Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 19.
Дальше: CHAPTER 21.


The former President of Russia, and maybe not even the former Vladimir Putin, a few bored. In fact, it turned out that he seemed to be not destiny. Soviet Russia under his leadership is half defeated. The Germans have already visited Ulyanovsk, and came to Saransk, and besieged Orenburg. Far they penetrated.
And then there is trump wants Russia to take all nuclear weapons. As it is vile and insidious. And that's what Emmanuel's up to. Truly is the witch in angelic guise.
Putin, of course,himself would like to do something! But he still can not do it!
The girls of course this strategy is really very beautiful. Grapple for example Anastasia Vidmanova. In the sky she is a genuine eagle. And fight the Nazis, she was scared.
Of course Anastasia is naked, and in one bikini. She doesn't need any extra clothes. To press bare heels on pedal steel rather tickled than hurt.
Warriors of different colors here ... Here on the Soviet tank is-3 fight Elizabeth, Catherine, Elena, and Aurora.
Four girls are very brave, and thrashes the Nazis. And: to perform the warriors don't confuse pyramid tanks. Though it seems that they are from no angle not to break.
But if you look, any car can and should be rammed. And warriors are doing well.
Elizabeth was laid in accordance with the E-50 and hissed:
- Nu and German ... as always for armor!
Catherine pressed her bare toes on the lever. Set fire to the Nazis, and squeaked:
You're lying!
In the forehead of the E-50 with 250-mm armor can not penetrate. But the girls are not discouraged. In fact, you can kill a caterpillar. And so they do...
Fascist tank does freeze. Punched accurately. And spits with a broken caterpillar.
That's what it means with her Russian contact.
In the hands of a young man-President of USA, or already pretty experienced warrior had two swords. This allows the hack to make deceptive attacks. In addition, a fairly effective tactic was the blows to the groin. Admission banal, but effective, especially if the attack is still on top of the swords - the attention is sprayed and impacts is striking. Donald trump held several such attacks, then the reception of the lady's fan. He blew out his eye, the tip came out through the back of his head. The next lunge cuts off the head, it flew far away. At once three robbers fell down one after another, they stumbled about the cut-off head.
- Under its feet are looking, shaggy!
The battle now became a little more fun. The girls fought off the guys, twisting the chains. A light-skinned slave used a dropped sword. Half-naked beauty, they acted very deftly. Here is the exact attack cut the attacker Herod tendon of abundantly poured blood. Another jerk, the girl was able to rip the belly.
Swift, Donald trump moved like a hurricane. That is not an attack, a heavy blow. Here he was grappling with a very large leader. The tremendous low-brow type for its dimensions turned out to be quite fast. The embodied student even slightly-slightly backed away ago. Then teased his opponent, showed his forked tongue:
- What, you little shit! Do you want to be stretched on a bump?
I'm tearing you apart! The enemy howled. He leapt forward, swinging his axe wildly. A hefty swing is a big mistake common among beginners. And it to the master of sports on fencing it on a hand. A sharp lunge into the bull's neck and carotid artery is punctured. A fountain of blood drenched his shirt from the rough canvas, the bandit swore, the words could hardly be made out:
- You are what gang?!
The us military President answered honestly:
I'm on my own!
"Blood servant of the Emir..." the Bully gasped and fell to the grass. Donald trump exact attack hit another striker, he came from the rear and did not expect such agility.
Now confidence of the bandits was much smaller. They, however, have not yet fled too large a margin, in addition, several guards had already been killed. Incarnate the President of the United States shouted to them:
- Press closer together, back to back, don't let them use more sabers.
The soldiers obeyed. The priest, meanwhile, was still kneeling. He muttered something, then screamed:
- Stop the violence!
Witty Donald trump objected:
- Violence is a kicking horse that brings wealth and happiness!
The priest challenged:
- Only the gods can give happiness.
- No! Happiness loves courage, and the honor of victory! Who have lost the fear, he bought a kinship with the gods! - Received wisdom, Donald trump hit under the knee of the enemy, and then punched him in the throat. The neck is generally the most vulnerable place, cut down immediately.
However, for a change, the incarnate warrior struck one of the bandits in the heart.
- Maybe it's too much honor for you. He said.
Priest moaned:
- Well, why do you need it!
When the robber rushed at him, putting his sword to his throat, the priest fell to his knees and screamed:
"I will give you so much money that you will buy a Palace.
"You priests are liars! Tell the guards to surrender! The assailant growled.
