Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 20.
Дальше: CHAPTER 22.


Here, German troops had surrounded Kazan. And thus find themselves in the rear of Moscow, threatening to cut the Soviet Union into two parts. Of course, this is a threatening situation. And it's hard to prevent a disaster. Simultaneously the Germans, with Swedes, Finns, and other mercenaries went around and Arkhangelsk, approaching Vologda. There was a movement of tentacles dangerous Empire of the Third Reich.
Putin in Stalin's body a lot of fuss and jumped, but could not find the optimal solution. And it didn't work that way.
It's like you're a burnt hare caught in a flood of light. And it's understandable that you're literally getting screwed.
And trump presses very confidently... and his girls are not worse. How will discole with Gertrude and eve span. The and at all blockage. : To perform all those girls in bikinis posbivat and take pictures. And against them can not resist. The real ladies of death.
Trump roars like this:
- There will be a hurricane of death! Will Russian-shame and shame!
The Germans and hired part moving and breaking the front of the Soviet troops. And there's no stopping them.
Except that Alenka and her bare feet and take the grenade leaves, and the Nazis drew in General flight. And those who are brave, it is trivial to die. And a girl in a bikini sing me:
- Nobody's gonna stop us! No one can defeat us! Russian wolves are fighting the enemy! Russian wolves-glory to heroes!
And again, bare feet beauties threw the lethal grenade which swept the Nazis.
Red Alla also accurately shot, and mowed down opponents. And then as will throw a destructive package of explosives. And Hitlerites from it all the same that a club on brains.
Alla sang with enthusiasm:
- Famous Soviet land! And our red family!
Here, too, and Mary took it and threw the bare stem a deadly grenade. And knocked out mass of the Nazis. It's so good that you can admire it for months.
And then the girl also picked up and slapped. And also very lethal projectile. And tweeted:
- For Holy Russia and the red flag!
And again as you begin to shoot. And then the bare feet of the girl-hero launched a box of explosives! And so it dolbanet that and it seemed to nobody a little.
Here is probably the skeleton would be enough! Such here is girls-terminators and Komsomol. But still a feeling that Russia is living out the last months.
Donald trump noticed with a smile:
I'm capable of anything! And all can win! So will Russia's nuclear weapons be eliminated?
Girl-Queen reminded:
There's China. Also the strongest Empire! I hope you haven't forgotten that.
Donald trump slammed his fist on his nose:
- Yeah! It slipped my mind! Of course, it is necessary to take away nuclear weapons from China!
Emmanuel winked at the boy-President and proposed:
- Can you take another test?
Donald nodded.:
- Of course!
Emmanuel scrolled with her bare feet around her axis. And the landscape around her changed.
And then trump, the President of the United States was in another place and time.
Here he is the warrior President with very modern weapons, a cruel cynical world, the Russian nineties. And he needs to save captured ruthless terrorists and murderers girlfriend Emmanuel. The girl is the Queen, who is older than him, but very nice.
Although the boy-President and had no idea where to look for it, but decided to rely on flair, and suddenly bring. To save ammo there was no point, he was constantly resupplied due to the militants.
After a long burst from the machine gun, the boy-President rushed along the wall to where he had last seen Emmanuel, slipped past the opening, and pressed his back against the wall again. Judging by the fact that collapsed at least a couple of bodies, he again missed the target.
- Piss off, tear up the boy from America! - Roared fighters.
