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Глава первая. Все взрослые были когда-то детьми
Felitti V. J., Jakstis K., Pepper K. V., et al. Obesity: Problem, Solution, or Both? // The Permanente Journal. – No. 1 (14). – (Spring 2010). – Р. 24–30, 29.
Felitti V. J., Anda R. F. The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health, Well-being, Social Function, and Health Care / Effects of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease: The Hidden Epidemic; ed. by R. Lanius, E. Vermetten, C. Pain. – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. – Р. 77.
Felitti V. J., Anda R. F. The Lifelong Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences / Chadwick’s Child Maltreatment: Sexual Abuse and Psychological Maltreatment. Vol. 2; ed. by D. L. Chadwick, A. P. Giardino, R. Alexander, et al. – [MO: St. Louis], STM Learning, 2014. – Р. 203–215.
Dube S. R., Anda R. F., Felitti V. J., et al. Growing up with Parental Alcohol Abuse: Exposure to Childhood Abuse, Neglect, and Household Dysfunction // Child Abuse Neglect. – No. 12 (25). – (December 2001). – Р. 1627–1640.
Larkin H., Records J. Adverse Childhood Experiences: Overview, Response Strategies and Integral Theory Perspective // Journal of Integral Theory and Practice. – 2006. – No. 3. Эту же статью в новой редакции (февраль 2015 г.) можно найти по адресу onse.org/img/uploads/file/larkin_aces_final.pdf
Brown D. W., Anda R. F., et al. Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Premature Mortality //American Journal of Preventive Medicine. – No. 5 (37). – (November, 2009). – Р. 389–396.
Shalev I., Entringer S., Wadhwa P. D., et al. Stress and Telomere Biology: A Lifespan Perspective // Psychoneuroendocrinology. – No. 9 (38). – (September, 2013). – Р. 835–842.
Price L. H., Kao H. T., Burgers D. E., et al. Telomeres and Early Life Stress: An Overview // Biological Psychiatry. – No. 1 (73). – (January 2013). – Р. 15–23.
Dong M., Giles W. H., Felitti V. J., et al. Insights into Causal Pathways for Ischemic Heart Disease: Adverse Childhood Experiences Study // Circulation. – № 13 (110). – (September 28, 2004). – Р. 1761–1766.
Brown D. W., Anda R. F., Felitti V. J., et al. Adverse Childhood Experiences Are Associated with the Risk of Lung Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study // BMC Public Health. – January 2010. – Р. 10, 19, 20.
Anda R., Tietjen G., Schulman E., et al. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Frequent Headaches in Adults // Headache. – No. 9 (50). – (October 2010). – Р. 1473–1481.
Goodwin R. D., Stein M. B. Association Between Childhood Trauma and Physical Disorders Among Adults in the United States // Psychological Medicine. – No. 3 (34). – (April 2004). – Р. 509–520.
Dube S. R., Fairweather D., Pearson W. S., et al. Cumulative Childhood Stress and Autoimmune Diseases in Adults // Psychosomatic Medicine. – No. 2 (71). – (February 2009). – Р. 243–250.
Bellis M. A., Hughes K., Leckenby N., et al. Measuring Mortality and the Burden of Adult Disease Associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences in England: A National Survey // Journal of Public Health (Oxford). – 2014, August 30.
Heim C., Nater U. M., Maloney E., et al. Childhood Trauma and Risk for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Association with Neuroendocrine Dysfunction // Archives of General Psychiatry. No. 1. (66). – (January 2000). – Р. 36, 72–80.
Melhem N. M., Walker M., Moritz G., et al. Antecedents and Sequelae of Sudden Parental Death in Offspring and Surviving Caregivers // Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. – No. 5 (162). – (May 2000). – Р. 403–410.
Fuller-Thomson E., Dalton A. D, Mehta R. Is There a Link Between Parental Divorce During Childhood and Stroke in Adulthood? Findings from a Population-Based Survey. (Работа представлена д. ф. н. Э. Фуллер-Томсон и ее соавторами А. Д. Дэлтон и Р. Мехтой 22 ноября 2010 года на 63-м Ежегодном научном собрании Геронтологического общества Америки (GSA). В основе работы – опрос свыше 13 000 человек, проведенный в Канаде в 2005 г.)