- Take that devil away. - The priest pointed his finger at the raging Donald trump.
The guards gathered in a ball and her losses decreased. Robbers, meanwhile, tried to surround the brave young man-the President. Hard Donald trump rescued quick feet, he did not give to hold himself in the ring. In addition, rescued phenomenal endurance, as if cast from steel body. However, it was quite exhausting, with so many threats at once. However, and technique of modern fencing - not bast soup slurp.
- In turn, stand on the cutting! In turn, all steel enough! Donald Trump Shouted.
The robbers were commanded by a guy with a goatee. Apparently the Deputy leader. From the experience of the movies and running the country, the us President knew that the most effective way to sow panic in the army is to kill the commander or ataman. It's hard, but it's easier than killing everyone. The President-the hero Donald trump ran on the opponent, having hammered, a knee in a chin.
Here he reproduced the reception of "the moth", furiously rotating swords. Someone he touched, however, the boot is slightly scratched. To avoid defeats on the bronze torso sported several fairly deep scratches. One of them cut right in front of the heart.
However, he did not fear it. Death in battle is the best end of life's journey. Although death as an evil mother-in-law, the meeting was inevitable, but I want to postpone, and would have the opportunity, entirely eliminated. However, now Donald trump believed in his own immortality!
However, in this case, he would not be able to kill anyone!
The guy with the goatee gnashed his teeth.:
- Cut the bastard!
It's hard to fight when you get attacked from all sides. Especially dangerous spear, it reeks from a long distance, you can not always Dodge. Here's a little bit not enough to punch through the liver. Donald trump suddenly realized that happiness is changeable, slightly lost speed, blood flowed quite thick.
- This is already clear busts! He said, kicking the nearest warrior in the gut. Then a sharp twist, flip, managed a desperate effort to jump behind. The chieftain waved his sword, but he received a strong blow with his knee to the chin.
- Like teeth, okay? Donald trump asked, mocking.
Picking up the sagging leader, the young President lifted him over his head. His voice became scary:
- Back off or I'll kill him!
The bandits stepped back, they were confused. The President-hero Donald looked at the unconscious chieftain. Apparently, his teeth flew out. I'll try to revive him. However, life in the forest and mountains teaches a lot. The young President began massaging his chin and tickling his neck. The leader opened his eyes, flapped them silly:
"If you want to live, tell your gorillas to get out!" -The President-athlete Donald trump shouted.
He barely opened his lips:
Will I live?
- If you don't call off the gang, no! - Menacingly said cool and aggressive trump.
- And where is the guarantee! The bandit whispered.
- Are you ready to die now? - Frowning in the style of Ivan the terrible, Donald trump stabbed the sword in the throat ataman.
- Please! Don't! I will! A desperate cry was heard.
- Come on! - The President-the athlete sharp turn shook off drops of blood from a sword.
Get away from the women! Please hurry! We don't need that.- The frightened leader babbled.
The bandits hesitated. They departed slowly, some even from fright threw the weapon.
The incarnate of the hero President of the United States Donald felt painfully itchy cuts. Saber pretty dirty, rusty, and so it is possible to infection. One hope for healthy blood.
- Rascals, it looks like you will dare to rush to women. The young President spoke confidently. His face twisted. However, women here beautiful. Except that most of them are too dark. But so many blondes with dark bronze skin. It's beautiful. And figures that need to. Forced diet, and constant physical activity make the girls very curvaceous and slender.
Maybe that's the advantage of slavery, especially for women.
Well, constantly walking barefoot makes the toes very tenacious and smooth. There are far fewer fatties than in the world of Donald trump. And the young President smiled broadly.
The smile disappeared, a few dozen arrows flew in his direction. Donald-the President of the United States Invincible barely had time to cover up, substituting the body of the leader. The distance seemed a whole army of bandits. The young President knew at once that he could not resist. Moreover, the two arrows hit in the leg and one in the arm. Donald trump whistled sharply. There was a cockroach snail, she quickly went through the legs, jumping to the young man. He turned abruptly, knocked the robber over with his sword, and leapt upon her.
"This is not an escape, this is a tactical maneuver called a retreat! - He shouted.- Learned the power of a beautiful word to cover up cowardice. He corrected himself immediately.
Donald trump was very afraid that the arrows could damage the snail. A couple of times with a pointed toe and Goodies slid down the armour, but fell at a sharp angle. Yet the structure of the cockroach snails has certain advantages, not immediately killed.