At least two dozen bandits burst into the yard, but having come across inexorably exact fire of the boy-President, and having lost a half killed, they hid behind metal shutters and began to water with lead. Like a child's game, whole streams of bullets scattered, a pair of them tangentially landed in Kevlar, knocking down the terminator boy trump and almost breaking his ribs, leaving large bruises. To reduce the probability of hitting the boy-President has fallen on his stomach and began to roll like a beetle. He gave short bursts, which required a lot of skill and self-control. Almost all fighters had armor, just not who fought and light, so shoot in the chest was useless, we had to choose head or feet, and it is very difficult, especially when you're in motion, and you poured a heavy fire. Meanwhile, the bandits became more and more, judging from the remarks among them were many of the Arabs, met and Western mercenaries. Well that trump is the little boy may, for a corpse to hide and is moving deftly like a cat. Bandits fall one after another, but run out more and more terrorists. Gradually, Donald trump was pressed, the boy received several small but very painful wounds. Instinct told the boy-President that it is necessary to change the landscape of the battle. Squinting his eyes, he noticed the shelter - the entrance to the basement.
The boy-President pereselilsya, continuing to fire, then like a worm crawls across the concrete gutter, there was safer. The entrance to the basement was covered with a patterned grate, but it was not very tight, and it was managed to knock it out, however, only on the third attempt with his feet. Just in case trump threw down a grenade. As it turned out not in vain, followed heart-rending cries and of. Then the little boy jumped down the President. He ran past the crumpled bodies, four gunmen were killed and the other five wounded. The appearance of the boy-imp caught them by surprise, shoot a gun had only one and of course past, and for a second Donald trump mowed them down in a queue. Then he picked up the grenades and moved on, taking, judging by the emblem of the Japanese flashlight. Illuminating the room, he saw a warehouse of boxes and barrels of fine drinks. Part of the bottles of cognac and expensive wines have been broken in the explosion, so there was a heavy dense smell of alcohol although alcoholic it would have seemed a divine aroma.
Underfoot unpleasantly squished, crunched, though the boots equipped with thorns reconnaissance could not be scratched on the glass. In addition to a rich liquor and a solid stockpile of supplies here, nothing of value was not.
- Dream gluttons, scalpel! - Donald trump said with cunning. Long to stand here, the reason could not fly up fighters and to shower with grenades. He chose to immediately go into away, avoiding the barrels crossed diagonally, in praticola not wide, hardly available adult doorway in the concrete wall. In time, the hole flew a generous Goodies, crashing explosion, and the rattle of broken barrels. Then he saw a marble railing with ornate Cheetah-shaped banisters leading to the floor above.
What to do next Donald trump was vague, but if the bare-footed Queen Emmanuel was caught, then most likely not immediately dragged to zindan, but decided to show the leader. It is interesting that there is Dudaev? And the beautiful Emmanuel is also a sucker, allowed to be twisted, however, it is enough for one strong blow to the head. During the great Patriotic War, almost six million were captured and that it was a shame for them. Truth is not a secret that many surrendered, those scum who betrayed the Homeland, and knelt before the enemy Stalin rightly deported to the camps. Though not all, of the more stringent demand was with the officers and with the rank and file asked weaker, but many escaped from captivity and fought in the underground.
No, he knows Emmanuel, his fighting, barefoot girlfriend will never break and will not betray Russia! Although the militants may well tear off the skin alive and dissolve alive in hydrochloric acid.
What is now necessary to recall the film "Commando" as there is Arnold Schwarzenegger one killed an entire army. Well, he is a boy compared to him, but as the proverb says: a small snake is the most poisonous.
- I'll help you out my white sister! - The boy-President went towards the stairs. The top was crawling with bandits, there could be a hundred of them. And in weapons have as would the kid-terminator no superiority there is no. True, in such a large house with many corridors, they can not attack at the same time, which means that there is some chance.
- Would believe, pray and hope only in the human mind. However, this, too, belief, muscle and mind - force, and death, hope, my descendants will consider that I deserved achieved immortality!
Rushing forward on the first flight of stairs, the boy-President trump nose to nose collided with six bandits. They even managed to give a queue, but since the opposing young man did not reach and a half meters of the bullet passed above, that's the return turn stitched bare body armor head. In experience, trump knew that a transparent visor still does not save. Taking a few shops lad, rushed on, in my head played the anthem of Russia.