Walsh N. D., Dalgleish T., Lombardo M. V., et al. General and Specific Effects of Early Life Psychosocial Adversities on Adolescent Grey Matter Volume // NeuroImage: Clinical. – No. 4. – 2014. – Р. 308–318. Электронная версия статьи: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2014.01.001.
Herringa R. J., Birn R. M., Ruttle P. L., et al. Childhood Maltreatment Is Associated with Altered Fear Circuitry and Increased Internalizing Symptoms by Late Adolescence // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. – No. 47 (110). – (November 19, 2013). – Р. 19, 119–124.
Felitti V. J., Anda R. F. The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health, Well-being, Social Function, and Health Care / The Effects of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease: the Hidden Epidemic; ed. by R. Lanius, E. Vermetten, C. Pain. – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. – Chapter 8.
Глава вторая. Каким бы ни был ваш негативный опыт, проблемы неизбежны
Kiecolt-Glaser J. K., Preacher K. J., MacCallum R. C., et al. Chronic Stress and Age-Related Increases in the Proinflammatory Cytokine IL-6 // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. – No. 15 (100). – (July 22, 2003). – Р. 9090–9095.
Rostila M., Saarela J., Kawachi I. Mortality from Myocardial Infarction after the Death of a Sibling: A Nationwide Follow-up Study from Sweden. // Journal of the American Heart Association. – No. 2 (27). – (February 27, 2013).
Hogue C. J., Parker C. B., Willinger M., et al. A Population-Based Case-Control Study of Stillbirth: The Relationship of Significant Life Events to the Racial Disparity for African Americans // American Journal of Epidemiology No. 8 (177). – (April 15, 2013). – Р. 755–767.
Wisborg K., Barklin A., Hedegaard, M., et al. Psychological Stress During Pregnancy and Stillbirth: Prospective Study // BJOG. – No. 7 (115). – (June 2008). – Р. 882–885.
Fink H. A., Kuskowski M. A., Marshall L. M. Association of Stressful Life Events with Incident Falls and Fractures in Older Men: The Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study // Age and Ageing. – No. 1 (43). – (January 2014). – Р. 103–108.
Johansen J. Li С., H. Brønnum-Hansen, et al. The Risk of Multiple Sclerosis in Bereaved Parents: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark // Neurology No. 5 (62). – (March 9, 2004). – Р. 726–729.
Heim C., Nater U. M., Maloney E., et al. Childhood Trauma and Risk for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Association with Neuroendocrine Dysfunction // Archives of General Psychiatry. – No. 1 (66). – (January). Р. 72–80; Brown D. W., Anda R. F., Felitti V. J., et al. Adverse Childhood Experiences Are Associated with the Risk of Lung Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study // BioMedCentral Public Health. – (January 2010). – Р. 10, 19, 20; Brown D. W., Anda R. F., Felitti V. J., et al. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Frequent Headaches in Adults // Headache. – No. 9 (50). – (October 2010). – Р. 1473–1481; Goodwin R. D., Stein M. B. Association Between Childhood Trauma and Physical Disorders Among Adults in the United States // Psychological Medicine. – No. 3 (34). – (April 2004). – Р. 509–520; Dube S. R., Fairweather D., Pearson W. S., et al. Cumulative Childhood Stress and Autoimmune Diseases in Adults // Psychosomatic Medicine. – No. 2 (71), (February 2009). – Р. 243–250.
Dong M., Giles W. H., Felitti V. J., et al. Insights into Causal Pathways for Ischemic Heart Disease: Adverse Childhood Experiences Study // Circulation. – No. 13 (110). – (September 28, 2004). – Р. 1761–1766.
Weder N., Zhang H., Jensen K., et al. Child Abuse, Depression, and Methylation in Genes Involved with Stress, Neural Plasticity, and Brain Circuitry // Journal of the American Academy Child Adolescent Psychiatry. – No. 4 (53). – (April 2014). – Р. 417–424.