Arrows like drops of rain, can knock down, but at the same time helping quench the thirst of capital. Then you do not want anything, except something spiritual! - Donald trump slashed at the gallop of the robber, using a double knife.
The force of the blow from the sword is cumulative and happens assured destruction.
Overall, the fight took not so much time, and the boy paid dearly for his insolence. After him again flew arrows, however, because of the long distance they were not so dangerous. And yet several sharp stings dug into the naked torso of the guy. But is the President of the United States, who made the whole world shake, this scare?
Donald trump hastily pulled them out, not enough to get infected, and added speed. His horse was good not only because the young man picked up a dashing "horse". Having a flair of the beast, he quite skillfully picked up various herbs and made tinctures that increase both the strength of the cockroach snail and his own.
And now he could gain enough speed so as not to fear pursuit. However, not to make the enemy do minor mischief? However, it is not known yet which way they will jump, that is visible to a fork in the road.
- Do I care about them? - He asked himself, trying to Wake up, Donald trump. - Or can't you think of anything else?
Near grew tremendous and very thick tree. Oak is not oak, but something thicker and leaves of the two species. Student Kovalev saw a crack, sent a snail and jumped inside. Some bark touched the wounded shoulder, the young man-the President gasped:
- Few enemies, so I hurt myself.
Here past the tree rode not less than one hundred and eighty riders. The eldest of them cursed:
- Where did that rebellious ass go?
- His horse is too fast. - Said the assistant of the leader. - Maybe we shouldn't get too far away from the main force.
- Good! Back!
The bandits turned back. There was no distinct murmur. The hero and the President of the United States trump noticed that the ataman hides his face behind a red bandage, and on his chest he wears a Golden symbol resembling a mixture of a frog and a Scorpion.
- You're full of vanity too! The young President remarked.
Now he had to solve the dilemma: where to find a huge army capable of destroying the Sultanate. Here are the same robbers, they can attract the glitter of gold, power and many others?
Before my eyes floated the image of white girls. Now she have barons, and they can with it do something not good. For example, to rape, to flog, to sell. And the other girls feel sorry for. However, for the slave to change the master that the prisoner chamber. You'll still be in jail.
"I don't know what to do with such beauties." He said with a heavy sigh. - Unless you change the shackles to a more modern model. Although I wonder why the female albino not in the harem, that's a big mystery. Is it contagious?
No, the last statement is nonsense.
President-hero Donald trump got out and went on a quiet gait. Thoughts slowly crawled in my head, weaving a whimsical wreath.
- What can we do need the money, they the way to power! However, this white girl. I can't leave her, cut her out of my heart.
The decision is made, he must release the girl. Although it could cost him his life. Bandits after all, not less than eight hundred, to kill such a number for a simple elf unrealistic. However, who said that he would have to kill everyone. Here you can see need a different solution. First and foremost, it is necessary to keep track of where the gang.
There were traces of bare feet girls. Immediately in the head climbed thoughts about the fairer sex. How pretty the girls are. How many in them beauty and grace of. And the bodies are perfect, with figures of models. Here was his past life passion. Very beautiful, red, slim and athletic.
Been great temperament and ingenuity. But a lot was required of him. Especially money. She often got into fights. Then he began to go out with other guys, blatantly saying that her guy is not enough. Alas, short-lived was novel. However, Donald trump did not regret it.
In General, his decision to become President was extremely risky. If Obama were a more determined President, he would have just put a scandalous billionaire. Here Putin did not stand on ceremony, and ordered to initiate criminal proceedings against Andrei Navalny. And removed his most dangerous and inconvenient competitor.
Obama did not go for it, and made a very big mistake. Donald managed to win, although all the media worked against him.
But in General, trump considered himself more talented than Putin. That President of Russia received power from the hands of Yeltsin, and trump has achieved success thanks to his outstanding talent.
So no wonder the us President won another strategy. And even the phenomenal crew of the naked beauty Elizabeth could not help Putin to win!
Donald moves quickly and is disappointed in Putin. The Union of Russia and the USA against China did not work. But the white race should be saved. Otherwise, the Asians will take over and subdue everything. Oh, there were times during the colonial rule of Britain and France. Then the white race dominated the world. But it was with the defeat of the Russian in the war against Japan, the yellow race began to advance.
But the US and Britain had helped Japan against Russia. Which was a very big mistake. Although, of course, tsarist Russia quickly gained strength. But Japan should not have been strengthened.