Not knowing the exact location of the premises in the building and having no idea about the number of enemies, Donald trump, moving, felt terminators. On the long corridor of the second floor he was met by a heavy fire of at least a half dozen trunks, in addition to, the "Greyhound" like a tiger from ambush escaped the flames of the flamethrower. Donald trump barely had time to leave, his eyebrows and lips slightly scorched.
Throwing a grenade, she fell with a rebound from the wall, barefoot boy Donald jumped up, swinging higher on the chandelier, leapt from above without stopping the fire. His unexpected maneuver was a success, the tight-standing fighters were mowed down, and one boy moved in a jump bayonet-knife in the eye. Three surviving bandits tried to retreat, but the young man managed to give a turn from the captured "Borz", killing the terrorists legs, turning the limbs into mush.
You're not a zombie! Those will be quicker! - He said finishing.
The militants themselves were in a panic, it seemed to them that the enemies, a lot and they were not ready for the fact that they have to deal with someone who looks like a child. And Donald trump used it at all, from hiding behind the paintings, crawled along the wall and used expensive chandeliers instead of vines. The ears were blocked from firing, and the bodies of all were multiplied and multiplied. On the next floor he met the real tiger. The beast growled, scratching the carpet, then jumped on Donald trump. Although the boy-President managed to shoot him in the eye, the animal hit his paws and crushed the boy. In the same
second, it was based on action, it became a knee on the throat, trying to pinch the artery. Boy President bent knee pushing hands, turned bare, baby feet and hit in the helmet. The second shot he managed to shoot down, and the next shot hit hard, round, rough heel professional boy-karate in the temple. The enemy went limp, and Donald trump thrust a dagger into him, hurriedly pulling his hands - smeared in blood, they could lose their sensitivity.
- Almost died, fu if the ears down, then to watch the nose. Now hurry!
The next group of fighters used smoke grenades, but these damaged only to themselves, conditioners lifted a smoke upwards, and feet were visible. With what pleasure Donald trump beat on boots, those who fell, finished. The excitement of a hunter or a computer player awoke in him more and more.
- I'm a man-the Cobra! He said. Here is visible the next brutal face, taking her on a sight Bang, Bang, and kings. Another bandit stumbles upon a lead fist. Here suddenly appeared militants, dressed in black with crossed swords on breast. They counterattacked, moving very quickly, throwing a dagger, one cut the boy-President cheek, the other hit the helmet, but to leave the ninjas failed, they rushed to the sides, and, littered with corpses, tinkled dropped machines.
The weapons of the selected fighters were unusual, most likely one of the latest American developments, Donald trump took it with him. Then again moved on" mow the grass " mini-terminator. In twelve minutes, after clearing three floors and leaving at least a hundred corpses, the boy President broke through to the fourth, where there were statues of titans with axes, and splashed the pool. Here the lad ran into such a dense flurry of fire from all that led the shock wave, the boy-President flew backwards, turning over in the air. He hid behind the bas-relief, a pair of furious faces were put behind him, but after receiving a gift on the forehead, collapsed like a coolie.
- Apparently, the leader is close! Donald Trump Said. - When I get to him, I'll pull his beard. Maybe it's half-naked Emmanuel.
However, the situation of the boy-President was uncomfortable, chance to break on a break not too much, and the insurgents got smart and took the time to lay low. Then Donald trump threw a grenade, but the bandits seemed to have time while she was flying to hide behind the corners; moans and screams could not be heard.
"This is a creation of IBIS, experienced warriors.
As if to confirm the words in the answer flew grenades. The karate kid trump managed to shoot four raids, but the fifth jerked, adding a number of scratches to the boy-President. He crawled away again, now thirty-five meters apart, a wall richly decorated with gold daisies and roses.
- We're like Western cowboys-Back to the future.
The bandits tried to beat the long queues without sight, but Alex, to accurately hit was enough to see the smallest part of the body. Then a short, but then the rebels got it. Then, two of the most advanced terrorists began to use the curved slot allows you to snipe. This was very unpleasant for Donald trump, who, in turn, several times fell into the trunk, broke the optics, but how could not silence the enemies. The boy-President was nervous all the stronger, the enemies still had a lot next to a petrol station was located in the barracks, and it was naive to think that he killed them all.
