Книга: Таймхакинг. Как наука помогает нам делать всё вовремя
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Judith A. Owens, Katherine Belon, and Patricia Moss, “Impact of Delaying School Start Time on Adolescent Sleep, Mood, and Behavior,” Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 164, no. 7 (2010): 608–614; Nadine Perkinson-Gloor, Sakari Lemola, and Alexander Grob, “Sleep Duration, Positive Attitude Toward Life, and Academic Achievement: The Role of Daytime Tiredness, Behavioral Persistence, and School Start Times,” Journal of Adolescence 36, no. 2 (2013): 311–318; Timothy I. Morgenthaler et al., “High School Start Times and the Impact on High School Students: What We Know, and What We Hope to Learn,” Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 12, no. 12 (2016): 168–189; Julie Boergers, Christopher J. Gable, and Judith A. Owens, “Later School Start Time Is Associated with Improved Sleep and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents,” Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 35, no. 1 (2014): 11–17; Kyla Wahlstrom, “Changing Times: Findings from the First Longitudinal Study of Later High School Start Times,” NASSP Bulletin 86, no. 633 (2002): 3–21; Dubi Lufi, Orna Tzischinsky, and Stav Hadar, “Delaying School Starting Time by One Hour: Some Effects on Attention Levels in Adolescents,” Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 7, no. 2 (2011): 137–143.
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