All right! Stop thinking about it! Donald trump like a professional sniffer dog picked up a trail. However, the experience of the investigator in a past life purely internship. But still the President of the greatest power in the world, and Professor, he, Donald trump, is not a shish empty. Although he never smelled gunpowder, except for a three-month stay in the plains of Vietnam. And Iraq! But it's almost peaceful, so it doesn't count. To fight never had, but the year is not the same war, not hot. Here's the loot. There were traces of riders, infantry, and not quite clear, and at the same time erotic, barefoot traces of women. In every trace there was someone's soul and a unique set of smells. A pleasant fragrance from women, more pungent and rough men. Giving plants and spices, along with manure, the smell of cockroach snails.
The young President smiled and looked at the drawing. Here the sand and the grass gave way to cobblestones, which, incidentally, is not a hindrance to the beast.
The President-the hero Donald smoothly moved, slightly swayed in a saddle, his eyes shone. Gradually shone Solomon had gone over the horizon. It was getting dark, the sky became black, but emerged numerous stars.
Bare traces of the girls in this light, it seemed even more alluring, mysterious, and graceful. How erotic, the bare, girlish soles imprinted on the sand.
The President-the hero suddenly in the head surfaced what is multserial. It seems there that the world is anti-universe where Skurge the Candy brothers and Gabs got. And there are creatures were performed... cheese asteroid, well what is not nonsense. Especially if still heavenly body with toon Disney talks.
However, do you even know what night is? - Asked their cheese asteroid.
- Yes! - space pirates answered amicably. -On the back of their insect planets.
I forgot that! Anyway, night is the time of the killers.
Donald trump then caught himself thinking that his-the President of the United States, something is not surprising such a move. Like that's how it's supposed to be. The old identity of the carrier, his memory skills, all of this went down, overall not too bold and warlike of the President of the United States. Being loud doesn't mean being strong! Although you can not call Donald trump a coward, he is still a master of sports in Golf, who dreams of getting an Olympic medal in this sport in his young years. And the sense of novelty, personality split, like in a dream, when like you realize, but only part of the brain. Why perhaps there is no fear of a superior number of robbers.
President-hero Donald trump approached the camp of bandits. Those already celebrated a victory, drunk songs were heard. It was evident that the robbers were completely overlooked, some of them urinated directly on the tents. And one of the bandits even emptied on his senseless friend. Overall it looked a foul and not well.
President-hero Donald trump inspected the camp from a tree. Girls-elves but in really the center of the. They as always shackled settled down around a fire. Stretched out and fire tired, bare feet. Bandits approached or crept up to slaves, flirted, grabbed for bare feet. The elf girls screamed and kicked. From time to time the leaders yelled at their subordinates, driving them away from seductive bodies.
- Get out of here, you lousy bastards!
Robbers grumbled discontentedly, in and of itself to touch the smooth skin of the girl-elf a lot of fun, but if you have to do with beauty more serious. Men always want women, it is inherent nature, unbearable craving. One of these Horny actors off his trousers, rushed towards the girls. He managed to subdue one of the slaves, the poor slave let out a long moan. In the same second, a sharp hook pierced the rapist in the side. He roared and immediately received an arrow in his throat. The chieftain growled with threat:
- I told the prisoners not to touch. And you're like animals, throwing yourself at them. Next time, I'll nail my eyes to a tree.
- Eyes? The aide muttered in bewilderment.
Just one look. - The leader was not embarrassed. - And rusty nails on your hands and feet.
Here the truth Donald trump did not have time to digest what he saw... Emmanuel returned the us President to reality. However, it is also very similar to a fairy tale or fiction.
Now both presidents continued the fight in world war II. And it's very cascading, and the classic struggle.
Here is a beautiful Alenka fighting in the surrounded Ulyanovsk. Not alone, but with his team. Five girls in Lenin's Homeland. And it is fundamentally important to keep this city.
Alenka shoots at the Nazis. Firing on them. Mows enemies, and at the same time Peeps:
- Yes, famous for the anthem of my homeland!
And again a beauty shoot. And bare foot will throw the grenade. Singeing the Nazis. Girls fight desperately. And in the night, Alenka had a dream.
Like she's a rich girl. And so she went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. She has a big grief-her brother went blind. And the Gypsy woman told the girl that only pilgrimage can create a miracle. Only need to go barefoot and walk.
And the girl took off her shoes, and on the thirteenth of April she set out. The sun was shining, and in the forest still lay not melted snow. The girl was a lady, and it is not usual for her to walk barefoot. After a couple of miles her bare soles began to itch unbearably, and itch. But the girl had suffered, and only came upon the fresh spring grass. But and here was and chilly, and painful for. What was Gerda like? But at least it was more victorious.