Thoughts of Donald trump as rabbits that ran up, then gathered again. He understood that he can only save his cunning, but coming up with failed. Although the ears rattled, he could still distinguish sounds, that the young man is extremely tense. Then he heard English spoken with an American tinge.
- It's just a small monkey, try to catch it in the network. Find out what a child Prodigy is.
The boy trump understood that he was caught in a trap, and can not go either forward or back. To die in the Prime of his life without progeny was not his plan.
- I want to have children, from Emmanuel, she is big and my babies hope, will big or from any other girls.
Barefoot boy-President trump slapped himself with two hands, on the ears and it became easier. Turning his head like a pilot, he noticed the ventilation entrance. An adult had nothing to do there, and he with a thin flexible body of a child? That's just hard to jump. Although if you use a cumulative grenade weakened action-melee weapons, you can try to break through the collapsed wall. Ceilings, of course, high, not chicken coop Palace, but savvy never left Russian soldier.
Throwing a grenade, the boy-President on potholes, raking bare children's feet, reached the manhole in front of this sniper shots shattering the trunks of the curved slots. Similar weapons were used by the Germans at the end of the second world war, but it did not help them, Donald trump said to himself. Had to crawl through a narrow manhole, the armor was thin and slippery and not hurt, but the joints twisting.
Good machine from the "ninja" with a silencer and easier "Kalashnikov", seen a few shooting modes, better three bullets in one cotton to be sure, and the second just in case put on maximum rate of fire. The boy President did, last round was the most difficult, not to much noise, had breathlessly loosen the ventilation grid using a knife. Here at the bottom ran a few shadows, Donald trump listened, elastic eardrums quickly recovered. Carefully removed the grate, twisted, she quietly squeaked. The boy President froze, listening, but everything was calm, then clinging to the tiles, jumping down on the sofa. One of the fighters was standing at the entrance, but Donald trump managed to take it off before he opened his mouth.
The first half of the plan was successful, now had to rely on luck and dexterity. Taking a step to the left, he found himself in the corridor, three bandits jumped out from around the corner, but were slanted hit in the head before they had time to press the start. Then the boy-the President picked up his pace, killed four. Then a few more types. A series of heavy armor-piercing bullets slammed into the wall next to him. The shot was fired from behind, it is clear to the elephant, so I had to turn around.
Donald trump realized that you need to change the shelter fell to the floor and time on top of where he had just stood, the plaster fell. He crawled down the corridor, trying to see where the enemy was coming from. Here is one of the bandits leaned out, in him, then Donald trump put a bullet in the upper jaw, looked the second - this in the eye. The third gunman got into the stomach, but apparently was not covered by body armor, and before fade out, emptied on the floor and on the walls of the entire store. Here again put behind, Donald trump, managed to notice the enemy and knock him down as a machine gun hit, several bullets ricocheted and hit the barefoot boy President, causing pain, stuffing bruises. Earned there "Borz" one of the Goodies knocking a piece of marble, hit the boy in his face, drawing a lead brush hefty black eye.
- I'll be fine! Donald trump stuck out his tongue. Then a grenade flew, but the young man hit her on the fly. The shrapnel, judging by the screeching, caused more damage to the bandits than the guy.
Despite the hilarity of the situation of man, continued to be a threat. In the corridor, so just don't turn up. However, the militants, many on drugs you climbed like a toad on cramps. Donald trump barely had time to shoot back, the corpses filled up the corridor, but the gunner got to deal with him. But how? During the next attack the barefoot boy-the President has noticed that large statue in the dappled mixture of gold and platinum the armor rotates, and the fire erupting from her mouth.
- Clever! The terrorists have provided a good security system, but Russia is famous for its talents.