Romens S. E., McDonald J., Svaren J., et al. Associations Between Early Life Stress and Gene Methylation in Children. // Child Development. – (July 24, 2014).
Shirtcliff E. A., Coe C. L., Pollak S. D. Early Childhood Stress Is Associated with Elevated Antibody Levels to Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. – No. 8 (106). – (February 2009). – Р. 2963–2967.
Suderman M., McGowan P. O., Sasaki A., et al. Conserved Epigenetic Sensitivity to Early Life Experience in the Rat and Human Hippocampus // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. – No. 109, Suppl. 22. – (October 16, 2012). – Р. 17 266–17 272.
Yang B. Z., Zhang H., Kaufman J., et al. Child Abuse and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Disease Risk // American Journal of Preventive Medicine. – No. 2 (44). – (February 2013). – Р. 101–117.
Gjelsvik A., Dumont D. M., Nunn A., et al. Adverse Childhood Events: Incarceration of Household Members and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adulthood // Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. – No. 3 (25). – (August 2014). – Р. 1169–1182.
Reich C. G., Taylor M. E., McCarthy M. M. Differential Effects of Chronic Unpredictable Stress on Hippocampal CB1 Receptors in Male and Female Rats // Behavioural Brain Research. – No. 2 (203). – (November 5, 2009). – 264–269.
Anda R. The Health and Social Impact of Growing Up with Adverse Childhood Experiences // Электронная версия: http://acestudy.org/files/Review_of_ACE_Study_with_references_summary_table_2_.pdf (данные на 20 февраля 2015 г.).
Felitti V. J., Anda R. F. The Relationships of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health Status (September 27, 2010) // Электронная версия: http://www.sanctuaryweb.com/PDFs/ACEs%20Handout%20&%20Pubs.pdf (данные на 20 февраля 2015 г.).
Whitfield C. L., Felitti V. J., et al. Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Depressive Disorders in Adulthood // Journal of Affective Disorders. – No. 2 (82). – (October 2004). – Р. 217–225.
Melhem N. M., Walker M., Moritz G., et al. Antecedents and Sequelae of Sudden Parental Death in Offspring and Surviving Caregivers // Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. – No. 5 (162). – (May 2008). – Р. 403–410.
Bentall R. P., Wickham S., Shevlin M., et al. Do Specific Early-Life Adversities Lead to Specific Symptoms of Psychosis? A Study from the 2007, The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey // Schizophrenia Bulletin. – No. 4 (38). – (June 2012). – P. 734–740.
Felitti V. J., Anda R. F. The Relationships of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health Status (27 сентября 2010 г.) // Электронная версия: http://www.sanctuaryweb.com/PDFs/ACEs%20Handout%20&%20Pubs.pdf (данные на 20 февраля 2015 г.).
Dube S. R., Anda R. F., Felitti V. J., et al. Childhood Abuse, Household Dysfunction, and the Risk of Attempted Suicide Throughout the Life Span: Findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study // Journal of the American Medical Association. – No. 24 (286). – (December 2001). – Р. 3089–3096.
Sheridan M. A., Fox N. A., Zeanah H., et al. Variation in Neural Development as a Result of Exposure to Institutionalization Early in Childhood // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. – No. 32 (109). – (August 7, 2012). – Р. 12 927–12 932.
Cunningham C. L., Martinez-Cerdeсo V., S. C. Noctor. Microglia Regulate the Number of Neural Precursor Cells in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. // Journal of Neuroscience. No. 10 (33,). – (March 6, 2013). – Р. 4216–4233.
Schafer D. P., Lehrman E. K., Kautzman A. G., et al. Microglia Sculpt Postnatal Neural Circuits in an Activity and Complement-Dependent Manner // Neuron. – No. 4 (74). – (May 24, 2012). – Р. 691–705.
Sierra A., Beccari А. S., Diaz-Aparicio I., et al. Surveillance, Phagocytosis, and Inflammation: How Never Resting Microglia Influence Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis // Neural Plasticity. – (March 2014).