However, dream Alenka appeared stupid. She once ran barefoot over the sharp stones and no inconvenience was experienced. On the contrary, barefoot feel much more agile and quicker than shoes.
Their five, even in the most severe frosts, were half-naked and barefoot. And thanks to the magic of them did not take cold. Girls progressed in battles. And grew as fighters with hurricane speed.
Warriors fought myself, shot a lot and killed... Bared himself with such shiny, pearly teeth - similar to a very beautiful sharks.
Annie firing at the Nazis, and singing to myself:
- For Holy Russia, for our Russia ... I fight and fight!
Then the girl winks, and rocks and such threatening her face.
Next shoots, Alla... Also very aptly and destroys the Nazis. The girl is cold-blooded and very pretty. And if the beats, specifically the peel and deadly!
And then as barefoot leg will take and throw a grenade at the enemy. And, will make it extremely destructive.
The red devil sang:
- Alla loves killing! That's Alla!
And winks at his partners. Of course, the red-haired devil is perfect in battle. Aggressive warrior-a real Pharaoh! Well, where aggression - Fritz no reason!
And then the fire is Mary-a warrior whose hair sparkle with gold leaf. Really the most beautiful of all colors. And the gold shines so tempting.
Shoots and Matryona. And bare feet and throwing a bunch of grenades, or explosive packages.
Beauties fight bravely ... nobody will stop Them, and nothing will win! And whistling to himself, blow bubbles of fire and very hot.
And fascist tanks explode. And shatter into very small pieces.
Matrona says with a grin of teeth:
- The girl loves to crush! Crazy girl!
And again, warriors in the attack. Such a fierce and faster than the Cobra!
And if you push, it will not seem enough. And crush with the Hells enthusiasm.
Girls, of course, realistically from of higher society. And pressed Fritz capital.
And even the superior forces - warrior monsters win!
Trump also claims to Emmanuel:
Such warriors do not happen!
Girl-Queen is logical answered:
- And in the real history of the German warriors did not exist! Gerda's tank crew is fantastic!
Trump rigidly noticed:
- I created them... And without any women dumb and live to fight!
Girl-Queen with this agreed to:
- Really weird... but we're still gonna win! And women in particular will dominate.
War chick on the rolled track. The Swedes, Finns, Germans came to Arkhangelsk, and stopped on the outskirts of the city. Quite an achievement.
The fascists also approached Kazan. Too at the threshold there were ancient cities. And indeed it is difficult to cope with the Nazis, when they are commanded by trump himself. And Donald is a capable politician, maybe not as lucky as Putin. Well, for some reason, Vladimir Putin did not rush neither the Communists nor the Apple, nor the liberal democratic party is also the party offended.
And in General, even NTV is not really ran over.
And on trump rushed all and Sundry. And almost all the media were criticized. Both Republican and democratic. And Putin only channel NTV, and how sluggish and clumsy. Trump somewhat resembled Nicholas II causing a strange antipathy in many. Although the king was kind and gentle. Trump, on the contrary, is tougher, but somehow everyone at once turned against him. Could Putin himself to stand stand up to him all the disaffected one front?
But here's how it happened... Putin met no opposition from the opposition. At least not seriously. And terrible the Communists are not even trying to give battle. Zyuganov was generally the man who was afraid of the risk. In the United States... really ancient democracy, and the President is not so afraid. And the media are used to not having their tongues cut off. On this Putin to carry out the will at all Stalin repressions were not necessary. But it might be Stalin, it was unnecessary!
Trump won. His troops were already approaching Ufa. And happy. It is good to be in Hitler's place - do not interfere with your own people. Although, of course, trump himself provoked opposition against himself. And intelligence agencies bullied, and in love to Putin explained. The latter, of course, should not have been done. It is unlikely that the intelligence officer to buy flattery. But you yourself find yourself in an awkward situation - praise the main enemy of America.
Donald regretted it later. In fact, that does not want the US, all Putin does not like. And Assad, and Maduro, and Libya, and Ukraine, and North Korea. All contradictions. Well, trump lost in Syria? So what? Russians began to threaten even more impudently. Here is and think about it, who then chief enemy!
In short, trump is now Putin avenged for his humiliation, and wanted to break it to the end.


Назад: CHAPTER 19.
Дальше: CHAPTER 21.