Nevertheless, the boy-President had to lie down and take the statue under the sight, risking how to get out of the corridor. But there seemed to be no other way. As, for example, to break such a statue, certainly it will not take a grenade. Although there was a chance, at the time of the shooting to send a bullet straight in the barrel in the computer guidance, and soak it. And yet, Donald trump threw a grenade. When it hit, it exploded, part of the gilding on the statue peeled off, revealing something more solid than titanium.
- That bastard booked! - swore the boy-President and took aim. But the thing the enemy did not think to shoot. And this is dangerous, waiting for the moment to strike for sure. Here is heard the tramp of feet along the corridor. The boy President throws a grenade, and falls into the thick of one of the corpses flies up in the air. Another fighter firing a flamethrower, all pouring fire. Then Donald trump punches his head, and from the statue should turn, the boy managed to jump back and shoot back, but apparently did not hit the right place. However, all was quiet, the left arm bloody, but like the fingers are moving but nothing serious. Well, you got me, too. The rebels again fall through, the barefoot boy, the President throws a grenade, the corpses, one guy armed with a grenade launcher. Here maybe this statue to try.
Here Donald trump thought about one more, the enemy may not see it very clearly, because when not shooting, there is not a single slit in the statue. But when he makes a shot the statue, as if the demon comes alive. So he's probably using the computer to hear it perfectly.
"It's a little late for me, I could have died like this. Who knows, maybe there is a God, and he's kinder than I thought. He said to himself.
Then, without taking his eyes off the statue, the boy President shot to the side, the bullet hitting someone again. Donald trump himself rolled to the side under the cover of the corpse, so as not to be soaked. As soon as the statue came to life, fire blazed in his eyes, Donald trump gave her the most forced volley, once defusing the clip. Followed by a not too strong internal blasts from the eyes of the man-made bars, the smoke.
- I think the monster's ready. The boy President spoke.
Getting exactly a very difficult goal it animated. Despite the bruises and pain all over his body, Donald trump jumped out from around the corner and took aim at the corridor. Another terrorist in the Sultan poked, got in the forehead,and then there was a lull, no signs of life. After a rough estimate of how many fighters he had already flunked, Donald trump had a suspicion that none of the bandits could have remained. But there is no certainty, and if he does, he will run into a dagger fire.
On the other hand, it is impossible to delay, the terrorists certainly called for reinforcements. And against the clouds of poisonous arthropods, his accuracy will not help. Yes and alluring, muscular and bare Emmanuel perhaps torture.
- For the glory of great Russia!
Donald trump chose from captured grenades on more powerful, he threw, despite the small growth well. The boy President to do this, exerted all his strength, remembering in exploration(false memories), he was taught to throw without thinking, with the rebound. The lesson, however, was one, but the boy-President from early childhood adored the game "cakes". Pomegranate-and-improved model R - 500 American production and cost of three thousand dollars kicked off the wall, then another.
I pulled so that the cast from depleted uranium, balls and needles flew away - it is useless to use it against the statue. One of the needles flew to the boy and stuck in his vest, piercing it. Donald trump barely had time to pull it out and throw it away, suddenly poisoned. The puncture site immediately began to itch and reddened, it strongly resembled the poison of enchanted arthropods. The boy President rushed forward, hoping that if anyone was still alive, they would not soon recover from such a shock. Hardly even frostbitten fighters will have time again to take a position. On the run, the barefoot terminator boy Donald trump hit immediately from both machines. It was impressive, but the cartridges that regret at the dead bandits. Having slipped through the corridor, Donald trump was in a luxurious room, which housed a swimming pool with lowered water, and the corpses were so many that it is difficult to count at least fifty. The boy President himself stumbled over the body and almost fell.
- Wow, you made me pee apples. Well, and pomegranate, there's one thing Americans know how to do, but that's too dangerous, he almost bent.
