-haired girl.
Queen-the demiurge announced:
- These are your partners. Will they pass the obstacle course.
Trump smacked his lips:
- This is with them and in the fire and in water!
Putin doubtfully noticed:
- Will that do any good?
The Queen said resolutely:
- Of course it will! All these skills you will gain a foothold. And everything will be very useful for you!
The girls replied in unison:
We're ready for that!
The Queen simply ordered:
- Proceed! Alfara with Putin, Alofaaga with trump.
Presidents and female soldiers wore helmets that glittered like gold in the sun, and the world around them changed at once, monstrous holograms moving. It's like a horror movie started.
Vladimir Putin, although he understood that it was fake: he experienced some shyness. He knew that overcoming the obstacle course is typical for arbitrary training, more or less serious army.
Alvara whispered:
Don't be shy, partner! It's just the magic of electronics.
"What makes you think I'm a fool! - Vladimir Putin was brave, but his teeth clanked treacherously, and the bottom of his stomach blew an icy chill.
Very the beautiful, and muscular, cast girl shook a strong neck, and decisively answered:
- This is a special radiation, it inspires us fear! We seem to have scored that are not green beginners and seasoned warriors! Partner gently stroked, freshly baked the young man's chest. Eyes burned.
Putin responded enthusiastically, trying to give his voice maximum confidence.
- I didn't fight personally even one day, but trained all life!
. At first, they were given only a small solid laser dagger, which emerged from a transparent bubble, out of all the weapons.
He is a humble subject of war, even looked not particularly serious. Was really easy and could be slightly extended. The first opponent, resembled a prickly snail, with the beak sticking out from a shell. The original path, went on slippery in some places rotating surface. Therefore Vladimir, having deviated from attack of the enemy, nearly fell. The boy-President burned sticky mucus. His friend hit arthropod, cut in two, fell apart.
- Work with the dagger! - Shouted Alfara. - They're not as scary as they seem.
I noticed that! - Said Vladimir. - Although something strange, be going on with the body. Bud nerve endings froze!
The warrior stamped her heel on the ringing surface and barked.:
- You will see the Bay! That's the whole "defrost"!
Virtual monsters, some human-like, others with many tentacles attacked them. This time, Vladimir was alert. The counter-blow shook the nearest opponent. The next person he laid down was a hermaphrodite man. Such a freak and in at all not pity. But the likeness of a squid with a sword nearly took his head to the President. Cut off a strand of fiery red hair.
After he caught the sword, the body began to ache and hurt.
- That's disgusting he touched me! Vladimir Swore. - I didn't think I was so clumsy. A trickle of blood flowed from the corner of the boy President's mouth.
- Have you ever fought with virtual monsters? Asked Alfara.
Putin decided to make a witty joke. And dodging the spitting needles, he chirped. :
- Pineapple monkey! She was after me, and I almost died. Although there are some weirdos who say that all monkeys are kind and love people because they are her brothers.
The girl threw a striking object with her foot. Made it burst like an opponent's soap bubble and chirped:
- Our opponents are neither good nor evil. They are indifferent, as the sea on which pirates float.
- More like a vacuum. The sea is warm and gentle. - The young man-President struck jumped on him a mixture of banana and tiger, with missiles instead of fangs. - I'm on these obstacle courses, I got a black hole in my head. However, now that something not good is happening with the body.
The girl shook off the droplets of sweat and confirmed:
- Admit honestly me, too, creepy!
The boy and girl continued on. At first, the monsters were not particularly fast, which made it easier. However, Vladimir and Alfaro slightly hooked digits. The skin itched excruciatingly. Worse was the fact that the monsters began to spit fire. Vladimir was burned bare, muscular stomach, and he felt a real pain.
- My guts are turning! The young warrior said.
It's harder! - The girl showed on her right exposed breast. She was dripping. On Vladimir again burning spit, the young man-the President was late, he was pierced by a shoulder, obviously breaking bones. And when bones break the common man, it hurt so much, you can kick in from shock. Although the former President of Russia and was not a simple man, but at the moment felt at ease. He felt special, extremely damaging waves of, which paralyzed his ability to.
I'm sick! - Vladimir disconnected and fell having scattered legs in different directions. Girl-Angelin professional movement rubbed him youthful and beautiful face.