Kreisel T., Frank M. G., Licht T., et al. Dynamic Microglial Alterations Underlie Stress-Induced Depressive-like Behavior and Suppressed Neurogenesis, // Molecular Psychiatry. – 2014. – No. 19. – Р. 699–709.
Siegel D. Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain / Электронная версия: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH-BO1rJXbQ (данные на 20 февраля 2015 г.).
Nakatomi Y., Mizuno K., Ishii A., et al. Neuroinflammation in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: An 11C-(R)-PK11195 PET Study // Journal of Nuclear Medicine. – No. 6 (55). – (March 24, 2014). – Р. 945–950.
Heim C., Nater U. M., Maloney E., et al. Childhood Trauma and Risk for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Association with Neuroendocrine Dysfunction. // Archives of General Psychiatry. – No. 1 (66,). – (January 2009). – Р. 72–80.
Глава третья. Почему некоторые страдают больше других?
Gladwell M. David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants. – NY, 2013; Krulwich R., Successful Children Who Lost a Parent. Why are There so Many of Them? (Текст выступления на Национальном общественном радио 16 октября 2013 г. см.: www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2013/10/15/234737083/successful-children-who-lost-a-parent-whyare-there-so-many-of-them (данные на февраль 2015 г.).
Nocera J. Malcolm Gladwell’s ‘David and Goliath’ // The New York Times Sunday Book Review. – (October 11, 2013). Электронная версия: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/13/books/review/malcolm-gladwells-david-and-oliath.html?_r=0%20http:// (данные на февраль 2015 г.).
Seery M. D., Leo R. J., Holman E. A., et al. Lifetime Exposure to Adversity Predicts Functional Impairment and Healthcare Utilization Among Individuals with Chronic Back Pain // Pain. – No. 3 (150). – (September 2010). – Р. 507–515.
Seery M. D., Leo R. J., Lupien S. P., et al. An Upside to Adversity? Moderate Cumulative Lifetime Adversity Is Associated with Resilient Responses in the Face of Controlled Stressors // Psychological Science. – No. 7 (24). – (July 1, 2013). – Р. 1181–1189.
Seery M. D., Holman E. A., Silver R. C., et al. Whatever Does Not Kill Us: Cumulative Lifetime Adversity, Vulnerability, and Resilience // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – No. 6 (99). – (December 2010). – Р. 1025–1041.
McLaughlin K. A., Greif Green J., Gruber M. J., et al. Childhood Adversities and First Onset of Psychiatric Disorders in a National Sample of U. S. Adolescents (2012) – Р. 1151–1160.
Key Concepts: Toxic Stress. Электронную версию статьи см.: http://developingchild.harvard.edu/index.php/key_concepts/toxic_stress_response/ (данные на февраль 2015 г.)
Boynton-Jarrett R., Rich-Edwards J. W., Jun H. J., et al. Abuse in Childhood and Risk of Uterine Leiomyoma: The Role of Emotional Support in Biologic Resilience // Epidemiology. – No. 1 (22). – (January 2011). – Р. 6–14.
Bradley B., Davis T. A., Wingo A. P., et al. Family Environment and Adult Resilience: Contributions of Positive Parenting and the Oxytocin Receptor Gene // European Journal of Psychotraumatology. – (September 18, 2013). – Р. 4.
Karg K., Burmeister M., Sen S., et al. The Serotonin Transporter Promoter Variant (5-HTTLPR), Stress, and Depression Meta-Analysis Revisited: Evidence of Genetic Moderation // Archives of General Psychiatry. – No. 5 (68). – (May 2011). – Р. 444–454.
Aquilera M., Arias B., Wichers M. et al. Early Adversity and 5-HTT/BDNF Genes: New Evidence of Gene-Environment Interactions on Depressive Symptoms in a General Population // Psychological Medicine. – No. 9 (39). – (September 2009). – Р. 1425–1432.
