Книга: Страсти в нашем разуме. Стратегическая роль эмоций
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Kahneman D., Knetsch J., Thaler R. Fairness and the Assumptions...


Bazerman M. Norms of Distributive Justice in Interest Arbitration // Industrial and Labor Relations. 1985. Vol. 38. R 558-570; Binmore K.A., Shaked A., Sutton J. Testing Noncooperative Bargaining Theory: A Preliminary Study // American Economic Review. 1985. Vol. 75 (Dec.). P. 1178-1180; Guth W., Tietz R. Strategic Power Versus Distributive Justice: An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining // Economic Psychology / ed. by H. Brandstatter, E.R. Kirchler. Linz: Trauner, 1985; Guth W. Payoff Distributions in Games and the Behavioral Theory of Distributive Justice / Paper Presented to the International Conference on Economics and Psychology. Israel: Kibbutz Shefayim, 1986. July.
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