- Don't dive into a black hole, my dear knight. Consciousness returned, but with it the pain. Vladimir groaned, choked his weakness:
I'm not going any more.
Strictly warrior growled, and banged his fist on the metal:
Don't limp! There's a first aid kit.
Indeed the obstacle course was like a computer game. There are extra lives and that is essentially the energy causing instant regeneration. Yes it was difficult, but the guys studied.
- The main thing is not to retreat and not to give up! Said very beautiful and shapely Alfara. She was not at ease, and then, making mistakes, getting painful blows. Then the pair got accustomed and began to act, much more harmoniously. In the next stage, they had to jump on floating in the air mushrooms, Dodge flying knives, crawl barbed wire. And how deadly and painful flying discs in the form of pointed swastikas.
The battle became more and more severe, and the opponents moved faster. The truth has the ability to use captured weapons, is also virtual, but their properties are quite similar to the real carriers of death.
Vladimir Putin, in particular, tried a multi-barrel vibrator! It created small cracks in the space. However, after three shots I scattered, but I mowed down some ranks of opponents.
Not bad! said fresh-baked young man.
Then he turned a somersault, dodging a miniature nuclear explosion.
- Try to get gallbladder the plasma shooter! - Advised Alfara.- It will be much more effective.
The boy-President with a very pleased look smiled, his teeth resembled a tiger cub.
- Well, that's not a bad idea either. Where is he?
The girl stepping down from the deadly spitting monster chirped:
- Here is such a small pipe that resembles a pioneer horn. Blow into it, and you will see a rapid flight, hyperplasmic cascade.
The young man dodged a volley, a little plastic chipped, the surface picked up the horn. Shot.
Bubbles fell down the winding line, carefully Bouncing, those creatures in which they fell, exploded.
Well! Not bad! Elfara Said. - Only Bay lower, to bubbles less in the sky flew.
Young Putin angrily replied:
I'm trying my best!
Alfara grinned and squeaked, showing the language:
- Try not to be surprised! Hard in the doctrine - easily in fight! - And the dazzling beauty added. - The dollar in your pocket is not given for nothing!
She also picked up a powerful weapon and used it as a show of strength do not bend.
The battle became more interesting. Here they are fighting on the planet, where under the feet of the first water pours a stream, and then flows terribly slippery liquid helium, and above and below firing powerful lasers, torn annihilation grenades.
Vladimir Putin shot back, with both hands and even danced a pretzel.
He was hooked several times, cutting off his left leg. Thanks partner helped to get to the rescue kit. Leg grew.
The former President of Russia was surprised:
You're a tough Elf.
The warrior snorted:
- You're weak Vladimir. Such savage pain suffered by the infants, and you moaned!
Agree offensive a shot to the head of the great powers.
The young man was not himself, something his mangle:
- At the moment I do, everything is much sharper!
Placing another row of monsters, a beautiful and aggressive Alfara grinning, said:
- Still endure!
The boy-President has sighed, to speak became, sky-hard:
- I have to, I'm a man!
Girl winked at their long, black, shiny eyelashes.
- That's it man! Their lips connected for a moment. Vladimir felt the honey sweetness of a young woman's kiss.
- Goddess!
- Lucifer! - Giggling, replied the maid.
Then they got into an ever-changing atmosphere with a strong wind. It blows from the front, then Vice versa presses in the back. And the enemies are constantly changing, they fly like wasps, on the contrary crawling like poisonous snakes. But to come constantly to fight, while jumping from one platform to another, and even grabbing artificial flies and lizards by the legs, flying with their help from traps. Some copies of: especially hybrids butterflies and flowers: breathtakingly are beautiful. A mixture of a dragonfly and Tulip sparkle, rainbow colors with the intoxicating consciousness of smell... Quaterno! Snarling jaws snap back as electronic rat traps, foot teeth sparkle lightning. There is also a larger five-meter and ten-even fangs. Vladimir managed to slip past them. One of the monsters: a hybrid of a tank and a Scorpion, with a roar jerked, flying burning candy:
We're not being photographed! No quarks! The brave warrior President sang.