Owens M., Goodyer I. M., Wilkinson P., et al. // 5-HTTLPR and Early Childhood Adversities Moderate Cognitive and Emotional Processing in Adolescence. // PLoS One. – 2012. – No. 7 (11).
Albert D., Belsky D. W., Crowley M., et al. Can Genetics Predict Response to Complex Behavioral Interventions? Evidence from a Genetic Analysis of the Fast Track Randomized Control Trial // Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. – (January 2, 2015).
Belsky J., Pluess M. Beyond Diathesis Stress: Differential Susceptibility to Environmental Influences // Psychological Bulletin. – 2009. – No. 6 (135). – Р. 885–908; Belsky J. Variation in Susceptibility to Rearing Influences: An Evolutionary Argument // Psychological Inquiry. – 1997. – No. 8. – Р. 182–186; Belsky J. Theory Testing, Effect-Size Evaluation, and Differential Susceptibility to Rearing Influence: The Case of Mothering and Attachment // Child Development. – 1997. – No. 4 (68). – Р. 598–600; Belsky J. Differential Susceptibility to Rearing Influences: An Evolutionary Hypothesis and Some Evidence / Origins of the Social Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and Child Development. Еd. by B. Ellis, D. Bjorklund. – NY: Guildford, 2005. – Р. 139–63.
Taylor S. E., Way B. M., Welch W. T., et al. Early Family Environment, Current Adversity, the Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism, and Depressive Symptomatology // Biologial Psychiatry. – No. 7 (60) – (October 1, 2006). – Р. 671–676.
Dobbs D. The Science of Success // The Atlantic. – (December 2009).
Keller A., Litzelman K., Wisk L. E., et al. Does the Perception that Stress Affects Health Matter? The Association with Health and Mortality // Health Psychology. – 2012. – No. 5 (31). – Р. 677–684.
Faber E. S., Delaney A. J., Power J. M., et al. Modulation of SK Channel Trafficking by Beta Adrenoceptors Enhances Excitatory Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity in the Amygdala // Journal of Neuroscience. – No. 28 (43). – (October 22, 2008). – Р. 10 803–10 813.
Debiec J., Dнaz-Mataix L., Bush D. E., et al. The Amygdala Encodes Specific Sensory Features of an Aversive Reinforcer // Nature Neuroscience. No. 5 (13). – (May 2010). – Р. 536–537.
Schmolck H., Buffalo E. A., Squire L. R. Memory Distortions Develop over Time: Recollections of the O. J. Simpson Trial Verdict After 15 and 32 Months // Psychological Science. – No. 1 (11). – (January 2000). – Р. 39–45.
Warner P. Learning to Breathe: My Yearlong Quest to Bring Calm to My Life. –  NY: Free Press, 2011. – Р. 79.
Глава четвертая. Влияние негативного детского опыта на мозг женщины: связь с аутоиммунными заболеваниями, депрессией и тревожностью
Felitti V. J., Anda R. F. The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health, Well-being, Social Function, and Health Care / The Effects of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease: the Hidden Epidemic. Ed. by R. Lanius, E. Vermetten, C. Pain. – NY: Cambridge University Press, 2010. – Р. 77.
Dube S. R., Fairweather D., Pearson W. S., et al. Cumulative Childhood Stress and Autoimmune Diseases in Adults // Psychosomatic Medicine. – No. 2 (71). (February 2009). – Р. 243–250.
Cooper G. S., Bynum M. L., Somers E. C. Recent Insights in the Epidemiology of Autoimmune Diseases: Improved Prevalence Estimates and Understanding of Clustering of Diseases // Journal of Autoimmunity. – No. 3–4 (33). – (November – December 2009). – Р. 197–207.
Jacobson D. L., Gange S. J., Rose N. R., et al. Epidemiology and Estimated Population Burden of Selected Autoimmune Diseases in the United States // Clinical Immunology Immunopathology. – No. 3 (84). – (September 1997). – Р. 223–243.
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, Inc., Press Release for National Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month, March 22, 2014. Электронная версия: http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Spread-the-newsabout-autoimmune-disease.html?soid=1115217054950&aid=HHLCBw3ETFs (данные на апрель 2014 г.).
