Книга: Страсти в нашем разуме. Стратегическая роль эмоций
Назад: 142
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Thaler R. Mental Accounting and Consumer Choices // Marketing Sciences. 1985. Vol. 4 (Summer).


Ibid. P. 206.


Kahneman D., Knetsch J., Thaler R. Fairness and the Assumptions...


Stigler G. The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation // American Economic Review. 1946. Vol. 36. P. 358-365; Seidman L. The Return of the Profit Rate to the Wage Equation // Review of Economics and Statistics. 1979. Vol. 61. P. 139-142; Krueger A.B., Summers L. Reflections on the Interindustry Wage Structure // NBER Working Paper No. 1968. June 1986.
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