Again the young man receives from annihilation outbreaks damage. And young girl now even worse, again tore off barefoot, graceful pace. But she at one extremity jumping, not thinking about the retreat. However, there is nowhere to go.
- At us one way, either to survive or to die! - Said with a somewhat banal pathos Alfara.
The young man-the President confirmed:
- And only together! The black hole is lighter when in the ice ether: a pair of burning hearts are burning!
At the cost of incredible effort, superhuman tension they managed to pass and it, although the body is not left alive.
The next stage is the desert: with brutally sucking green sand, it is impossible to stand still for a second, your feet are stuck, and you have to shoot and stab. Here they are fighting against the militants in masks, some in armor. Fighters of different styles, features, and hybrids Scorpion with cactus, bug and spanner! Fly grability I can't hide or escape, laser beams will disperse the sand. In contact with the body: a hellish pain, the insides seemed to be squeezed out by a roller, and poured hot oil. Tetralet dive, dropping bombs in the form of a ghoulish skull with a lot of burning eye sockets and spewing violent, in their thirst for destruction rays!
President Vladimir however, is not lost. He performs a kind of dance, passing between the streams.
Alfara even quipped:
- Russian whist: near with you wings soar!
Vladimir Putin, dodging burning, the tri-color flames picked up:
- Commander, our shelves were lined up in a row!
Together the boy and girl stabbed with scissors, using the technique: "jet waterfall" stacking enemies of the lush packs. So many different creatures, splintering, crumpling, or flashing. This is a stunning grotesque-not devoid of humor, especially when the tetralet in the form of a kite and an axe, turned when hit, in a falling trickle: Golden in turquoise nettle, caterpillars:
- When you shoot, stand on your toes, mobility will be greater. - Suggested Alfara
Vladimir Putin automatically noticed:
- Less stable.
The naked girl did not agree:
- How say, the dynamics always stronger static!
In confirmation of his words, the girl cut down the beam rushing structure, resembling a tin can with barrels. She broke into pieces and fell to pieces. Already in flight, pieces of the defeated target turned into a pack of purple hybrids: bumblebees and chimpanzees. These strange beings, fought with each other: with every moment, becoming all less, dissolving in the atmosphere fighting virtualki:
- Well, how? Quasi? Asked, frowning Alfara.
- A very cool, main thing is decent! - Said Vladimir Putin. - It's nice to live among lasers and plasma! And to hear the planet explode!
Here the President remembered how because of him the third world war nearly began as the world slipped on the verge.
The girl laughed:
- And experience in combat with me orgasms! And walk and frolic! What I appreciate is the sense of humor in men.
Vladimir Putin was becoming more confident, so he effortlessly: destroyed following the fairing. It resembled a piece of wood covered with steel. Exploded not immediately, it took even a few weapons now. In turn, the rays erupting from the clawed hooks, interrupted President Putin's brush.
- That bottomless pit! He shouted in annoyance. - You have to think of that.
Alfara like mocking, said:
- Are you talking about?
The girl moved her burned bare fingers.
- Hit me in the face with a brick. - One hand doesn't work. - Said Vladimir Putin. - Where's my super flesh?
- Don't worry, soon there will be more, regenerating bodies of life.
As it turned out, she was not mistaken. But drugs it turned out little, brush has recovered, and numerous cuts and pain remained.
The next stage of the volcano eruption, it is necessary with incredible speed to be carried away to the top, shooting at combat cyborgs of the enemy. A cyborg is just obscenely pretentious hybrids ancient Hollywood terminator and contemporary creatures of the cosmic evolution: ultralighting of tankosava. Vladimir Putin( for it is usually not so typical, although old age was taking its toll), already dead tired, before my eyes flickers, the monsters and the surrounding hostile environment and the end edge of all that could be seen. Elfara began to fall and limp, her bare soles were covered with blisters:
- My boy, how you have a hard time!
President Putin staggered, replied:
- And you, I see you slide into collapse!
The whiny girl was noticed rocking a big bust.
- I haven't had such trainings for a long time. Generally we are a peaceful Empire and anyone not going to attack or rather not going, but each individual is the way of military training. It's not a joke: more than twenty-one thousand years of war! Here you are crossed himself, just in case little! I've spent seven years on the surface of a neutron star!


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Дальше: CHAPTER 3