Spitzer C., Bouchain M., Winkler L. Y., et al. Childhood Trauma in Multiple Sclerosis: A Case-Control Study // Psychosomatic Medicine. – No. 3 (74). – (April 2012). – Р. 312–318.
Hamilton J. L., Stange J. P., Abramson L. Y., et al. Stress and the Development of Cognitive Vulnerabilities to Depression Explain Sex Differences in Depressive Symptoms During Adolescence // Clinical Psychological Science. – (October 2, 2014).
Van der Kolk B. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. –  NY: Viking, 2014. – Р. 126–127.
Herringa R. J., Birn R. M., Ruttle P. L., et al. Childhood Maltreatment Is Associated with Altered Fear Circuitry and Increased Internalizing Symptoms by Late Adolescence // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. – No. 47 (110). – (November 2013). – Р. 19 119–19 124.
Edmiston E. F., Wang F., Mazure C. M., et al. Corticostriatal-limbic Gray Matter Morphology in Adolescents with Self-Reported Exposure to Childhood Maltreatment // Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. – No. 12 (165). – (December 2011). – Р.1069–1077.
Czerniawski J., Guzowski J. F. Acute Neuroinflammation Impairs Context Discrimination Memory and Disrupts Pattern Separation Processes in Hippocampus // Journal of Neuroscience. – No. 34 (37). – (September 10, 2014). – Р. 12 470–12 480.
Heim C., Bradley B., Mletzko T. C., et al. Effect of Childhood Trauma on Adult Depression and Neuroendocrine Function: Sex-Specific Moderation by CRH Receptor 1 Gene // Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. – No. 3 (November 2009). – Р. 6; 3:41.
DeSantis S. M., Baker N. L., Back S. E., et al. Gender Differences in the Effect of Early Life Trauma on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Functioning // Depression and Anxiety. – No. 5 (28). – (May 2011). – Р. 383–392.
Felitti V. J., Anda R. F. The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health, Well-being, Social Function, and Health Care / The Effects of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease: the Hidden Epidemic. Ed. by R. Lanius, E. Vermetten, and E. Pain. – NY: Cambridge University Press, 2010. – Р. 78.
Глава пятая. Довольно хорошая семья
Russel L. G., Schwartz G. E. Feelings of Parental Caring Predict Health Status in Midlife: A 35-Year Follow-up of the Harvard Mastery of Stress Study // Journal of Behavioral Medicine. – No. 1 (20). – (February1997). – Р. 1–13.
Russek L. G., Schwartz G. E. Narrative Descriptions of Parental Love and Caring Predict Health Status in Midlife: A 35-Year Follow-up of the Harvard Mastery of Stress Study // Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. – No. 2 (6). – (November1996). – Р. 55–62.
Karr-Morse R., Wiley M. S. Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease. –  NY: Basic Books, 2012; Karr-Morse R., Wiley M. S. Ghosts in the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence. –  NY: Grove Press, 2013.
Kneeland R. E., Fatemi S. H. Viral Infection, Inflammation and Schizophrenia // Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. – No. 42. – (April 5, 2013). – Р. 35–48.
Dominguez-Salas P., Moore S. E., Baker M. S., et al. Maternal Nutrition at Conception Modulates DNA Methylation of Human Metastable Epialleles // Nature Communications. – No. 5 (April 29, 2014). – Р. 3746; Meymandi A. The Science of Epigenetics // Psychiatry (Edgmont). – No. 3. – (March 2010). – Р. 40–41.
Gaisler-Salomon I. Inheriting Stress. // The New York Times Sunday Review. – (March 7, 2014); http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/09/opinion/sunday/can-children-inherit-stress.html(данные на февраль 2015 г.).
Engert V., Plessow F., Miller R., et al. Cortisol Increase in Empathic Stress Is Modulated by Social Closeness and Observation Modality // Psychoneuroendocrinology. – (April 17, 2014).
