Книга: Энергия крахмала. Ешьте вкусно, заботьтесь о здоровье и худейте навсегда
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Rolls BJ. The role of energy density in the overconsumption of fat. J Nutr. 2000 Feb; 130 (2S Suppl): 268S–271S.


Blundell JE, Lawton CL, Cotton JR, Macdiarmid JI. Control of human appetite: implications for the intake of dietary fat. Annu Rev Nutr. 1996; 16: 285–319.


Rolls BJ, Kim-Harris S, Fischman MW, et al. Satiety after preloads with different amounts of fat and carbohydrate: implications for obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994 Oct; 60 (4): 476–87.
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