Donald trump, however, relaxed early, and a long line of people hit him from the next room. Boy-President saved only the in this, moment he came on crushed shampoo and fell. Then he skipped across the bottom of the pool. And the room stuck out his face, a large head with a sloping like a gorilla forehead. Donald trump fired almost in unison, the subject fell. He was so large and heavy that even the legendary Nikolai Valuev was below his on head and easier on centner. Followed by a quiet barely distinguishable for Donald trump's ear order in English.
- Let go of gas, let them die this archivesink.
Donald trump threw another grenade, the armored door to the room has already started to close and he barely had time. When the explosion died down the boy, with an effort squeezed between the sliding doors dotted with rubies. Miraculously, the surviving lamp gave ultraviolet light. I saw three goons, bull, apparently fed on steroids, and quite frail people, immoderate a jewel to any Christmas tree would be deader than midnight to him. A particularly large diamond hung around his neck, it was the size of an orange. Donald trump figured about the cost, even if the gratitude of his command to give, even though the percentage, it will be a rich man. On the other hand, you can hide such a treasure for yourself. Sell of course the problem, but the devil tempter and climbs into the soul.
- I'll hide it, if you survive, then I'll decide what to do with it.
But who is this man, could be the Sultan.
The boy President felt his pockets and pulled out several passports. One of them was written in English- " Sadam Hussein - Lord of The Baghdad Caliphate."
Barefoot kid Donald trump whistled:
- It has been Sadly appeared! Well, what to do now! Not enough to fight the Caliphate!
The boy-President rushed on, to a number of shelves lined with books in expensive bindings. Donald trump drew attention to the fact that if you add the names made in Arabic, you get the phrase: Do not try to understand the wisdom of Allah, just be a man. The boy-warrior and the President of the United States hit the butt of the book, which began the phrase, the rack creaked away, opening a fairly wide passage. From it blew air with an admixture of honey and sea water.
Donald trump sang:
Love is a beautiful, scary path, this is known by everyone who entered! Don't let her get out, not come off it is impossible, Othello Desdemona strangled!
The boy-President ran down the aisle, he tried not to make noise, but almost immediately, he was rushed by a monster the size of a beaver, resembling a hybrid of a rat and a box of matches, with the image of a half-naked girl flying on a broomstick. Donald trump barely had time to go right and move the creature bayonet knife.
- This is another product of someone's imagination!
It's a rat suddenly as will give:
- Where are you Pinocchio steal machines running on diesel?!
Donald trump has his eyes wide:
You a rat? But I'm not Pinocchio...
Boxes-the rat squeaked, the number of its heads suddenly began to grow. There were two of them, then there were three, and the teeth lengthened... The boy-President has not sustained and has given turn. The bullets pierced the box, and flames erupted from the holes... The fourth fall clicked her teeth:
- Don't think you annihilated me! Silly scientist puppy!
Here is the most interesting place "movie," I interrupted. And Donald had to go back to running the Third Reich.
And this is a little tired. However, to finish off your opponent is much nicer.
Now the Nazis surround and Vologda. Goes tank crew Jane. In a series of E but named "Panther"-4, agile and lethal machine. Shoots itself, inciting opponents.
Jane is of course a very beautiful and sexy girl, and also in a bikini. Barefoot and so wonderful. Just super! On this you can look and not come off.
Jane shot out of a cannon "Panther" and chirped:
- Star in the sky I'll be the first of the first!
Are working girls. And the blood spitting Panthers ... Here is one of the newest tanks of the series AG pyramidal. Per person. Quite a small, but such burning. And so a bullet point. Don't stop it or punch it!
Amstrong is also firing and squeaking:
- I'm a superhuman girl!
And so shoots itself, and very aptly.
And then there are planes flying ... However, this is half the trouble. Here the Nazis were tortured. Red-hot iron cauterized her nipples Breasts, and smelled a scorched and very pleasant smell. And meat, fried and tickles the nostrils.
Yes, fiends and murderers. What just do not get up.


Назад: CHAPTER 20.
Дальше: CHAPTER 22.