Waters S. F., West T. V., Mendes W. B. Stress Contagion: Physiological Covariation Between Mothers and Infants // Psychological Science. – No. 4 (25). – (April 2014). – Р. 934–942.
Graham A. M., Fisher P. A., Pfeifer J. H. What Sleeping Babies Hear: A Functional MRI Study of Interparental Conflict and Infants’ Emotion Processing // Psychological Science. No. 5 (24) (May 2013). – Р. 782–799.
Dix T., Moed A., Anderson E. R. Mothers’Depressive Symptoms Predict Both Increased and Reduced Negative Reactivity: Aversion Sensitivity and the Regulation of Emotion // Psychological Science. – No. 7 (25). – (May 2014). – Р. 1353–1361.
Rask C. U., Ørnbøl E., Olsen M., et al. Infant Behaviors Are Predictive of Functional Somatic Symptoms at Ages Five to Seven Years: Results from the Copenhagen Child Cohort CCC2000 // Journal of Pediatrics. – No. 2 (162). – (February 2013). – Р. 335–342.
Anderson S. E., Gooze R. A., Lemeshow S., et al. Quality of Early Maternal-Child Relationship and Risk of Adolescent Obesity // Pediatrics. – No. 1 (129). – (January 2012). – Р. 132–140.
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Литература к дополнительному прочтению
Tara Brach, PhD. True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart. – NY: Bantam, 2013; Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha. – NY: Bantam, 2003.
Richard Davidson, PhD. The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live – and How You Can Change Them. – NY: Penguin, 2012.
James S. Gordon, MD. Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression. – NY: Penguin, 2008.
Rick Hanson, PhD. Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence. – NY: Harmony, 2013; Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time. – Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 2011; Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom. – Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 2009.
Robin Karr-Morse, Meredith S. W. Ghosts in the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence. – NY: Grove Press, 2013; Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease. – NY: Basic Books, 2012.
Jack Kornfield, PhD. A Lamp in the Darkness: Illuminating the Path Through Difficult Times. – Louisville, CO: Sounds True, 2014; The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology. – NY: Bantam 2009.
Jack Kornfield, PhD, Daniel J. Siegel, MD. Bringing Home the Dharma: Awakening Right Where You Are. – Boston, MA: Shambhala, 2012.
Peter A. Levine, PhD, Maggie Kline. Trauma-Proofing Your Kids: A Parents’ Guide for Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience. – Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2014.
Peter A. Levine, PhD, and Gabor Mate. In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness. – Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2010.
Peter A. Levine, PhD, Maggie Phillips. Freedom from Pain: Discover Your Body’s Power to Overcome Physical Pain. – Louisville, CO: Sounds True, 2012.
Kelly McGonigal, PhD.The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It. – NY: Avery, 2015; The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It. – NY: Avery, 2013.
James W. Pennebaker, PhD. Writing to Heal: A Guided Journal for Recovering from Trauma and Emotional Upheaval. – Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2004.
Stephen W. Porges, PhD. The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation. – NY: Norton, 2011.
Krissy Pozatek. Brave Parenting: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Raising Emotionally Resilient Children. – Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2014.
Francine Shapiro, PhD. Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy. – NY: Rodale, 2012.
Bernie S. Siegel, MD. The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing. – Novato, CA: New World Library, 2013; Love, Medicine & Miracles: Lessons Learned About Self-Healing from a Surgeon’s Experience with Exceptional Patients. – NY: Harper Collins, 2011.
Daniel J. Siegel, MD. Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain. – NY: Penguin, 2014; Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation. – NY: Bantam, 2010.
Daniel J. Siegel, MD, Tina Payne Bryson. No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind. – NY: Bantam, 2014; The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind. – NY: Bantam, 2012.
Andrew Solomon. Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity. – NY: Scribner, 2013; The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. – NY: Scribner, 2002.
Paul Tough. How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. – NY: Mariner, 2013.
Bessel van der Kolk, MD. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. – NY: Viking, 2014.
Priscilla Warner. Learning to Breathe: My Yearlong Quest to Bring Calm to My Life. – NY: Free Press, 2011.


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